Finally, Bernie supporters giving money to people other than Bernie:
Daniel B·;201200426 said:For anyone else who's interested, Breitbart reported on it.
I didn't realise it was from January (I don't remember any of my comrades posting this), but I still think it qualifies as a Bill level "foot in mouth" comment, as it comes accross as a dig against Bernie's "extraordinary" grandchildren.
But don't you see that she wouldn't have the national recognition to pull that off without having been first lady? Is it realistic to think she could totally have pulled off a Scott Brown on her own? Has it become sexist to think that although Hillary is a talented and brilliant individual in her own right, she has also benefitted from her successful husband?The GOP has been attacking her since she was the First Lady, so that title came with almost as much baggage as it did perks. Would hardly call it "swooping in".
Also doesn't explain why a) she was voted in a second time; and b) why her time as senator is looked at favorably overall.
Talk about misleading people. In the interest of consistency, do you mind posting the full email?
You know why I didn't acknowledge them? Because it's exhausting to constantly have to parse your statements to insert compliments to sweeten criticism. Hillary swooped down from the lofty perch of first lady and won a senate seat in a state she had little prior association with. She supported her husband in his duties, but she ultimately would not have her level of influence to be able to win in NY were it not for him. And if she had been president first and bill won the ny senate seat, I would say the same thing about him.
I feel you guys are tossing around the pejorative sexist a little too liberally.
She bucked the current and shocked Conservatives of not being a Stay-at-Home housewife and actually made triple salary as a lawyer than her Governor husband.But don't you see that she wouldn't have the national recognition to pull that off without having been first lady? Is it realistic to think she could totally have pulled off a Scott Brown on her own? Has it become sexist to think that although Hillary is a talented and brilliant individual in her own right, she has also benefitted from her successful husband?
Cruz has basically the same unfavorability ratings as Clinton in most recent polls and yet his policy positions (which are significantly less popular nationally than Clinton's) haven't even been touched on. Ignore his general ugliness and lack of likeability, once the dems start tearing into his positions on tax policy, immigration, and social equality, he'll be below Clinton and around Trump in terms of unfavorability (and that's not factoring in how much "stealing" the nomination from Trump will tank his favorability).
Even with an 18% margin in CA, I still bet that Trump would need a win in Indiana to get 1,237.
Listen, if Cruz had an affair, I'm sure he killed the girl by now and buried her where no one could find her.
so is Melk pop stanning of Bernie but I enjoy both company.![]()
And during your exchange with the other posters, I felt like everyone was dancing around what they should have said straightforwardly. None of them said bluntly what you said was sexist until I came along and just let you know what you were saying was sexist. So?You know why I didn't acknowledge them? Because it's exhausting to constantly have to parse your statements to insert compliments to sweeten criticism. Hillary swooped down from the lofty perch of first lady and won a senate seat in a state she had little prior association with. She supported her husband in his duties, but she ultimately would not have her level of influence to be able to win in NY were it not for him. And if she had been president first and bill won the ny senate seat, I would say the same thing about him.
I feel you guys are tossing around the pejorative sexist a little too liberally.
So not only is Bernie not raising money for down ticket Democrats, he's actively campaigning against fundraising for them. What the hell?
I'm pretty sure working for CNN is considered dead and buried.Listen, if Cruz had an affair, I'm sure he killed the girl by now and buried her where no one could find her.
So not only is Bernie not raising money for down ticket Democrats, he's actively campaigning against fundraising for them. What the hell?
Or perhaps Devine is just Wormtonguing him to keep that sweet paycheck going for as long as possible.
Not to mention I'm fairly certain the photos with Cruz and his mistress are out there and will hit in October if he is the candidate.
Someone in another thread mentioned they were in DC and people are 100% sure they'll come out.
Talk about misleading people. In the interest of consistency, do you mind posting the full email?
There's the rest of it.
Sounds exciting, but that's not really confirmation of anything
There's the rest of it.
It's insane how much it costs to run a viable general election campaign. 90 million before anything has really even started, but the strategy is smart.
Hillarythulu has many tentacles.
Cruz would drop out if there were photos out there, c'mon.
Bernie out here stealing college kids' ramen money like he's Ben Carson or something.
R/sandersforpress is a scary place...
Bernie out here stealing college kids' ramen money like he's Ben Carson or something.
It's OK Bernie, we already knew you were toast in New York. There's no need to keep reminding us.
I'd love to see him propose a path to victory that doesn't involve winning NY and doesn't involve a big win in California either. Keeping her nonviable everywhere else? Getting every single superdelegate to support him? I want to know!
To be fair, they are fairly consistent with their path forward (ignoring Weaver stating they can still win the majority of pledged delegates last week) which is: no candidate will get the number of delegates needed to win from PLEDGED delegates alone, supers don't decide until the convention, we will continue to demonstrate that we poll better in GE matchups than Clinton, therefore supers will support us. It is delusional and essentially the exact same plan that Kasich has, but they are starting to get fairly consistent about stating it openly.
That being said, it will most likely not happen considering Hilldawg will probably take NY, sweep the 26th contests, win most of the June 7th contests, and probably have Obama support her publically once she reaches the threshold with supers like he did in 08.
I think someone says it every time, but the need to label everything in political cartoons is annoying
Imagine if the hill didnt say delegates. There would be no joke and the cartoon would not workI think someone says it every time, but the need to label everything in political cartoons is annoying
Imagine if the hill didnt say delegates. There would be no joke and the cartoon would not work
Well, consistent as of a month or so ago.
Before that supers voting against the will of the people was clearly wrong.
*reads blm thread on s4p, now depressed*