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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Honestly I don't know. That Politico story about a GOP third party run is interesting but would certainly cause many to blame the inevitable loss on the RNC instead of Trump. It seems to me that it makes more sense to let Trump fail while consolidating resources down the ticket. Another republican presidential loss would be devastating but if I was a republican I'd rather lose the WH again than the senate or house.

The only options are terrible. If they go all in with embracing Trump they run the risk of being tied to his bigotry for years to come. It seems inevitable that he's going to say ignorant or bigoted things between now and October, so how can they embrace him?

Then again whether they embrace him or not...if he's the nominee he's the nominee. Trump will forever be tied to the GOP. For the first time in awhile I think a party split could happen. If you're Jennifer Rubin or David Frum or McCain or even Hugh Hewitt...what do you do between April and November if Trump is the nominee?

They've never lost a 3rd time in a row in their lives. Should be interesting if it happens.


Then again whether they embrace him or not...if he's the nominee he's the nominee. Trump will forever be tied to the GOP. For the first time in awhile I think a party split could happen. If you're Jennifer Rubin or David Frum or McCain or even Hugh Hewitt...what do you do between April and November if Trump is the nominee?


You've been too long out of Ohio! Kasich's hypno powers are working on you!
What I mean when I say that is he appears less on the fringe compared to Trump. The man seems socially progressive even though he obviously isn't.

But anyway, Kasich is truly an afterthought. Why talk about an afterthought when we can watch the madness here.


are people really scared of how Trump will act towards Hillary?

He shrivels up in the face of Megyn fucking Kelly. His one weakness is... coincidentally for Killer Mike... a uterus.


Wooooooooow. The Christie thing is the first political news I get today after the end of the debate last night. What a world we live in. I cannot wait until Super Tuesday. As I said before, this is shaping up to be the greatest election of my lifetime. 2008 was great, but this is phenomenal.
We now have the actual detail about Sander's economic plan is bad math


And we have the actual issue with it.

Here’s why this matters. Mr. Friedman claims to “make a conservative estimate of the stimulative effect of the Sanders program by using a relatively low spending multiplier.”

The multiplier is a number that quantifies how strongly government spending influences output. He relies on the Congressional Budget Office for estimates of the multiplier, and shades them a little, which makes them appear conservative. The multiplier he uses is on average 0.89. In the Congressional Budget Office models that he’s drawing from, this means that if the government spends $100 more today, output will rise by $89 this year, but when that stimulus is withdrawn next year, output will then fall back to its earlier level.

From start to finish, that $100 extra government spending yields $89 worth of more stuff. By contrast, in Mr. Friedman’s figures, output stays $89 higher each year, forever. Over a 10-year period, this means that $100 of government spending yields a total of $890 worth of more stuff, implying a 10-year multiplier of 8.9.

Sounds like high school economics.


You've been too long out of Ohio! Kasich's hypno powers are working on you!

No, it's Kasich that is different. Trump, Cruz, and Rubio are asshole Republicans, and it shows. They have no problems showing just how heartless they are. Kasich has a talent for hiding his heartlessness and making people think he's a moderate, when he's just as vile if not more so in his policies than the rest of the field. He doesn't have Reagan's charisma, but he's damn sure got Reagan's talent for making people think he's a nice guy.

If you could have followed his governorship here in Ohio, you'd see just how determined and skilled he is at undercutting the social safety net and the rights of minorities and women. Even when he has a setback he'll turn around and pretend it was all due to his kindness and generosity while he quietly finds some other route towards fucking over whoever he was trying to fuck over.

Seriously, don't fall for it. He's top tier awful.

This gal gets it.


And, yea, I'm not even from Ohio and I'm aware of this stuff. None of the Republican options are moderate or even semi-progressive on social issues. To believe so is to ignore their actions.

We now have the actual detail about Sander's economic plan is bad math


And we have the actual issue with it.

Sounds like high school economics.

I'll just leave this here again.


Kasich passes the "would you trust this person with a nuclear arsenal" test, which is more than most of the other GOP candidates can say.


Kasich passes the "would you trust this person with a nuclear arsenal" test, which is more than most of the other GOP candidates can say.

Yeah, I seriously don't get the "Kasich is the real threat!" line of thinking. He's a bog standard Republican who looks slightly more appealing because he's campaigning against deranged lunatics who threaten civilization as we know it. Pointing this out does not make the deranged lunatics who threaten civilization look more appealing than him.
Kasich passes the "would you trust this person with a nuclear arsenal" test, which is more than most of the other GOP candidates can say.

I use the "would you trust this person not to give foreign dignitaries a noogie and insult their food" test, myself.

I'm not actively concerned about nuclear strikes. Being an international embarrassment, however...


I thought Harball last night would have been enough to write people off Bernie

I'm surprised there's been so many hardcore wishes for him to fail throughout the months.

