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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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There is literally nothing valid about Greenpeace. They're an eco-terrorism organization masquerading as people who know what they're talking about. They cause orders of magnitude more harm than good and are the environmentalist equivalent of PETA.

We're talking about a group who damaged part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site to push their agenda, lied about the extent, and shielded the people who did the actual destruction when Peru wanted to press charges.

Thank you. I'm not sure why, all of the sudden, people are so concerned with what Greenpeace thinks. Fuck them.

But I'm a hypocrite. Because I spent last week concerned about the National Enquirer, soooo...
There is literally nothing valid about Greenpeace. They're an eco-terrorism organization masquerading as people who know what they're talking about. They cause orders of magnitude more harm than good and are the environmentalist equivalent of PETA.

We're talking about a group who damaged part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site to push their agenda, lied about the extent, and shielded the people who did the actual destruction when Peru wanted to press charges.

I'm still pissed about that sh*t, even their apology was lame.
I see this too. A lot of my Facebook friends that share the most vile hit pieces against Hillary also share every positive thing about Obama. I don't see how it's possible to have such a negative opinion of hillary (for lefty reasons) and simultaneously love everything Obama does.

This contrast was a lot more apparent in 2008 than it is now. Hillary was considered to be too conservative by many Obama voters back then.


The McGinty ad with Obama is pretty good, I think. It even has a Trump/Toomey side-by-side to scare people to the polls. I'm glad I'm not in Pennsylvania and have to make a choice between her and Sestak though. I'd gladly switch Casey and Toomey for Sestak and McGinty.
So what happens after a 60/40 loss in NY then another drubbing in PA, MD, DE?

As long as he gets a few votes he hits the credibility threshold and should get the nomination?
They have to be counting on the DoJ to knock her out of the race. It's the only thing that makes sense.


I don't understand... I get that his campaign is delusional and interested in preserving their own jobs as long as possible, but does Bernie actually not realize he can't win?



That poll also has Kander losing St. Louis by a substantial margin, which goes against in-state voting trends. He could make a big push with a little advertising to raise his profile.

If Trump/Cruz put Missouri in play for Clinton and she does any three way campaign stops with Kander and McCaskill they could win the state and both Senate seats.


Wasn't Hillary more liberal than Obama even back then?

I know healthcare was a major point between the two.

The big differences were:
- Obama was against the individual health care mandate, Hillary was for it
- Obama was for more of a reset on foreign policy (close Gitmo, talk with Iran/Cuba, be more neutral with Israel) and obviously bashed Hillary for her Iraq vote. Hillary was more hawkish and didn't advocate for those things specifically, although in general there wasn't a huge difference there.
- Obama supported raising the cap on Social Security taxes, Clinton didn't.
- Obama was for a reset/fresh start and thought he could work with Republicans well and change the political discourse to be more sane; Hillary was less naive and more partisan.


It should not be that close for a 2 term senator with no major scandals.
Blunt is in his first term, but he represented southwest Missouri in the House from '97 to when he was elected to the Senate in 2010.
That poll also has Kander losing St. Louis by a substantial margin, which goes against in-state voting trends. He could make a big push with a little advertising to raise his profile.

If Trump/Cruz put Missouri in play for Clinton and she does any three way campaign stops with Kander and McCaskill they could win the state and both Senate seats.
I think their definition of St. Louis includes the suburbs as well, which carry a lot more weight than the city itself in statewide elections.
Wasn't Hillary more liberal than Obama even back then?

I know healthcare was a major point between the two.

My recollection was that supporters of both candidates during that primary considered their preferred candidate to be the more liberal of the two. So regardless of how one chooses to measure how liberal one's voting record is, I do think it's accurate to say that Hillary was considered too conservative by many Obama voters back then.

