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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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like yeah, no shit rural voters are gonna 'vote against their interests', because the alternative is sharing a voting preference with a walking cloud of smug

(and that's a phrase that i really think characterizes the kind of person who unironically says shit like "why count rural votes" or "why count red states")
As someone who already has his votes ready to be thrown away in the GE because of how red Idaho bleeds, I love the implication that I shouldn't even have any sort of voice in the party.
As someone who already has his votes ready to be thrown away in the GE because of how red Idaho bleeds, I love the implication that I shouldn't even have any sort of voice in the party.

Sanders won Idaho so that counts. In fact it counts for more since it means he has cross party appeal.


Personally, Hillary's ambition is one of the things I most like about her.

On the other hand, Hilary's ambition did give rise to the usage of fight song as her anthem


I don't get it, who wouldn't have an ambition to be President if they're running for President?

It seems they might be in the wrong field if they don't have that ambition.


I mean it 's New York.
The city is the world's melting pot. It doesn't mater your race, religion, what language you speak or what food you eat. It doesn't mater what your accent is or even if you speak English at all. Whatever the reason that brings you to the city: war, love, work, studies, sport, poverty, dreams, ambition. If you live there and you decide to call New York your home, then you are a New Yorker (if you want). This is NY we are talking about. The whole city was build upon generations and generations of adopted 'NEW YORKERS'.

I find ridiculous that we have online 'la migra' squads asking for papers for calling yourself a New Yorker. It's snob, pretentious, a little bit fascist and frankly insulting to 37% of New yorkers that were not born in the city. No one here gets to tell them or any of the persons arriving to the city tomorrow that they don't get to call themselves New Yorker if they want. Just Stop.
His goal was to drag Clinton to the left when it came to Wall Street electorally, and he has at least in the primary. Sanders should be ecstatic about what he has accomplished, IMO.
Her plan on Wall St regulation was released in like October 2015. I'm not particularly aware of it having been changed since. An earlier article in like June or July highlighted her extensive policy development process. Which is probably why it is more comprehensive than his, in that it actually talks about things that he doesn't even seem aware of and isn't just 8.5 bullet points. While she's resisting the left flank's pointless infatuation with Glass-Steagall.

So I'm not sure in what way he's pulled her policy towards his.


I mean it 's New York.
The city is the world's melting pot. It doesn't mater your race, religion, what language you speak or what food you eat. It doesn't mater what your accent is or even if you speak English at all. Whatever the reason that brings you to the city: war, love, work, studies, sport, poverty, dreams, ambition. If you live there and you decide to call New York your home, then you are a New Yorker (if you want). This is NY we are talking about. The whole city was build upon generations and generations of adopted 'NEW YORKERS'.

I find ridiculous that we have online 'la migra' squads asking for papers for calling yourself a New Yorker. It's snob, pretentious, a little bit fascist and frankly insulting to 37% of New yorkers that were not born in the city. No one here gets to tell them or any of the persons arriving to the city tomorrow that they don't get to call themselves New Yorker if they want. Just Stop.
While all of it is true, looking down on anyone that came to NYC 5 minutes you after is also a very New York thing to do.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

This actually does make it look like Vermont is punching above its weight in contributing to guns appearing in New York. On an absolute basis, it's obviously not the biggest source (or even a "big" source). But Pennsylvania has 20x the population of Vermont (12.79MM to 626M) and yet Pennsylvania only sends over 6.7x as many guns. It would appear to me that Vermont actually is way outsized here.



What the fuck is this?

Is he saying this out of concern it is he threatening a split? What an asshole.

And last time I checked you need ambition to become President.
Watching Futurama, and right now it's S9E3, Decision 3012.

Although it was about the Obama campaign, it's still scarily relevant.



Who could forget this marvelous fence.

They also built a wall around earth made of Diamondillium.. Should have gone with Diamondium.

i'll give Azzanadra credit for one thing as a Canadian trying to talk about the American political system - at least they're not Tabris

Seriously.. Don't do that. He searches for when his name is talked about. He is like goddamn beetlejuice.


They also built a wall around earth made of Diamondillium.. Should have gone with Diamondium.


Seriously.. Don't do that. He searches for when his name is talked about. He is like goddamn beetlejuice.

Hey man, I just look at a thread I posted in and people happen to reply to me... what's wrong with that? Sounds like standard practice on any forums.