Yeah, I seriously don't get the "Kasich is the real threat!" line of thinking. He's a bog standard Republican who looks slightly more appealing because he's campaigning against deranged lunatics who threaten civilization as we know it. Pointing this out does not make the deranged lunatics who threaten civilization look more appealing than him.

Because he's a wolf in sheep's' clothing and those who are arguing that he's moderate/not as bad are seemingly speaking in ignorance of his beliefs and what he has done. I trust the enemy I know more than the one who is underhanded enough to pretend to be one thing while he simultaneously does something else that makes him just as deranged as all the other Republican options.


That Graham video really ahows how much Cruz is hated. Good lord they would rather the party burn down than put their support behind Cruz.
That Graham video really ahows how much Cruz is hated. Good lord they would rather the party burn down than put their support behind Cruz.
It's not like throwing their support behind Cruz would make any sense. The guy has been cratering post NH and is in 3rd place in the states that should be his stronghold.


People throwing Friedman under the bus in record time now.

Could have saved y'all a loooot of trouble two weeks ago when the first CEA thread was made!

“It’s gotten a little bit of attention, but not nearly as much as we would like,” Mr. Gunnels [ policy director for the Sanders campaign] said. “Senator Sanders has been fighting establishment politics, the establishment economics and the establishment media. And this is the last thing they want to take a look at.

“It shows that over a 10-year period, we would create 26 million new jobs, the poverty rate would plummet, that incomes would go up dramatically, and we would have strong economic growth. ... It’s a very bold plan, and we want to get this out there.”


Correct math is, indeed, establishment Economics.
Re: last night's debate, can someone explain the significance of the tax return discussion? Do all presidential candidates release their recent tax returns or are they digging for scandal?


Because he's a wolf in sheep's' clothing and those who are arguing that he's moderate/not as bad are seemingly speaking in ignorance of his beliefs and what he has done. I trust the enemy I know more than the one who is underhanded enough to pretend to be one thing while he simultaneously does something else that makes him just as deranged as all the other Republican options.

Yeah I get that Kasich is more threatening just because he is more likely to get elected but nothing puts him in the same league as Rubo, Trump or Cruz. Like, that Samantha Bee skit was pretty lame, for example. Republican who opposes abortion is just what you expect from a Republican. Rubio is the most hawkish person in the Senate, Trump is leading a populist rascist revolution, and Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer. Kasich may be a terrible republican but he's really not in their league.

Could have saved y'all a loooot of trouble two weeks ago when the first CEA thread was made!

Correct math is, indeed, establishment Economics.

Yeah, smell tests matter. Sad, pathetic idiot Yglesias joined a lot of idiots trying to snark that the CEA didn't even offer a "real empirical analysis." Sometimes things are just transparently, superficially stupid.
Would you also write him poetry?

I'm not exactly I poet type but this made me want to look to see if there are Trump fans writing poetry about him and I found these

"-Donald Trump

Donald Trump
is no frump.
He wears expensive attire,
and is known for saying "You're Fired!"

Donald Trump,
sometimes a grump.
Arrogant as he can be,
he's running for the Presidency

"Isn't it terrible that Mr. Trump wants to have
border security?" Et cetera, et cetera...
And the Pope made the statement.

Trump for Pres.

T ruly we are not to believe the bombastic utterances
R egardless of the experience and riches from your inheritance
U seless is the intimidation to those that challenge your smugness
M elting the critic, humoring the ego that engraves your name on edifices.
P erfect is the hair that is always colored and combed.

F rightful that voters will be blinded by the charlatan.
O verwhelmed by celebrity and the "American Dream"
R uthlessly using the system to advance self esteem.

P ress on the press if it serves your purpose.
R eward the few that flex to you and kneel.
E nrich the populous with your reality circus.
S elling the Donald is the "Art of the Deal"


Triumphant Trump A Richman's Dump

So it's come to this I guess
Chose the lesser of two evils?
Politics' become a joke no less
When our vote creates upheaval.

If Clinton wins of which I doubt
She's got too much dirty laundry
Biden doesn't know much about
The poor man going hungry.

Ben Carson well he's a great surgeon
And Ted Cruz he's alright
Yet Trump might having won
Turn our wrongs to right? He might.

Now Trump needs the Latino vote
But there's no chance in hell
illegals fences will never promote
While working on his hi rise hotels.

Now the polls all say he has the lead,
He has few plans and much rhetoric
El Chapo claims he wants him dead
The country says he's the best pick.

So it comes to choosing a president.
America has to make a wise decision.
Who will we choose what's your intent
A business man or another politician?

[ This great wall of mexico ]

This great wall of mexico
This brave man
Hes got a fan
From all these states
These debates
Prove one thing
Donald is the man


About the host, unholy ghost
setting a bear-trap of a contest
to snap shut in undergrowth;
teeth of rust to shake off frost
next to that well-trodden track
and spill my stash of urine,
pants no longer dry nor clean;
make me regret entering
these woods of Yellowstone
where every alien thing
wants to do me in!

