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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Absolutely brilliant at playing the media. Christie is the story now. Debate means nothing.

And Rubio should have known better. Trump was treating him with kid gloves till he decided to pop off.


I don't doubt Bernie knows other issues exist. However, outside of his millionaires, billionaires and Wall Street he simply hasn't shown he's got the type of understanding necessary to move the needle. Look at Bernie's LGBT issue page. It's seven points. Seven good points (although one of which is continuing a program Hillary helped start at State...), but it's not fully fleshed out.


And here is Hillary's:


It is far more in depth. It shows she understands the ways in which hetero privilege, transphobia, health care, aging and HIV affect our community. TO me, she shows that she better understands the ways in which all of our various traits impact our lives In short, intersectionality. Also, I don't trust Bernie to be able to build coalitions because he has absolutely zero allies in the Senate. Not a single member has endorsed him, and I don't believe he has political capital to exploit.

But, there is something that I do have to take offense with, and this isn't directed directly at you, but it's something I've seen a ton with some Bernie supporters. Please do not insinuate that those of us who support Hillary are either stupid or incapable of reading. We simply have come to a different conclusion than a Bernie support has. And that's perfectly fine! But this "If gays/AA/Hispanics/women/seniors weren't so stupid/lazy/uninformed/underinformed as to drink Hillary's Kool Aide then they'd feel the Bern" is the completely wrong line to take when you're trying to win supporters.

I'm sorry but as a member of the LGBT community I'm getting really tired of this narrative being pushed by "Hillary Bros.". I am responding to your falsehood about Bernie being a one-issue candidate. Your response is to deny you are spreading this false-hood while you continue to spread it, act like you're the one being insulted here while you insult me and then to claim that you speak for me? Are you serious right now?

I have been told by numerous Hillary supporters non-stop that I'm not a "true democrat/true member of the lgbt" if I support Bernie. That to me is what is truly insulting here. Trying to combat a lie spread by some of you regarding his take on the issues is not an insult. It's me telling you that this falsehood you are spreading is patently a lie. And I will call out that falsehood whether you want me to or not.

As far as Hillary goes, I will vote for her (as she is quite similar to Bernie on most issues) or any candidate under the Democrat ticket. That said, I sure as hell don't trust her as much when it comes to trans-rights. Up until late last year she didn't even acknowledge that we existed. In comparison Obama has fought for trans rights and all other LGBT rights for a while now. He even showcased a stark difference between him and Hillary in the debates a while back when he acknowledged our existence while Hillary did not. Bernie has also showcased to me throughout his long civil rights history that he has a far better grasp of LGBT rights, including trans ones.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
These morons voting for a bad insult comic.

He said a civil case is nothing compared to the high treason Hillary committed with her emails.
Hah, of course. Deflect and yell about the barely-a-story emails.


Someone please gif that moment with Trump and the water bottle. Holy shit
There are going to be a plethora of vines made from this appearance. This here alone has been some of his very best material; you can tell he was waiting for the right moment to uncork it all.
I'm not watching.. He flung water on the crowd?

Vince McMahon (I'm being serious here) has to be stunned. Trump is literally the embodiment of an attitude era wrestler.


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