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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I still don't see a third party run from Sanders. He knows the stakes. Now I don't expect him to do much more beyond giving his standard stump speech, mumbling something about voting for Clinton, and then heading back to the Senate because he's never really shown much commitment to getting anyone else elected.



This was actually published by the Washington Post 2 days ago - and remains there (just by the way)




What exactly has she done to 'disqualify and discredit' Sanders? You mean like, say he isn't qualified to become president in an interview, and then have surrogates double down on it?

All the corruption shit, and other old and tired republican attacks are being recycled by Bernie fans
No I mean that's her actual campaign strategy for NY


Thom Hartmann had a pretty interesting take on it by using the term Wetiko to describe the situation, which means canibalism in Native American.

Shimmering Immaculate Republican Candidate Appears Before GOP Officials

“At last, he has come—an unsullied family-values Republican with deep pro-business sympathies and a broad appeal across all demographics, most notably independents ages 18 to 39,” said Priebus, who claimed he’d long had dreams that such a candidate would one day arrive from on high. “He is the one we have waited for. He said nothing of his experience or background, but all of us who looked upon him knew deep within us that this was a budget-cutting expert with a spotless voting record who could rally the base without alienating key conservative donors.”

“It was just so beautiful,” continued Priebus, tears welling in his eyes.


It's a figure of speech. As in, she is going to 'obliterate him' not actually disqualify him. What has she done to actually disqualify him? Can you point to anything at all? Meanwhile, you aren't at all perturbed by what Sanders did? Because it was an incredibly shitty move.
Personally from her? Sandy Hook.
NYDN got the one two punch with the Israel follow up.

It's hard to talk here when all of you guys get so defensive. It's a fact that NY is very high stakes despite Clinton still having an insurmountable super delegate lead and that her campaign is going to go strong. Don't wanna get my tin foil hat on just yet but the NYDN owner is a top donor for Hillary, but I understand millionaires are used to donating as it's pretty much regular habits. But it's going to get ugly from both sides, that's why I linked to the Wetiko video which is very interesting.

I'm not gonna deny that literally calling Hillary unqualified instead of tip toeing the issue is counter productive, even if it was a response to the Washington post headline, but that's more because of how the media reacts and grabs buzz headlines, and I'd think regular folk would be able to parse through the bickering better.
No, it's "both parties are the same, so I'm an independent" = "I'm a low information voter". Having only two parties that are basically conglomerates of tons of different views means I can totally understand people who are informed but don't feel represented by either party. They just better have nuanced views on why they feel that way.

^ This is what I meant. I haven't met any "independents" that don't think both parties are the same.

Naw. I don't have the liberty of being able to be an Independent. I have to be a Democrat, considering how the other side demonizes me.
yep, you and every minority. Even as a straight white male, I too feel somewhat demonized by the GOP just because I'm agnostic and smoke weed. They hate everyone that doesn't fit their very specific model.


How many of you are proud Democrats? There's a fairly common trope regarding the disinterested millennial with no party loyalty and I'm wondering how many here don't fit that description.

I've been a registered democrat and voted for them every election since I turned 18. Occasionally I'll throw a local election vote to a Working Families party member, but with the way party endorsements and affiliations work in New York half the time their also the democrats candidate anyway. I'm loyal to the party due to them most closely aligning with my views, while having a chance to win. There's probably a communist party out there that lines up with my views even more closely, but I'd rather get things done then sacrifice progress on the alter of purity. That and I can and do work to nudge the democrats left through primary participation, especially at the local level.

But my views are apparently odd. I'd probably describe myself as a Techno-Communist. Harm reduction, continued technological advancement, and environmental protection is the order of the day for me. I'd go into it more but I'm stuck with mobile until my new computer arrives in a few weeks. Last one picked a bothersome time to bite the dust.


Greenwald is a hack.

Full stop.

He lost what little respect he may have had left with his terrible, hypocritical articles on the brazilian government and his defense of it.
^ This is what I meant. I haven't met any "independents" that don't think both parties are the same.
I'm not sure you're probably asking for elucidation. Or maybe the people you talk with all seem to be idiots. In my social circles, the 'self described independents' vote D mostly. They often say both parties are the same, but only in certain aspects. It seems awfully reductionist to hold this view of all independents.

I'd consider myself an Independent, liberal, or Democrat depending with whom I'm discussing politics .

I should point out I'm a registered D.

User 406

Ubisoft has a vast catalog of steaming piles of dogshit, but they've had some real gems:
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Heroes of the Pacific
Prince of Persia: SoT & WW
IL-2 Sturmovik

They also published Ape Escape 2 and some of the Armored Core games.

I was going to say. Mr. Hero is not good. At all.

I have a weak spot for Mr. Hero, sometimes I just crave a big greasy pile of meat-adjacent roofing shingles with onions and melted white colloid. Also waffer fries and yellow plastic sauce.

One of the advantages to be g born in the mid sixties is that I've been Wowwed by stuff every generation.

