I don't get how someone your age can speedrun Dark Souls. Haven't your motor neurons basically gone to shit?
At this point more than half of my grey matter is massively optimized for Warhawk and the souls games. Use it or lose it.
I don't get how someone your age can speedrun Dark Souls. Haven't your motor neurons basically gone to shit?
Jack, even with our delegate lead, we cant underestimate Senator Sanders and his team.
He won three contests last weekend and his supporters raised $4 million in the 48 hours following. They aren't letting anything distract or discourage them, and we can't either.
We have the pledged delegate lead, the most votes, the most wins, and the most support -- because we've poured everything we have into this campaign. Weve fought hard in every single state. Were not backing down now.
With just a few hours to go before our fundraising deadline, we're still looking for 4 donations from Los Angeles to hit our goal by midnight tonight. Will you dig deep and chip in just $5 to let me know you're still with me? We have work to do.
Youre one of our most committed supporters. Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:
I donated ONE TIME to Hillary Clinton, and now I get emails every single day. Got a few from Bill too. This is a typical email:
I've donated once, and I'm one of her most committed supporters.
Speaking of which, is there footage of MSNBC from the 15th I can rewatch? I want to hear Maddow's groan when Hillary took Missouri.
I donated ONE TIME to Hillary Clinton, and now I get emails every single day. Got a few from Bill too. This is a typical email:
I've donated once, and I'm one of her most committed supporters.
lol no you won't. No different than that gaffer who said the college kids would make phone calls and lobby the Supreme Court to give in to their demands.
Paul Ryan going to apparently see millions of kids outside his office demanding free college or else his members are going to be thrown out.
I know Rachel wants Bernie, but I'm damn proud of her 99% of the time. The way she hit Bernie on the "We didn't try" shit was beautiful. She may be partisan, but she's a damn good journalist.
I've donated once, and I'm one of her most committed supporters.
I donated ONE TIME to Hillary Clinton, and now I get emails every single day. Got a few from Bill too. This is a typical email:
I've donated once, and I'm one of her most committed supporters.
Tell us who you donated to. This is shame free zone.I donated
then i unsubscribed
it was easy
GilmoreTell us who you donated to. This is shame free zone.
Speaking of no shame...
Now that FFXV is no longer the biggest piece of vaporwear in existance, how are The Last Guardian folks holding up?
Tell us who you donated to. This is shame free zone.
Wall Street!!!Of course I donated to Hillary. She is the only serious candidate running. Now I get all these personal phone calls though asking me to bundle. Like sorry I have deals to close.
A lot of the talk about ideological purity has pissed me off so allow me a small rant.
What is ideological purity in the context of demanding Sanders or bust? Is it a brave and noble stand against the corruption of the Democrat party, a principled statement that you will not vote for a candidate whose beliefs do not completely align with your own? No. What it is is a childish protest, designed to allow you to feel the most wonderful of emotions: self-righteous congratulation. You do stand with minorities and the disabled and LGBT people and every other oppressed group. In fact, you stand with them so strongly, so committedly, that for their own good you are willing to subject this country to a government that will do everything in its power to break and dismantle every construction of progress that has been erected over decades, so that the Democrat party will realise the need to come and pray at your feet for forgiveness for its ideological infidelity. It is the demand that the only voice that should matter in a democracy is yours. It is the belief that your apathy, your moral cowardice, your refusal to face the consequences of your every single privileged action, is justified by the Democratic party not nominating your favourite candidate. It is your self-righteous throne that you will sit on as those less fortunate than yourself face irrecoverable damage to their lives and they are sacrificed to your God of purity, of refusal to compromise, of being utterly unwilling to accept how the world is, because your fantastic dream of what it should be is far more pleasant than facing reality.
Fuck ideological purity.
"Hillary still messages me
And as I said, theyre mostly people who arent going to like Trump, at least if the excellent reporting from Politico and other news organizations is right.
I donated ONE TIME to Hillary Clinton, and now I get emails every single day. Got a few from Bill too. This is a typical email:
I've donated once, and I'm one of her most committed supporters.
Fine, since TLG is likely to not suck as much as FFXV.
