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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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That sucks.. You would have been rewarded for your true faith. Cerium will be rewarded for this act of faith.

I've actually diversified with great success so far.


Ted Cruz in Texas for 56 cents is probably my second best bet behind Trump.
If that's the same bill that this quote references, then yes:

Wooooowwwww.... Thats like 100x crazier than the audit the Fed bill. The audit is just having Congress review Fed operations. Sanders is calling for the actual regional fed boards to be made up farmers, workers, whatever. That's legit nuts. It would be like having average people on AMA policy making boards so they're represented. I mean, yes bankers do not listen to the outside public enough but that doesn't mean you let the public make the rules. It ignores all the day-to-day stuff fed officials do manage the economy. If you start giving farmers control of the process, what happens? Tons of really cheap loans for farm equipment, supplies, etc.

Edit: I did some google searching on this and even Sanders' critics aren't taking his proposal seriously. Right now its something Wacky Uncle Bernie says, but stuff like this would kill him in the general.


No Scrubs
Solid investments.. Trump should have contacted him for financial advice.

No doubt, I should have followed his lead on Cruz. I'm going to wait for the next round of polling on Texas then jump in, there's still more than enough room for profit there. Especially if Trump starts surging.

EDIT: I'm waiting to see if Trump will spike to 90-ish after Super Tuesday. If he does I sell and throw it all in Clinton for Prez, which is seriously undervalued at 50-ish right now. It's looking like an easy way to double your money if you've got the patience.


EDIT: I'm waiting to see if Trump will spike to 90-ish after Super Tuesday. If he does I sell and throw it all in Clinton for Prez, which is seriously undervalued at 50-ish right now. It's looking like an easy way to double your money if you've got the patience.
Trump for Prez could be a better investment in the short term. I guarantee you there will come a moment when they get close in the polls and the media starts freaking out about the possibility of President Trump. That's when you sell and buy Clinton.


No Scrubs
Trump for Prez could be a better investment in the short term. I guarantee you there will come a moment when they get close in the polls and the media starts freaking out about the possibility of President Trump. That's when you sell and buy Clinton.

I dunno. If he says something incredibly sexist he'll tank instantly and you'll be out a ton of cash. If it weren't so easy for him to do something that would kill him instantly I'd be in, also I expect Clinton to fall a little bit more when the hearings with her aids start. People will get skittish and she'll drop to sub-50. That'll be a good time to jump aboard.
No doubt, I should have followed his lead on Cruz. I'm going to wait for the next round of polling on Texas then jump in, there's still more than enough room for profit there. Especially if Trump starts surging.

EDIT: I'm waiting to see if Trump will spike to 90-ish after Super Tuesday. If he does I sell and throw it all in Clinton for Prez, which is seriously undervalued at 50-ish right now. It's looking like an easy way to double your money if you've got the patience.

That sounds like an excellent plan

It's like the stock market. You buy and sell shares. If the prediction comes true, each share pays out at $1.

I would play if i had extra cash. I need to save my money.


Facebook feed is blowing up with the BLM activist crashing Hil's private party.

BLM probably should have taken a different route, but Hil probably could have handled it better as well. Too bad, its a bad look.
You mean Paul's audit the fed bill? Basically its silly because the Fed already provides audited financials. Paul's bill is an excuse to give Congress more control over the Federal Reserve. Historically that's been bad because it politicians pressure banks to keep rates too low for too long. The problems that both Argentina and Brazil are currently going through are partially because of this.

Could you imagine if the Feds were under control of congress while they were busy doing jack shit fiscally during the great recession?


Fun fact, I just did the math: I'm planning to hold my shares on all three of those markets until the end. If I'm right on all three, I'll have $1736 off of an initial $500 investment.


Could anyone photoshop Trump hair on my avatar please? I was one of the fools that bet on Rubio's 3-5-2-2-2-3-3-3-2-3-3-3-2 strategy panning out while Trump would drop out after having a sex tape of him & some hooker leaked or something.


No Scrubs
Could anyone photoshop Trump hair on my avatar please? I was one of the fools that bet on Rubio's 3-5-2-2-2-3-3-3-2-3-3-3-2 strategy panning out while Trump would drop out after having a sex tape of him & some hooker leaked or something.

If you don't want to wait until I get home and can post my option you can just resize this and use it:



How does chuck grassely not have a sale by date?

No matter who runs, though, challenging Grassley represents a monumental task. Grassley has held elective office since 1959, is nearly universally known in Iowa and routinely rates as the most popular politician in the state. His seniority and powerful committee positions in the Senate, moreover, ensure vast financial and institutional support.

This shouldn't be surprising at this point, but it's still utterly insane:

It's no secret that rival campaigns were caught off guard by Donald Trump's ascent in the Republican primary. But the extent to which they are still left scrambling to prevent him from becoming the nominee -- on the eve of the crucial Super Tuesday primaries -- is alarming many Republicans and astonishing rival Democrat

Multiple Republican campaign sources and operatives have confided that none of the remaining candidates for president have completed a major anti-Trump opposition research effort. There are several such efforts being run by outside conservative organizations. But those efforts are still gathering intel on the businessman after having started late in the primary season, these sources told The Huffington Post. And they worry that it may come too late.

But it is treated as a truism among Republicans that a vast reservoir of damaging opposition research remains untouched. It's a suspicion that Democrats aren't challenging. Indeed, one Democratic opposition research said that they’ve spent the past eight months compiling material on Trump as he’s risen up the ranks. That's actually not a lot of time. Democrats had started focusing on Mitt Romney in 2009 -- a full two years before he ran again for the presidency. But those eight months have produced some good.


