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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I work in fundraising, and it's not unusual for a business owner to give gifts through their company rather than from personal funds. It doesn't mean they personally aren't charitable, they just choose to structure their giving in a particular way (usually for tax advantages). Similarly, gifts of "free golf" may sound like shitty charity, but those rounds are getting sold at auction, and the proceeds go directly to the charity running the auction, so again, not seeing how that is somehow "not charity." I mean, there are a lot of things to attack Trump on, but this doesn't strike me as one of them.
I think the full article paints a pretty full picture of how his campaign's accounting of his supposed philanthropy is a lot of disguised business dealings and hot air.

Trump’s campaign also counted a parcel of land that he’d given to New York state — although that was in 2006, not within the past five years.

In addition, many of the gifts on the list came from the charity that bears his name, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which didn’t receive a personal check from Trump between 2008 and 2014, according to the most recent public tax filings. Its work is largely funded by others, although Trump decides where the gifts go.

Some beneficiaries on the list are not charities at all: They included clients, other businesses and tennis superstar Serena Williams.
His foundation, for example, frequently gave money to groups that paid to use Trump’s facilities, and it donated to conservatives who could help promote Trump’s rise in the Republican Party. The foundation’s second-biggest donation described on the campaign’s list went to the charity of a man who had settled a lawsuit with one of Trump’s golf courses after being denied a hole-in-one prize.
When asked about The Post’s analysis, a top Trump aide acknowledged that none of the gifts had come in cash from the billionaire himself. But, he said, that was because the list was not a complete account of Trump’s gifts.

The aide, Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, said Trump had, in fact, given generously from his own pocket. But Weisselberg declined to provide any documentation, such as saying how much charitable giving Trump has declared in his federal tax filings.

“We want to keep them quiet,” said Weisselberg, who is also treasurer of the Trump Foundation. “He doesn’t want other charities to see it. Then it becomes like a feeding frenzy.”
The Post’s analysis showed that the small giveaways from Trump businesses seemed to account for the bulk of the 4,844 transactions that Trump took credit for. But they accounted for only about $6.4 million of the total dollar figure.

The most expensive charitable contributions on Trump’s list, by contrast, dealt with transactions related to real estate.

For one, Trump counted $63.8 million of unspecified “conservation easements.” That refers to legal arrangements — which could bring tax breaks — in which a landowner agrees to forgo certain kinds of development on land that he owns. In California, for example, Trump agreed to an easement that prevented him from building homes on a plot of land near a golf course. But Trump kept the land, and kept making money off it. It is a driving range.


Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 28m28 minutes ago
By contrast, if GOP nomination were contested under Democratic rules -- proportional, with many superdelegates -- Trump would be toast. 5/

Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 29m29 minutes ago
But the *letter* of GOP's rules are haphazardly written, such that Trump might get 51% of the delegates with only 35-40% of the vote. 4/

Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 30m30 minutes ago
And in spirit, the rules are supposed to discourage factional, media-driven candidates like Trump who alienate half their party's voters. 3/



Today in Bernie Google ads



I'm of three minds, in this particular case, as it pertains and applies to this specific primary:

1) Having to register early is kinda stupid and is correlated is smaller turnout and is, in its own way, a restriction in voting that we perhaps shouldn't have.

2) At the same time, if a final outcome really comes down to a bunch of people that would have voted for this guy but didn't know about it back in October/January/whatever, then, well... I can't say I'm unhappy about that. To clarify: Situations like Markel's are, on its face, randomly assigned. They could happen for all intents and purposes with equal probability to a guy that supports candidate X and a guy that supports candidate Y.
So while it removes some votes, it doesn't remove votes in a biased manner from engaged voters.
It does, however, "remove" the vote from people who just so happened to find out that this election thing is kinda cool and I want to participate in the primary (note the distinction: This line of reasoning is for a party primary, NOT the GE)

3) Hooowever, I am very much partial to the idea that primaries should have some representability of how electable a candidate is. If these new, previously unengaged two-three months ago voters want someone, perhaps it will lead to better representation.

Conclusion: I like it this time. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up being a hypocrite in 8 years.
bed of chaos is the worst part of dark souls. enter boss fight, have no idea what to do, die in 15 seconds. Spend the next 4 minutes running back to the boss fight because the spawn point is so god damn far away, finally make it back, the floor crumbles underneath you and fall to your death. Repeat for two hours. What adult person has time for this type of nonsense. 4/10 hope from goes bankrupt


Bed of Chaos is the worst boss in the whole series.

