Yeah, going to have to push back "|OT5| Nation Prepares to Say Goodbye to Cleveland" again.
Holy crap. This is perfect.7-11 was a part-time job.
I was in a good enough mood to write out a huge Sanders rant this afternoon, but realized it'll be far more enjoyable and topical after he gets murdered tomorrow night. Getting rid of "just wait for NY!" is a month of frustration ready to be washed away.24 hours from now and we can begin shoveling the dirt on that Sanders campaign coffin and finally, hopefully, start looking to the general. can't wait...
Wait did I step into a basketball thread and you got info on Lebron?
No, it's in reference to the GOP Convention. Which they are holding, by some genius idea, in Cleveland.
It was a joke, and apparently not a good one, because he left the city once and the local economy tanked. I got the reference ;p
That is so mean.
Fallon's being snarky again..
You don't go from supporting Trump to Hillary overnight. That entire site has to be a parody.
The guy who created isn't a democrat and most likely never actually supported Clinton.
Don't worry, I was thinking about you specifically when I made the post.
Just like how Scalia used originalism because it was more politically convenient and then abandoned that philosophy when politically inconvenient. Political philosophies are things no one cares about.
An online merchant has accused the Bernie Sanders campaign of trademark bullying after a Bernie 2016, Inc. attorney sent him a cease and desist letter regarding T-shirts, mugs, and sweatshirts depicting the candidate with historic communist leaders.
So the Sanders campaign is trying to get these shirts off the internet
[/QUOTE] LOL I wonder what the creator's intentions were...what if they were an actual marxist
So the Sanders campaign is trying to get these shirts off the internet
Ok... This is equal parts fucked up and hilarious. Well More like 60% fucked up and 40% hilarious.
So the Sanders campaign is trying to get these shirts off the internet
Funny, I was thinking about you when I read it. No faster way to tank your credibility on an issue than to admit you don't buy your own argument.
So the Sanders campaign is trying to get these shirts off the internet
Umm...I really don't think that's what she was doing.
To me, it looked like she was restraining herself from cutting him off to get a word in. Which makes sense, considering the utter ridiculousness coming out of his mouth at that moment. Hillary, the candidate actually working to raise money for down-ticket candidates, is the one who needs to invest in the future of the party? THAT'S hilarious. If I had a drink I would have spit it out.
Didn't watch the video (so idk why I'm responding) but they could have meant it like Hillary should metaphorically invest in the future of the party in terms of literally the future democrats as in the youth that sanders struck a cord with but Hillary did not and not literally that hillary needs to spend more money on rising democratic stars if that makes sense.
You charged that anti-BDS legislation infringes the freedom of speech, then admitted you don't care about free speech.
And no shit politicians often don't believe the things they claim to, but the same can't be said for everyone else. Many people really do care about free speech, the Constitution, and political philosophies. Why, some--Scalia included--even believe(d, in Nino's case) in originalism as an interpretive methodology!
I understood that's what he meant, but it's still ridiculous. Getting the youth swept up in a movement is no more significant, at least in my mind, than a candidate who is working to lay the groundwork to get more people involved and democrats elected.
... I charged that anti-BDS legislation infringes freedom of speech and then said it wasn't a dealbreaker for my support of Hillary by noting that no politician cares about freedom of speech.
... I put "no one cares about freedom of speech" right after talking about politicians around the world, I think my intentions are pretty clear here.
I think the point is not that sanders is doing a great job, but more that Hillary isn't connecting with them for a reason and that is slightly concerning in the sense that she should probably work on figuring out what attracts them to the party. In other words, hillary should try to be capturing the youth (future of the party) along with laying the groundwork for a more liberal democratic party of today or something.
I understand that. But I think this goes to one of the core reasons why I really dislike Sanders at this point.
Yes, he's connecting with youth, but I've said this before, I think he's largely doing it by peddling a platform of almost pure fantasy. By pushing this false reality where there's an obvious "good" (largely him), and an obvious evil (mostly Hillary and anyone who doesn't agree with him). A reality where all problems have simple solutions, compromise is the enemy, and only far left ideals (except when it comes to guns, of course) are worth considering. If that's how you appeal to the youth vote today, I have to wonder if it's really worth it.
How does one appeal to youth in elections with pragmatism? With realistic expectations?
