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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Sounds like you might be more interested in Mr Trump.

Does Trump not drink?

More alcohol cures a hangover. It is known.

I'm not so much hung over as my body is rejecting being alive. :(

Some shitty IBD/TIPP polls

Small Hands 38
Lyin' Ted 31
Gov Basic 19

Queen 45
Socialist Usurper 44


The Dem numbers are basically the same, they had Queen +2 last month. Been a weird set of polls.


S4P is currently on full meltdown mode because Hillary was invited today by Cuomo at the $15/Hr wage law signing and Sanders wasn't.
May I say that, on one hand, this show how important is to build a network of allies and a coalition that supports you. Sanders hasn't play the game and that shows in this kind of things.
It is also true that Hillary supports $15/hr wages in big cities were the cost of living is higher.
However the $15/hr wage is one of the main campaign issues of Sanders and it does look a bit opportunistic to exclude the one candidate that has pushed this for the whole campaign.

Edit: However I can't find any other source that is not Usuncut or S4P. No event is scheduled according to Cuomo's own schedule website. So maybe not? I'm confused. Is S4P freaking out for nothing?
He claims not to because of his brother's alcohol problem.

Well, I respect that, definitely. I think it's good when people know their limits about stuff. I never do drugs because I know I'd easily get addicted. It's why I usually refuse narcotics and the like unless I absolutely have to have them.


Also I've seen this from a lot of Bernie supporters lately. This sentiment that "If we ran the primaries over, he might have won."

Okay, so? Perhaps the same thing would have happened with Ted Kennedy. We'll never know and it's irrelevant.
Hillary probably would have wanted a do over from 2008 as well. Well, she sort of got it, just had to wait 8 years first.

He retroactively won the nomination. 😢

Anyway, early voting in Wisconsin is favoring Sanders i52% vs 39%, according to Emerson latest poll
Great news for Hilldawg. Sounds like the well informed voters who count may break towards her.
S4P is currently on full meltdown mode because Hillary was invited today by Cuomo at the $15/Hr wage law signing and Sanders wasn't.
May I say that, on one hand, this show how important is to build a network of allies and a coalition that supports you. Sanders hasn't play the game and that shows in this kind of things.
It is also true that Hillary supports $15/hr wages in big cities were the cost of life is higher.
However the $15/hr wage is one of the main campaign issues of Sanders and it does look a bit opportunistic to exclude the one candidate that has pushed this for the whole campaign.

Hahaha. That is, actually, kind of shady, and I love it.


S4P is currently on full meltdown mode because Hillary was invited today by Cuomo at the $15/Hr wage law signing and Sanders wasn't.
May I say that, on one hand, this show how important is to build a network of allies and a coalition that supports you. Sanders hasn't play the game and that shows in this kind of things.
It is also true that Hillary supports $15/hr wages in big cities were the cost of living is higher.
However the $15/hr wage is one of the main campaign issues of Sanders and it does look a bit opportunistic to exclude the one candidate that has pushed this for the whole campaign.

Edit: However I can't find any other source that is not Usuncut or S4P. No event is scheduled according to Cuomo's own schedule website. So maybe not? I'm confused. Is S4P freaking out for nothing?

it's true though

how will you bring a progressive revolution with so few friends in congress


Ha... It's doing my heart good to see the same people who were gloating about Bernie stealing delegates in Nevada now PRESSED that Hillary was invited to the $15 per hour signing.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
54% of the time it works every time.


Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 10h10 hours ago
@davidcrockett08 The people he is attracting are overwhelmingly liberal and people upset with Washington establishment/Obama administration.

Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 10h10 hours ago
Biden is more moderate than Clinton. The idea that he would succeeded where Sanders didn't is laughable and insulting to Sanders' campaign.



Can someone explain me the whole Nevada business? American democracy is so freakin bizarre

Hillary got more votes but Bernie got more delegates in the end? How does that work, how do delegates decide their vote actually. I also read that there was a huge number of people not showing up due to schedule mix ups or something?


Can someone explain me the whole Nevada business? American democracy is so freakin bizarre

Caucuses select delegates, those delegates in turn need to show up in several different events before actually voting in the convention.
In Nevada Hillary won the caucus but her delegates failed to show up(it's also possible some of the Hillary delegates switched their votes) and thus Bernie ended up closing the gap between himself and Hillary in terms of delegate totals in Nevada.
There is still more delegates to allocate I believe at the State convention so even this change may be short lived.



Dave Wasserman ‏@Redistrict 11m11 minutes ago
If it's a 2-man race on 1st ballot and Rubio/Kasich/other delegates forced elsewhere, it's a surefire Donald Trump nomination.

Dave Wasserman ‏@Redistrict 22m22 minutes ago
Can anyone tell me why this is anything other than a really dumb first-ballot move by the Cruz campaign?


