My concern is turnout. Not that primary turnout always determines how things will go in the GE but there is quite a gap between parties and the Republicans are just crushing it.
I also think despite how appalling it is that Trump is basically saying what he wants, how he wants... it's like a breath of fresh air for a lot of people. Especially people who do not "get" politics and are not happy with the way things are going.
I know Trump gloats a lot but he has been listing off lots of blue states and swing states as winnable for him. It would be interesting to see what his campaign may be seeing internally.
My theory is most Democrats assume Hilary is a foregone conclusion and are electing to not participate in the process as a result.
I am worried as the Conservative media has their base whipped up into a frenzy. "We need to turn back the clock on the last 7 years."