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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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I'm still thinking 15 points maximum. Anything more than 20 and he should drop out after the 26th

Also those Clinton supporters who wouldn't support Bernie are fools too.


NY DEM EXIT POLL: 13% of voters would not vote for Clinton in general; 18% of voters would not vote for Sanders in general

Wow, that's dangerous thinking (by the 18%). I don't like Hillary as a candidate, particularly, but to not vote her in the GE would be irresponsible.

I would have to go back and look, but I remember reading about how UH's entrance into the exchanges was pretty poorly planned, with plans that weren't competitively priced with others, so they couldn't hit the thresholds they needed for profitability.

You may be right. But if private health insurance companies continue to withdraw from the exchanges, where does that put the current ACA long-term? This is why we needed the public option so badly. Thanks Joe Lieberman!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's looking like a greater than 15% margin.
Does the Bernie thing end tonight?

It kind of has to right....?

I actually expect it to get uglier, and I am not looking forward to it at all. I'm a California resident, so I'll be in Sanders' next target. Honestly can't stand all of these Bernie bros harassing my wife about why she isn't voting for Bernie.


18% is less than the number of people who said they wouldn't vote for Obama back in 2008 no? I trust they'll just fall in line if some strange twist of fate turned the table on Hillary in favor of Bernie. Wasn't it like up to HALF of Hillary supporters in 08 saying NO WAY to Obama before capitulating?


I am actually looking forward to getting phonebanked. I've never been in a state that was actually competitive for any political election before! Please, call me on the phone!



I actually expect it to get uglier, and I am not looking forward to it at all. I'm a California resident, so I'll be in Sanders' next target. Honestly can't stand all of these Bernie bros harassing my wife about why she isn't voting for Bernie.

I think he ends after next tuesday.

If he ramps it up after then I really, really have no more good will regarding him, his surrogates and his campaign.


Oh god

Daily Kos Elections ‏@DKElections 26m26 minutes ago

Be prepared for a long night for #NYPrimary. In the 2014 statewide primary, it took almost an hour for even 14% of precincts to be in


FGC Waterboy
Does the Bernie thing end tonight?

It kind of has to right....?

Nah - Bernie's an issue candidate. His entire goal has been to basically galvanize the Democratic party around taking on Wall Street much harder than they have, and he has pushed Clinton to commit to far more progressive policies than she would have without his presence (as happens to most general election candidates in a primary). Bernie's accomplished his goal, to be honest. (Unless Clinton gets into office and does fuck all about the economic issues)

I'm so glad people are finally realizing what kinda guy he is. (Nothing to do with his politics, everything to do with him.)

The entire Chelsea Clinton line of attack seems shady at best and scummy at worst.
If I had to guess his comments on Israel probably didn't help in a state like New York

Oh yeah, that's a good point.

Also, that 12% number for 'not vote for Clinton', considering the 30-ish percent number Bernie fans have been polling at for that metric nationwide, bodes very not well for him tonight.


If I had to guess his comments on Israel probably didn't help in a state like New York

The thing is, he's right on that issue. He's losing Jews to Hillary by a lot, but it's an issue where he absolutely crushes her. It hurt his electability, though; Sanders should have maybe stayed mum.


Everything looks to be a blowout. God I cant wait to get home and watch The Young Turks Bernsplain this loss. Over the past few days they have been insufferable with the Clinton hate. If its >15% I expect to get no sleep from reading the armchair analysts on r/s4p with with their voter fraud videos, disregard for NY and countless claims of corruption.

Grabbing a bottle of wine, a juicy ribeye and some #hotsauce on the way home!
These appointed Trump and Cruz women on CNN are going to be trying to kill one another by the end of the night, aren't they? But damn the "boob window" outfit is ridiculous. Oh well. To background noise it goes.
Also note that these exit polls are taken with over 4 hours left of voting.
Oh of course, but big swings like that are fascinating. A few more hours of the polling isn't going to dramatically change it. WI was a 14 point loss, but the expected is +15ish for her tonight. 30 points total is a massive flip for a for any candidate in almost any election for persons sharing any demographic. I said it a lot in a half-bragging half-annoyed manner before hand, but politics in Wisconsin are freaking weird. We're not really representative of anything and would make an awesome first voting state. This is just another example of it.


I should really stop looking at the exit polls, I don't wanna be massively disappointed if Sanders does way better than expected.

The wait for final results tonight will be brutal.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
The thing is, he's right on that issue. He's losing Jews to Hillary by a lot, but it's an issue where he absolutely crushes her. It hurt his electability, though; Sanders should have maybe stayed mum.

It was weird reading what he said about Israel and watching the reactions to it, because it was one of the first times where I was in complete agreement with his stance.
You're right; I haven't thought through all the issues. On the other hand, I only just read the proposal a few hours ago. You provide plenty of food for thought here, which I appreciate.

But this is garbage. Here, you're trying to turn the discussion from the substance of the proposal into an ad hominem. I don't appreciate that. Just as I can point to no evidence that I supported a proposal like this in the past, neither can you point to any evidence that I opposed a proposal like this in the past. (And I doubt you can point to any evidence that you've opposed a proposal like this in the past, for that matter.) This isn't a good faith effort to advance the conversation; it's an irrational effort to dissuade someone from participating in a discussion by questioning his motives.

Was such a move a bad and overtly insulting/unfair decision? Yes, I have to cop to that and agree that it's an unnecessary personal attack and damages the level of discourse which I shouldn't be doing and for that I apologize.
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