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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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The only way you can vote is on election day, which is probably why.
I think you can vote by mail but you need an excuse to do so. No early voting or anything like that.

(assuming these rules also apply to the upcoming primary)

Maybe this is unethical, but couldn't you just say "I'm gonna be out of the country on election day", vote absentee and then just not be out of the country that day, or whatever?

I think it's dumb if they only allow absentee voting for certain reasons. Some people are in the city for election day, but really cannot go vote due to other commitments.


No Scrubs
No one said anything when we did it here in LA and in FL.

This one is a little more important due to the nature of the primary at this point.

(assuming these rules also apply to the upcoming primary)

Maybe this is unethical, but couldn't you just say "I'm gonna be out of the country on election day", vote absentee and then just not be out of the country that day, or whatever?

I think it's dumb if they only allow absentee voting for certain reasons. Some people are in the city for election day, but really cannot go vote due to other commitments.

If you're not going to be in your county on election day you actually do qualify for an absentee ballot. So if you're from Buffalo and have to be in NYC for the day, you can still vote.


Looks like the conspiracies about the DNC rigging New York are already in full swing. "Reports" of people's registrations changing so they can't vote, even though they don't remember changing it. Except most just seem to be people forgetting what they registered as. And also the idea that the DNC would have the data to be able to only throw out Bernie voters is absurd.

I used to wonder why young voters were generally ignored.

I guess you haven't read about the conspiracy theory that the DNC is using the major polling organizations to identify Bernie voters and then handing lists to to the board of elections to disenfranchise voters.

This theory also explains why Bernie is losing in all polls for April 19 and 26. Bernie supporters figure it out and won't reply polls anymore.

I made a post on this same thread about my favorite 5 conspiracy theories this primary and that was my favorite. I'm on mobile so I can't link to that.
I guess you haven't read about the conspiracy theory that the DNC is using the major polling organizations to identify Bernie voters and then handing lists to to the board of elections to disenfranchise voters.

This theory also explains why Bernie is losing in all polls for April 19 and 26. Bernie supporters figure it out and won't reply polls anymore.

I made a post on this same thread about my favorite 5 conspiracy theories this primary and that was my favorite. I'm on mobile so I can't link to that.
Oh yeah, well here's one of my own. Bernie is using the data he stole in December to call Clinton supporters. That's why he encourages phonebanking so much.

They just want to make shit up because it sounds good, I can do it too.


I'd put money on a lot of them moving and never updating their information or letting their registration lapse by voting in 2008 and never again. The rest either forgot how they registered or accidentally changed when updating their information. I seriously doubt anything funny is going on.

Basically this.

We're gonna have to endure conspiracy bullshit all the way to the convention aren't we?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's stupid Ron Paul shit.

Has anyone tried to determine the number of Ron Paul people who went to the Sanders camp? Reddit is a good reason to consider it being a thing, and a good thing to study with. I've been tempted to learn how to write a script to crawl the applicable subreddits and see how many users match.

It's amusing if it's true, since they are on polar opposites in many ways.

Also, when the fuck did the political compass website become a biased piece of shit?

This quote really exists there
Style more than substance separates Trump from Hillary Clinton. After all, Trump was a generous donor to Clinton's senate campaigns, and also to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary is nevertheless disingenuously promoting herself as the centrist between an extreme right-winger (Trump) and an 'extreme left-winger' (Sanders). Abortion and gay marriage place her on a more liberal position on the social scale than all of the Republicans but, when it comes to economics, Clinton's unswerving attachment to neoliberalism and big money is a mutual love affair.

Holy shit.


Hillary 'stealing' the 2016 primary is going to become a thing isn't it? Just another conspiracy added to the already sizeable list she's accumulated over the years.
Has anyone tried to determine the number of Ron Paul people who went to the Sanders camp? Reddit is a good reason to consider it being a thing, and a good thing to study with. I've been tempted to learn how to write a script to crawl the applicable subreddits and see how many users match.

It's amusing if it's true, since they are on polar opposites in many ways.

Also, when the fuck did the political compass website become a biased piece of shit?

This quote really exists there

Holy shit.


-Hillary wants to raise taxes on the rich
-Trump wants to cut taxes on the rich by $10T

Hmmm, I think I see similarities here.

I'm sure there has been a good use of the word "neoliberal" at some point in recorded history, but 99% of the time, "neoliberal" comes up right before someone is about to say something dumber than shit.


Hillary 'stealing' the 2016 primary is going to become a thing isn't it? Just another conspiracy added to the already sizeable list she's accumulated over the years.

