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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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Re-installed Ubuntu.....three fucking times. Solus Project decided it didn't want to play nice with a duel OS system, so one way or another Ubunto's partition got destroyed though one time the boot loader for Ubunto just got fucked up. Thank god this is on a machine that I don't use for data, but rather testing.

Pfft. Ubuntu is a godsend compared to Redhat. We took them on as customers for our product, and then they said they couldn't get it working on their machines. So I had to download and install a Redhat partition, worked fine for me. But I couldn't even tell which Redhat software I should download, and when I asked them for the specific build they were using they never responded. Then actually installing it was a nightmare, and I had to spend a whole day setting up the basic dependencies it should've handled on its own
Pfft. Ubuntu is a godsend compared to Redhat. We took them on as customers for our product, and then they said they couldn't get it working on their machines. So I had to download and install a Redhat partition, worked fine for me. But I couldn't even tell which Redhat software I should download, and when I asked them for the specific build they were using they never responded. Then actually installing it was a nightmare, and I had to spend a whole day setting up the basic dependencies it should've handled on its own

Oh yeah, Ubunto is super simple to set-up and straight forward. It just takes 20-25 minutes from putting in the CD to loading it up and after doing that 3 times within the span of 3 hours it get frustrating. It also really hurts compared to Solus Project's 3-4 minute set up to first boot time.
Oh yeah, Ubunto is super simple to set-up and straight forward. It just takes 20-25 minutes from putting in the CD to loading it up and after doing that 3 times within the span of 3 hours it get frustrating. It also really hurts compared to Solus Project's 3-4 minute set up to first boot time.

Managing accounts and user rights can be a real bitch though...


I spent past half an hour writing VBA script only for excel to crash. I wrote it again for another half hour but didn't see excel autorecovered my lost code. Fun!


Last time I touched VBA was over 15 years ago.

Oh yeah, Ubunto is super simple to set-up and straight forward. It just takes 20-25 minutes from putting in the CD to loading it up and after doing that 3 times within the span of 3 hours it get frustrating. It also really hurts compared to Solus Project's 3-4 minute set up to first boot time.

Install with a USB stick, takes half the time.


Oh yeah, Ubunto is super simple to set-up and straight forward. It just takes 20-25 minutes from putting in the CD to loading it up and after doing that 3 times within the span of 3 hours it get frustrating. It also really hurts compared to Solus Project's 3-4 minute set up to first boot time.

Yeah I'm just glad we're mostly an iOS first company, makes my job a lot easier. I don't think we'll have to do a ton of Linux stuff in general since it's just a web app for them.




FGC Waterboy
To quote the 538 podcast, the NY Elections Board spends their waking time trying to figure out how they can be worse then every other elections board in the country.
Let's lighten the mood in here. I just spent half an hour laying down beats to Dre songs on my bass for my incredibly white flatmate to rap over. What are y'all doing with your afternoons? :p
I am walking to the polling place right now. I am going to ask them why bobby jindal is not on the ballot but ben carson is.

At some point blood will probably be shed

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I was helping my fiance find a birthday card the other day when I found these at Target. Out of curiosity, I checked at Fred Meyers and they had the same shit there too. Is this just a red state thing? I was kinda surprised to see such divisive shit in the birthday card section. Like it seems weird for big companies like that to assume all of their customers hate Obama and the Democrats.


FGC Waterboy
I think this long primary has everyone on edge

Long primary + nothing happening + heavy echo chamber = stupidity and short tempers abound. It's the same set of circumstances that makes SandersReddit or any heavy single candidate area go insane as well. You want stuff to be mad about and fight about.


No Scrubs
So that's fair, let's go back to the original topic and look at your source rather than USUncut.

It seems clear that there are voter purges going on but also that that's relatively normal because you have to purge the rolls every so often. It seems dumb that they are happening during a crucial Presidential primary, but as the article notes, it's six months before the election, so in any normal year this would be a great time to start working on voter rolls. Does seem like a pretty typical accident of bureaucracy, but it does offer some evidence to the argument that New York's super closed primary is a little problematic.

I feel like it is pretty easy to imagine a situation where Brooklyn dropped you from the rolls, presumably sent you a postcard or something late last year, but left you with basically a pretty small window to realize that you want to vote in the primary and go re-register before March. I don't love that. If we stuck a driver's license in there somewhere it would be a pretty clear constructive denial of franchise from my view of the sort that we argue about all the time.

The problem is that, legally this is pretty much the only time of year they can update the voter rolls. They aren't allowed to touch them once the fall rolls around and due to the timing of state and city primaries they can't do it after this.

