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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Maybe if he didn't go spend 75 seconds at the Vatican he could have bought a plate and sat next to Clooney cheering on people who actually have a chance to enact change
Do people view Bernie's criticism of Israel as "Nixon goes to China" type deal? That Bernie can take a stance without getting too much blow-back where Hillary might have gotten a lot more?

I definitely agree with Bernie over Hillary on Israel, but I have a feeling the optics being so much worse for Hillary on Israel kind of limits what she can say.
I thought Clooney explained himself well on the issue:



Do people view Bernie's criticism of Israel as "Nixon goes to China" type deal? That Bernie can take a stance without getting too much blow-back where Hillary might have gotten a lot more?

I definitely agree with Bernie over Hillary on Israel, but I have a feeling the optics being so much worse for Hillary on Israel kind of limits what she can say.

Bernie's base is much narrower than Clinton's, which basically limits blowback when the origination of that blow back was never voting for you anyway.

I agree with Bernie's more as well but also understand politics. Obama did it but I just don't expect Hillary to pivot once she gets elected like Obama did, unfortunately
I got a text from bernie people to a youtube video. They must have gotten my number from stealing the Clinton data. Evidence of corruption from the Sanders campaign. Call the Times.


Bless George Clooney. But this has been explained by the Clinton camp. It just doesn't matter since Bernie allows his supporters to believe that anything that comes from Hillary Clinton (or her associates, or people who don't even know her or like her but hold opinions similar to hers) is a flat lie.

Why can't Hillary just write some letters, like Bernie does?

Feh. What a naive person. Sometimes you /have/ to vote for the criminal or the bigot. Prime example: The 1991 Governor's race in Louisiana, featuring Edwin Edwards (the criminal) versus David Duke (the bigot).

Wikipedia said:
Duke's rise garnered national media attention. While he gained the backing of the quixotic former Alexandria Mayor John K. Snyder, Duke won few serious endorsements in Louisiana. Celebrities and organizations donated thousands of dollars to former Governor Edwin Edwards' campaign. Referencing Edwards' long-standing problem with accusations of corruption, popular bumper stickers read: "Vote for the Crook. It's Important",[63][64] and "Vote for the Lizard, not the Wizard." When a reporter asked Edwards what he needed to do to triumph over Duke, Edwards replied with a smile: "Stay alive."

Wikipedia said:
Edwards received 1,057,031 votes (61.2%), while Duke's 671,009 votes represented 38.8% of the total. Duke nevertheless claimed victory, saying, "I won my constituency. I won 55% of the white vote," a statistic confirmed by exit polls.[14]


Damn I can't wait to Tuesdays primary,visiting TYT's youtube channel has made me really want to speed up this process. I use to like these guys channel but god they have become hypocritical every since the political season started.

Always shaming big news networks for being ''shills'' but turn around to shill Bernie Sanders 24/7. Its nice to root for Bernie but when every video is about how he could do no wrong and how everything Hillary says or does is the ''establishment'' has really run its course.They don't even questions his spotty past actions and always gives him a past. They've become the far left version of the tea party and god forbid you try to discuss logical reasons to their fans on Facebook,YouTube. Seems the don't believe in math and rather believe in pie in the sky ''momentum''.

It's going to be interesting to see where TYT goes when Bernie loses the DNC nomination.Will they go back to being a normal channel or are they far too gone into becoming the far lefts ''Alex Jones'' network?

Message, yo. These people, for reasons you may not agree with, are not a fan of the democratic establishment. Many supporters I speak with know he has no chance. they support him because they want his message to continue to have the national platform it now does. They want to see it continue to resonate with people and start something that lasts beyond this primary. You may not believe in that cause or share their idealism, but that doesn't matter to very many people.

I argue a good chunk of them are independent and considering that registered Dems and many other Democrats voted heavily against him I don't think they fully believe in his message or don't have the same priorities has he does and his supporters. I do think many agree somewhat either way and always had. I honestly don't think he'll have much impact in the Democrat party(especially since many officials rejected him) besides many Democrats already lean towards social democrat.
Bernie with the same usual BS on Face The Nation. Doesn't get called out on it either.

Edit - Not sure why it quoted a post. This was meant as a new reply.



Shawn Ashmore stars in Quantum BReak?


I wrote him a love letter when I was like 11. He wrote back. XD



what a strange coincidence.

When I was 15 a man using a picture of Shawn Ashmore tried to get me to send nudes to him.

