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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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You and me? We're bros.

I met her twice, once when I campaigned for her and once when I was volunteering for Obama. I love that woman. I legitimately love her. She's so damn smart and clever and....she's Hermione. She's Hermione Granger.

I'm going to do whatever it takes to meet her again this cycle!
I believe I congratulated you in the past for this but my god that is still so awesome! I hope to meet her one day too. I've always admired her from when I was a wee child in the 90's and she remains one of my favorite politicians and people. Reading that buzzfeed article from a while ago certainly solidified my feelings and made me feel even more for her.


Thank you B-Dubs for the link a few weeks ago!
I'm in NY lol. The groom is one of my best friends. At least half his family is conservative though, and not weed friendly.

Ah, no fun then. I got into a good family that's on the Hillary train. I smoke dabs with her dad once and awhile. I think I did alright.

You can still find the good half. Hope is not lost.
I believe I congratulated you in the past for this but my god that is still so awesome! I hope to meet her one day too. I've always admired her from when I was a wee child in the 90's and she remains one of my favorite politicians and people. Reading that buzzfeed article from a while ago certainly solidified my feelings and made me feel even more for her.


Thank you B-Dubs for the link a few weeks ago!

I didn't know she was coming and I didn't get a picture or anything.

Of course, until a week ago I didn't own a cell phone...let alone in 2008....

But ya. She's my queen! :D


You and me? We're bros.

I met her twice, once when I campaigned for her and once when I was volunteering for Obama. I love that woman. I legitimately love her. She's so damn smart and clever and....she's Hermione. She's Hermione Granger.

I'm going to do whatever it takes to meet her again this cycle!

Coming back to this, I'm actually jealous of you. I got to say hello to her and Chelsea, it was done in less than 30 seconds. She was working the front two rows or so after the event finished. Sounds like yours was better. The closest I've gotten to Bill was when he had a rally on the Capitol steps here in town and like 70,000 turned out. That was in 96, I believe (I was 14).

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I know. At least I'm self aware.
In a way I wish I could be so enthused for a politician. Even with Bernie I never showed such excitement. I like Bernie more than most politicians and believe in him more than any previously, but he's still human and fallible.

A counselor who has multiple clients that were involved with Occupy told me he's noticed an underlying distrust of government, politicians and people in general between them. I definitely fit that mold, despite thinking government can do a lot of good for the world.
So how is hillary gonna deal with Trump? Dude is gonna unleash dankness upon the American people

I might have to play devil's advocate until November for the tremendous memes
Same way she dealt with Bernie.

Not a Queen. A Khaleesi.

Coming back to this, I'm actually jealous of you. I got to say hello to her and Chelsea, it was done in less than 30 seconds. She was working the front two rows or so after the event finished. Sounds like yours was better. The closest I've gotten to Bill was when he had a rally on the Capitol steps here in town and like 70,000 turned out. That was in 96, I believe (I was 14).

The first time, she was at the office I was volunteering at for about ten minutes with all the volunteers. She shook all of our hands and thanked us for supporting her. Asked us some questions about why we were there/what issues were important to us. Told us how much she appreciated us taking the time to help her, and that whatever happened in the primary she was so grateful that we were sticking with her. She met with the people who were actually getting paid for a bit longer though.

The 2nd time I was calling people for Obama and she came in, again, to thank people for supporting Obama. I only saw her that time, didn't get a second to say hello or anything.

One thing a lot of people mention is how she works the lines EVERY time. She taks the time to do it. She did it tonight, for instance. It's something I respect so much.

My dad was involved in the Democratic party for years in Ohio and (more when I was alive) in Florida. I have a tape somewhere of a speech that he recorded on his tape recorder of Mondale. I save the tape for some unknown reason. Anywhere he could drag me to, he did. Instilled in me the need to be involved, even when you know you're going to lose.


Sanders supporter checking in. Disappointed but not surprised. It doesn't take a statistical model to predict which way this thing is going to end.

Still, I hope Sanders stays until this thing to the bitter end. In 2008 Clinton stayed in after she was eliminated, and it helped her standing in the party. Hopefully Sanders staying in helps promote his ideas in the party. Despite his overwhelming defeat in South Carolina, Sanders did well with people under 30 ................. those that showed up. Those voters are just going to compose more and more of the electorate going forward.

