would it be wrong to read this as a desperate attempt to praise Lincoln without saying how he helped abolished slavery.
would it be wrong to read this as a desperate attempt to praise Lincoln without saying how he helped abolished slavery.
John Oliver's bit on congressional fundraising was great.
No one seems to be talking about it but I think he did a great job showing the difficulty trying to make good in Washington. I really enjoyed Chris Murphy's honesty on the matter.
Perhaps he doesn't want to piss off the 20% pro Slavery portion of his baseIt is curious how he never specifies what that "vital thing" was.
Holy cow that whole interview really is a mess
Nebraska just went winner take all for its electoral votes. I guess I am OK with this, as long as maine does it as well once they get a governor up with some level of sanity.
EDIT: to be clear, their unicameral just passed the bill. Just needs to be signed, which it will.
Is that threadworthy? I know the whole goddamn OT is sick to the gills of Hillary/Sanders stuff, but that interview is important. More important than some of the bullshit I've made threads about
Bernie has managed to get me from "this guy's okay" to actively pissed off in about six months. That's impressive
Lol that interview read like Hillary-GAF fanfiction. I DONT BUY IT. #ReleaseTheAudios
Get used to seeing maps like this.
Is that threadworthy? I know the whole goddamn OT is sick to the gills of Hillary/Sanders stuff, but that interview is important. More important than some of the bullshit I've made threads about
If the proverbial hell froze over, and he won the nomination. I'd have a difficult time voting for him over a possible Bloomberg entry into the election. I'd still vote for him over Trump though. That interview sealed that notion, as someone in the other thread pointed out, if he knows so little about his passionate subjects, what about the other parts of the presidency?.
How is just now in the primary process that these questions are being asked of him? Or maybe I missed him answering them in this level of specificity earlier?
Perhaps he doesn't want to piss off the 20% pro Slavery portion of his base
Is that threadworthy? I know the whole goddamn OT is sick to the gills of Hillary/Sanders stuff, but that interview is important. More important than some of the bullshit I've made threads about
Same here. And now I know he's... Kind of ignorant. Disappointing. He used to be my favorite politician from my former perception he was honest and well versed in the issues facing the country and world...but no.Bernie has managed to get me from "this guy's okay" to actively pissed off in about six months. That's impressive
Malloy is a big fat mistake.Chris Murphy is a good dude. Much better than the mess that is Dannel Malloy.
Is it threadworthy? Absolutely. Is it worth making the thread? Nope
Because the media has been doing nothing but kissing his entirety of his ass this entire time! Both cheeks, and don't forget the crack!
Because the media has been desperately trying to cover up the act that the man's a hack in order to further the narrative that he's a serious candidate and a threat to Hillary.
That interview was infuriating. Hillary's been getting dogged for specific for her plans since DAY ONE. Meanwhile, Bernie's been getting such thought-provoking questions like, "So, do you hate big banks? Or do you really hate big banks?"
Bernie has managed to get me from "this guy's okay" to actively pissed off in about six months. That's impressive
The idea that he figured he'd just be a message candidate and wasn't prepared for catching on to the extent that he did really makes sense. As a message candidate he's not too bad. The thought of him actually being the nominee? Yikes.
royalan's thread got locked by page three. That Hillary thread from Saturday night got locked in 2 pages. This thread will end the same.
I don't expect it to actually cause any real dialogue. Straight up: I posted it because I think its the sort of thing that more eyes need to be on. Its not really about the conversation, I just want people to see it
I'm not exaggerating how important I find that interview
Again, though, this is his message! How can you be a message candidate and not have even a basic understanding of the legality of your plan? That just doesn't make sense.
I agree that it's thread worthy. I mean, I don't know how ANYBODY could read that interview and not think that Bernie is just way out of his depth, and to my knowledge this is the first time this entire primary that Bernie's been REALLY pressed for specifics, and he totally failed. People need to know that. I agree with Technomancer, this interview is important. That disastrous Trump interview got a thread, and I'd say this interview is worse, because that expectation is that Trump doesn't know up from down. No ol' Bernie.
But, yeah, I don't see the thread making it to page 5.
Don't make it a thread. You'll just piss off Bernie supporters who don't come in this thread. It'll be an endless cycle of garbage until it's locked.
He doesnt have to know every specific about everything. Politicians surround themselves with technocrats who guide them, Every president has.
I mean, does Obama understand the physics behind climate change to its more technical core?
Bernie still has the most solid, fair and honest message.
He doesnt have to know every specific about everything.
As Jamelle Boule Points out this litterall makes it sound like bernie doesn't understand people disagree with him on the merits not just because they're corporate stooges.
He doesnt have to know every specific about everything. Politicians surround themselves with technocrats who guide them, Every president has.
I mean, does Obama understand the physics behind climate change to its more technical core?
Bernie still has the most solid, fair and honest message.
Bernie has managed to get me from "this guy's okay" to actively pissed off in about six months. That's impressive
He doesnt have to know every specific about everything. Politicians surround themselves with technocrats who guide them, Every president has.
I mean, does Obama understand the physics behind climate change to its more technical core?
Bernie still has the most solid, fair and honest message.
Are you Me?
because this is exactly how i feel about him. I'm like one week away from "Fuck Bernie" mode.
He doesnt have to know every specific about everything. Politicians surround themselves with technocrats who guide them, Every president has.
I mean, does Obama understand the physics behind climate change to its more technical core?
