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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Maryland WaPo

Clinton 55 (+12)
Sanders 40 (+20)



Someone needs to really study this money making machine that Sanders built.
It is really awe inspiring and I'm not being sarcastic at all, it is by all metrics extremely impressive.
There is a bit of Kickstarter flair, but what caught my attention is the whole 'gamification' aspect of it. The whole 'who can match me' dare that they do is fascinating from a social trend perspective.

There is also an aspect of augmented reality game, where they tie real events to improvised massive push for donations. 'I didn't enjoyed this interview let's donate 10$ who is with me?'. 'I'll donate 1$ for every home our team canvas today'.

I know it's a nerdy thing (and it must be because this is closely related to my field of work) but I'll sure would love to have more insights on this phenomena.


Maryland WaPo

Clinton 55 (+12)
Sanders 40 (+20)


Every other pollster has her up much more by at least 20%.

Does WaPo has any specific breakdowns in their poll that would give a good reason for those numbers?

Maryland is mostly rich whites, government employees and AA (30% in fact) and most importantly, home to the richest AA county In the country.

And she won VA by almost 30%. NoVA and Maryland vote almost in tandem in big elections.
I really hope SNL nails Bernie for his recent bullshit.

Blast that Clinton campaign for making our candidate give a horrid NYDN interview!!!

And for making him say something as breathtakingly stupid as "she is unqualified cuz of a really dumb and unrealistic metric that fits my narrative.
Seriously though, the lack of Trump news lately is weirding me out. He used to have some stupid headline grabber every few days, but it's been so quiet.

seriously this is every fucking ad on the tv now

"I'm the more conservative god loving gay hating guy who loves the troops and thinks obama is satan"

this is hell kill me


Welp I decided to check facebook to see what the hardcore Bernie supporters have been saying.

I guess I can add UsUncut to the list of Bernie-focused blogs that are hilariously biased while claiming they aren't part biased at all.

Part of me wants to know where a lot of that fundraising money is going...

Regardless, his hardcore supporters will keep seeing him as a christ like figure and refuse to admit fault.

Part of that money is definitely going towards paying of that 25k-60k credit card debt he's racked up.

seriously this is every fucking ad on the tv now

"I'm the more conservative god loving gay hating guy who loves the troops and thinks obama is satan"

this is hell kill me

Todd Young is using the Josh Mandel playbook.

When does he start to insinuate that his Democratic opponent is a secret Muslim?
Oh, that's good.

IMO, the best thing she can do right now is treat Bernie's attacks a laughable and pathetic. Attacking in kind is not going to help her.

At this point nobody really cares. If anything most people are sick of the back-and-forth from both sides. Only the hardcore are fretting over this stuff, if they haven't lost their appetite already.
Nah. She just said he's "fundamentally not American."

Did she say that herself? My recollection is that came from Mark Penn in a leaked strategy memo but in terms of public statements the campaign mostly operated through innuendo (of course some of her supporters were happy to make it more explicit). Honestly, the fact that Penn has nothing to do with the Clinton campaign this time around is a significant factor in why I'm supporting her this time.

Honestly by the end of the 2008 primary I was downright angry with Hillary. I try to keep the acrimony of that primary season in mind every time Bernie/Weaver/Devine says something stupid. I still think he deserves criticism for crossing the line of flat out saying she's unqualified, but I'm not going to diablos over Bernie going scorched earth after she's the nominee. He'll give her a tepid endorsement and head back to the Senate to lecture his colleagues. I don't expect him to really actively campaign for Hillary because that would require him to actually put real effort towards getting someone other than himself elected and he's never shown much willingness to do that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Now that American idol is ending I have to suggest this

Has anyone seen Taylor hicks since Bernie started running

I haven't
I don't see why it has to be hypocritical to slam Bernie on the unqualified comments. Hilary was awful near the end of her campaign in 08 and just because she was awful then doesn't mean that Bernie can't be criticized now. Hilary obviously learned from that campaign and has been soft as he'll on Bernie this election up especially considering his constant attacks

Also yes DWS is terrible. We can all rally around this.
I guess my response is that has hillary railed against the changes? DWS seems to have a slight hillary bias as well (or rather an anti sanders bias which is understandable given he doesnt contribute to the victory fund which I think is pretty questionable given how it seems to allow lobbyist/bundled money to finance campaigns leading to conflicts of interest).