He dumped me when I said no.
Hey y'all how bout some polls


New York

Clinton 53
Sanders 43


Clinton 52
Sanders 40

The New York poll was taken post-debate and represents no change since the last CBS/YouGov poll.
Hey y'all how bout some polls


New York

Clinton 53
Sanders 43


Clinton 52
Sanders 40

The New York poll was taken post-debate and represents no change since the last CBS/YouGov poll.

That's....that's not good. That's no movement at all for Bernie in, what almost 2 weeks? Means the race is just too stagnant to make too many changes. Good for Queen, though.


Why don't they just walk around with $5 and say go vote and get $5? I would do that

Or maybe egg and cheese sandwiches?

Would absentee voters also be given this mythical sandwich? I don't care if the South Africa postal service would steal it, I don't want to be left out of possibly freeish food!
how big of an effect will the Closed Primary rules have an affect on Tuesday?

IMO, all Primaries should be closed

It's going to have a huge effect on Bernie. He doesn't do well with Democrats. He's nearly entirely reliant upon young voters and independents.

On the GOP side, I think less of an issue, because Trump is a home town boy and he does well enough with GOP voters.


Damn I can't wait to Tuesdays primary,visiting TYT's youtube channel has made me really want to speed up this process. I use to like these guys channel but god they have become hypocritical every since the political season started.

Always shaming big news networks for being ''shills'' but turn around to shill Bernie Sanders 24/7. Its nice to root for Bernie but when every video is about how he could do no wrong and how everything Hillary says or does is the ''establishment'' has really run its course.They don't even questions his spotty past actions and always gives him a past. They've become the far left version of the tea party and god forbid you try to discuss logical reasons to their fans on Facebook,YouTube. Seems the don't believe in math and rather believe in pie in the sky ''momentum''.

It's going to be interesting to see where TYT goes when Bernie loses the DNC nomination.Will they go back to being a normal channel or are they far too gone into becoming the far lefts ''Alex Jones'' network?
Agreed, I'm watching them less and less ever since this political season started.
I can't believe they wanted to host a democratic debate and think they could remain partial.


I thought Clooney explained himself well on the issue:


That's a really good way to explain the situation. Good on Clooney for having a solid understanding of politics and using his power appropriately.

We all hate Citizen's United, folks! Berniebros and Hillarystans alike. Fuck the Koch brothers
Shawn Ashmore was in Animorphs, I loved that shit when I was a kid. Still have all the books.



FUCK YES> Me too. I have two complete sets. One for me, and one to give to my kid one day. Never been read. All sealed up in a box.

I have all the VHS tapes and toys too.

Animorphs was my shit.
Do people view Bernie's criticism of Israel as "Nixon goes to China" type deal? That Bernie can take a stance without getting too much blow-back where Hillary might have gotten a lot more?

I definitely agree with Bernie over Hillary on Israel, but I have a feeling the optics being so much worse for Hillary on Israel kind of limits what she can say.

CNN (shock) had a great article on this:

CNN political commentator Van Jones, a former Obama political aide, said Thursday night that Sanders' focus on Palestinian rights during the debate was "extraordinary."

"It's not just that it was interesting politics in New York. It's that I've never seen a Democratic candidate trying to be president -- I haven't seen a Republican, I haven't seen anyone at this level of the game -- say, 'Look, let's have a more balanced approach," Jones said. "That takes a level of courage and a level of integrity. You can disagree with it, you can feel badly about it, you can be proud of it -- but something happened tonight."


Steven Cohen, a Hebrew Union College professor who has studied the evolution of Jewish American views on Israel, said Sanders' views will resonate with the majority of American Jews, who are broadly Democratic and secular, and with young ones in particular.

"They are pro-Israel but they are anti-settlements. They lack confidence in the sincerity of the Israeli government in pursuing peace," Cohen said. "The Democratic Party is changing. Younger Democrats are still pro-Israel, but they're opposed to many Israeli policies."


He's also at 54 in NY. 49 in CA means he wins probably 85% of delegates and is the nominee.

Is Orange County included in their definition of LA? Cruz is probably doing good there.

Priorities’ initial reservations so far include roughly $90 million in broadcast and cable spending in the seven states between June and Election Day — with the heaviest investments in expensive Florida and Ohio markets, according to The Tracking Firm, a group monitoring media buys.

90 million already. And Priorities USA ads in 2012 were so much more effective than GOP SuperPACs. Bring it on, the queen is the chosen one.
The most bizarre part of Sanders supporters thinking the process is undemocratic and unfair is that Bernie has benefited immensely from extremely undemocratic and unfair caucuses...

Take those caucuses and turn them into primaries, and he'd probably be losing even more than he is.
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