Bernie still has the most solid, fair and honest message.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 9m9 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Nathaniel St. Clair
Yeah, a critique of Sanders ≠ an endorsement of HRC.Jamelle Bouie added,
Nathaniel St. Clair @NatStClair
@jbouie Clinton is going to utilize the system to beat it? What's she done in her career to signal that. She is an embodiment of the system.
bouie Retweeted
Brian Sears ‏@TaoSpoons 14m14 minutes ago
@jbouie Starting a movement is one thing. Building it into an organization that lasts and enacts change is something else entirely.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 16m16 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Infinite Cest
*nods*Jamelle Bouie added,
Infinite Cest @incestguy
@jbouie that's not good-faith opposition you fucking idiot, drink bleach
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 16m16 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Eric Deamer
lol no it isn't. it's an argument that you have to know the system to utilize it and beat it.Jamelle Bouie added,
Eric Deamer @ericdeamer
@jbouie Everything you're saying is basically an argument that nothing but establishment, centrist policies should be even tried.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 17m17 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Arvind Ashok
I do, and I think that is vital and necessary. But I do not believe it is sufficient.Jamelle Bouie added,
Arvind Ashok @arvind_ash
@jbouie Do you believe that grassroots movements + revolutionary rhetoric can shift overall discourse/force consideration of ignored issues?
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 18m18 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Eric Deamer
Yep, that's it. That's me, the tepid neoliberal.Jamelle Bouie added,
Eric Deamer @ericdeamer
Or maybe you just don't want to see anything other than tepid neoliberalism succeed? …
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 21m21 minutes ago
And yes, that leads me to be skeptical of claims that the system can be overcome through "tough deals" or "revolution."
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 22m22 minutes ago
My approach to politics can be summed up as "Pluralism is real, opposition is real, and you have to deal with the system as it exists."
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 23m23 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted T.B., Esq.
Yep, that's it. I just hate Bernie Sanders so much.Jamelle Bouie added,
T.B., Esq. @TrillBellichek
@ibflorea @jbouie you seem earnest. Bouie, like so many writers who don't like Sanders, are using strawmen under the guise of pragmatism.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 41m41 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Trevor Railey
Yes.Jamelle Bouie added,
Trevor Railey @Trailey7
@jbouie do you think Sanders' unwillingness to fundraise for the party to this point is a bad thing? Can't implement his policy by himself
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 43m43 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Anthony G
Because Sanders is the only one who replies "political revolution."Jamelle Bouie added,
Anthony G @Anthgn
@jbouie Can say this about every cand, why do i hear it only in regard to Sanders? History of getting bipartisan support on tons of amends.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 48m48 minutes ago
And Bernie Sanders refuses to answer the question of "what do you do next?" If you back him, doesn't this concern in the least?
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 48m48 minutes ago
Maybe it *should* be enough. But in American government as it exists, it isn't. So what do you do next?
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 49m49 minutes ago
And that they are things *privileged* in the American system. So it actually isn't enough to say you'll have "the people" behind you.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 49m49 minutes ago
I am not saying that "Sanders has bad ideas." I am saying, political opposition is a thing. Entrenched interests are a thing.
View conversation 25 retweets 57 likes
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 54m54 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Ben
For the same reason I care about everyone's campaign rhetoric, it matters.Jamelle Bouie added,
Ben @bernie16info
@jbouie why do you seem to only care about his campaign rhetoric and not past history of relatively effective legislating?
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 58m58 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Woke Street Exec
If you want Sanders to accomplish anything maybe he should be pressured for details beyond "political revolution."Jamelle Bouie added,
Woke Street Exec @ActuallyImGood
we all know the 22 yo service industry worker waiting for a strat white paper from Sanders on interest grp oppo to free college @jbouie
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Michael Oman-Reagan
There is so much wrong with this.Jamelle Bouie added,
Michael Oman-Reagan @OmanReagan
This seems to miss the way that opposition to our own best interests is manufactured by the establishment interests. …
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
The price of not dealing with them is seeing good ideas—single-payer health insurance, free college—go down in flames.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
They don't become irrelevant because you have "the people"—a vague, unhelpful concept—on your side. You have to actually deal with them.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
In American Constitutional government, political minorities have a vital say. Interests of all sorts have a say.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
There is a non-trivial chance that Sanders becomes president. We are at the stage where we should take his rhetoric seriously.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Fankoosh
This is dumb.Jamelle Bouie added,
Fankoosh @Fankoosh
@jbouie @rev_avocado many people used to have lots of $ in slaves, was their opposition to abolition reasonable?
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
I see no evidence that Sanders has really reckoned with what happens when millions of well-meaning Americans push their reps to oppose him.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
What people say in an opinion poll says little about how folks will actually react to massive changes in the status quo.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Alex in Brooklyn
Yes, this too. How does Sanders handle the predictable and *reasonable* opposition to his agenda?Jamelle Bouie added,
Alex in Brooklyn @rev_avocado
@jbouie Same on healthcare. Single-payer would suppress provider incomes, lay of 100,000s in the sector. How to deal with that opposition?
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
Is every stakeholder in the status quo a tool of "special interests?"
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted
Will Cubbison ‏@wccubbison 1h1 hour ago
@jbouie clearer example is health care, which he has been asked about by nurses and doctors at town halls and has no answer
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
How would President Sanders suddenly deal with sustained pressure and opposition to his plans for college from many Americans?
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 1h1 hour ago
Does Sanders believe there's such a thing as good faith opposition to his agenda?
Malloy is a big fat mistake.
He better not run again in 2018 because he will lose 100%. Regardless of who it's against IMO. We'll end up with Governer Linda McMahon or something