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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I am surprised you didn't take more offence to the other guy, but I guess he wouldn't be as known to Americans. Bernie actually marched with King, and even got arrested fighting for the same type of things as he did.

Look I'm just going to assume your trolling by comparing Bernie to MLK Because no one could possibly be stupid or misinformed enough to do that.


Look I'm just going to assume your trolling by comparing Bernie to MLK Because no one could possibly be stupid or misinformed enough to do that.

I didn't compare him, I said I would put him alongside- as in, they are both personal heroes for me. is that so wrong? Am I only allowed to admire people that NeoGAF allows me to? Maybe If I said Clinton instead, everyone would agree with me.
I didn't compare him, I said I would put him alongside- as in, they are both personal heroes for me. is that so wrong? Am I only allowed to admire people that NeoGAF allows me too? Maybe If I said Clinton instead, everyone would agree with me.
This guys alright

I still think it's even more telling how many people voted only in the presidential race and not for Supreme Court. It's on the same ballot and the contrast between the candidate couldn't have been more stark and yet you're too lazy to put in the effort to fill it out? State Supreme Courts are a huge deal. That really illustrates to me why talk of a political revolution is such nonsense.
How can they STILL be that fucking clueless. It might take another general election drubbing in 2024 before they come to their senses.

They must be thinking that if they elect Ryan they can somehow convience disaffected Cruz and Trump supporters to get out and vote anyway. I don't see any way that works, so what happens in 2020? If they have sufficiently pissed off enough people, they could form a 3rd party making it impossible for them to win for a couple of general elections. They could then take that opportunity to moderate their positions and perhaps have a shot at 2024?

That's going to take some serious dedication, and I don't see the party being able to pull it off.

They'll come to their sense, but I doubt they will do much right in terms of what they need to do( get new types of voters). They will have to change much of their platform and ideology I feel. The Republicans have a lot of wealthy and business minded people that influence the party, I do not think they have what it takes to understand problems for the common person. It already reflects that they do not currently. All I see is the GOP trying to get a better image, but a good chunk won't follow. The Republican Party has too much contradictions and is made up of unholy alliances that don't necessarily share a common interest. It is like for the most part they just used working class people, with some that are conservative and moderately rich folks that don't really engage in politics for short term goals and only throwing them a bone every once and awhile.

Honestly I don't find much policy positions that actually benefit the working class that much besides some tax cuts. I feel the a major reason they even support the GOP is because of social issues mainly.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
They'll come to their sense, but I doubt they will do much right in terms of what they need to do( get new types of voters). They will have to change much of their platform and ideology I feel. The Republicans have a lot of wealthy and business minded people that influence the party, I do not think they have what it takes to understand problems for the common person. It already reflects that they do not currently. All I see is the GOP trying to get a better image, but a good chunk won't follow. The Republican Party has too much contradictions and is made up of unholy alliances that don't necessarily share a common interest. It is like for the most part they just used working class people, with some that are conservative and moderately rich folks that don't really engage in politics for short term goals and only throwing them a bone every once and awhile.

Honestly I don't find much policy positions that actually benefit the working class that much besides some tax cuts. I feel the a major reason they even support the GOP is because of social issues mainly.

And that's the core problem, that's a losing proposition because other than abortion, which is iffy as it stands since the current policy is already a compromise, they are all losing battles. So do they continue to lose elections perpetually, or how do they reform their party to be viable again? Would be nice to have a party that can actually negotiate and compromise.
Yeah. The Tea Party is awesome. Government shut downs are admirable.
Something something focus groups everything. But also something something corporate paymaster.

I don't necessary get this, people are saying that democrats are to the right in most countries, but they never explain why that is. I think some are exclusively looking at the economic side( which doesn't make sense still to me) and at what the systems of the county, and parties currently has and maintains, not what they trying to accomplish.
I don't necessary get this, people are saying that democrats are to the right in most countries, but they never explain why that is. I think some are exclusively looking at the economic side( which doesn't make sense still to me) and at what the systems of the county, and parties currently has and maintains, not what they trying to accomplish.

it's especially weird when you consider all of europe's big "left" parties bought into third way (as well as canada's liberals, hence all of the criticism from the left about the chretien years), and unlike the democrats (for the most part) those parties were and are actively willing to sell those vaunted social programs down the river for a buck
Bill's BLM comments were really really stupid. Honestly, I have no idea why he is being used at this point, he seems to pretty consistently turn out to be more of a liability as a surrogate than an asset.


I don't necessary get this, people are saying that democrats are to the right in most countries, but they never explain why that is. I think some are exclusively looking at the economic side( which doesn't make sense still to me) and at what the systems of the county, and parties currently has and maintains, not what they trying to accomplish.

I have ranted about this so many times. It's been the single most annoying thing for me as a non-USA poster - the sheer astonishing ignorance of Canadian and European left wing posters. Not only do they have only the faintest knowledge of USA politics they don't even understand their own damn countries systems and parties. They then top it off with a huge dollop of patronising, smug arrogance.