Dear X. Ann Mobil
You're one of our most committed supporters...
Um, no. That argument is kind of gross in its judgment. The government should be representative of what people want, or at least more than it is now. If people are too poorly educated to know what a good budget looks like then it should be effectively communicated that they're not voting for candidates that represent what they want, and why.Your first link (the Princton study) is a theoretical assessment that doesn't do the due diligence to make it into anything more than interesting. A few key flaws:
1. It presumes public polling matches 1:1 with good policy. The jobs of politicians isn't just to give people what they want, it is to give people what they need and what would best serve the nation even if the general populous disagrees.
So in response to these papers you agree money is a problem, particularly a local level but that Democrats, unlike the republicans are the good guys who aren't captured by the same mechanisms. Moreover we know this because democrats are focused on their legacy as opposed to republicans. I don't think it needs to be argued further that speculating on the inner motivations of the candidates is not evidence or an argument, and is probably just as speculative or even more so than calling Hillary power hungry.2. As for the second paper (by the Roosevelt Institute): of course large corporations make up the majority of political campaign finance. We all know this. This existed before Citizen's United and has only grown since. Unless you can show where campaign contributions have led to Clinton giving favors however I'm dubious as to the relevance of this link. In fact, the paper linked is from the 2012 election cycle and goes into detail on the surprising (to them I guess) amount of corporate support Obama had. What favors did that buy? Did substantial financial support to his 2008 campaign from the financial sector buy Obama's bias on Dodd-Frank and the Consumer Protection Act (the answer is a resounding "NO")? Money in politics is a problem but money in politics isn't the problem at the presidential level. POTUS candidates, especially Democrat POTUS candidates, are far more focused on personal legacy than financial gain. The money in politics problem is at the local, state, and house levels where a million dollars can make a huge difference and where politicians can much more easily hide.
The solution to this is not a campaign finance "purity pledge" by those on the left but instead legitimate reforms that start with the SCOTUS, allowing for a challenge to and refutation of Citizen's United in a future hearing. In brief the Dems can't refuse special interest money until they get legislation forcing everyone to refuse it, otherwise the GOP will continue to dominate state houses and Congress while they pass progressively more and more corrupt campaign financial "laws".
You say this as if the Red Cross did its absolute best for Haiti or something. The incompetence of that organization doesn't generalize to others. The Clintons have been quite successful in making sure Haiti doesn't develop, for example.As for the three Haiti related articles, they're he said/she said nonsense.
1. The suggestion that Hillary Clinton had direct influence on her husband's oversight of Haitian assistance is laughable. The State Dept. was obviously involved (as it would be with any Sec. of State) and assisted in constructing deals to theoretically improve the economy, but that is well within the standard purview of the position. No proof of political favoritism evident. Meanwhile Bill Clinton's efforts in Haiti have not worked out well, but then neither have the efforts of any other assistance attempt in Haiti post-earthquake. Red Cross for example has effectively wasted almost all the charitable contributions they've received.
US policies played a huge part in the country's economic ruin today, Bill Clinton even admitted it! This seems to be a natural extension of the voters don't get what they want mindset. Poor Haitians are simply too dumb to know what's good for them, so better to have the Clintons make those decisions for them.2. The merit of the argument in the second article hinges entirely on the belief that the DR and Nicaragua were also going to implement similar increases in minimum wage laws. As the U.S. based powers involved likely knew the corporate stances on those wage increases (i.e. if they happen we're leaving) and the fact that a job paying $0.31 an hour is better than no job, it isn't exactly a cut and dry situation of supporting corporations over the opinions of the citizenry present. Lets not forget that Haiti elected and generally loves Aristide, who's policies were a huge part in leading to country into the economic ruin it experiences today. Their government has made bad choice after bad choice for decades.
