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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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"Come Thy Bigot" (to the tune of "Come Thy Fount")
Come thy bigot, Mississippi, keep your people in the past; we're forever fine with 50, we take pride in being last
Keep your roads, your books and bridges, give us bibles, guns and deer; brother Phil said "plant your roots, boy, unless you're liberal or queer"
Mississippi, Mississippi, state of hospitality, just as long as you subscribe to, our strict brand of morality; in case you can't hear past the hatred, let us make it loud and clear, if you're not Protestant or racist, we don't really want you here.

From a friend's facebook. We liberal Mississippians are salty af right now

User 406



"Yeah, we had dibs on destroying the Democratic party!"

Alternate joke:

Typical Hillary, once again stealing Bernie's policy goals and claiming she came up with them.


Not really. This theory has been crazy since it was first announced. This isn't like The Producers, where he's accidentally doing everything right. It would be trivially easy to torpedo your own Presidential campaign if you wanted to.
Except you now have strategists and people who worked with him in Trump Tower not only saying he never thought he'd get this far, but also that he really doesn't want it and never really did. He just wants to stroke his ego and polish the brand so he can have a bigger celebrity platform. It's not the craziest explanation for his behavior.

For all we know maybe he did try to do things to get out of the race by increasingly making more controversial statements, only to find that such statements kept making him stronger.

I'm playing devils advocate here but I do think this is all within the realm of possibility. Trump is rich and can live how he wants, he won't care for even a second that he trolled the electorate and hurt a major national party.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Actually I only found two quin polls for completed states

Ohio Hillary +5 (Hillary +14)
Florida Hillary +26 (Hillary +31)

Am I missing any or did I calculate wrong?


Except you now have strategists and people who worked with him in Trump Tower not only saying he never thought he'd get this far, but also that he really doesn't want it and never really did. He just wants to stroke his ego and polish the brand so he can have a bigger celebrity platform. It's not the craziest explanation for his behavior.

For all we know maybe he did try to do things to get out of the race by increasingly making more controversial statements, only to find that such statements kept making him stronger.

I'm playing devils advocate here but I do think this is all within the realm of possibility. Trump is rich and can live how he wants, he won't care for even a second that he trolled the electorate and hurt a major national party.

This has never made sense though because if Trump really wanted to torpedo his campaign, there are plenty of statements he could make that are actually toxic within the GOP.

"Gays are AWESOME!"

"Planned Parenthood? I think they should be doing MORE abortions. *micdrop*"

"The military's rent is too goddamn high!"

"I mean, if you really think about it, do you really need all those guns? Really?"



This has never made sense though because if Trump really wanted to torpedo his campaign, there are plenty of statements he could make that are actually toxic within the GOP.

"Gays are AWESOME!"

"Planned Parenthood? I think they should be doing MORE abortions. *micdrop*"

"The military's rent is too goddamn high!"

"I mean, if you really think about it, do you really need all those guns? Really?"


I am kinda curious to see how far he could get with platforms that go against conservative values. When he said that we need to approach the Israel Palestine conflict as neutral instead of completely defending Israel, I thought that would sink him but it didn't.


The funny thing about the Panama Papers is that American politicians are mostly not showing up in them because you can get the same tax treatment in Delaware.


I'm waiting for the polls that come out after the media and the Clinton have had time to run that disastrous Daily News article into the dirt.

A recent black podcast I listen to was even talking about it, which surprised me.
Is it me or is the Sanders campaign trolling at this point with the hopes of getting under Clinton's skin and having her make a mistake or two? I swear this is all just bait.

As tempting as it would be to nuke Sanders, she needs to continue holding out on going negative until after the next set of primaries. After NY and PA are wrapped she is free to do whatever she wants IMO.


Is it me or is the Sanders campaign trolling at this point with the hopes of getting under Clinton's skin and having her make a mistake or two? I swear this is all just bait.

As tempting as it would be to nuke Sanders, she needs to continue holding out on going negative until after the next set of primaries. After NY and PA are wrapped she is free to do whatever she wants IMO.