As I've said before, they may eventually admit defeat... But they may never admit why they were defeated. Not when there's so many convenient-sounding impossible-to-prove alternatives as to why.





You didnt think you were just going to elect the wife of a former president and no one would bat an eye did you
The establishment is real

LOL - you say this as if this is a common occurrence.

Oh, the old 'conspire to get the wife of a former president elected' trick. Surely you didn't think you'd fool us with that old hat!
LOL - you say this as if this is a common occurrence.

Oh, the old 'conspire to get the wife of a former president elected. Surely you didn't think you'd fool us with that old hat!
Of course I didnt, because I don't believe it either. However, surely you do not disagree with me that it is not unreasonable for some voters to be weary and mistrustful of families that dominate political parties and keep winning nominations and presidencies.
Does this actually work?

I screen all my calls, anyone who doesn't leave a voicemail or isn't a registered number in my contacts doesn't get the time of day. I can't imagine I'm alone in this. If some random redditor called me when I was busy, I'd also be rather annoyed.

No idea, but I think they were also talking about making a large number of calls before Ohio and we all saw how that turned out.


Of course I didnt, because I don't believe it either. However, surely you do not disagree with me that it is not unreasonable for some voters to be weary and mistrustful of families that dominate political parties and keep winning nominations and presidencies.
But Hillary lost in 2008. Her first attempt at the Presidency.


No idea, but I think they were also talking about making a large number of calls before Ohio and we all saw how that turned out.

Ever since South Carolina, I've been convinced that Reddit's efforts always have the opposite effect.

Keep facebanking or whatever. Make more hashtags or memes or something. Please. Proceed.

Because here's a checklist of reasons Bernie will get crushed in New York

- Hillary Clinton was a popular, well liked Senator, and we consider New York to be her home state.
- New York has a lot of minorities
- All polls going into New York show Hillary with a double digit lead
- Bernie is losing major demographics in New York, notably, African Americans and Jews. He's done nothing to fix this.
- It's a closed primary.
- It's a super closed primary. New voters needed to register a month ago, to change parties was back in October. Nobody cared about New York a month ago. Bernie relies entirely on new voters and Independents. He has neither this time around.
- Bernie has done nothing over the last two weeks to sway New Yorkers to change their mind, if anything, he's had the worst couple weeks of his entire campaign.

All the phone calls in the world aren't going to change this.

I wouldn't really call this a reason that Bernie is going to lose in New York, but one of the most telling things to me is his campaign's constant attempts to lower expectations. It tells me they don't think they can win, and they should have good enough data to make that they're probably right. I'd also argue that the Vatican trip and everything surrounding it reeks of desperation.
Families dominating.

Because there've been so many Clintons in public office.

And because Bill and Hill are actually secretly a cosanguine marriage.

This isn't a dynasty. It's two people who have excelled and happen to be married.

If Chelsea gets herself a Senate seat or something then we can talk dynasty.
reminder that out of all the families with multiple presidents, only the roosevelts haven't had at least one member be deeply unpopular and elected for the first time in a controversial way (like, this describes literally all of Q. Adams, B. Harrison, and W)

clinton's gonna be in pretty high company in 6 1/2 months


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Families dominating.

Because there've been so many Clintons in public office.

And because Bill and Hill are actually secretly a cosanguine marriage.

This isn't a dynasty. It's two people who have excelled and happen to be married.

I was going to say the same thing, lol. Then he gave up on the argument.

Also it's consanguine, and yes I had to look it up. Actually, Chrome says you should have probably used consanguineous. I suck at remembering how to spell words though.
Of course I didnt, because I don't believe it either. However, surely you do not disagree with me that it is not unreasonable for some voters to be weary and mistrustful of families that dominate political parties and keep winning nominations and presidencies.

Hillary Clinton is her own person, who has worked fucking hard for every fucking thing she's achieved. Damn fucking straight it's unreasonable.
I was going to say the same thing, lol. Then he gave up on the argument.
I dont word all my arguments so ambiguously to all of a sudden start backing down mang.
Families dominating.

Because there've been so many Clintons in public office.

And because Bill and Hill are actually secretly a cosanguine marriage.

This isn't a dynasty. It's two people who have excelled and happen to be married.

If Chelsea gets herself a Senate seat or something then we can talk dynasty.
This would totally put me in my place if I had ever said the word dynasty. You did. My premise remains unmolested; that the clintons have played a major part in the democratic party for the last twenty years, (two presidential terms, two term senator of a preeminent state, the favored nominee in 2008 and 2016) the whiff of oligarchy hangs over them and it is not unreasonable for some voters to distrust or feel tired of them. Come at me clinton defense force. You will only strike down a man!