In the meantime, enjoy your victory ClintonGaf :)

And here's to crushing Trump and taking back the Senate! Make Trump the Republican's George McGovern!
In a way I wish I could be so enthused for a politician. Even with Bernie I never showed such excitement. I like Bernie more than most politicians and believe in him more than any previously, but he's still human and fallible.

A counselor who has multiple clients that were involved with Occupy told me he's noticed an underlying distrust of government, politicians and people in general between them. I definitely fit that mold, despite thinking government can do a lot of good for the world.

To be clear, I think Hillary is 100% fallible. I'm mostly sure she's human too. However, I adored her before she was a politician when she was "just" the First Lady. Her becoming a politician was a natural outcropping of that, and perhaps it makes my support a bit easier to understand.

There are things she is 100% wrong on, and I will call her out on them She needs to be kept honest, after all. I just genuinely like her.


Unconfirmed Member
I love that PoliGAF is also drunk GAF. What is everyone working on tonight? I ran out of beer and switched to Bloody Marys.
Haha, crater lake vodka. Is that the one filtered through volcanic rock from the caldera or some dumb ish like that?
Edit: it wasn't bad vodka iirc, I just thought the gimmick was lame.
The way the GOP has given Trump a free pass until this week is amazing. If you do even a little digging into his record its full of things that would kill anyone else. I get that he has a base of around 20% of the Republican vote that will be there until the bitter end but everyone else should be shunning him.

I just saw on twitter, a story about him being in favor the Chinese government crushing the Tiananmen student protest in '90. What kind of person does that?

Trump in 1990:

When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world.

The way the GOP has given Trump a free pass until this week is amazing. If you do even a little digging into his record its full of things that would kill anyone else. I get that he has a base of around 20% of the Republican vote that will be there until the bitter end but everyone else should be shunning him.

I just saw on twitter, as story about him being in favor the Chinese government crushing the Tiananmen student protest in '90. What kind of person does that?

Trump in 1990:

When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world.


Honestly, considering how he's running as the fascist campaign, this story is probably helpful among his fans.

But yeah, Hillary will blow a hole through him in the general with all this stuff.


All this talk about fine drinking and I'm the one over here mixing vodka & Red Bull.

I've just been drinking a black cherry soda. That's fancy for me.

Then again, I don't "drink" drink, so it really doesn't get much fancier. Though I have a sparkling cider I'm saving for Super Tuesday!

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Haha, crater lake vodka. Is that the one filtered through volcanic rock from the caldera or some dumb ish like that?
Edit: it wasn't bad vodka iirc, I just thought the gimmick was lame.
I don't think so. This is just some hot pepper flavored vodka. Makes for a good Bloody Mary.


More and more I feel like Trump will be unable to overcome Hillary even with attacks on her using superpacs. His bigotry and misogyny will effectively nullify anything he does I believe. He's also simply too soft (can't take any heat) and stupid as hell.
I didn't know she was coming and I didn't get a picture or anything.

Of course, until a week ago I didn't own a cell phone...let alone in 2008....

But ya. She's my queen! :D
Mine too!


You joke, but this is the argument MSNBC was making earlier tonight. It was a bit bizarre, but there we are.

Oh believe me, I have heard O'Donnell's crap. He's insufferable. He did actually admit tonight that Sanders doesn't really have a path to victory.
Diaz-Balart’s hosting duties are also now in question at the network, with one senior executive terming his chances of continuing his program beyond another month at “50-50.” Scenarios under review include extending the “Morning Joe” program into Diaz-Balart’s slot or creating a new program hosted by one of “Morning Joe’s” regular personalities.

I watched morning Joe once and this is a terrible decision for a show with as terrible ratings as this.
I'm not really sure SuperPACs are high on the priorities of any voters they're going to be vying for.

If and when it's Clinton v. Trump, a diplomat and stateswoman, and the potential first female President vs. a candidate built on racism, sexism and bigotry, with no experience in government? I mean it may seem overconfident, but I just don't see there being a contest.