Caucuses select delegates, those delegates in turn need to show up in several different events before actually voting in the convention.
In Nevada Hillary won the caucus but her delegates failed to show up(it's also possible some of the Hillary delegates switched their votes) and thus Bernie ended up closing the gap between himself and Hillary in terms of delegate totals in Nevada.
There is still more delegates to allocate I believe at the State convention so even this change may be short lived.

But what I don't understand is how each delegate decide to vote based on the Caucas. Just a ratio in terms of votes?

I don't even understand why use delegates in the first place in this day and age where you could just tally up the direct votes and if you have to adjust each state total with a weight coefficient to be representative.


He musty learnt via the back room that if it goes past the first ballot he has no chance and the establishment will back so on else. If that's the case then forcing the issue on the first ballot is his best option - either he forced them to support him and win, or trump wins, goes down in flames and Cruz has 2020 in his back pocket.
But what I don't understand is how each delegate decide to vote based on the Caucas. Just a ratio in terms of votes?

It depends on the state.

On caucus day, they decide this one presiinct is worth 5 delegates. So, if Hillary gets 60% of the vote, and Bernie gets 40%, they split the delegates 3 to 2. The delegate allocations are based on previous year turn out and how blue they are. There's some population calculation in there too. Once they vote, and determine how many delegates each candidate gets at the caucus, they select the 3 Hillary delegates and the 2 Bernie ones. (as well as some alternates).

This goes to the next level, and they do the same thing over again. However, the only people who participate in this caucus are the delegates who were selected earlier. They wittle the number down, and then send those on to the state convention where they narrow it down to however many they'll send to the DNC.
I don't know if any of you live in Indiana but today is the last day to register to vote in the primary.

If you're already registered to vote at all, then you're good. Indiana is an open primary, so you can just choose which ballot you want to cast on election day.


Looks like the SCOTUS made the right decision, unanimously no less, on 1 person 1 vote.

Such a BS case. a representative represents the people in their district regardless of if they can vote or not.


Poppy Harlow just fact checked the shit out of Bernie supporter Bill Press for trying to peddle the Huffington Post Greenpeace numbers.
SCOTUS unanimously says all people count in drawing districts.


Great decision.

Where's Meta?

If I'm reading it right, the case was about whether or not they have to use total population when drawing districts. SCOTUS decided states can but don't have to. So this case isn't a win by any stretch or whatever.
I may have to change my support to Bernie, since I know Hillary is pro-alcohol, and I'm very, very anti alcohol at the moment.
I hate the fact my hangovers have changed. I don't get the headaches and nausea but I get super anxious the next day and just feel slow.it sucks :-(
If I'm reading it right, the case was about whether or not they have to use total population when drawing districts. SCOTUS decided states can but don't have to. So this case isn't a win by any stretch or whatever.
No because voter only districts would violate equal protection clause.

There is some deference but States have to take into account total population as the constitution already requires.

On mobile so can't quote
No because voter only districts would violate equal protection clause.

There is some deference but States have to take into account total population as the constitution already requires.

On mobile so can't quote

"As constitutional history, precedent, and practice demonstrate, a state or locality may draw its legislative districts based on total population. It is permissive, but not mandatory."



aka andydumi
It does say "...States may draw districts to equalize voter eligible population rather than total population."

I think in this case it reinforces that a state can choose to use total or voting population, and they both are appropriate methods if dome correctly.
"As constitutional history, precedent, and practice demonstrate, a state or locality may draw its legislative districts based on total population. It is permissive, but not mandatory."

If I'm reading right Thomas and alitos concurrence is saying what your saying.

Ginsburg sets more flexiblity but seems to say its subject to review and challenges on equal protection. Which alito and Thomas don't seem to hold.

Ginsburg I think would find a voters only drawing in Texas would violated the equal protection of resident aliens, children and non-voters. She specifically mentions them and their interests in her decision.


No Scrubs
If I'm reading right Thomas and alitos concurrence is saying what your saying.

Ginsburg sets more flexiblity but seems to say its subject to review and challenges on equal protection. Which alito and Thomas don't seem to hold.

Ginsburg I think would find a voters only drawing in Texas would violated the equal protection of resident aliens, children and non-voters. She specifically mentions them and their interests in her decision.

So basically this is going to make it's way back up to the court again when someone inevitably sues, using Ginsberg's ruling as a base (to challenge Thomas and Alito).


aka andydumi
So basically this is going to make it's way back up to the court again when someone inevitably sues, using Ginsberg's ruling as a base (to challenge Thomas and Alito).

Yes, but they would have to sue on a voters only approach. Which no one currently uses right?
I still stand by spouses being off limits, but....man if Bernie's wife did as good of a job on their taxes as she did while she was president at Burlington College...maybe there's a reason they're not making their taxes public.
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