I do still think that Joust has some of the best graphics in any game, though. I remember the fist time I saw the ground burn away or the Lava Troll and being amazed.

I loved Joust so much, I must have dumped hundreds of dollars into it. But the all time holy shit how did they DO THAT game has to be Elite. I don't think there's ever been another game that far ahead of its time.

And then we got to witness marvels like the first full 3D polygon third person jumping game with full analog stick control and user controllable camera angles.
No, it's not dum Mario, kids. :p

Obligitory politics: I've been a registered Democrat for nearly thirty years, and while my personal politics are far, far left of the party, I know how to do math, and so I'm a Democrat.


Ubisoft has a vast catalog of steaming piles of dogshit, but they've had some real gems:
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Heroes of the Pacific
Prince of Persia: SoT & WW
IL-2 Sturmovik

They also published Ape Escape 2 and some of the Armored Core games.

I have a weak spot for Mr. Hero, sometimes I just crave a big greasy pile of meat-adjacent roofing shingles with onions and melted white colloid. Also waffer fries and yellow plastic sauce.

I loved Joust so much, I must have dumped hundreds of dollars into it. But the all time holy shit how did they DO THAT game has to be Elite. I don't think there's ever been another game that far ahead of its time.

And then we got to witness marvels like the first full 3D polygon third person jumping game with full analog stick control and user controllable camera angles.
No, it's not dum Mario, kids. :p

Obligitory politics: I've been a registered Democrat for nearly thirty years, and while my personal politics are far, far left of the party, I know how to do math, and so I'm a Democrat.

you voted for Dukakis?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Personally from her? Sandy Hook.
NYDN got the one two punch with the Israel follow up.

It's hard to talk here when all of you guys get so defensive. It's a fact that NY is very high stakes despite Clinton still having an insurmountable super delegate lead and that her campaign is going to go strong. Don't wanna get my tin foil hat on just yet but the NYDN owner is a top donor for Hillary, but I understand millionaires are used to donating as it's pretty much regular habits. But it's going to get ugly from both sides, that's why I linked to the Wetiko video which is very interesting.

I'm not gonna deny that literally calling Hillary unqualified instead of tip toeing the issue is counter productive, even if it was a response to the Washington post headline, but that's more because of how the media reacts and grabs buzz headlines, and I'd think regular folk would be able to parse through the bickering better.

Hillary is not allowed to criticize him? None of that 'disqualifies' him.

You really should not put on a tin foil hat at all. I agree with you there.


"I'm an independent" = "I'm a low information voter"

That only applies to a good chunk of "true independents," aka people whose vote is genuinely up for grabs based on shifts in the wind and the prevailing narrative of the day.

A lot of people who identify as "independents" are actually well-informed, highly partisan liars. They are, in fact, more tied to one of the two major parties than many people who openly identify as Republicans or Democrats. They identify as independent because it strokes their ego, or because they know that in most circles it is frowned upon to be earnestly display your partisan affiliation. So they play at being more open-minded than they are.


How many of you are proud Democrats? There's a fairly common trope regarding the disinterested millennial with no party loyalty and I'm wondering how many here don't fit that description.

29. Held deeply conservative beliefs before I could vote and saw the light just in time for Obama to burst onto the scene. First president I ever voted for. Became a born again liberal for a while after that win with deeply extremist progressive views. Calmed the fuck down as I came to understand the difficulties of government through Obama's struggles with enacting his agenda and just becoming better informed.

I vote Democrat because they're doing the right thing and helping history bend toward justice. If they stopped, I'd stop voting for them.
That only applies to a good chunk of "true independents," aka people whose vote is genuinely up for grabs based on shifts in the wind and the prevailing narrative of the day.

A lot of people who identify as "independents" are actually well-informed, highly partisan liars. They are, in fact, more tied to one of the two major parties than many people who openly identify as Republicans or Democrats. They identify as independent because it strokes their ego, or because they know that in most circles it is frowned upon to be earnestly display your partisan affiliation. So they play at being more open-minded than they are.

bwahahahahaha. So now either you're a dumbass or a condescending elite as an independent voter. Bwahahahahaha.


By the way here's Sanders responding to the Krugmann article you guys were fellating about earlier in case you're interested.


I'm interested, tell me more.

I'll link you the article in a second.

The summary of the situation: A judge released police wiretap recordings from Brazil's ex-president, largely because, to avoid investigations, Brazil's current president was about to appoint him to a cabinet position. Now, he WAS clearly playing the role of activist judge and it is still unclear whether or not it was proper procedure to releaserelease the recording to the public, since one of them did include a conversation with the current president (in which they discuss the strategy of the cabinet position).

You see, in Brazil cabinet members cannot be judged by regular courts, but only by the equivalent of its "supreme court". Of which their party appointed 8 out of 11 judges over the past years.

These recordings included the ex-president on the record requesting a senator to mobilize another judge to pressure the investigation against him.

Greenwald's position? The judge that released the recording should not have done so, because it was not due process to release sensitive information that way to the public and the press, nevermind the corruption.