Surprised that Sandoval didn't take the bait. If you have the intellect for it, SCOTUS has to be the most empowering job ever because you have it for life and your decisions impact millions upon millions on a whim.

Strong words from team Rubio. Either they're legit or are in denial. I think it's the latter. No way all the polls are wrong.

Also, holy shit @ Sanders polling numbers in SC. I know it's in the south but I think we can start saying gg Sanders. Please keep your thing going for the midterms, I think it would be quite effective.


Mitch McConnell is too smart for this party, how are they this bad at this?
I think they have a plan b. Nuke Trump from the process and award delegates to runner ups in some bullshit fashion that makes Cruz or Rubio look good.

Trump will go crazy and there will be a fued unlike any other.

Please happen. Please die, GOP.
Rubio attacking Trump from the right on issues no one fucking cares about lololololol.

The GOP is so clueless. They have no idea how to hurt Trump. Jeb! had at least one decent idea with the old lady story. But that's it. There's so much dirt on Trump out there. Shit, when he thought about running for NY Gov he backed out because of the dirt that was gonna come out, but the GOP can't muster the same shit?

Attacking him for bankruptcies is stupid. Who cares? Is he bankrupt or worth billions? No one expects any businessman to be right 100% of the time in his business decisions. Not even his supporters. And his rebuttal is perfect (he used the laws in the country to his advantage) and makes him seem smarter than them.

And worst of all attacking him on ideology is so fucking stupid. His voters don't care if he's not "conservative enough." His supporters believe conservatives have been losers, losing to Obama time and again. They want someone to bring them prosperity, to make them feel like winners.

There was only one way to take down Trump and it was from the left. From the very beginning, they all should have been calling him a racist, sexist, bigot. No pussyfooting. The way to stop his supporters is to shame them. This happened in the past with Duke and Buchanon. If you shame them, they'll abandon.

Racists hate being told they are racists. And they don't want to be told they're being used.

But it's too late now. The genie is out of the bottle and the GOP party is completely clueless.

but this should be no shock. They reacted to Obama in 2008 completely wrong and it cost them 2012. Do note I refer to the national party, not state and localized ones. They really have no idea what they're doing at all. They don't understand the pulse of the country or their own party!

Other things:

lol @ the polling for Rubio. Rubio may get as little as 5 delegates in Texas and none in Florida. Go home Rubio.

Sandoval pulling out is hilarious. Basically he's saying to his party he refuses to work with Obama, meanwhile Obama has already gotten it out there that he was looking at a Republican. holy shit the GOP is fucking clueless!
Hillary apologized for her "superpredator" comment. Clearly a response to the BLM protester.

In that speech, I was talking about the impact violent crime and vicious drug cartels were having on communities across the country and the particular danger they posed to children and families. Looking back, I shouldn’t have used those words, and I wouldn’t use them today.

My life’s work has been about lifting up children and young people who’ve been let down by the system or by society. Kids who never got the chance they deserved. And unfortunately today, there are way too many of those kids, especially in African-American communities. We haven’t done right by them. We need to. We need to end the school to prison pipeline and replace it with a cradle-to-college pipeline.

As an advocate, as First Lady, as Senator, I was a champion for children. And my campaign for president is about breaking down the barriers that stand in the way of all kids, so every one of them can live up to their God-given potential.


Someone should make an OT thread so we can hear how much of a two faced liar she is.


No Scrubs
Rubio attacking Trump from the right on issues no one fucking cares about lololololol.

The GOP is so clueless. They have no idea how to hurt Trump. Jeb! had at least one decent idea with the old lady story. But that's it. There's so much dirt on Trump out there. Shit, when he thought about running for NY Gov he backed out because of the dirt that was gonna come out, but the GOP can't muster the same shit?

Attacking him for bankruptcies is stupid. Who cares? Is he bankrupt or worth billions? No one expects any businessman to be right 100% of the time in his business decisions. Not even his supporters. And his rebuttal is perfect (he used the laws in the country to his advantage) and makes him seem smarter than them.

And worst of all attacking him on ideology is so fucking stupid. His voters don't care if he's not "conservative enough." His supporters believe conservatives have been losers, losing to Obama time and again. They want someone to bring them prosperity, to make them feel like winners.

There was only one way to take down Trump and it was from the left. From the very beginning, they all should have been calling him a racist, sexist, bigot. No pussyfooting. The way to stop his supporters is to shame them. This happened in the past with Duke and Buchanon. If you shame them, they'll abandon.

Racists hate being told they are racists. And they don't want to be told they're being used.

But it's too late now. The genie is out of the bottle and the GOP party is completely clueless.

but this should be no shock. They reacted to Obama in 2008 completely wrong and it cost them 2012. Do note I refer to the national party, not state and localized ones. They really have no idea what they're doing at all. They don't understand the pulse of the country or their own party!

Yep. The only way to take down Trump is from the left and to call him out on all his shit.

lol @ the polling for Rubio. Rubio may get as little as 5 delegates in Texas and none in Florida. Go home Rubio.

Sandoval pulling out is hilarious. Basically he's saying to his party he refuses to work with Obama, meanwhile Obama has already gotten it out there that he was looking at a Republican. holy shit the GOP is fucking clueless!

The fact the GOP keeps falling for Obama's obvious trap is just pathetic. If they could just not be spiteful morons and utter bastards they could claw their way out of it, but that seems to be asking too much.
I just realized the GOP. Reaction to Trump completely mirrors their behavior with climate change. Disbelief, down playing, denial, begrudging acceptance, startled realization and I imagine for the future: disorganized panic.
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