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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Are we guaranteed a brokered convention with this Cruz victory?

I want the Republican party to limp into November broken and divided

Of course it wouldn't make a difference if the Sandernistas decide to throw a temper tantrum at the voting booth

Well expert predictions on avoiding a convention had Trump taking 25 tonight. So yeah, this was a huge blow and really seems unlikely to avoid now.


I just realized that Rubio totally disappeared.

Like, totally disappeared. Probably more than all the others that dropped out even earlier?


Same. Never have hated a politician as much, wtf lol how does he inspire this shit in me

You know, I'm of the opinion, (naive as it is) that most of the GOP don't really give a shit about the platform they support, they just want to stay in power and if pretending to care about stupid bullshit like gay marriage and abortion does so, hey!

Cruz is undoubtedly at true believer, and that what makes him so dangerous.


Wow. A real, legit convention fight in my lifetime! To say I'm psyched would be putting things mildly.

I hope that Trump's chances of finishing just thiii{-----------}iiiis short of 1237 are still decent.



Cruz has the least-chantable name ever.

It just kinda-sorta sounds like cavepeople when they start the whole "Cruz Cruz Cruz" thing.
The issue is twofold.

1.) Gun manufacturers should not be held liable unless their negligence lead to it.
2.) They don't need special laws to protect them, as the current framework already does.

Sanders supports the extra laws.

If they are more likely to be hit with lawsuits due to the nature of their wares, it does not necessarily seem unreasonable to me that they would have an extra layer of protection from potential judicial activism. Then again, I'm a Dem who cares very little about the gun issue.


I don't want to listen to Cruz until November out of principle.

I'd rather have Trump fuckery.

No strong priors on which one is easier to beat.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
If they are more likely to be hit with lawsuits due to the nature of their wares, it does not necessarily seem unreasonable to me that they would have an extra layer of protection from potential judicial activism. Then again, I'm a Dem who cares very little about the gun issue.

I see it as a cost of doing business. Right now their best bet at getting a lawsuit to go forward is over their marketing.


No Scrubs
If they are more likely to be hit with lawsuits due to the nature of their wares, it does not necessarily seem unreasonable to me that they would have an extra layer of protection from potential judicial activism. Then again, I'm a Dem who cares very little about the gun issue.

The thing is, when the law suits were going through the end goal was about making guns safer. The idea was that if they can't control the spread of guns, they could at least make them safer and reduce the risk. For example, they made manufacturers use better safeties on their guns. If gun lawsuits were still able to be done, they'd be trying to get those fingerprint locks in as standard.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I find it hilarious that a majority of Cruz/Kasich voters still say the guy with the most delegates going in to the convention should get the nomination, and yet the RNC will still rip it away from Trump.

I'm not happy about Cruz being a GE candidate. Frightening.

User 406

A good situation would be for Trump to go into the convention with a clear plurality, and not get the nom. A big chunk of his already anti-establishment supporters go fuck you GOPe, and sit out for the general. If the entire party is tainted by not giving the vote winner the nomination, that should help depress downticket support.




Choo Choo Choo Choo Choo

Hillary... Here we come!

The current Bernie lead has his four delegates below the 538 target.
Thanks, but I was asking a much dumber question. PA is the Penn. shorthand, right? lol

If it stays under 10, then Bernie's not having a good night (I mean, he needs like 18, but still). And please let Trump get super duper close to 1237 but not hit it. Him at 1236 is a wet dream.

it ain't staying under 10, but it definitely isn't getting back over about 12-13


Results are a mess, I don't understand anything. First Bernie is going to win by 10, then 15, then 20, then 5, then 12. Are we pulling these from a lava lamp random generator.
God Dammit Wisconsin, why Rebecca Bradley? Shes a fucking Walker surrogate. I dont know why people still support him, he tanked our economy. FUCK!
I have a feeling the ratio/margin is going to be almost equal to the primary turnout numbers for each party. More GOP voters total = there you go.
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