Tourist with camera lens
angling down,
school-girls with i-phones
doing the same,
all smirking like
deformed Martians in green
at my gutless stain-
trees doing the chicken hop-
brook brook brook
as it starts to rain.

Divine justice I yell,
soak those mocking school-girls,
send that clicking tourist
back to a Burmese hell!
And that host of live-worm can-opening
almost blind on AP television
laughing like a smug compere from Japan
driving that camouflaged train
through the wet jungles of Yellowstone?

Let him be my war-bride son,
sorely disappointed at the outcome
to claim only a leech for inheritance

when DNA tests are confirmed;
dry in my silk dressing-gown
stabbing at some sushi disintegrating
back in my room at the Yellowstone Inn

Knowing full well
that mean-eyed off-spring
set that trap, took them shots
made that bridge to duly collapse;
poor leech
to languish
in a jar

ha-ha sings Yogi-bear and The Phooneys
on Indian drums and bass guitar;
boom boom
tomorrow I'll take another track
be left alone...
watch television all day in my bamboo curtained room!

Yes, watch the actors fake orgasm
laugh without my teeth in,
tell myself I'm all alone
no one home, no one home
to be my lean masterpiece of an AP poem;

never to be captured again
ordering ribs on the phone,
eating with my feet-up after dark, a free-man
the American dream
lick my fingers clean!

Independent of some squinting son,
vote for Trump when I get home!

BONUS: Trump quotes made in to poetry


The government of Mexico spoke with the Pope.
I mean, they spent a lot of time with the Pope.

I think they probably talked about,
"Isn't it terrible that Mr. Trump wants to have
border security?" Et cetera, et cetera...
And the Pope made the statement.

He also talked about having a wall is not Christian.
And he's got an awfully big wall at the Vatican,
I will tell you...

I don't like fighting with the Pope, actually.
I don't think this is a fight.

I have a lot of respect for the Pope.
I think he's got a lot of personality.
He's very different.
He's a very different kind of a guy.
And I think he's doing a very good job.
He's a lot of energy.


They found a pillow
on his face,

Which is a pretty
unusual place.

I literally just heard it
a little while ago.

It's just starting to come out
now... as you know.


He was with me when
he had the meltdown,
and I'm telling you,
it wasn't a pretty sight.

No, he was standing right there,
No, he was soaking wet,
I'm telling you, he was wet.
I say, 'What the hell's going on over here?

I thought he just came
out of a swimming pool.
He was soaking.
I said, "Look! Wow. Are you OK?'"

Can you imagine
Putin sitting there,
waiting for the meeting,
and this guy walks in?


He hasn't been dealing with a general electorate.

The only thing he does is producing sound bites an eager media circus laps up. And I'm pretty sure the whole electorate reads, sees and hears.
Look, I'm Not saying that would broaden his appeal. Quite the opposite.
But that's Not how he operates anyway. He will simply try to drag Clinton down as much as possible. His best shot would be a very low turnout. Which is entirely possible. Whatever Clinton is, she is Not as electrifying as Obama.
Why is Rubio guaranteeing he's going to win Florida? Reporter just asked him and he straight-faced said "We're going to win Florida".

Also, the anti-Hillary trump press conferences are gonna be something fiercely sexist. I can't see him attacking her the same way he's done Carson/Cruz/Rubio without going full sexist.

I can't think of a single state Rubio wins

He can't say that though
Re: last night's debate, can someone explain the significance of the tax return discussion? Do all presidential candidates release their recent tax returns or are they digging for scandal?
Usually, yes. A candidate who refuses to release his returns is thought to have something to hide.

As I recall, Gov George Romney started this with his Presidential run, and since then most if not all major party candidates have followed suit. Mitt Romney refused to release his in 2012 for a long time, and it worked against him.
The only thing he does is producing sound bites an eager media circus laps up. And I'm pretty sure the whole electorate reads, sees and hears.
Look, I'm Not saying that would broaden his appeal. Quite the opposite.
But that's Not how he operates anyway. He will simply try to drag Clinton down as much as possible. His best shot would be a very low turnout. Which is entirely possible. Whatever Clinton is, she is Not as electrifying as Obama.

She won't necessarily have to be. Trump is more polarizing. Minority voters will come out to ensure that that man does not enter the White House.
Usually, yes. A candidate who refuses to release his returns is thought to have something to hide.

As I recall, Gov George Romney started this with his Presidential run, and since then most if not all major party candidates have followed suit. Mitt Romney refused to release his in 2012 for a long time, and it worked against him.

Cool, gotcha.


The only thing he does is producing sound bites an eager media circus laps up. And I'm pretty sure the whole electorate reads, sees and hears.
Look, I'm Not saying that would broaden his appeal. Quite the opposite.
But that's Not how he operates anyway. He will simply try to drag Clinton down as much as possible. His best shot would be a very low turnout. Which is entirely possible. Whatever Clinton is, she is Not as electrifying as Obama.

A Bernie Veep could electrify the Democratic base and shore her up on attacks against her finance.
He also has the highest favorables across both parties.
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