It's over on Tuesday.Monmouth VA poll:
Trump 41
Rubio 27
Cruz 14
Hillary 60
Bernie 33
It's over on Tuesday.Monmouth VA poll:
Trump 41
Rubio 27
Cruz 14
Hillary 60
Bernie 33
No. Just CO, MA, OK, and MN.
I don't understand the VA polling AT ALL. Like AT ALLL.
Monmouth VA poll:
Trump 41
Rubio 27
Cruz 14
Hillary 60
Bernie 33
Both races are done by the end of Tuesday. I doubt either Sanders or Rubio will have the dignity to accept that though.
Rubio's going to get eaten alive tonight. I can hardly wait.
Rubio is getting savaged everywhere for these polling numbers. He almost has to attack this evening.
Just give the revolution a bit more time. Just a few months. Like, if the trends keep continuing, he can overtake her in delegates by October or November. It's all good.
Could the VA numbers have to do with defense contractors who vote democratic? I can't imagine they would support Bernie by huge margins. Dude has zero foreign policy credentials.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 54m54 minutes ago Elgin, IL
Nate Cohn Retweeted KA Ashauer
You can't make up for getting eviscerated in the South with ties in Wisconsin
Still they dont mean anything until the primaries are over. But I'm thinking that we will start seeing better head to head matchups from now on, as the assumed frontrunners start grabbing more and more mediashare.That Marquette Law poll also has some GE heats:
Clinton is tied with Cruz, +1 against Rubio, and +10 against Trump. So there's that.
I think it's too late. Trump is going to be the nominee. There's no way to put the genie back in the bottle. They let him get too many wins and control the narrative. There is nothing they can do to stop him. He is their king, and we need to tie his bloated orange corpse around every one of their necks.
538 dude: "Democrats try to make everything about race sometimes." -Centrist journalists say after getting clowned by Democrats in predictions for the last 6 months after Democrats said that a white nationalist candidate could win the GOP nomination.
Could the VA numbers have to do with defense contractors who vote democratic? I can't imagine they would support Bernie by huge margins. Dude has zero foreign policy credentials.
So Bernie's rhetoric about being fact and down to the issue based campaign falls apart when he gets criticism using facts and his own campaign points?
Just give the revolution a bit more time. Just a few months. Like, if the trends keep continuing, he can overtake her in delegates by October or November. It's all good.
Could the VA numbers have to do with defense contractors who vote democratic? I can't imagine they would support Bernie by huge margins. Dude has zero foreign policy credentials.
But how can Clinton win with negative favorables!
The Super Tuesday chat is going to be SO FUN.
It's more the NoVA Democrat's are classic fiscally moderate, socially liberal Democrat's who loved Bill. Also, NoVA's a little more racially diverse than you'd think due to the federal government and such.
It's more the NoVA Democrat's are classic fiscally moderate, socially liberal Democrat's who loved Bill. Also, NoVA's a little more racially diverse than you'd think due to the federal government and such.
Welp, South Carolina is going to be called 10 seconds after the polls close :lol
There better be discussion of your twitter again![]()
I mean for a reliably blue state, those are really bad numbers. They just look good in comparison to Trump's Armageddon level popularity. I do think a decent amount of her low favorables are from Sanders supporters who would come in the general.
The gloating here Tuesday will be easier to stomach that I'm no longer volunteering or giving money to Bernie's campaign.
If it's truly over I will vote for Hillary in November even if I don't like her and think she's bought. Trying to get my mother to bite the bullet will be a task onto itself.
I give you my word I will not gloat, but I will celebrate. I've waited 8 years for this....but I know how much it sucks when the person you really want to win doesn't. So, no gloating...just a bit of celebrating. And a few drinks.
And ivy's Twitter.
A few drinks, a few gays, our queen slaying, and Ivy's twitter. What more does a man need? Sanders said:If I were elected president, the foxes would no longer guard the henhouse. To ensure the safety and soundness of our banking system, we need to fundamentally restructure the Feds governance system to eliminate conflicts of interest. Board members should be nominated by the president and chosen by the Senate. Banking industry executives must no longer be allowed to serve on the Feds boards and to handpick its members and staff. Board positions should instead include representatives from all walks of life including labor, consumers, homeowners, urban residents, farmers and small businesses.
These polls for Rubio...I mean, come on. How is this guy going to win ANY state?
I find assless pants make things easier, in the grand scheme of things.
is it too early to say Rubio is just an awful candidate? if Trump wins the nomination, he won't even be able to get that VP spot he's been gunning for all campaign long. "lose every state" would be the most embarrassing campaign strategy since Guliani if Jeb didn't exist right alongside him.
didn't Nate say the opposite? that the "centrist" media isn't reporting about Trump's supporters enough?
These polls for Rubio...I mean, come on. How is this guy going to win ANY state?
He's way out in first place when it comes to endorsement points on 538. That's gotta count for something.It doesn't.
Oral sex, which Donald Trump does not enjoy.A few drinks, a few gays, our queen slaying, and Ivy's twitter. What more does a man need?
Oral sex, which Donald Trump does not enjoy.
{I'm sorry.. I still can't get over this. What kind of a man doesn't like oral?}
Repost for any who missed it last thread
Hasnt added in the new poll yet and only has one recent one.538's model has Rubio winning VA
I love you![]()
Oral sex, which Donald Trump does not enjoy.
{I'm sorry.. I still can't get over this. What kind of a man doesn't like oral?}
Oral sex, which Donald "To the victor belong the spoils" Trump does not enjoy.
{I'm sorry.. I still can't get over this. What kind of a man doesn't like oral?}
didn't Nate say the opposite? that the "centrist" media isn't reporting about Trump's supporters enough?
Isn't Bernie actively campaigning in VA? If so, those are damning numbers and not much room for undecideds.
I know Donald "You won't see another black president for generations" Trump said on Howard Stern that he didn't like anal. I didn't know about the oral thing, though.
God, this has become the weird part of the internet, hasn't it?
Replace Rubio with these politicians and do they beat Trump?
Richard Nixon
George Wallace
Nixon and Wallace I think do, but I'm not sure about Reagan.
: raises hand :
I like giving oral just fine. But...I'm ambivalent about getting it.