Anyways, in regards to that tweet by Chalian, first of all she's an establishment candidate so if anything she's helping her homeboys. Problem is, modern day Democrats are to the the right of the Conservative party here, and that's not a compliment. Though her ambition did always rub me off the wrong way, kind of like Carcetti from The Wire. Will promise all of these things, how he's going to be the *real change*, then turns out to be a shit mayor.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Hey man, I just look at a thread I posted in and people happen to reply to me... what's wrong with that? Sounds like standard practice on any forums.

Anyways, in regards to that tweet by Chalian, first of all she's an establishment candidate so if anything she's helping her homeboys. Problem is, modern day Democrats are to the the right of the Conservative party here, and that's not a compliment. Though her ambition did always rub me off the wrong way, kind of like Carcetti from The Wire. Will promise all of these things, how he's going to be the *real change*, then turns out to be a shit mayor.

We already got rid of Carcetti. Are you basing this comparison on reality or your gut?



That statement about rural Canada is hilarious considering Alberta bankrolled the rest of the country for the last decade.

And now they are a drain on our economy. We can do without the ebb and flow of commodity based economics. Bring on the 4th industrial age in Canada.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I have an incredibly hard time believing any poll that has Cruz tying Clinton in PA in a general election matchup. Not a chance in the world.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm really looking forward to Hillary's team unleashing the barrage of anti-Cruz ads during the GE campaign. He is easily the most far-right GE candidate we'll have had in 30 years.
Sam Wang has his predictions up for Clinton and Trump's odds at having majorities going in to the convention. Both are sitting at a cozy >95%. Let's hope he's right. He's always been my favorite of the prognosticators.
That seems really high on trump. Is it based on California margins?

Not sure. Of all the people I follow, Wang has been the most confident on Trump. I expect a write up soon explaining why. He's been confident about it for a while. When Trump was having his terrible, awful, no good, very bad week, Wang just kept saying that nothing had changed.
Hey man, I just look at a thread I posted in and people happen to reply to me... what's wrong with that? Sounds like standard practice on any forums.

Anyways, in regards to that tweet by Chalian, first of all she's an establishment candidate so if anything she's helping her homeboys. Problem is, modern day Democrats are to the the right of the Conservative party here, and that's not a compliment. Though her ambition did always rub me off the wrong way, kind of like Carcetti from The Wire. Will promise all of these things, how he's going to be the *real change*, then turns out to be a shit mayor.
Not you.. (Sorry i wasn't clear) I meant..


And now they are a drain on our economy. We can do without the ebb and flow of commodity based economics. Bring on the 4th industrial age in Canada.

You see Ebay.. You see. Don't do that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Not sure. Of all the people I follow, Wang has been the most confident on Trump. I expect a write up soon explaining why. He's been confident about it for a while. When Trump was having his terrible, awful, no good, very bad week, Wang just kept saying that nothing had changed.
I agree with that though. Even last night trump still got 35%. Still. His base is unshakeable. We knew he wouldn't consolidate Rubio votes; the question is if his base + regional modifiers can get him a majority of the delegates if Cruz is consolidating votes.

Kasich bomba
I agree with that though. Even last night trump still got 35%. Still. His base is unshakeable. We knew he wouldn't consolidate Rubio votes; the question is if his base + regional modifiers can get him a majority of the delegates if Cruz is consolidating votes.

Kasich bomba

Yeah. Playing around with NYT's Delegate Calculator, if you try to match the vote shares to current polling, it really paints a clear picture of what people have been saying all along. Provided Kasich stays about where he is, Trump has a good shot at closing the deal on the seventh.


Trump's got a shot at sweep or near-sweep in NY which would put him back on track. > 50% in any congressional district gets him all the delegates for that district and probably anything else he'll win 2 to 1. Statewide at-large win is a lock.

He's probably going to beat the 538 targets if he just matches his polling, so he's going to make up some ground.


Wow 13% does not look good on Hillary. She should've scheduled some debates after March 15th and should've gone after him hard. This is just going to prolonge this ridiculous race even more.

Not really. Despite winning, Sanders didn't hit his target. So he now needs to win every state by more than what he did before this. You'll hear a bunch of shit about momentum but that was going to happen anyway. If he lost you'd just hear "six months ago we were 50 points behind and look at how far we've come! Donate now!" and it would've had the same result
Do you think the rumors about Trump not really wanting the nomination are true?

Not really. This theory has been crazy since it was first announced. This isn't like The Producers, where he's accidentally doing everything right. It would be trivially easy to torpedo your own Presidential campaign if you wanted to.
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