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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump
Rubio somehow managed to tick off Christie while asking for his support:

Efforts to unite warring candidates behind one failed spectacularly: An overture from Senator Marco Rubio to Mr. Christie angered and insulted the governor.


Mr. Christie had attacked Mr. Rubio contemptuously in New Hampshire, calling him shallow and scripted, and humiliating him in a debate. Nevertheless, Mr. Rubio made a tentative overture to Mr. Christie after his withdrawal from the presidential race. He left the governor a voice mail message, seeking Mr. Christie’s support and assuring him that he had a bright future in public service, according to people who have heard Mr. Christie’s characterization of the message.

Mr. Christie, 53, took the message as deeply disrespectful and patronizing, questioning why “a 44-year-old” was telling him about his future, said people who described his reaction on the condition of anonymity. Further efforts to connect the two never yielded a direct conversation.

The GOP establishment is - dare I say it? - feckless:
Despite all the forces arrayed against Mr. Trump, the interviews show, the party has been gripped by a nearly incapacitating leadership vacuum and a paralytic sense of indecision and despair, as he has won smashing victories in South Carolina and Nevada. Donors have dreaded the consequences of clashing with Mr. Trump directly. Elected officials have balked at attacking him out of concern that they might unintentionally fuel his populist revolt. And Republicans have lacked someone from outside the presidential race who could help set the terms of debate from afar.

Kasich's plan: play the delegate game, and capitalize on Rubio's bad press:
Advisers to Mr. Kasich, the Ohio governor, have told potential supporters that his strategy boils down to a convention battle. Judd Gregg, a former New Hampshire senator who had endorsed Jeb Bush, said Mr. Kasich’s emissaries had sketched an outcome in which Mr. Kasich “probably ends up with the second-highest delegate count going into the convention” and digs in there to compete with Mr. Trump.

Several senior Republicans, including Mr. Romney, have made direct appeals to Mr. Kasich to gauge his willingness to stand down and allow the party to unify behind another candidate. But Mr. Kasich has told at least one person that his plan is to win the Ohio primary on March 15 and gather the party behind his campaign if Mr. Rubio loses in Florida, his home state, on the same day.

Romney, still trying to lead the party:
Mr. Romney had been eager to tilt the race, and even called Mr. Christie after he ended his campaign to vent about Mr. Trump and say he must be stopped. On the night of the primary, Mr. Romney was close to endorsing Mr. Rubio himself, people familiar with his deliberations said.

Yet Mr. Romney pulled back, instead telling advisers that he would take on Mr. Trump directly.


Where are the LGBT people being shamed?

A mod did it in another topic,insinuated you can't be affected by LGBT issues and support Bernie then linked to an article about what Hillary has accomplished for the LGBT community while working in Obama's State Department. Happened here much much earlier in response to me criticizing the one-issue criticism that some bring up. I spoke to the person in the second scenario in private but the weaponizing I've seen from Hillary supporters here and elsewhere just upsets me is all.

I haven't seen any shaming of LGBT people by Clinton supporters. What I have seen is attacks on LGBT people by Sanders supporters.

Funny because as someone in the LGBT spectrum I've certainly experienced it from your "side". Here in Gaf and elsewhere on FB, in person, etc.n I have yet to see much of any behavior that the Hillary supporters have pushed onto Bernie ones. Rather it's the reverse in my experience. I do not desire in-fighting but the gleefulness with which some have expressed when insulting their fellow Democrats sickens me. It does not welcome discussion and rather stiffles it.

I have probably interviewed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie more times for more hours than any journalist outside New Jersey. I’ve known him since he started running for governor in 2008. You can understand my shock then when a man who claimed to be serious about public service, who ran on concrete policies and a serious national security platform and who seemed genuinely concerned about an unqualified person becoming president would embrace a know-nothing buffoon like Donald Trump.

oh well. at least christie has reserved himself a seat on morning joe for the next 8 months.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
A mod did it in another topic,insinuated you can't be affected by LGBT issues and support Bernie then linked to an article about what Hillary has accomplished for the LGBT community while working in Obama's State Department. Happened here much much earlier in response to me criticizing the one-issue criticism that some bring up. I spoke to the person in the second scenario in private but the weaponizing I've seen from Hillary supporters here and elsewhere just upsets me is all.

