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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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i can't even

God Bless America.



Trump talked about sending the Chinese to assassinate Kim Jong Un, but I think he should reconsider and give the job to Rodman. Rodman could use that 'special access to Kim Jong Un' card to do the job :p
Trump would make Space Jam 2: The Interview real.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
I'd say it's because they figured out Jeb wasn't s good politician, but that's obviously not true given how much cash his SuperPac raised this time around.

His family's connections and fundraising network are ironclad, regardless of his retail political skills. Given the field of not just clowns, but gun waving, rabid clowns willing to eat their own, there are times when it felt like Jeb was reaching for a true return to Reaganesque discourse and tone that nobody is shopping for this season.

Jeb didn't even seem to want to be in the race.

It's been documented how much his wife Columba hates media attention, and that last name is one heavy albatross around his neck. But I'm guessing his clear loyalty to his brother and father drove him to make at least one good college try, even if he knew it was a long shot. And this is before Trump came on the scene. The cocktail of that dude's merciless taunting and the electorate's overall thirst for change at any cost proved to be Jeb's doom.


Dubya is loathed. Even by the GOP base- iraq and the crash? Not a partisan opinion regarding blame. The very idea of a JEB! run was ridiculoualy out of touch.


So I saw my first Clinton ad last night in Michigan, and she specifically said the Flint water crisis wouldn't have happened if it started where I live. Feels bad man.

I really liked the ad.
Wow @ Vicente Fox saying he's not going to pay for that FUCKING wall.

I agree with what Bill Maher said on his show last night, of all the ridiculous things that have happened during this election, Trump pretending to be offended by Fox saying fuck is the most ridiculous.


Chris Megerian ‏@ChrisMegerian 52m52 minutes ago
Mitchell Edward in North Charleston is voting for Clinton. "Bernie talks about things I don't think can be done."


Allendale City Mayor Ronnie Jackson, for example, says he is backing Clinton in part because Allendale, a town of about 3,800, depends on money under an Obama administration stimulus program for impoverished communities. He hopes Clinton would continue the support.

"That’s the only way we can survive,” he said

Here, older African-American voters who have struggled with racism and poverty are pragmatic, and believe in the incremental change Clinton espouses. “They don’t have the luxury of an Iowa college student” to vote for ideals, Hodges added.
Many voters say they would have been happy to support her eight years ago if it wasn’t for the historic nature of Barack Obama’s candidacy. Clinton’s support for Obama since then has only increased their desire to help her this time.
“The feeling among voters here is they have a job to do and that’s to nominate Hillary,” said Boyd Brown, a DNC executive committee member and super-delegate who is supporting Clinton after originally backing Martin O’Malley. “They see it as a duty. They’ve got a proven candidate and she might not be the greatest candidate in the world, or the most enthusiastic candidate, but you know what? She’d be a good president and they realize that.”
Even Sanders' best demographic -- the young, white voters who propelled him to victory in New Hampshire -- aren’t available to help him close the margin in Saturday’s Democratic primary.
“White millennials, we call them Republicans in South Carolina,” said Hodges. “They vote no different than their parents. They supported John McCain over Obama.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/hillary-clinton-south-carolina-favorables-219894#ixzz41NLkkQiD
too high lol. Btw when do you vote?

I'm in Pennsylvania so not for a good while yet. Race will be long over by then.

Democratic primary for Senate will be more interesting. I'm split between sestak and mcginty.

Leaning sestak. I met that dude in 2010 when he ran the first time. That dude campaigns HARD and takes no shit.
hillary 65
crash and bern 35

GOP Desperate actions to displace Trump

This article has everything. Lack of self awareness, hypocrisy, smug entitlement, cowardice, delusion, and ineptitude. Just glorious. I think my favorite part has to be Romney, Bush, and Christie all telling Rubio to go jump in a lake.

At least two campaigns have drafted plans to overtake Mr. Trump in a brokered convention, and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election.

Two of Mr. Trump’s opponents have openly acknowledged that they may have to wrest the Republican nomination from him in a deadlocked convention.

Speaking to political donors in Manhattan on Wednesday evening, Mr. Rubio’s campaign manager, Terry Sullivan, noted that most delegates are bound to a candidate only on the first ballot. Many of them, moreover, are likely to be party regulars who may not support Mr. Trump over multiple rounds of balloting, he added, according to a person present for Mr. Sullivan’s presentation, which was first reported by CNN.

Advisers to Mr. Kasich, the Ohio governor, have told potential supporters that his strategy boils down to a convention battle. Judd Gregg, a former New Hampshire senator who had endorsed Jeb Bush, said Mr. Kasich’s emissaries had sketched an outcome in which Mr. Kasich “probably ends up with the second-highest delegate count going into the convention” and digs in there to compete with Mr. Trump.

God, we can't be that lucky can we?

In Washington, Mr. Kasich’s persistence in the race has become a source of frustration. At Senate luncheons on Wednesday and Thursday, Republican lawmakers vented about Mr. Kasich’s intransigence, calling it selfishness.

One senior Republican senator, noting that Mr. Kasich has truly contested only one of the first four states, complained: “He’s just flailing his arms around and having a wonderful time going around the country, and it just drives me up the wall.”