I trust Clinton and Mook know how to win NY and will do whatever they need to to do it. If that means going negative (or as the Sanders team would say character contrasts) so be it.


Is it me or is the Sanders campaign trolling at this point with the hopes of getting under Clinton's skin and having her make a mistake or two? I swear this is all just bait.

As tempting as it would be to nuke Sanders, she needs to continue holding out on going negative until after the next set of primaries. After NY and PA are wrapped she is free to do whatever she wants IMO.

I agree with this. She is winning, no reason to punch down.

I am worried about his campaign becoming more irrational and doing damage to the party or the nominee.

It's unfortunate but I don't see Sander's moving to nominate Hillary by acclimation or kicking off the GE with an event in Unity, NH or anything unifiying like that.

I don't know of any evidence of Sander's campaigning for anyone else besides himself. I think the best we can hope for is he walks away more or less.
I agree with this. She is winning, no reason to punch down.

I am worried about his campaign becoming more irrational and doing damage to the party or the nominee.

It's unfortunate but I don't see Sander's moving to nominate Hillary by acclimation or kicking off the GE with an event in Unity, NH or anything unifiying like that.

The president will help with unity. No need for the bitter old man.
I'm sure rural Canadians love being told they're a drain by wealthy, out-of-touch Vancouverites just as much as Americans love having their own politics explained by those same Vancouverites.
GAF, why on gods name am I seeing Scott Walkers name being floated for a contested convention all f a sudden? I thought we had left his derpitude behind.


Is it me or is the Sanders campaign trolling at this point with the hopes of getting under Clinton's skin and having her make a mistake or two? I swear this is all just bait.

As tempting as it would be to nuke Sanders, she needs to continue holding out on going negative until after the next set of primaries. After NY and PA are wrapped she is free to do whatever she wants IMO.
Wishful thinking.

Plus we always say after the next set of states or what have you, Bernie is finally done. Never happens though.

Really worried that Devine is going to push Bern over the edge and make him try to blow up the party with an independent bid.


Wishful thinking.

Plus we always say after the next set of states or what have you, Bernie is finally done. Never happens though.

Really worried that Devine is going to push Bern over the edge and make him try to blow up the party with an independent bid.

Agreed. That's the only real concern I have. Bernie's advisors have made it out to be us vs them to such a degree that I can see Bernie buying into and losing any perspective of the broader race. I guarantee that Weaver and Devine will start waffling on whether or not Bernie will run as an independent.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If he takes it to the convention I don't think he will have time to get on every ballot anyway. Running as an independent will cost Bernie his senate functions btw so I doubt it.


Brian Fallon is hitting Sanders for the interview on CNN right now and Hillary hit on it this morning on Joe. They're definitely going to hammer this hard going forward.


Also Devine, while inept, likes making money while being inept. He'd never get another job.

Why isn't the tax inversion and subsequent scuttling of the Pfizer Allergan merger a bigger deal?

Edit... Bowdz, it's caught on more than I thought it would.
Quin was one of the most accurate polls in Iowa and NH. After that I lost track of them.

I think it makes sense Clinton is going negative and attacking Sanders democrat credentials, since most upcoming battles are closed primaries.

I dont think the interview will damage him a lot, I have seen moslty Clinton supporters running around with it as the Prometeus fire, but nothing outside of political geeks. Maybe if Clinton brings it up during the debate.


Also Devine, while inept, likes making money while being inept. He'd never get another job.

Why isn't the tax inversion and subsequent scuttling of the Pfizer Allergan merger a bigger deal?

Edit... Bowdz, it's caught on more than I thought it would.

I'm hoping Hillary starts bringing it up more. It is the perfect issue to use to tie herself to Obama. If she is seen as the candidate who will best continue Obama's policies, this is the perfect way to praise Obama's work and highlight her populist leanings.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Also Devine, while inept, likes making money while being inept. He'd never get another job.

Why isn't the tax inversion and subsequent scuttling of the Pfizer Allergan merger a bigger deal?

Edit... Bowdz, it's caught on more than I thought it would.

