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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Veepstakes is going to be shorter this time around. June 7th we should have our nominees Trump and Hillary. Each should take about 6 weeks. Leaks will trickle in probably a few days before the conventions. Hillary's pick will probably depend on who Trump picks.

The final 3 for Hillary will likely be Julian Castro, Tim Kaine and ?
The final 3 for Trump will likely be ?, ? and ?

Why do you think it won't be Perez like Cerium thought it would be? I'm pulling for Castro in that he's my former mayor, and I've been keeping an eye on what he's doing at HUD since he left San Antonio.

In the segment I just read in Game Change (which I didn't re-read a few weeks ago b/c it's in the later portion, I only re-read the Obama vs. Clinton part), Obama made his calls three days before the Dem convention.


But Reddit said no one wants to vote for her. .

I think I'd say I'm "somewhat enthusiastic" b/c even though I disagree w/ things she's done/said, I do think she's the best person on the field, and I know the closer it comes to November, I really am getting excited at the idea of the first woman president. Ya'll got no idea. Okay, maybe some of you do. But I...I think I will cry tears of joy.


remember me

Good write up of what a mess a contested convention will be from a scheduling perspective if you consider modern conventions are just week long infomercials. Usually the nominee is in charge of everything. But if there's no nominee there nobody to decide who gets to speak. Can you see Trump and Cruz people brawling on stage in front of a national audience over who gets the teleprompter.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Also Reagan. Franken has proved he's serious for eight years.
Yeah, Reagan's past is more of a joke than Al Franken's.

I went to Google image search "Reagan monkey" for an appropriate response pic, and of course some of the top results are racist Obama memes.


I can understand Reddit's confusion I mean come on. If you're not blowing up your FB or Twitter feed with political opinions, then do you really exist? If a tree falls in the forest when no one is around does it vote democrat? Also how do you have no opinion on your level of enthusiasm? I mean come on. Do you have a pulse?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
What do Sanders supporters think of Al Franken as a choice. I'm curious.

I would choose Somewhat Enthusiastic if asked that question. Upgraded to Very Enthusiastic for the GE.
I think I'd say I'm "somewhat enthusiastic" b/c even though I disagree w/ things she's done/said, I do think she's the best person on the field, and I know the closer it comes to November, I really am getting excited at the idea of the first woman president. Ya'll got no idea. Okay, maybe some of you do. But I...I think I will cry tears of joy.

Oh, I will effing lose it if she gets the nomination and gets 270 electoral votes. That "18 million cracks in the glass ceiling" thing made me ball my eyes out. Like, even now I can still get emotional thinking about that speech. Election night, and she gets to come out there and give an acceptance speech? Ya'll, I'ma be so drunk....
I'm not 100% sure I believe that until I see at least a couple of other pollsters corroborate that. Something doesn't quite seem right on that.

There have been several polls that have shown it. I'll try and go through some later on and post them. But the data that I've seen confirms those Gallup numbers.


I think Sanders supporters in caucus states are more enthusiastic in that they actually go out of their way during the 2-3 hour caucus period to caucus. In primaries I think Clinton has the edge because they have 10-12 hours to go out and vote and they won't be shouted down in public while voting for her.


FGC Waterboy
There have been several polls that have shown it. I'll try and go through some later on and post them. But the data that I've seen confirms those Gallup numbers.

KK; if that's the case then I'll believe it - just hadn't seen any of the above average pollsters this cycle post similar numbers (Gallup is below average this primary, sadly)
I'm not 100% sure I believe that until I see at least a couple of other pollsters corroborate that. Something doesn't quite seem right on that.
An earlier CNN poll found similar from memory.

Older black women just aren't all going to big rallies and making memes on reddit.


They threw him under the bus when he endorsed Hillary. He even did a "Senator Franken reads mean Tweets" about it for Hillary's campaign.

Mean Tweets with Al Franken

So many dislikes omg. I found it amusing.

That's sad, since economically I think he is closer to Sanders than Hillary.

He said it himself in the video, he likes them both but thinks Hillary is the one who can get things done. I have to agree


They threw him under the bus when he endorsed Hillary. He even did a "Senator Franken reads mean Tweets" about it for Hillary's campaign.

Mean Tweets with Al Franken

Those tweets are possibly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Not even horrible, just pathetic. I'd love to speak to the authors of those and ask them what they thought they were accomplishing.


Good to see r/politics is staying grounded in reality. Top comment of one of the top posts, an article about EMAILS HILLARY IS DOOMED AND EVIL:

The sooner the better, it is about time the human denial machines come to realize that this is something real to be worried about in their nominee and not just another Benghazi. I am sick of all the smug comments from people who either are fine with this kind of behavior or somehow imagine that being able to call the nominee a "socialist" in the general is more threatening than the words "corrupt" or "criminal."
Hillary is unelectable. That the whole party has lined up to coronate her will hurt the whole party. This scandal is very much of her own making, and the "attack machine" isn't going to mention it until she has secured the nomination, but you can bet they are VERY much ready. We are at the precipice of too late.
An earlier CNN poll found similar from memory.

Older black women just aren't all going to big rallies and making memes on reddit.

Phase 2 of Sanders 4 president, expand audience of those who read so called "dank memes."

I haven't really been paying attention to democratic side as I assumed sanders was toast (RIP) but did his wins last week do anything? I assume hes still way behind tack.

str8berniepoligaf reporting



Straight people? Absolutely disgusting.

<3 Kidding! We love straight people. Your disgusting lifestyle, tho.....

Tell me about it. They corrupt our youngsters, destroy the morals that make PoliGAF great... should be illegal I tell you.
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