Yeah, if the CBS poll in California is correct, it definitely shows Trump surging some. A couple weeks ago, he was below 40% and barely above Cruz. You would think he would gain a couple more points if he does well in the NE states coming up. He could get a ton of delegates in California if he is polling around 50%.
So what is causing Cruz to maybe be losing some ground in many national polls, and in California? Two weeks ago he was only down 3 in the Fox national Poll and Rueters poll. He lost 11 points in the Fox Poll and Trump is up 16 again in the Rueters poll. Reuters mentioned Cruz lost the most support in the SE, but saw a downward trend nationally. My totally amateur theory is Colorado may be hurting him. Cruz bragging about it while the Colorado GOP tweeted out "We did it, NeverTrump" had terrible optics. Plus Trump has been more reserved(for him anyway) since Wisconsin and hasn't made blunders.
Perhaps Cruz gets damaged enough that Trump wins enough of the vote in coming states to get enough delegates to win. If this polling is correct, he will get damn close.