While still hopeful that Mr. Rubio might prevail, Mr. McConnell has begun preparing senators for the prospect of a Trump nomination, assuring them that, if it threatened to harm them in the general election, they could run negative ads about Mr. Trump to create space between him and Republican senators seeking re-election. Mr. McConnell has raised the possibility of treating Mr. Trump’s loss as a given and describing a Republican Senate to voters as a necessary check on a President Hillary Clinton, according to senators at the lunches.

Yes, it would be over. No, Mitch, your strategy will not work and I look forward to HRC nominating a black, lesbian, pot smoking justice to the SC as a big middle finger.

And Rubio with the velvet touch....

Mr. Christie had attacked Mr. Rubio contemptuously in New Hampshire, calling him shallow and scripted, and humiliating him in a debate. Nevertheless, Mr. Rubio made a tentative overture to Mr. Christie after his withdrawal from the presidential race. He left the governor a voice mail message, assuring Mr. Christie that he had a bright future in public service, according to people who have heard Mr. Christie’s characterization of the message.

Why not just pat him on the head too, Marco?



What a lot of bullshit here. LePage said:

"At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics."

He fucking endorsed Trump yesterday!!

They'll fall in line behind Trump no worries.


Professional Schmuck

i can't even

God Bless America.

If anybody was good at this 11th-dimensional shit they would've expected this exact response (and *that* would've been the reason they mentioned Rodman -- as bait) and would have a "what do you expect from a has-been celebrity who loves dictators like Kim Jong Un?"

I'm also surprised (relatively surprised, considering how inept his campaign has been) that Rubio didn't have a response prepared for the inevitable Chris Christie endorsement. This is the guy who is going to court in a month or two and literally endangered hundreds of thousands of Americans by shutting down the busiest bridge in the world because he got his wittle fweeings hurt.

This endorsement is easily something Rubio could use to continue his amazing body blows he's been giving out. He just has to be better about seeing this shit in advance.


you got thursday's republican debate instead of May's Democratic debate. Make sure you fit Christie in there. Makai is doing the republican following Florida Debate on the 10th

That is what I am doing now. I will submitted it to Manmade so that it isn't too weird.


If I was Kasich I would stay in too. Bow down to a guy who is inexperienced, does not show up for work and is the equivalent of the man who they have mocked for 7 years would be hypocritical.


Never played the souls games. Why aren't you feeling it yet?
i can't quite put a finger on it. The dual mode weapons are kinda weird to me. I mostly play Dark Souls 2 for PvP, which isn't as large a component in BB. I'm not at the first boss yet. Maybe it will get better for me once I start leveling up.


I hope things calm down a bit after the primaries are decided. This political junky-ism is killing my video gaming time, and I'm falling even further behind..

(And I'm with those who're guessing about 25 points today. Sounds about right.)


That New York Times article is something else.

If Trump were to somehow miraculously be thwarted of the nomination at this point, he'd have enough plenty of testimony/evidence to spin the argument that he wasn't being treated "fairly."
I'm just thinking of the fundraising disparity in a Clinton-Trump election and it's making me aroused.

The prospect of a President Trump will be all Hillary needs to replicate Obama's (and Bernie's) small dollar donor support in a general election, and Wall Street will break overwhelmingly towards her as the only stable choice for the world economy. GOP big donors will redirect most of their money down-ticket, and there's little evidence Trump has cultivated much of a small dollar network himself (especially because no one thinks he needs it). And we know he only has around $300 million in liquid assets.

Trump's going to get creamed by $1 billion in negative ads while Hillary gets to build the biggest, most luxurious ground operation of all time.


What a lot of bullshit here. LePage said:

"At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics."

He fucking endorsed Trump yesterday!!

They'll fall in line behind Trump no worries.

That's the twist at the end of the article. LePage defected to Trump after making a stink.


Bernie bros are already losing their damn minds and South Carolina hasn't even cast a vote yet.

This is going to be a great 24 hours.

Nice to see the "Hillary Bros." are still bullying people. Ziltoidia 9 is right on about the attitudes of some in this topic. It's not about whether Bernie loses or not, it's about the gleeful abandon to which some of you have desired to blatantly attack fellow Democrats who literally want the same things.

I don't normally post these, but seriously:


Have you been reading this topic at all? Lots of defaming Bernie, weaponizing LGBT rights, shaming people who are LGBT or really any other minority that support Bernie, denial of what Bernie has accomplished so far and consistent goal-post moving so that denial can be maintained, behavior mirroring Trump's on the right, etc. etc.


The downside of living overseas is the time difference kills my ability to pay attention to the election. At least my morning will be delightful!

65-35 Clinton.


Bernie bros are already losing their damn minds and South Carolina hasn't even cast a vote yet.

This is going to be a great 24 hours.

It's going to be a great Super Tuesday. Trump and Clinton running the table. I feel good about both of them taking everything except for TX and VT.


Nice to see the "Hillary Bros." are still bullying people. Ziltoidia 9 is right on about the attitudes of some in this topic. It's not about whether Bernie loses or not, it's about the gleeful abandon to which some of you have desired to blatantly attack fellow Democrats who literally want the same things.

Have you been reading this topic at all? Lots of defaming Bernie, weaponizing LGBT rights, shaming people who are LGBT or really any other minority that support Bernie, denial of what Bernie has accomplished so far and consistent goal-post moving so that denial can be maintained, behavior mirroring Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump's on the right, etc. etc.

I haven't seen any shaming of LGBT people by Clinton supporters. What I have seen is attacks on LGBT people by Sanders supporters.
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