Funny because as someone in the LGBT spectrum I've certainly experienced it from your "side". Here in Gaf and elsewhere on FB, in person, etc.

Which mod?


i can't quite put a finger on it. The dual mode weapons are kinda weird to me. I mostly play Dark Souls 2 for PvP, which isn't as large a component in BB. I'm not at the first boss yet. Maybe it will get better for me once I start leveling up.
I'm stuck on the first boss. Need to keep leveling I guess. This game is crazy


Just put some money down on Cruz to win Texas. Although Trump has a decent chance, Cruz' superior ground game will put him ahead.

And if Cruz loses, then it's money well spent since I'll be so happy that asshole lost and will also destroy any hopes of a last minute nomination steal by Rubio.


Huckabee is hardly the establishment and he was clearly one of the few that always in Trump's pocket like Christie.Remember when he hit up the Trump for vets event with Santorum?

Some of them will support him and many of them won't. Can you really imagine Romney/McCain/and all these guys he's insulted having his back at the convention?
On that NYT article.
Of Mr. Trump, Mr. McConnell has said, “We’ll drop him like a hot rock,” according to his colleagues.
I mean, if McConnell will dump Trump if he is the nominee, then all this SCOTUS posturing is bullshit. If he considers the election a foregone Hillary victory, he will work with Obama to get a Scalia replacement appointed while he is guaranteed to have a majority in the Senate.
I mean, if McConnell will dump Trump if he is the nominee, then all this SCOTUS posturing is bullshit. If he considers the election a foregone Hillary victory, he will work with Obama to get a Scalia replacement appointed while he is guaranteed to have a majority in the Senate.
He probably should push for the stars then if they cave. Get a solid left leaning judge in then. Hold the specter of trump over his head like the Sword of Damocles.


so is this the map Hillary and Trump will be competing for in the fall?

Looks pretty good to me.
hahahahahaha and aren't AA women the biggest voting bloc of the AA vote?

Yes which is why she leads women by 44 points in that poll. XD

Hillary's voters are just fr more likely to vote than Bernie's coalition of people. Who would have thought following the McGovern strategy might not be the smartest thing to do?

It's only 1% but I'm actually surprised Republicans support it more than Democrats do. Dixiecrats?


Nice to see the "Hillary Bros." are still bullying people. Ziltoidia 9 is right on about the attitudes of some in this topic. It's not about whether Bernie loses or not, it's about the gleeful abandon to which some of you have desired to blatantly attack fellow Democrats who literally want the same things.

Have you been reading this topic at all? Lots of defaming Bernie, weaponizing LGBT rights, shaming people who are LGBT or really any other minority that support Bernie, denial of what Bernie has accomplished so far and consistent goal-post moving so that denial can be maintained, behavior mirroring Trump's on the right, etc. etc.

Stop trolling this thread and make specific responses to specific posts.


He's talking about a shinra post that got linked to another thread. Instead of replying to the post he's just been complaining about it since then.

Thanks for misgendering me. I've also pmd y2k on the matter already.

Stop trolling this thread and make specific responses to specific posts.

I have been. And its not trolling to be concerned either about some of the attitudes expressed but thank you for reinforcing it, i guess.


I have been. And its not trolling to be concerned either about some of the attitudes expressed but thank you for reinforcing it, i guess.

It is absolutely trolling to repeatedly post totally vague angry posts complaining about all the other posters that are impossible to respond to. They add nothing to the thread and say nothing about politics except that you're mad at us.

I appreciate, and I think I've responded to, the posts you've made that actually do directly respond to other posts. That's why this post is so annoying!


I honestly don't see anyone else other than Kasich as VP. Reasons why:

- A Republican has never won the Presidency without Ohio

- Kasich is highly popular in Ohio

- Kasich has not attacked Trump and has actually defended him a bit during the debates. Last debate, when asked about Super Tuesday, he said something along the lines of Trump will be doing all the winning

- Has the do-no-harm quality of a VP. I can see him getting along with Trump just fine.

- Good pull on independents

Seriously, seems like a no-brainer to me. Before I thought Rubio could be it, but after his failure to grab Hispanic support and after the last debate, I don't see this anymore. Besides, he will not help Trump win Florida as Trump could do that on his own.
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