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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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When the #NeverTrump trend dies off overnight, should I write an article about how Twitter censored the tag and took it down?

Well to be fair, there does appear to be something to that - the account that started #whichhillary was suspended and Twitter said it was a mistake and hasn't given much detail otherwise.


Well to be fair, there does appear to be something to that - the account that started #whichhillary was suspended and Twitter said it was a mistake and hasn't given much detail otherwise.

Was it Jeb's account? Because Jeb is a mistake.
Any reason for such optimism over Hillary appointing a very liberal judge?
I mean she's a liberal. Her presidency has a good chance of coming with a Senate majority. Plus, if they deny Obama an appointment, I'm pretty sure everyone on the left wants to punish the GOP.
Any reason for such optimism over Hillary appointing a very liberal judge?

Hillary is about as liberal as obama is...maybe slightly farther left, but its hard to say.

that aside, the democrats are almost assured to take the senate back in the fall (especially if Trump is the nominee), and the senate is who confirms justices.

If obama nominates a justice, they're going to be a moderate that has to get through a republican controlled senate. If hillary does, all bets are off. she can nominate someone MUCH farther left.


Stump for Trump found out about the foam parties.

"When I look at Marco Rubio, Marco Rubio told us to Google Donald Trump, but I did one better. I Googled him. And when I Googled him, you know, he owes America and the gay community an apology. Because it sounds like that he may have had a gay lifestyle in his past," Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway said on CNN this morning.
Do you think the GOP reverse course and begs for Obama to nominate someone after Trump's gets the nom?


The GOP is going to double down on obstruction, since making the election about the supreme court rather than Trump himself is the only conceivable path to stop an absolute bloodbath in the fall.

It's not going to WORK, but it's better than nothing.


I'll note this:
when Bill appointed RBG in 1993, the country's political center of gravity was to the right of where we are today. Bill back then was also more conservative than the Hillary of 2016.

For him to pick the former General Counsel of the ACLU as his first SCOTUS nominee was a great signal that even he - Mr Moderate/DLC - would help liberals in one area where it really, really helps.


I wonder the same thing now, that debate takedown must have been more emotional than strategic. So perhaps the endorsement had more to do with his dislike of Rubio. Plus, nobody likes Cruz.
It's can be hard to figure out what is political calculations and what is real emotions in these cases, and the two surely tend to mix, but I get the sense the Christie have zero respect for Rubio, and I don't blame him.
Rubio is a nobody, he did nothing, he got to where he is because Republican establishment thinks he can appeal to latinos and because he looks the part.
It's can be hard to figure out what is political calculations and what is real emotions in these cases, and the two surely tend to mix, but I get the sense the Christie have zero respect for Rubio, and I don't blame him.
Rubio is a nobody, he did nothing, he got to where he is because Republican establishment thinks he can appeal to latinos and because he looks the part.

If I was christie and looking for a career after my tenure as governor of new jersey, getting on the good side of Donald Trump seems like a better bet than cozying up to one term freshman senator Marco Rubio or Ted fucking Cruz


Well that's good to hear
I thought she's to Obama's right for some reason XD
There's a group of people who will decry any liberal who dares to actually heed the advice of mainstream economists as "someone who'd be center right in Europe." It's nonsense.


Stump for Trump found out about the foam parties.



Tomorrow night, Clinton will be in South Carolina when the polls close. Sanders will be on a plane to Texas. I wonder if he'll give a concession speech.


Party transitions in American politics are hell and can take many many years to realign, I cannot imagine a party in control of both houses of congress and the majority of state governments is going to take such a risk. It'd be more destructive than Trump.

What you're saying makes sense, but I just can't imagine the more conventional republicans tolerating a Trump run.

At the very least, I think that many of them, including some high ranking elected officials, will openly endorse Hillary (if she somehow manages to win, which I'm not conceding at all).

The neocon types and old-school Reaganites have almost nothing in common with Trump. He's basically a racist Democrat. Some of his views on things like trade are to the left of many elected dems. In the general he's gonna go even further to the left to try and steal democrat voters and independents.

I think the really conventional republicans have to feel very threatened by the movement he's ignited. His ideology is totally incompatible with theirs, and his behavior makes the whole party look dirty. Their instinct will be to crush him . Maybe it wouldn't be smart to do it, and maybe they won't actually try it, but I bet there are people in high places who are seriously contemplating some sort of drastic measure.


LOL guys! Lets make fun of Sanders and what he is trying to achieve! Despite it being things that you agree with! LMFAO GUYS HAHAHAHA

Bernie bros are already losing their damn minds and South Carolina hasn't even cast a vote yet.

This is going to be a great 24 hours.


Fucking PredictIt is down for maintenance. I was going to see if they had any markets open for the South Carolina margin of victory.


To be fair, this line works after Cruz and the rest of the Tea Party bitched so much about the IRS.

"I've won most of the lawsuits" though, lmao.

Maybe he's tapping into a boy there sure are a lot of bullshit lawsuits out there we need tort reform that'll fix everything including healthcare.