I don't see why it has to be hypocritical to slam Bernie on the unqualified comments. Hilary was awful near the end of her campaign in 08 and just because she was awful then doesn't mean that Bernie can't be criticized now. Hilary obviously learned from that campaign and has been soft as he'll on Bernie this election up especially considering his constant attacks

And this is everyone ignoring how Bernie portrayed how he wanted to run his campaign.


No Scrubs
I guess my response is that has hillary railed against the changes? DWS seems to have a slight hillary bias as well (or rather an anti sanders bias which is understandable given he doesnt contribute to the victory fund which I think is pretty questionable given how it seems to allow lobbyist/bundled money to finance campaigns leading to conflicts of interest).

I don't think she has an anti-Sanders bias. She's incompetent for sure, but it's not her fault Bernie isn't doing well.
I don't think she has an anti-Sanders bias. She's incompetent for sure, but it's not her fault Bernie isn't doing well.

Eh lets agree to disagree but yea its definitely not her fault at all sanders isnt beating hillary (honestly given his image, age, views, etc. he is doing pretty damn well).

I find the press shenanigans/blackmailing is what upsets me most, I know other people do it all the time but it really accentuates the victory at all costs mindset. I generally dont think the ends justify the means so its more hate the players who abuse shitty parts of the game as well as the really awful game. I really dont think hillary needs these press shenanigans to win so why engage in pretty crappy behavior/allow your people to do it.


Bernie is a cowardly fuck. Just heard his statement today. Immediately starts with saying that's not the kind of politics he wants to get into. If that were the case he shouldn't have come out lied about a quote Hillary Clinton said, and then called her unqualified. Sanders is the type of politician I despise the most. The classic man of the people who is above the political bullshit, but he really isn't and will use the same underhanded tactics any other politician will use. No such thing as thing as a politician who is above this bullshit. Naive to think otherwise. Politics by it's very nature does not allow such a person to exist. Just another snakeoil salesmen.Another thing that is complete and utter bullshit is this notion that he's run this very positive campaign.

The guy has his surrogates come out and call Clinton a corrupt politician, and he all but says it himself in his speeches. He'll continually come just at the edge of calling her corrupt without actually doing so, but somehow he's above the political games. Somehow he's the bastion of goodness and hope in politics. He gets asked some very basic questions on his platform and completely melts down. Clinton uses the same exact tactic he has used the entire campaign he takes the cheese and then takes it one step further. He's a moron, and the people running his campaign are morons. This is the man people want me to vote for? The man people want to actually become president can't even pick competent campaign runners how the fuck is he supposed to pick a competent cabinet? When asked some basic questions on his platform he melts down. Can't handle one interview by the NY media yet wants to become president of the U.S.

Just unreal how much bullshit people have swallowed with Sanders. All you have to do is sell some hope, and the idea that you aren't part of the establishment. It's one of the oldest running political tactics in the U.S. Have no fucking clue why people continually fall for such bullshit. Just annoyed as fuck that when there is a real chance for some real change in this country you have this idiot Sanders running. Just want this asshole to be done mathematically so that the Dems can move forward against the Republicans.
Bernie is a cowardly fuck. Just heard his statement today. Immediately starts with saying that's not the kind of politics he wants to get into. If that were the case he shouldn't have come out lied about a quote Hillary Clinton said, and then called her unqualified. Sanders is the type of politician I despise the most. The classic man of the people who is above the political bullshit, but he really isn't and will use the same underhanded tactics any other politician will use. No such thing as thing as a politician who is above this bullshit. Naive to think otherwise. Politics by it's very nature does not allow such a person to exist. Just another snakeoil salesmen.Another thing that is complete and utter bullshit is this notion that he's run this very positive campaign.

The guy has his surrogates come out and call Clinton a corrupt politician, and he all but says it himself in his speeches. He'll continually come just at the edge of calling her corrupt without actually doing so, but somehow he's above the political games. Somehow he's the bastion of goodness and hope in politics. He gets asked some very basic questions on his platform and completely melts down. Clinton uses the same exact tactic he has used the entire campaign he takes the cheese and then takes it one step further. He's a moron, and the people running his campaign are morons. This is the man people want me to vote for? The man people want to actually become president can't even pick competent campaign runners how the fuck is he supposed to pick a competent cabinet? When asked some basic questions on his platform he melts down. Can't handle one interview by the NY media yet wants to become president of the U.S.