I scoff at the mods


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Ah shit, now he will never back down again!
I'm going to send you a PM with this damn cold I can't get rid of in retaliation.
(That's how viruses work right?)

Hillary Clinton is her own person, who has worked fucking hard for every fucking thing she's achieved. Damn fucking straight it's unreasonable.

In all fairness, she did have an advantage getting the spotlight thanks to being first lady which was a lot of her doing. But she also has the built in disadvantage of being a Women in Politics (Fun Fact: There have been 46 women in the United States Senate since the establishment of that body in 1789.). So i'd say it closely evens out.


I dont word all my arguments so ambiguously to all of a sudden start backing down mang.

This would totally put me in my place if I had ever said the word dynasty. You did. My premise remains unmolested; that the clintons have played a major part in the democratic party for the last twenty years, (two presidential terms, two term senator of a preeminent state, the favored nominee in 2008 and 2016) the whiff of oligarchy hangs over them and it is not unreasonable for some voters to distrust or feel tired of them. Come at me clinton defense force. You will only strike down a man!

I scoff at the mods

How about we judge politicians for their worth and what they manage to get accomplished, and not who they're related to.

It's ridiculous to discount Hillary's incredible experience, intelligence, and readiness for the position merely because she's married to Bill. Especially against a man who, it can't be overstated, cannot even explain his own economic policies, much less punch holes in hers.


Unconfirmed Member
This whole Pope thing is dumb. Who gives a shit?

Sanders campaign is all but dead and Clinton will win the nomination. I say leave the poor guy alone as he is just using up what little spotlight he has left before he goes back to being a nobody.

I don't even know why I check this thread anymore...


I just don't understand the strategy behind it, really. I mean we all know Bernie has no shot anymore, but if you were a campaign in his position and you really believed you had a plausible path... I don't get why you'd go on that detour. I don't think it's gonna work to gain him more NY votes.


Can we have a separate thread for the people who just want to come in and shitpost?

"OMG guys have you seen those doo-doo heads in that OT thread?" and "just checking in to say LOL HillGAF you so dumb" both belong in the same garbage bin.


I don't even know why I check this thread anymore...

You are welcome to join and argue otherwise. Yes some posts here are sometimes very partisan but you are welcome to give your opinion.
This drive by shit posting on a community of people that have a common interest is just dumb.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Can we have a separate thread for the people who just want to come in and shitpost?

I almost want a seperate thread for non-presidential politics news, but to be honest we will be moving to GE mode very soon anyways. Not worth it.
Edit: Also, I don't know if there is enough interest in non-presidential politics to hold a thread.
I dont word all my arguments so ambiguously to all of a sudden start backing down mang.

This would totally put me in my place if I had ever said the word dynasty. You did. My premise remains unmolested; that the clintons have played a major part in the democratic party for the last twenty years, (two presidential terms, two term senator of a preeminent state, the favored nominee in 2008 and 2016) the whiff of oligarchy hangs over them and it is not unreasonable for some voters to distrust or feel tired of them. Come at me clinton defense force. You will only strike down a man!

I scoff at the mods
The implication was pretty clear. Why can't I hold all these Presidencies and nominations?

I mean are you actually counting two sequential Presidential terms for Bill Clinton in your notion that the Clintons keep winning multiple Presidencies? Is his nomination for the Democratic Party as the sitting President in the count for multiple nominations?

Considering Hillary Clinton has only ever lost a Presidential nomination so far, and hasn't technically won this one yet.

If Michelle Obama one day runs for office will she create a whiff of oligarchy, which has apparently become everyone's new favourite word in the last year or so for reasons unknown. Will everyone suddenly distrust the Obamas?

Ultimately, the premise is dumb, and basically implies that Clinton is of no accomplishment in her own right.


I alluded to this earlier*, but if we want a really democratic system we should go back to Athens.

Whenever we need to pass some laws, just go out to a mall, lasso some people at random, drag them back to the assembly chamber and have vote on some bills.

What could be more democratic than that?

* Actually, looking at the post I was thinking of, I didn't allude to it in any way anybody was going to understand. But I WAS THINKING ABOUT IT


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This is late news but the last debate was a total flop in terms of ratings. I don't think people care anymore.

How bad was it? Like lowest rated debate of all of them so far?
A quick search shows it had the most viewers of the night for cable.
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