It's a problem in Brooklyn due to everyone moving around a lot, since the rising rents and gentrification are worse there than anywhere else in the city, and people forgetting to update their information. So their BoE is constantly backlogged and playing catch-up.

Admittedly this is a primary, rather than a general, but I distinguish this case from the previous arguments I've made because these people are registered Democrats. They've clearly indicated their interest, well in advance, in participating in the Democratic primary. I think the party has an interest in making sure long-time Democrats do get a voice in the primary -- specifically to protect the party! -- and they may not have pursued that interest optimally in this case, mainly due to an interaction of various different systems.

That said it's probably worth noting that these long-time Democrats, specifically because they're long-time New York Democrats, are probably votes that would have mostly gone for Hillary Clinton. So ultimately the Queen is the one sinned against here.

The issue isn't so much registered democrats as the board of elections. The reason it seems like it's only with dems is due to the demographics of Brooklyn itself and the fact that over half the registered voters in the state are dems.

There's always articles like this around this time of year, the issue this year is the primary was moved back without accounting for local issues. So while this would normally be happening well after the primary, now the two are basically on top of each other. So the law hasn't caught up with the change in date.

So it exacerbates the issue of the NY BoE being shitty, not that I've ever actually had an issue.


remember me
I was helping my fiance find a birthday card the other day when I found these at Target. Out of curiosity, I checked at Fred Meyers and they had the same shit there too. Is this just a red state thing? I was kinda surprised to see such divisive shit in the birthday card section. Like it seems weird for big companies like that to assume all of their customers hate Obama and the Democrats.
I want to say that the birthday cards are stocked by a third party vendor, based on memories from working there during high school. Target corporate probably has no idea that's what's being sold.


I was helping my fiance find a birthday card the other day when I found these at Target. Out of curiosity, I checked at Fred Meyers and they had the same shit there too. Is this just a red state thing? I was kinda surprised to see such divisive shit in the birthday card section. Like it seems weird for big companies like that to assume all of their customers hate Obama and the Democrats.

This card doesn't even make sense lol.


I was helping my fiance find a birthday card the other day when I found these at Target. Out of curiosity, I checked at Fred Meyers and they had the same shit there too. Is this just a red state thing? I was kinda surprised to see such divisive shit in the birthday card section. Like it seems weird for big companies like that to assume all of their customers hate Obama and the Democrats.

That seems like a downer of a card.
I want to say that the birthday cards are stocked by a third party vendor, based on memories from working there during high school. Target corporate probably has no idea that's what's being sold.
This is true at Walmart at least. Which always confuses people after Christmas because it's up to the vendor to clearance them but customers think Christmas cards are also on clearance along with other merchandise.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I want to say that the birthday cards are stocked by a third party vendor, based on memories from working there during high school. Target corporate probably has no idea that's what's being sold.

That makes sense. It just seemed weirdly out of place to see some cards that are just like 'Fuck half the country.... oh and happy birthday I guess'.


Along the same lines, re: Sanders' struggles with black voters. Told in a series of tweets.

If you wanted to persuade black voters who are proud of Obama that they should vote Sanders, Dr. West is the *last* person you'd choose. West & Render didn't convince black voters to choose Sanders, but they did convince progressive whites not to worry about black support.

The bolded is so hilariously true.
I was helping my fiance find a birthday card the other day when I found these at Target. Out of curiosity, I checked at Fred Meyers and they had the same shit there too. Is this just a red state thing? I was kinda surprised to see such divisive shit in the birthday card section. Like it seems weird for big companies like that to assume all of their customers hate Obama and the Democrats.

Nah, those kinds of cards are around in the "funny card" section, depending on the store. There were plenty of Bush ones back in the day too. Probably still are!


I was helping my fiance find a birthday card the other day when I found these at Target. Out of curiosity, I checked at Fred Meyers and they had the same shit there too. Is this just a red state thing? I was kinda surprised to see such divisive shit in the birthday card section. Like it seems weird for big companies like that to assume all of their customers hate Obama and the Democrats.
All birthday cards here in California just say "Fuck the Republicans"

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

Never having lived in a city with an actual subway system the turnstiles always get me tripped up. I had to hop one in Shanghai because after scanning my ticket I wasn't sure if it had gone through so I pushed on it to test if it would move and it flipped and locked me out

The moral of this story is that feedback is important in interface design or something


This is semantics, and nothing more
Here's an interesting article: We don't need another Scalia. This is why liberals should embrace a 4-4 court

Eric Segall said:
Contrary to the views of most politicians and scholars, the current situation, with an eight person Court equally divided among Democrats and Republicans (and conservatives and liberals) is actually a very good thing. In fact, there are compelling arguments that maybe we should stay with an equally divided 4-4 Court for as long as possible.

