Lets start with a list of things I didn't say.
1. Hillary Clinton is literally the same as Ted Cruz.
^This is obvious right? I already am familiar with Ted.
The point is to find the president who isn't going to frame a war like Hillary Clinton does. Which wars weren't for the greater good?
That's where the similarity is.
What war is Hillary framing here? She doesn't want a war. She doesn't want the US involved in the Syrian conflict (and the various conflicts surrounding it) anymore than we already are.
I'm just not understanding your point here. Hillary says that she wants "smart power diplomacy", and it shows in what she is advocating -- basically, a continuation of what Obama's already doing. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, may say that his use of power is for the greater good, but what is he advocating? Carpet bombing ISIS held cities. There's just no real common ground here.