Every other "gimmick" boss in these games are at least interesting the first time through (a lot of people criticize The Dragon God on Demon's Souls, for example, but I think it's great). Bed of Chaos is just shitty shit.


bed of chaos is the worst part of dark souls. enter boss fight, have no idea what to do, die in 15 seconds. Spend the next 4 minutes running back to the boss fight because the spawn point is so god damn far away, finally make it back, the floor crumbles underneath you and fall to your death. Repeat for two hours. What adult person has time for this type of nonsense. 4/10 hope from goes bankrupt
Literally the easiest boss in the game git gud

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I NEEED some stories/quotes here.

I just came back to this. If there is something that we are stickers about, it's the proper framing of PP and what we do. Usually, when you tell someone that you work at PP, their minds goes to abortion so we are already at a bit of a disadvantage in communications at times. One of my co-workers recently got at Hillary about that. I work with a lot of women though and there is a over-zealousness to get her elected.

User 406

Worst part of any souls game is Frigid Outskirts. Even more mindnumbingly tedious distance to cover than Ash Lake, even less visibility than Tomb of the Giants, aggravating enemies that continuously spawn and overwhelm you, and a shitty copycat double boss at the end with an extra buff. I've mastered it but I hate it hate it HATE IT
So I went on Sanders for President and they are digging up nude photos of DWS. Brahs needs to get back to phone banking.

Where? I went through the first 3 pages and any post that could relate to the Democratic Party or DWS and saw no mention of her at all. In fact like 90% of the posts pertain to phone banking.
Worst part of any souls game is Frigid Outskirts. Even more mindnumbingly tedious distance to cover than Ash Lake, even less visibility than Tomb of the Giants, aggravating enemies that continuously spawn and overwhelm you, and a shitty copycat double boss at the end with an extra buff. I've mastered it but I hate it hate it HATE IT
How can anyone say this after playing through Valley of Defilement? You need pin-point precision to make it through that nightmare.


It was in the Tim Canova thread.

I've now seen a lot more DWS than I ever needed to.

jesus fucking christ, this guy

[–]TimCanova2016Tim Canova - US House (FL-23) 47 points 5 hours ago
i think it's very possible that election fraud may have denied Bernie more than one victory. i've been aware of the vulnerabilities in electronic voting since 2000 and 2004. we should be ashamed and embarrassed and outraged by the deficiencies and vulnerabilities in our election system. please see the Issues page on Restoring Our Democracy and Campaign Finance Reform on my campaign website.

User 406

How can anyone say this after playing through Valley of Defilement? You need pin-point precision to make it through that nightmare.

Nah man, VoD is a cakewalk after you've been through it a couple times. And once you know the route you can just run past everything in a couple minutes. Frigid Outskirts is a fucking marathon of running blind while endless lightning bolt shooting reindeer who are faster than you chase your ass. And if you decide to go slower and take them out one at a time, it's an even longer slog. And since they respawn every time the storm returns, you still risk getting double or triple teamed no matter how many you kill.


The salt for DWS winning against him is going to be more massive than Hillary's nomination.

Then again the primary isnt till August and by that point Bernie's campaign will have ended, the conventions/party unity will have happened the previous month and I can't see their passion and anger lasting by then.
The salt for DWS winning against him is going to be more massive than Hillary's nomination.

Then again the primary isnt till August and by that point Bernie's campaign will have endedthe conventions/party unity will have happened the previous month and I can't see their passion and anger lasting by then.

By that time S4P will be in full PUMA mode.


Came across this today, do you think we are in a similar point in time except reversed for the democrats? Or just somebody using prior data avoid of context to support his point?

When I tried to make some of these points on Facebook last night, a reader thought I was insane. He pointed out that Republicans are today in control of 31 governorships and 30 state legislatures; have total control (the “trifecta” of the governorship and both houses of the legislature) of 22 state governments (to the Democrats’ 7); and control both branches of Congress (54-44 in the Senate—it’s really 54-46 because the two independent caucus with the Democrats—and 247-188 in the House). How could I possibly think conservatism or the GOP is not a wildly popular banner under which Trump will march into the White House?