Personally, the abstract question of which candidate was more liberal did not concern me that much, as the two were broadly similar on policy. My decision to vote for Obama came down to a number of other factors. Like many I was captivated by his speech at the 2004 convention. He was the first person I could ever remember thinking "this man is the future of the Democratic Party" about. I felt like he could sell liberal ideas to the public and explain nuance in a way that didn't come across as lecturing or mealy-mouthed, and I liked how well he could turn attacks back against his opponents instead of coming across as defensive. My biggest sticking point with Clinton was the Iraq War vote, on two grounds. One was that I was opposed to the war and thought it was a mistake to have voted for it. The second was that anger with Bush over the Iraq War had played a big part in Democrats winning back Congress in 2006 and it seemed foolish not to take advantage of the war's unpopularity again in 2008. I also thought Obama was running a much smarter campaign and would thus be a more effective general election candidate (I certainly wanted Mark Penn nowhere near the general election campaign). But I definitely remember both Clinton and Obama partisans (and Edwards partisans for that matter) painting their candidate as the true progressive and the other as conservative.


I don't understand... I get that his campaign is delusional and interested in preserving their own jobs as long as possible, but does Bernie actually not realize he can't win?
It's possible that as long as he has a chance, he wants to fight. If his advisors are telling him the data says he still has a chance, then ending the campaign would be giving up without trying.

I think it's all right to let Bernie be and keep campaigning, as long as he moderates his negativity.


There was another MO poll yesterday, I think, that had Blunt up 15 and Clinton up 2 against Trump. I think it's going to be close so long as Trump is the nominee.
Good GE numbers but those Senate numbers suck. I would rather win the Senate seat and lose the state in the general than the other way around.


Ugh, Bernie pushing his super delegate strategy on Colbert



Blunt is in his first term, but he represented southwest Missouri in the House from '97 to when he was elected to the Senate in 2010.

I think their definition of St. Louis includes the suburbs as well, which carry a lot more weight than the city itself in statewide elections.

Oops. I thought he had two terms for some reason. Wasn't he governor?
Jindal: Trump Will ‘Never Be Able to Convince’ Me He’s Conservative
“You used many great analogies, but hopefully this is the week Donald Trump jumps the shark,” Jindal said. “I’m old enough to remember that I don’t know if viewers remember Fonzy jumping the shark. Hopefully this is the week, whether it was the ridiculous comments about abortion, whether it was his campaign manager getting arrested. Who knows? He seems to bounce back from all of these things. I’m not a fan of Donald Trump. There’s still time to beat him.”
“But obviously I’m going to support my party’s nominee,” he continued. “I don’t think we can afford Hillary Clinton in office. One thing that Donald Trump can do. He’ll never be able to convince somebody like me in the time he’s got left he’s a conservative. He won’t convince somebody like me, who is a serious policy guy. What he can start doing is saying who are the types of people he’d put around him, who would he appoint as secretary of defense, secretary of state. Show us he’s willing to tap trusted, principled conservatives. You’re never going to convert people like me into being fans of Donald Trump. At least show people he’ll have real conservatives around him.”
I don't understand... I get that his campaign is delusional and interested in preserving their own jobs as long as possible, but does Bernie actually not realize he can't win?

I think it's quite possible he knows what his chances actually look like at this point and is only trying to maximize his potential influence at the convention. If that's the case, then he may believe that maintaining the illusion that he's still trying to win the nomination is still in his interest.
So, can someone explain what the benefits of a bicameral legislature are? Like, I understand it when it comes to the federal government. One body more or less represents the people, while the other represents that states. But what does a state gain by having a bicameral legislature?
Wasn't Hillary more liberal than Obama even back then?

I know healthcare was a major point between the two.

I think her hawkishness stood out to a lot of voters. I mean, Obama wasn't winning the young vote because he was perceived to be the more moderate of the two, regardless of how their positions actually aligned.


Seeing that PPP poll makes me feel much better about things. Ted Cruz is extremely unlikeable, second only to Trump. I was afraid he was more liked than Hillary... It's good to know most of America views him the same way I do.
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