I'm always somewhat surprised with the rise of the lunatic right-wing fringe across Europe, the degree to which EuroGAF still heaps disdain onto the US electorate.

This notwithstanding recognizing there are significant problems in the US.

On Sanders, I think he started as a message candidate. At some point he started believe he could actually win it and be the next POTUS. While now reality has set in and he's back to pushing his message as much as he can.

This patterns extends to race and is something I've seen in many race-related threads. That is to say European Gaffers who are all the ready to decry America for its racial problems but when you point out shit stinks on their lawn too (in the same threads or other threads specifically talking about only Europe), they get super defensive and engage in denial. It's.......frustrating cute


This patterns extends to race and is something I've seen in many race-related threads. That is to say European Gaffers who are all the ready to decry America for its racial problems but when you point out shit stinks on their lawn too (in the same threads or other threads specifically talking about only Europe), they get super defensive and engage in denial. It's.......frustrating cute
When you quote Trump at them they literally cheer you on until they figure out what you're doing. If Trump returned to his roots in Germany he could probably set up a Fourth Reich.


This patterns extends to race and is something I've seen in many race-related threads. That is to say European Gaffers who are all the ready to decry America for its racial problems but when you point out shit stinks on their lawn too (in the same threads or other threads specifically talking about only Europe), they get super defensive and engage in denial. It's.......frustrating cute
The inverse is hilarious as well- Europe is supposedly this utopian paradise where nothing ever goes wrong for workers.


I wonder if Huckabee is going to follow his daughter and endorse Trump. He'd have to do it soon; if it has any effect it'll be stronger in Arkansas and the rest of the southern Super Tuesday states.

Isn't that how you got your last ban? :lol

I thought for sure if the people spewing racist shit unironically could get away with it then mocking their racism with irony would be fair game.


This was so bizarrely funny.

It's funny to me because he stole that attack from Matt Taibbi who put out that Trump article before the debate
It turns out we let our electoral process devolve into something so fake and dysfunctional that any half-bright con man with the stones to try it could walk right through the front door and tear it to shreds on the first go.

And Trump is no half-bright con man, either. He's way better than average.


Robert Reich endorsed Sanders, which should probably surprise no one.

Well, Bill Clinton did hire Robert Reich as his Secretary of Labor when he took office. So it might be a bit surprising to some. Maybe not the regular PoliGAF posters, of course, but perhaps it twitched the ears of some lurkers.

Here's his facebook post:
I endorse Bernie Sanders for President of the United States. He’s leading a movement to reclaim America for the many, not the few. And such a political mobilization – a “political revolution,” as he puts it -- is the only means by which we can get the nation back from the moneyed interests that now control so much of our economy and democracy.

This extraordinary concentration of income, wealth, and political power at the very top imperils all else – our economy, our democracy, the revival of the American middle class, the prospects for the poor and for people of color, the necessity of slowing and reversing climate change, and a sensible foreign policy not influenced by the “military-industrial complex,” as President Dwight Eisenhower once called it. It is the fundamental prerequisite: We have little hope of achieving positive change on any front unless the American people are once again in control.

I have the deepest respect and admiration for Hillary Clinton, and if she wins the Democratic primary I’ll work my heart out to help her become president. But I believe Bernie Sanders is the agent of change this nation so desperately needs.​


Christie's obviously a huge opportunistic; but he apparently also loathes Rubio for becoming the anointed wunderkind of the party establishment (which he obviously thinks should have been him) without having achieved anything of real accomplishment.

Yep - in 2012 the establishment was literally begging him to get into the race. Henry freaking Kissinger laid his hands on him. At the Ronald Reagan library the crowd implored him to jump in.

Then in 2016 he's completely ignored and pushed to one side by the same people for a younger, more attractive option with literally zero accomplishments.

You can see why he would be pissed off.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
Yep - in 2012 the establishment was literally begging him to get into the race. Henry freaking Kissinger laid his hands on him. At the Ronald Reagan library the crowd implored him to jump in.

Then in 2016 he's completely ignored and pushed to one side by the same people for a younger, more attractive option with literally zero accomplishments.

You can see why he would be pissed off.

Aside from the Kissinger angle, this analysis also fits Jeb pretty well, too, I think.


There's a group of people who will decry any liberal who dares to actually heed the advice of mainstream economists as "someone who'd be center right in Europe." It's nonsense.

I've ranted about this, and my fellow Europeans, quite a few times. It's such an ignorant view on American politics and lacks any understanding or nuance at all. You hear it all the time - Obama would be a conservative in the UK is the most common one.

No, he absolutely wouldn't be at all. People just don't understand that the 'centre ground' in our countries is different, so what he has to do to compromise pushes him more to the right than it would in the UK.


Aside from the Kissinger angle, this analysis also fits Jeb pretty well, too, I think.

Jebs a weird one, in that there was a huge amount of pressure early on for him to jump in, but then it vanished and never came back. Christie was the guy they were all hoping would jump in later on and win the nomination through a brokered convention, but for some reason Jeb never got the same attention.

I'd say it's because they figured out Jeb wasn't s good politician, but that's obviously not true given how much cash his SuperPac raised this time around.
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