But this entire primary is covered in populist shit! Who knows what the rules are anymore? The only rule that seems to stick is Optics Matter.
We've seen 15 Republican candidates be wiped out and an entire party be thrown in shambles for not taking Trump seriously, ignoring him, and letting him play up his "Tough" brand.
I think this is exactly the wrong lesson to take away from Trump.
The message of Trump isn't that Trump is so smart he was able to destroy the GOP.
The message of Trump is that the GOP is such a decaying, incapable party that it was destroyed by Donald Trump.
Again, the GOP primary base is by no means representative of the general election base. That's why the polls are all showing that Trump is a terrible candidate that will get clobbered. Most Americans don't want to elect a "tough," loud racist as president.
Which would be hitting him on something thats not true
And now we're linking to the Daily Caller.
I'm really not sure how much further we can go in pursuit of terribly sourced material that defends whatever position we're holding. Random 4chan threads? PhoenixDark's blog?