Just unreal how much bullshit people have swallowed with Sanders. All you have to do is sell some hope, and the idea that you aren't part of the establishment. It's one of the oldest running political tactics in the U.S. Have no fucking clue why people continually fall for such bullshit. Just annoyed as fuck that when there is a real chance for some real change in this country you have this idiot Sanders running. Just want this asshole to be done mathematically so that the Dems can move forward against the Republicans.

Yea this latest comment isnt the best but he could be hitting hillary on bill or the emails or a bunch of other more character based things. I don't really know what you mean by real chance for real change given hillary is running on obama 3rd term style policies and republican congress will still have some power at least in the house. What adds to sanders appeal is that its not like he crafted a persona for this race, this is how hes always been for better or for worse.


Yea this latest comment isnt the best but he could be hitting hillary on bill or the emails or a bunch of other more character based things. I don't really know what you mean by real chance for real change given hillary is running on obama 3rd term style policies and republican congress will still have some power at least in the house. What adds to sanders appeal is that its not like he crafted a persona for this race, this is how hes always been for better or for worse.

Supreme court, and quite possibly the destruction the Republican party. Should have been more specific. Supreme court is an obvious one. If they can get a left leaning supreme court that would have a tremendous impact on the U.S. in the next 20 years .Although the destruction of the Republican party is a stretch. Would require a bunch of things to go right, and so far they have. Trump being the candidate is a horrendous option for the Republicans, but so is a contested convention. The hope is that one of those options would destroy the Republicans moving forward. Either they alienate their base or alienate minority voters. Both would have disastrous consequences for the party.

Edit: I've seen the Dems fuck up enough so much in my lifetime that I worry they won't take advantage of this opportunity. The faster they have one candidate the better off they will be. An opportunity like this may never come again for the Dems, and they need to take advantage of this.
Supreme court, and quite possibly the destruction the Republican party. Should have been more specific. Supreme court is an obvious one. If they can get a left leaning supreme court that would have a tremendous impact on the U.S. in the next 20 years .Although the destruction of the Republican party is a stretch. Would require a bunch of things to go right, and so far they have. Trump being the candidate is a horrendous option for the Republicans, but so is a contested convention. The hope is that one of those options would destroy the Republicans moving forward. Either they alienate their base or alienate minority voters. Both would have disastrous consequences for the party.

Agree on supreme court but both bernie and clinton would do that. Republicans are doing a great job destroying themselves so I'm not sure why bernie is being an impediment to "real" change...
"real chance for real change" may also refer to a stronger coattail effect allowing for a bigger change even if her policy positions are markedly closer to the center

given the fact that she's actually and actively donating time and volunteers to getting people elected downticket, and doing this now instead of coming up with every excuse in the book to wait until june or later


@SenatorHeitkamp 4m4 minutes ago
See my statement on meeting w/@SCOTUSnom Judge Garland today. Senate needs to #DoYourJob &move forward on nomination http://1.usa.gov/20bdbvH


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp today met privately with D.C. Circuit Court Chief Judge Merrick Garland, the nominee to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, for about an hour in her office.

In the last 100 years, the full Senate has taken action on every pending U.S. Supreme Court nominee to fill a vacancy, regardless of whether the nomination was made in a presidential election year.

“Vetting nominees to fill vacancies on the U.S. Supreme Court is one of the most important roles of a U.S. senator, and I take that job very seriously,” said Heitkamp. “Judge Garland and I had a thorough and thoughtful discussion today where I had an opportunity to get to know him and understand what kind of person he is. It was clear from our meeting that he’s intelligent, experienced, and focused on adherence to precedence and the rule of law. Additionally, I pressed him on his vigilance for the Bill of Rights and we talked about a variety of issues, including tribal rights and sovereignty, administrative overreach, privacy rights, and the Second Amendment. We also talked about his record as a prosecutor and the need to make sure law enforcement has the tools to protect society within the bounds of the Constitution, an issue important to me as a former state attorney general. And I joked with him about how it’s hard to be a moderate in this town.

“Our conversation this morning reinforced why Judge Garland’s nomination should receive full and fair consideration, why more senators should meet with him, and why the Senate needs to stop playing politics and do its job by holding a public hearing and an up or down vote on Judge Garland. Congress can do better, and that’s possible if it stops the partisan gridlock and works together by doing its job – just as Americans across the country do every day.”

In February, Heitkamp spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate about why the Senate needs to do its job and fully consider Garland’s nomination.

Garland got to spend an HOUR with Heidi. Ugh, what do I have to do, be a SCOTUS nominee?!
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