One of his articles on the subject:


Much of it is completely fabricated regarding the class and income makeup of the protests and the case against the corrupt government. The data clearly shows that the profile of the protests include all incomes, and support for the imprachment process involves the vast majority of the population, including a majority of the lowest rung of the income distribution. Greenwald simply lies about this fact.

That was a terrible response by Sanders, by the way.

For one, he goes yet again to the WP headlines instead of the actual quote.

And yeah, go ahead, attack the Clinton foundation. Attack the foundation saving thousands of lives in abject poverty all across the world and directly adddressing global warming and funding research on it in a real, direct way.


BTW for any future threads, I stole this from reddit:

Bernie Sanders is so clearly Heady Topper that it hurts. He even poses with it!

They're both from Vermont, are niche in the American spectrum, have a rabid fanbase that considers them the gold standard, while being mostly dismissed by those outside the fanbase, and operate in a way that makes sense on the small scale but don't work as effectively when scaled up to a country.

And I take offense at Yuengling, that beer is amazing
No, that would be pandering.

Sander doesn't pander.

*edit: In all seriousness, if he's out there to give a speech about economic inequality on a global stage, good for him. I really mean it. I admire, among other things, Sanders' dedication to lessening economic inequality. One of his issues that I really like him for.

He was invited. Why would he say no?

In other very interesting news,

This is what Paul Krugman had to say about Obamas campaign in 2008:


Her attack dogs are so predictable. I guess these are good news for Sanders, he has the Obama Brovement. #TheCultOfSanders
Yuengling is Budweiser tier shit beer. Kasich is the perfect candidate to represent it. People think it's really good for some reason, but most people realize it's shit.

He was invited. Why would he say no?

Yeah it would be weird to decline an invitation he requested to get. Like why even ask for an invite in the first place?
Yuengling is Budweiser tier shit beer. Kasich is the perfect candidate to represent it. People think it's really good for some reason, but most people realize it's shit.

Yeah it would be weird to decline an invitation he requested to get. Like why even ask for an invite in the first place?

Is that what Clintonians are saying? Haha wow they must be really scared about losing New York.

"I deny that. It was not that way," Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Reuters in a telephone interview while he was traveling in New York. Sorondo, a close aide to Pope Francis, is chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, which is hosting the event.

He said it was his idea to invite Sanders.

"This is not true and she knows it. I invited him with her consensus," said Sorondo, who is senior to Archer.

An invitation to Sanders dated March 30, which was emailed to Reuters, was signed by Sorondo and also included Archer's name.


*edit: In all seriousness, if he's out there to give a speech about economic inequality on a global stage, good for him. I really mean it. I admire, among other things, Sanders' dedication to lessening economic inequality. One of his issues that I really like him for.

It's an incredibly important issue and a big reason why I can't help but like him, even if I think he's a terrible candidate and would make an ineffective president.


The stagnation of middle and lower class income in the past years is one of the most important issues of our generation.

I don't think Sanders is the person to help address it. I sure hope he keeps talking about it and supports policies that tackle it forever, though.
^ This is what I meant. I haven't met any "independents" that don't think both parties are the same.

I consider myself an independent (and am registered as such) and I don't think both parties are the same. Functionally, I'm a Democrat, because the Republicans have gone off the deep end in the past few decades and I'm not going to let them win elections waiting on a third party candidate to emerge that shares completely identical views to me. I suppose the puts me in the camp of "highly partisan liars" that Snake mentioned, but I feel like I could vote for an economically conservative candidate if it wasn't tied to outrageous social conservatism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, bigotry and unprecedented obstructionism. Sadly, that's all the Republican Party seems to offer these days.


bwahahahahaha. So now either you're a dumbass or a condescending elite as an independent voter. Bwahahahahaha.

Perhaps I should have been clearer that my comment was tongue-in-cheek.

But to be clear, independents are typically either not really up for grabs as voters (called either "Independent Democrats" or "Independent Republicans"), or their vote is genuinely up for grabs (called "True Independents"). The former group is statistically more informed and more engaged in the political system, the latter group considerably less so. This is the basic way they are studied in political science.
I vote Democrat because they're doing the right thing and helping history bend toward justice. If they stopped, I'd stop voting for them.
Do they though? Obama has the blood of hundreds of innocents on his hands because of his drone strike policy, and is institutionalizing government surveillance of its populace by continuing the bitch ass patriot act, which can only lead us further to ruin in the future but no one seems to care much about. I dont know if they democrat party does the right thing anymore

Also, I have wondered often how democrats that believe in god feel about obama being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. Where does that put him, in a moral sense? Do you think he could get into heaven with numbers like that?
Perhaps I should have been clearer that my comment was tongue-in-cheek.

But to be clear, independents are typically either not really up for grabs as voters (called either "Independent Democrats" or "Independent Republicans"), or their vote is genuinely up for grabs (called "True Independents"). The former group is statistically more informed and more engaged in the political system, the latter group considerably less so. This is the basic way they are studied in political science.

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