Much of what he's saying isn't 'pure fantasy' for an astonishingly large percentage of the modern world. Maybe we should do less dismissing and more wondering why the fuck we can afford war but not education or health care.I understand that. But I think this goes to one of the core reasons why I really dislike Sanders at this point.
Yes, he's connecting with youth, but I've said this before, I think he's largely doing it by peddling a platform of almost pure fantasy. By pushing this false reality where there's an obvious "good" (largely him), and an obvious evil (mostly Hillary and anyone who doesn't agree with him). A reality where all problems have simple solutions, compromise is the enemy, and only far left ideals (except when it comes to guns, of course) are worth considering. If that's how you appeal to the youth vote today, I have to wonder if it's really worth it.
How does one appeal to youth in elections with pragmatism? With realistic expectations?
Because of the political system we live under and how Congress operates. If you didn't know that then you either haven't been paying attention over the last 8 years or you're being wilfully ignorant.Much of what he's saying isn't 'pure fantasy' for an astonishingly large percentage of the modern world. Maybe we should do less dismissing and more wondering why the fuck we can afford war but not education or health care.
Not to be 100% cruel to "the youth," but history has shown it's wasted effort and Sanders supporters don't look to be lining up much differently. There's some mythical figure that appears every single cycle to swoop in and grab chunks of voters who have never gone through the process before. This is possible largely because they are gullible and don't know any better. As I prefer to phrase it, they don't understand that this is Serious Business. They're not stupid. Just gullible. It's good they want to be involved in politics. It's bad that they run into charismatic people that manipulate them.I think the point is not that sanders is doing a great job, but more that Hillary isn't connecting with them for a reason and that is slightly concerning in the sense that she should probably work on figuring out what attracts them to the party. In other words, hillary should try to be capturing the youth (future of the party) along with laying the groundwork for a more liberal democratic party of today or something.
Much of what he's saying isn't 'pure fantasy' for an astonishingly large percentage of the modern world. Maybe we should do less dismissing and more wondering why the fuck we can afford war but not education or health care.
I think you are othering sanders supporters a bit too much and this doesn't have that much to do with sanders. Its more, how can hillary, basically the next champion of the party integrate sanders supporters in a less idealistic way. I don't think its as simple as the youth are dumb, I think theres more to it that the democratic party should try to figure out.
Much of what he's saying isn't 'pure fantasy' for an astonishingly large percentage of the modern world.
I've been paying attention, but when you have people rising up in disgust over this system, you're seeing a vehicle for changing the status quo. That makes the 'fantasy' not as fanciful, IMHO. Are you asleep? Do you not think that another four years of neoliberal political fuckery will mean MORE outrage next cycle? Because HRC isn't going to even try to address the issues that are causing this anger. Sanders didn't invent it, he's just found himself at the head of it. I think that even he's been surprised at the effectiveness of his message.Because of the political system we live under and how Congress operates. If you didn't know that then you either haven't been paying attention over the last 8 years or you're being wilfully ignorant.
The energy required to build the first examples is always larger than that required to follow those examples once they are established. We don't need decades and we don't need a war on domestic soil - there are easy to follow examples for how to make these things work and the political will required to follow successful examples just isn't the same as that required to invent them into existence. Late-mover advantage.and as i've posted easily a hundred times between here and all forms of social media, that "astonishing large percentage" has had multiple decades and/or at least one catastrophic war to get to that point, so unless you want to leave multiple US cities as actual bombed-out husks or wait a generation...
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Monday acknowledged "overwhelming frustration" with the Israeli government and said the systemic expansion of Jewish settlements was moving Israel toward a dangerous "one-state reality" and in the wrong direction.
Addressing the J Street lobby group in Washington, Biden said despite disagreements with Israel over settlements or the Iran nuclear deal, the United States had an obligation to push Israel toward a two-state solution to end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
"We have an overwhelming obligation, notwithstanding our sometimes overwhelming frustration with the Israeli government, to push them as hard as we can toward what they know in their gut is the only ultimate solution, a two-state solution, while at the same time be an absolute guarantor of their security," Biden said.
and as i've posted easily a hundred times between here and all forms of social media, that "astonishing large percentage" has had multiple decades and/or at least one catastrophic war to get to that point, so unless you want to leave multiple US cities as actual bombed-out husks or wait a generation...
In other news, Jill Stein is sweeping the Green Party primary,_2016
also there have been 15 libertarian party debates?????,_2016