Yes, Hillary Clinton is polarizing. I'd fully acknowledge a lot of people may not like her. But when it comes down to who you're going to have running the world's largest economy, commanding the world's strongest military, holding the nuclear codes?

Who in their right mind would pick Donald Trump?
I watched morning Joe once and this is a terrible decision for a show with as terrible ratings as this.

Getting rid of Diaz-Balart? Right after Melissa Harris Parry said "Fuck it"? This really is going to be such a white lineup of programming.

Might as well call it Morningjoe Show NBC instead of MSNBC.
More than anything else, I'm very thankful for Bernie. He helped Clinton with her messaging. Imagine the diablosing going on here if the early stumbles of her campaign happened in the general. They have clearly learned thier lessons and made corrective changes pretty quickly. Im more confident of her now as a candidate.
So when's Bernie dropping out? Really it should be Super Tuesday unless he pulls off a few miracle wins, but I have a feeling he might drag it out more than needed.


I've definitely read a lot of the more libertarian leaning conservatives on Twitter saying they will not be voting for Trump. People will respond to them saying that it will guarantee a Clinton win, and they say they are well aware of that. It definitely seems like Trump's support is really just the hardcore tea party and socially conservative republicans. We'll see, but there's some reason to be encouraged.
Getting rid of Diaz-Balart? Right after Melissa Harris Parry said "Fuck it"? This really is going to be such a white lineup of programming.

Might as well call it Morningjoe Show NBC instead of MSNBC.
They should just poach SE from CNN and have Compassionate Conservatism with SE Cupp. Or two initials one Cupp. Or The Fruit Salad of Their Lives starring Ben Carson. Ben Carson did have an underrated line this week when he said if their weren't terrorist among the Syrian refugees, then that would be Jihadist Malpractice.
I graduated University in 2009, when the recession was at full force, and it took me 5 years to get a decent full time job all the while having my student loan debt raking up interest. That's why I am a Sanders supporter, but I wouldn't just pick someone willie-neely as a single issue candidate. He also represents the social and geopolitical that I and the democratic party has. But because of the economy, how it is structured and the big money in politics, I was supporting him big time over the past 8 years. Its unfortunate he is likely going to loose the primary process, but I hope his message continues and we are able to make strides in fixing the system. With so much money in the hands of so few, and the addition of having the political financing system that we have, we are going to keep losing our abilities to make real changes politically in the future as the concentration of power continues to dwindle down. Hopefully during a Clinton admin we can have some rising stars that can have the torch passed to them after the Obama and both Clinton legacies are over.

It does depress me to see Sanders mocked about his "revolution" by the people that should agree with him mostly. We are going to need strong forces this fall. For me, this was Sanders only chance, hes too old to run again in 2020 if Trump some how wins.


In a way I wish I could be so enthused for a politician. Even with Bernie I never showed such excitement. I like Bernie more than most politicians and believe in him more than any previously, but he's still human and fallible.

A counselor who has multiple clients that were involved with Occupy told me he's noticed an underlying distrust of government, politicians and people in general between them. I definitely fit that mold, despite thinking government can do a lot of good for the world.

I wish American's, Democrats especially, would be more committed to ideas in the electoral process rather than investing so much in personalities. A healthy distrust of politicians would help with that, I think. Too much distrust would be unhealthy, though, because such a level of distrust breeds cynicism and disengagement from the political process.

Maybe distrust isn't the right word - maybe detachment is better: a recognition that politician's interests don't always align even with those who support them, and that's okay, because it's all part of the process.

So when's Bernie dropping out? Really it should be Super Tuesday unless he pulls off a few miracle wins, but I have a feeling he might drag it out more than needed.

As long as he keeps winning at least some states and getting donations, he should stay in - at least until Clinton clinches the nomination. He owes it to the people donating to him, at least. In 2008, Clinton stayed in until she was mathematically eliminated during a primary that was just as acrimonious as this one. Now, barring something completely out of left field, she is going to be the leader of the party and hopefully President. Sanders is too old to run again, but by continuing to do well with young people he demonstrates the popularity of his ideas going forward.
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