. . .

First, with eight Justices equally divided between the two major political parties, the winning side must convince at least one Justice to side with Justices from the other party to form a majority. Over time, this requirement would lead to more public confidence in the final outcomes and also likely generate more moderate arguments and decisions (which is a good thing given that the Court is composed of life tenured, elite lawyers who the people don’t elect and cannot vote out of office).

Second, with eight Justices divided along political party lines, it will be much harder, though certainly not impossible, for the Court to overturn decisions by more accountable governmental officials. The Court could still play an important role as many of its historic decisions would not have been affected by an even number of Justices. For example, Brown v. Board of Education was 9-0, Roe v. Wade was 7-2, and Reynolds v. Simms (one person-one vote) was 8-1. But with only eight Justices, there will be none of those obviously partisan 5-4 decisions that sharply divide the country such as Citizens United (campaign finance), District of Columbia v. Heller (guns), and Shelby County v. Holder (voting rights). That is not to say that there won’t be divisive 5-3 decisions or even 8-0 decisions but at least in those cases the votes can’t be purely along party lines.

Third, constitutional law is tricky business to say the least. Most constitutional disputes involve ancient and vague text, contested historical accounts concerning that text, and fuzzy precedent. One does not have to be a hard core legal realist to believe that personal values, politics, and ideology play a prominent role in Supreme Court cases. Having an equally divided Court over time would likely reduce the infection of politics and personal values in the Justices’ decisions because to accomplish their goals, the Justices would simply have to get along better.

But what about the Supreme Court's role in deciding the law for the entire country and resolving lower-court disputes?

Eric Segall said:
There are several responses. First, even now the Court only hears 75 cases or so a year giving the courts of appeals effective final say in most areas of federal law. Judge Richard Posner made this point in a debate that he and I had over whether Supreme Court Justices do their jobs differently than lower court judges in any way that matters. Posner pointed out that the Court only reviews “one tenth of one percent” of lower court cases and thus lower courts “already have the last word in most cases.”

But, one may argue, what about those nationally important cases where we need the Court to rule on a national basis for the good of the country? If the Court ties four-to-four in those kinds of disputes, we will all be worse off. This argument assumes that the Supreme Court is better able to decide such cases than court of appeals judges or that there is a strong need for national uniformity in such cases or both.

. . .

But is there a compelling need to have an odd-numbered Supreme Court to make sure that both federal statutory and constitutional law remain uniform throughout the country? As I mentioned earlier, the Court only hears about seventy-five cases a year now and many of those cases will be important but not for uniformity sake. Moreover, if uniformity is a compelling need in certain cases, and the Justices are divided four-to-four, it is likely that they will try hard to reach some kind of consensus or moderate agreement to resolve the dispute as is happening right now with the Obamacare contraception litigation. This is emphatically a good thing and must be balanced against the very few cases where uniformity is important and the Justices are deadlocked four-to-four with no way out.
We aren't going to "settle" for 8 justices. The GOP is just biding time hoping for a miracle Presidency win. I refuse to believe you don't see what's going on.

To ask liberals to settle for 8 justices is to say "yep, here you go conservatives, have a win. On us. Because you were whiny little babies"
I agree that a 4-4 SCOTUS wouldn't be bad in an ideal world. But after so many years of Republican domination and terrible partisan decisions, fuck that noise. Give me my liberal majority, we need to reverse that damage.


I agree that a 4-4 SCOTUS wouldn't be bad in an ideal world. But after so many years of Republican domination and terrible partisan decisions, fuck that noise. Give me my liberal majority, we need to reverse that damage.
A whole generation of 5-4 decisions - on a wide swath of issues - just sitting there waiting to be reversed.

If that isn't reason alone to vote in November, I don't know what is.

Fucking Carl man.
“I like that little birds like him!” came another voice, near the back. Every head swiveled to the speaker.

“Goddamit, Carl,” said Karen. “You’re not fucking helping.” The assembled shook their heads. Fucking Carl sometimes, man.

In the ensuing lull, Goodman looked so downcast that Justin sought to fill the air. This turned out to be an unwise move. “I mean, even if Bernie loses, we’re definitely still going to vote for Hillary. The last thing we want is a Trump or Cruz presidency.” The others murmured agreement. “Well, except for Carl, he’s an absentee Vermont voter so it doesn’t matter if he votes for Jill Stein.” Carl gave a little wave.
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