when you wake up to a message from that one berniebro on your list who's still bringing up "private prison lobby support" and the TPP
A friend of mine posted a huuuge essay about how much Hillary sucks in response to an image I made about Bernie's flip-flops. It had about two dozen "reasons" why the author (a supposed lifelong Democrat who voted Clinton twice, Kerry and Obama twice - hm, wonder where Gore was?) couldn't bring himself to support Hillary.
Among them the private prison lobby support, the TPP, the fact that Hillary had "no plan to deal with climate change," accusations that she secretly traded arms to countries that donated to Clinton foundation (it's not secret if it's in the public record, dumbass), that she flip flopped on gay marriage and the Iraqi war, the fact that she was on the Walmart board, and that she and Bill had a history of "silencing victims."
Naturally some of this was outright false, some were based on half-truths and some (like Bill's accusers of rape/assault) had no specific examples, and none of them were sourced. Asked my friend if there was any evidence. He just said "It's all independently verifiable, that's not the same as no proof" but conceded and said he'd be "back in about an hour" (this was yesterday) Sure enough actually looking up any of this shit exposed most of it as false, another friend and I both did separate posts debunking or explaining every single item on the guy's list and I haven't heard anything back.
What kills me is being told "it's independently verifiable" and it's like, well clearly you didn't fucking independently verify any of it. You just saw a list of a guy talking shit about Hillary and assumed all of it had to be true because you're already predisposed to not liking her. Which is exactly what the original fucking post was about, that people delude themselves into giving Bernie some messianic status that they ignore the fact that he's flip flopped and lied too.
Hell that same friend defended stuff like his votes of gun control, immigration, the crime bill etc. was like "Yeah, well he voted for those things he didn't like because they also contained things he did like!" Hey look, political positions can be nuanced and couched in grey area! WHO WOULD HAVE FUCKING THOUGHT? But obviously we can't give that same benefit of the doubt to Hillary if she ever takes a bad vote.