Spider from Mars
tap that thorax
Mook isn't sounding as optimistic about Michigan as I was hoping he would be. Hopefully he is just being modest and their internal polling isn't showing a less than optimal result.
Michigan Dem electorate
White 69%
Black 22%
Latino 3%
But democrats just need to win 1 to hold onto a majority.The GOP will take the KY legislature if they sweep these races tonight.
Marco Rubio and his campaign are accusing Ted Cruzs campaign of spreading rumors that the Florida senator is dropping out of the race, after an email bearing Cruz's likeness was sent to supporters in Hawaii this morning.
The email in question carried the subject line "WASTED VOTE?: Big Trouble for Marco Rubio - Advisors Tell Him to Drop Out," purportedly citing "multiple news sources" but only referencing a report by CNN on Monday that cited "some advisers" suggesting that Rubio drop out of the race before the March 15 primary in his home state of Florida.
The email goes on to say, According to multiple news sources, Marco Rubio's advisers are telling him to drop out of the presidential race before losing his home state of Florida in a few days time. (Emphasis in the original.)
It aint true, it is a lie, and unfortunately looks like Ted Cruzs campaign is putting out emails in places like Hawaii, telling people about it, and you saw that with Ben Carson earlier. Its just not true," Rubio said Tuesday on Fox News Radio's "Kilmeade and Friends," according to audio posted by BuzzFeed News. "You know, we have a 151 delegates, my path at end of the day is not essentially any different from his or anybody elses. Right now no one has has a clear path to the 1,237 delegates. Its very unique campaign, were not gonna run out of money and were not gonna run out of supporters.
Cruz missile got through Hawaii's area defenses.
Mook isn't sounding as optimistic about Michigan as I was hoping he would be. Hopefully he is just being modest and their internal polling isn't showing a less than optimal result.
They said they'd lose Massachusetts last week. Unless Maddow was fed bad info.
I don't get why people are voting for Cruz. Least likeable guy on the stage.
Is there any data on Hawaii?Carl Diggler, who has been pretty good this season has these predictions:
Same, he impervious to his lies and cheating. And Nixon was my favorite politician. I don't know if it's because my mom used to refer to me as "Tricky Nick" when I was younger or the Simpsons. But I am ashamed to know Ted Cruz won my county.I don't get why people are voting for Cruz. Least likeable guy on the stage.
58% is a good sign
They see him as a more plausible not-Trump than Rubio at this point. I honestly think the dick joke and the aftermath destroyed Little Marco's brand and, in doing so, ruined any chance he had.
Bad news for BernieLooking like Mississippi Dem primary is going to be 61% AA up from 50% in 2008
Well, there's like 6 republicans in Hawaii. One on each island.
I don't get why people are voting for Cruz. Least likeable guy on the stage.
I cut my losses (well, stopped my gains from depreciating further) on Trump at 65c last night. Seems like a good call. He's down to 59c now. Could be a good buy opportunity once Michigan results start to come in.
Selling was weird. Do I wish I had sold last Monday at 82c? Of course. Do I regret making over $1000 with minimal effort betting on Donald Trump? Not at all. Could have been more, but it also could have been zero.
Any reason why Cruz would win Hawaii?
Yeah, but Ted Cruz is so slimy.
Any reason why Cruz would win Hawaii?
In 2004, though, Trump wasnt as enthusiastic about the wife of the 40th president and the Republican Party icon. She was never very beautiful, he said.
He sends a lot of mail.Any reason why Cruz would win Hawaii?
Trump shitting on Nancy Reagan and talking about her fuckability, why not.
The GOP will take the KY legislature if they sweep these races tonight.
Trump shitting on Nancy Reagan and talking about her fuckability, why not.
Yeah and they look good in one other.After those primary results I assumed a GOP sweep would happen but looks like the Dems are going to keep at least one:
27/30 Greenup County precincts in 98th House District: Nicholls (D): 3,884, Quillen (R): 3,062 votes
Why does that not shock me.. Jesus.http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/donald-trump-nancy-reagan-220450
Trump shitting on Nancy Reagan and talking about her fuckability, why not.
The Doctor Doom of GOP CandidatesDude on CNN just called Trump a super villain. Love it
The Doctor Doom of GOP Candidates
The Doctor Doom of GOP Candidates
actually he called him Sebastian Shaw. Makes sense the harder you hit Trump the strong he gets.
CNN saying Clinton camp is concerned about low turnout. They are signaling a lot of bad signs right now.
MS closes at 8:00 EST
MI closes at 9:00 EST
Its a good line but the last couple of weeks have pretty clearly shown that Trump can be hurt badly by consistent attacks.