For this simple reason: In 1972*, the Democrats were in control of 31 governorships and 23 state legislatures (to the GOP’s 16; the rest were split); had total control of 17 state governments (to the GOP’s 9); and controlled both branches of Congress (54-44 in the Senate, 255-180 in the House). Not entirely dissimilar from today, only in the opposite direction. And what happened? The largest landslide in American electoral history. In favor of the Republican candidate
Came across this today, do you think we are in a similar point in time except reversed for the democrats? Or just somebody using prior data avoid of context to support his point?

I don't think one has anything to do with the other. I'm actually baffled someone tried to make that point.


I don't want this Tim Canova character to win just because I don't want a Democratic representative who's antagonistic towards House leadership. Pelosi runs a tight and competent ship, and she won't have his shit. DWS does suck as DNC chair but she's on her way out anyway. Let her people of Southern Florida have her.


I'm okay with DWS getting primaried if that's what her (deep blue) district wants. I'm annoyed that she's getting primaried by someone who's buying into this bullshit about voter fraud.

User 406

Being mad about DWS being a House rep just because she's a shitty DNC chair makes about as much sense as being mad about Bernie being a Senator just because he's a shitty Presidential candidate.


I love these conspiracy theories (from all political sides):

On why Bernie is down in recent polls:
Some of his supporters are afraid to participate in polls. DNC is using polls to identify Bernie supporters and deleting them from the voters database or changing their affiliation.

from reddit: I would strongly suggest you NOT take this poll. There is reason to believe this is how they are purging Bernie voters (especially with regard to DEM from IND affiliation changes). Seems that many of the people who's voter registrations are being flipped and/or disappearing altogether have taken this DGA poll.

On why Trump is running as a republican:
“Maybe Donald negotiated a deal with his buddy @HillaryClinton,” Jeb Bush tweeted. “Continuing this path will put her in the White House.”

Is Donald Trump a Democratic secret agent?

On why Bernie is so popular in Reddit:
One from the Hillary side. The upvotes are rigged which keeps Bernie's threads up and gives the false impression that Reditt is full of Bernie supporters. Because he is totally not nailing down the millenials generation. LOL

On the Republican Minor League alliance:
Rubio and Kasich actually shared SuperPac resources. They negotiated to be on the ticket together last December (Kasich as VP) but run separated to appeal to more voters and attack Trump more effectively.

On the Zodiac Killer
I couldn't leave this one out.
Ted cruz is the zodiac killer

Bonus Round
5 crazy conspiracy theories Ted Cruz actually believes in:
- There is an international leftist conspiracy to abolish golf
- Harvard law School is infiltrated by communists
- Sharia Law courts are creeping in the US
- Obama is conspiring with members of the RNC
- GW Bush led an assault on Texas sovereignty.​

I'm obviously not endorsing any of this lunacy I just laugh at how elections brings out the crazies from all sides.



I do wonder if those in that feed know why it's closed in the first place. From what I understand the reason it's closed and deadline date is so far from the voting date is to stop those from outside of the party in the state from coming in an shaping the election. They originally did not want republicans or even those just no affiliated trying to shape who the democratic party nominee would be. Only dems should have a say.

I don't disagree with that. It might be unfair that you have to make a decision so early if you're going to support one party or another. However early on you should have an understanding of which party's platform and beliefs you lean toward. So regardless of debates if you lean Dem anyway then just register. If one is in the middle and don't know then I don't think they should have a say in picking either parties potential representative. Wait until the choices are picked and then decide.


No Scrubs
I do wonder if those in that feed know why it's closed in the first place. From what I understand the reason it's closed and deadline date is so far from the voting date is to stop those from outside of the party in the state from coming in an shaping the election. They originally did not want republicans or even those just no affiliated trying to shape who the democratic party nominee would be. Only dems should have a say.

I don't disagree with that. It might be unfair that you have to make a decision so early if you're going to support one party or another. However early on you should have an understanding of which party's platform and beliefs you lean toward. So regardless of debates if you lean Dem anyway then just register. If one is in the middle and don't know then I don't think they should have a say in picking either parties potential representative. Wait until the choices are picked and then decide.

Considering the NY demo, I think it's the reverse. Dems make up just over half of all registered voters in NYS. If we wanted to we could decide both elections if it were open.
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