To be told by people, in all seriousness, that Clinton would be in the Tory party in the UK and that Obama would be a conservative is such a shockingly *dumb* thing to say I worry about people. There's literally zero evidence of that and their actions are completely the opposite.

(Except for gay rights. Which I will happily admit Cameron's government has done way more on than anyone ever expected).


I sometimes wonder if we had a system where we only had two presidential parties who ran for president, but all downticket races were 4 parties (USIP, Republicans, Democrats, Labor) with the parties at the top (Republicans-USIP, Democrats-Labor) being a coalition of the regional parties. I wonder what the makeup of the House and Senate would look like.

Or if we had, like a parliament or something.


Bernie is in no way comparable to MLK. MLK was a once in many generations kind of leader who helped to change our country forever, Bernie is a career politician running in a nearly empty primary because everyone was afraid of his opponent. He has no history of leadership. Agreeing with and following the democratic party 97% of the time without any signature accomplishments does not compare to helping to organize, lead, and build the ideological and political foundations for one of our country's most successful protest movements.


Yes I read that comment but then he said Bernie marched with MLK and got arrested for the same things. Sounds like a comparison or even suggesting that they are equal. We all have personal heroes. No problem there. But politically, Bernie and MLK are not on the same level at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Cookie Monster, tooth fairy, time left on the parking meter, ham sandwich, Bernie Sanders.

Stubbed toe, tooth abscess, staph infection, week old balogna sandwich, Hillary Clinton.


It's only weird when it's on the gaming side.

Don't even know if I've made any gaming side posts in the past month. Whenever I do, it usually has to do with progressive topics in gaming, like equal representation. Or because the thread's about hot guys or something.

And it's not like my gaming activity has gone down or anything; gaming side is just... frustrating, on the whole. It's easy to take for granted how progressive (though flawed in its own way) OT is, only to get gobsmacked by backwards thinking on the same website. Sooner or later I was bound to grow more comfortable over this way. Whereas before I'd play a game, look up a topic on it, post things related to it... I just don't anymore.

I'd much rather post, say, here about how TF2 is totally still fun, guys. All sorts of custom maps and gamemodes! The community isn't complete garbage! I'm only called a faggot seven times out of ten! Furry sprays and bronies are slightly less than everywhere!
Why am I still subjecting myself to this game after all these years?


I sometimes wonder if we had a system where we only had two presidential parties who ran for president, but all downticket races were 4 parties (USIP, Republicans, Democrats, Labor) with the parties at the top (Republicans-USIP, Democrats-Labor) being a coalition of the regional parties. I wonder what the makeup of the House and Senate would look like.

Or if we had, like a parliament or something.

New York has the Conservative party historically representing a more right wing vision than the state Republicans. I think there used to be a small grouping of democratic socialists working within the Democratic party in the New York state house.
I don't really know what has Sanders achieved in his Senate time to be considered any kind of a hero or role model.

Hillary at least championed SCHIP and Hillarycare.


I know it was sort of mentioned a few pages back but the latest Keeping it 1600 pod is def worth a listen, if only because they have PoliGAF fave Tom Perez on as a guest. He actually does a solid job of laying out his background, his progressive cred, and why he backed Hillary instead of Bernie. It's a pretty good listen and personally, I think we'd be lucky to have him as Veep and perhaps maybe even POTUS one day. https://soundcloud.com/channel33/ep-85-keepin-it-1600-with-tom-perez

In general, I think it's the best political podcast going right now as Favreau/Pfeiffer are entertaining and they're pretty much PoliGAF distilled into Podcast form. I certainly like it better than 538's offering. It's also worth going back to previous episodes to because they have great anecdotes from working in the Obama WH, competing against Hillary in 2008 and how they came around to respecting/liking her after pretty much hating her guts after their primary battle. https://soundcloud.com/the-bill-simmons-podcast/ep-75-jon-favreau-and-dan-pfeiffer


If smug Canadians/Europeans were allowed to vote, Bernie would win in a landslide :p

Disclaimer: am smug European


If smug Canadians/Europeans were allowed to vote, Bernie would win in a landslide :p

Disclaimer: am smug European

Actually apparently Hillary won when they polled Europe. It's just a vocal, very active, young group on the internet who seems to love him. Weird that! ;-)
American Idol is finally over. Hard to believe this trash made it through the Bush and Obama years.

My mom hasn't watched it in a decade. She watched it last night. Well, I say "watched." She had it on and was watching the hell out of a bottole of wine. She was bitch talking the entire time. Only when Carrie Underwood and Kimberly Locke came on did she stop complaining about how shit they all were. She said "big mess" a few times.


American Idol is finally over. Hard to believe this trash made it through the Bush and Obama years.

Wait. This is actually possible? American Idol is officially over? What am I missing while living in South Africa?! My mind can't comprehend this information. This is crazier than a broker convention!
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