It's a HUGE deal. No one is talking about it!!!! Except me.
Wishful thinking.

Plus we always say after the next set of states or what have you, Bernie is finally done. Never happens though.

Really worried that Devine is going to push Bern over the edge and make him try to blow up the party with an independent bid.
Why take Weaver's comments so seriously? He's playing a game he knows will end soon. And it's not like Sanders can create an independent bid in the summer. The vast majority of states have sore loser laws in place to prevent the type of bid he'd run.

Same applies to Trump, but at least Trump has the option to drop out now and win the Constitution party nomination which will get him on ballots. That might be a better idea than going to the convention, where Cruz essentially has a political coup ready.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Quin was one of the most accurate polls in Iowa and NH. After that I lost track of them.

I think it makes sense Clinton is going negative and attacking Sanders democrat credentials, since most upcoming battles are closed primaries.

I dont think the interview will damage him a lot, I have seen moslty Clinton supporters running around with it as the Prometeus fire, but nothing outside of political geeks. Maybe if Clinton brings it up during the debate.

I don't see any quin polls in NH dear


Quin was one of the most accurate polls in Iowa and NH. After that I lost track of them.

I think it makes sense Clinton is attacking Sanders democrat credentials, since most upcoming battles are closed primaries.

I dont think the interview will damage him a lot, I have seen moslty Clinton supporters running around with it as the Prometeus fire, but nothing outside of political geeks. Maybe if Clinton brings it up during the debate.

The Clinton campaign is hammering on it pretty hard across the networks, so it has at least some traction. I agree that it probably won't damage him, but if they can get this to at least stay in the headlines, then it puts him on the defensive. I could see that indirectly affecting him, since Bernie is strongest when he's on the attack. Tho given that he's going to win WY on Saturday, that could bury the story

User 406

lmao they're rebranding the Scalia Law School again to Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University

Too late. It will be forever known as Asslaw. Shit, even just leaving it as ASLaw is enough for the shorthand. A fitting tribute to the one of the biggest assholes who ever sat on the bench.


It's a HUGE deal. No one is talking about it!!!! Except me.

Well yes, but your a sleazy wall Street type and are only perpetrating fraud.

For how much conspiracy bullshit gets posted in random threads, changing tax laws to prevent inversions and specifically targeting this on is pretty... Interesting.

I also expected more outrage from the GOP, but I guess it was populist enough for them to just accept the tyrant Obama changing rules

I don't see any quin polls in NH dear

That's why they were so accurate!
#occupyCNN clearly worked.

On the interview re:jibber jabber word salad:
There were other related exchanges. They were not encouraging.

For Sanders’ supporters, I suspect the response is that the senator is leading a revolution by emphasizing broad themes and identifying systemic crises. Presidents don’t need to know a lot of specific details, the argument goes, so much as they need to establish clear goals.

For Sanders’ detractors, meanwhile, it’s likely this interview was evidence that Sanders’ understanding of major issues is, at best, superficial. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are technocratic wonks, fluent in granular policy details on a wide range of issues, and Sanders just isn’t in their league when it comes to knowledge, preparation, and breadth of expertise.

Obviously, observers will make up their own minds about the significance of the interview. But as an objective matter, Sanders is just now facing the kind of questions he’s avoided for months: there’s no doubt the senator has a clear vision and the ability to inspire his supporters to follow his lead, but how much does he know about implementing his goals? Sanders can paint beautifully with a broad brush, but how prepared is he when it comes to the unglamorous work of governing?

If the senator and his campaign have good answers to these questions, now would be an excellent time to offer them.

a mess, a kii, a cackle!
I'm kind of curious as an avowed supporter whether that interview gives you the slightest of pause. Or rather more so than just the interview, the broader issues it highlights with Sanders as a presidential candidate and/or President.


I think Clinton can leverage off the Daily News story to pivot into a very legitimate discussion about Bernie's policies without being perceived as being overly negative.

That said, she needs to be careful as it's very difficult for women to go negative. For instance, despite her political experience, she was still perceived as 'Shrillary' during the 2008 Primary when she went negative.
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