Bernie wins Hispanic vote!
https://twitter.com/ryanstruyk/status/703701803146186752Dang. Preliminary exit polls show six in 10 voters are black and six in 10 voters are women in Democratic #SCprimary.
Bernie wins Hispanic vote!
President Kerry disagrees.Exactly, says everything you need to know about entrance/exit polling
The 2016 United States Presidential Election |OT| Nate Silver vs the WorldNate and the pundits are all pushing the "media's being harsh on Rubio" narrative and its getting grating.
Rubio's getting all of his rallies televised. They're not really being that unfair.
Wait, this is going to seem very non-sequitur, but where did I shame LGBT people?
Actually, never mind. This is non-sequitur.
Todays primary is the first to test the Democratic candidates popularity among a large number of black voters: Preliminary exit poll results indicate that blacks account for six in 10 South Carolina Democratic primary voters today, possibly on pace to break the states record, 55 percent in 2008 more than in any other state that year. Blacks this year made up 13 percent of voters in Nevada, where Clinton won them by an overwhelming 76-22 percent; 2 percent in New Hampshire; and 3 percent in Iowa.
Many more voters here are moderates, nearly four in 10, compared with 26 to 28 percent in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada; and far fewer are liberals, about half, compared with seven in 10 in the previous states. That said, the share of liberals in South Carolina is on pace to set a new high in the state in whats been a record year for ideological polarization.
Everything You Need to Know About the South Carolina Democratic Primary
Why Hillary Clinton Has the Upper Hand on Super Tuesday and Beyond
Seven in 10 in these preliminary results want the next president to continue Barack Obamas policies, a new high this year and a strong group for Clinton in earlier states. Among blacks, support for continuing Obamas policies reaches nearly nine in 10. Previous peak support for continuing Obamas polices was 55 percent in Iowa and 50 percent in Nevada, vs. 40 percent in New Hampshire, where Sanders won on the basis of support from voters seeking a more liberal direction. In South Carolina today just two in 10 want policies more liberal than Obamas. It was 42 percent in New Hampshire.
Clinton isnt having as many problems on the honesty front as shes seen elsewhere. More South Carolina voters think Clinton is honest than say so about Sanders more than seven in 10 in her case vs. more than six in 10 in his. In New Hampshire, by contrast, twice as many saw Sanders as trustworthy than said so about Clinton.
In another resume-related question, more than eight in 10 South Carolina Democratic voters want the next president to be someone with experience in politics rather than someone from outside the political establishment. It was a 70-26 percent split on this question in New Hampshire, where experience voters divided 50-50, while outsider voters went for Sanders by a vast 88-8 percent.
Voters under 30, an overwhelmingly strong group for Sanders in earlier contests, account for slightly more than one in 10 South Carolina voters in preliminary exit poll results. That could end up as a new low this cycle; under-30s accounted for 18 or 19 percent in the three previous states, with more than eight in 10 voting for Sanders.
See, I agree.
Trump is nothing more than a cult of personality. You can't attack him on the issues because he has none. His supporters want him, not his policies. Rubio's just flailing like a child hoping something sticks.
Prelim exit polls
All points to a big win for Hillary.
So what's bigger? Hillary win here it Bernie in NH?
Looking very very good. I'm hard right now.
60% AA and 60% women are in line with what we expected, right? Without considering the 76% AA absentee ballot situation.
Ah I see, 55% AA was the previous record.
Bro. Bro.
Me too.
Oh, god, those early entrance poll numbers. OMG.
PLEASE! PLEASE SC. 25 points. Please. PLEASE.
Clinton isnt having as many problems on the honesty front as shes seen elsewhere. More South Carolina voters think Clinton is honest than say so about Sanders more than seven in 10 in her case vs. more than six in 10 in his.
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 1m1 minute ago
Per preliminary exit polls, more than 80% of SC Dems want a candidate with experience, not one "outside the political establishment". Hmm.
blow out baby.Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 2m2 minutes ago
Indeed, there really isn't one bit of bad news for Clinton in the exit poll. Look well on our way to a rout http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live...-primary-exit-poll-analysis/story?id=37241467 …
Wow... That's massive.blow out baby.
Just got a Bernie ad here in Virginia, the first one I have seen
60% black voters would be record breaking in a barely contested primary. I think it would send a clear message
The South will not be feeling the Bern anytime soon
blow out baby.
blow out baby.
Don't even care about these SC results
Its over. Its been over, these just are going to confirm that.
I have no idea how to process the last 48 hours for the GOP though, not shook, just confused.
Chuck Todd ‏@chucktodd 50m50 minutes ago
Both Trump and Clinton to be in FL for Super Tuesday when they give their election night speeches. Trump in Palm Beach and Clinton in Miami
I hope Hillary will ber the last Clinton in the white house, just like Barbara thought the White House had enough Bushes.
I want some new fresh folks and Obama did thanksfully a lot to that.
Damn, this might just be called instantly.
It was always going to be called instantly