Not shitposting at all. We have to remember that these subsidies aren't "for the good of all people" or something. It might help Arkansas farmers, and it may have positive effects in some places. But Bill Clinton wiping out the the local food producing region shouldn't be handwaved away as some sort of enlightened, but at the same time misguided policy that gave Haitians the opportunity to work in a factory making cheap underwear for wages at the state department's preferred level.3. As for the merits of rice subsidies in the U.S., I would just have to ask how much you think one nation should be beholden to the well-being of another. Arkansas is, relative to the U.S., an economically poor state that is not a viable competitor with the corn belt on soy and corn production. That is what their alternative would be if the rice subsidies were removed however, as there is greater market demand in the U.S. for corn and soy. The U.S. is a major food exporter around the world and depressing U.S. rice prices might hurt some countries but it does lower the cost of food globally, what could easily be argued as a net gain. Clinton obviously feels remorse about this as the impact of the subsidy is obvious in Haiti, but even his own feelings of guilt ignores just how many people have been fed thanks to U.S. rice subsidies.
What you're doing is shitposting, just shitposting via links instead of making the arguments yourself.
As Coriolanus pointed out they did own a Colombian coal company CNR, but I think they sold it, and afiak they did (or do) own other commodities businesses. I mixed up Drummond and CNR since I read about both a while ago but that post was mostly a joke on conspiracy theorists connecting the dots too much. I do think it has interesting links in it though!Can you substantiate this? Goldman isn't known for owning non-financial companies. It's not like Bain, a huge holding company.
If they do own Drummond, I'd like to know when the acquired them. Goldman went public in 98 and only really starting buying companies then. And at that time and for a while afterwards, they were just buying financial companies. Seems unlikely they owned an energy company at the time of the allegations.
Never mind the nonsense that a person who gets paid to speak to such a company is somehow bought by them, and also culpable for their actions. Does Malcolm Gladwell also have blood on his hands?
You say this as if the Red Cross did its absolute best for Haiti or something. The incompetence of that organization doesn't generalize to others. The Clintons have been quite successful in making sure Haiti doesn't develop, for example.
The 538 forecasts change whenever a poll comes out and then keep changing as exits and results come in.
This is from a few pages ago but warrants seconding.Greenpeace are:
1. Ideologues
2. Have no fucking idea what they're talking about 99.9% of the time.
There's plenty to back it up but it's generally not a topic that's covered as much in contrast to the middle east or something, and to be fair that's more to do with Bill, though not his problem exclusively.Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a minute. You are claiming that the Clintons have intentionally sabotaged Haiti? That's a hell of a claim, with nothing to back it up.
There's plenty to back it up but it's generally not a topic that's covered as much in contrast to the middle east or something, and to be fair that's more to do with Bill, though not his problem exclusively.
Somebody call the Waaaahmbulance
The college? I sure hope that's what he's referring to, since us Missourians hate it when people think they can call the state by the name of the college in Columbia...Seth Mandel ‏@SethAMandel 1h1 hour ago
Seth Mandel Retweeted McKay Coppins
Heard @kkondik on the radio this morning saying if his numbers continue to slide they might flip Mizzou on their map
I remember my dad rambling about how universities were indoctrination factories when I was still in high school. Even as much of a Good Little Republican as I was at the time, it still sounded more than a little dubious to me. I also remember him uttering the phrase, "Only someone so highly educated could be so stupid." In regards to an environmentalist on TV discussing climate change in the early 2000's.
It's amazing what even highly intelligent people can convince themselves of.
No, fuck that.
Show me the receipts.
Don't make such a (likely) bullshit claim and not back it up with some credible sources.
On the Clinton vs. Trump map?Seth Mandel ‏@SethAMandel 1h1 hour ago
Seth Mandel Retweeted McKay Coppins
Heard @kkondik on the radio this morning saying if his numbers continue to slide they might flip Mizzou on their map
Heilemann thinks Bernie is competitive in NY
Um, no. That argument is kind of gross in its judgment. The government should be representative of what people want, or at least more than it is now. If people are too poorly educated to know what a good budget looks like then it should be effectively communicated that they're not voting for candidates that represent what they want, and why.
It absolutely is a place where opinionated professors try to instill their (usually leftist) political views on young and impressionable people.Eh, normal college is not - but liberal arts academia is absolutely an indoctrination factory, lol. (the missus is in it, and she's astounded at the groupthink and belief in orthodoxy involved)
90-10 Clinton win confirmed.
Somebody call the Waaaahmbulance