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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Trump will be a bigger drag on downballot Republicans than they want to admit.

I've been reading this for months, but according to early indications it won't have a great impact on the down ticket races. When we will be seeing the implied damage?

I dunno how to respond to the rape enabler thing.

You don't. It's a stickier situation than people give it credit for.


I dunno how to respond to the rape enabler thing.


I think it is dangerous to think that the remarks alone will put women off. Trump if left unchallenged can certainly define the parameters to an argument very effectively.


I've been reading this for months, but according to early indications it won't have a great impact on the down ticket races. When we will be seeing the implied damage?
Sometime after the conventions to early September. The debates will be the nail. Downballot Republicans in vulnerable seats will go in full panic mode and run from Trump the same way vulnerable Dems ran from Obama in the midterms
and lost anyway.


Just don't respond to individual nonsense. Start painting Trump as a child who only understands black and white. The human version of SNL's Frankenstein's monster. "Bread GOOD, fire BAD"


It's my rudimentary understanding that since the economy is doing relatively well we are disinclined to increase inflation to pay off debt.
Now when the economy is struggling, you inflate your dollar to reduce the cost of goods and spur investment,meanwhile you can pay off your debts easier as the dollar is worth less.

I mean, the economy is doing okay. Relatively well.

But the Fed's explicit inflation target is 2%, and:


You can see that, since 2012, we haven't been able to sustain a 2% inflation rate, and now we're even lower.

Keep in mind that that's a very low inflation target. Like there's a good argument that we should be targeting something more like 5% specifically to speed up the economy. But right now the Fed is setting a very very low benchmark and not hitting it.
I dunno how to respond to the rape enabler thing.

There is no play book on this and we are in completely new waters. How do you compete against someone who isn't bound to the same rules anyone else is?

Its like playing a game of basketball and a guy on the other team is just kicking everyone in the groin, and the ref just allows it for some reason and you have to just keep playing and deal with it


Good polls on the SCOTUS:


The majority of Americans don’t trust Donald Trump to select and nominate the next Supreme Court justice, according to a poll released Monday.

In the survey, commissioned by the liberal advocacy group Americans United for Change, Public Policy Polling found that 53 percent of voters nationally don’t trust the presumptive Republican presidential nominee to fill the vacant seat on the court left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, compared to 38 percent who do.
Americans by double-digit margins trust both President Obama and Hillary Clinton more than Trump with the duty of picking a Supreme Court justice. Polling results showed Obama beat Trump 53 percent to 37 percent on that question, and the front-runner for the Democratic nomination had a similar spread, at 52 to 37 percent.

The poll also found that 29 percent of Republicans would prefer either Obama or Clinton making that decision instead of their own party’s presumptive nominee for president.

The polling also showed that an increasing majority of Americans, 58 percent, want the Supreme Court seat to be filled this year, compared to 56 percent from March. Nationally, 65 percent of voters said Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland should get a fair hearing.

Republicans have held strong on their refusal to hold a hearing or up-or-down vote on Garland’s confirmation, a decision Monday’s poll showed could hurt senators facing tough reelections in November.

Of the 884 voters interviewed nationally, 50 percent said they’d be less likely to vote for a senator who opposed having confirmation hearings, compared to 18 percent who said that stance would make them more likely to vote for their senator.


But still not fully there. Bernie will still go on about her transcripts, everything Bernie says is negative news about Hillary
He can say whatever he wants at this point. Nobody is really covering him anymore and people have heard it all anyway.

He really is just an old man yelling at clouds now.


I listened to a lot of Serial yesterday with my family and
Adnan did kill Hae
Jay buried the body, leading him to freak out about his prints on the shovels and lying to the detectives multiple times.

No. You don't get in that quagmire. You just cap his attacks repulsive and take the high road.

She won't and can't directly engage in this, and I wouldn't expect her to. But Trump himself is dirty as fuck, and there has to be some type of DNC force that brings his shit to light as a way to fight his fire.

They can't just say nothing as Trump spends the next six months doing this.
I listened to a lot of Serial yesterday with my family and
Adnan did kill Hae
Jay buried the body, leading him to freak out about his prints on the shovels and lying to the detectives multiple times.


I think
Adnan absolutely did it but I also think he was not given a fair trial.
It's okay to think both right?


I think
Adnan absolutely did it but I also think he was not given a fair trial.
It's okay to think both right?
Absolutely the trial was unfair. To base the case off of Jay's multiple testimonies - in which he lies and changes his story multiple times throughout and even gets called out on it - and trying to fit the cell phone records/tower pings to Jay's faulty testimony (when it should've been the other way around) is sketchy as hell. Essentially everything before the end of track practice is muddy. What happens afterwards is more clear, but the fact that it's what happens in the muddy section of the timeline that's the most important, and the fact that the state would base its case purely off the testimony of a man who they know was lying is troubling.
Well according to my facebook feed today, NPR are corporate shills and are not giving Bernie a fair chance.

I can't wait for this nonsense to die down.

I sometimes listen to left-wing talk radio (note: it's pretty much garbage even when you agree with the positions) and Thom Hartman, who had a regular Fridays with Bernie segment for ages before Bernie was running, has been running this line for a long time.

It's not a new sentiment.
Why Many Midwestern Farmers Are Pro-TPP

"This pending TPP trade negotiation, to me, is hugely important for agricultural commodities, but specifically for beef," says Mike John, a cattle rancher in Huntsville, Mo. He's one of many Midwest farmers and ranchers who are bucking the political trend to dog the TPP.

A coalition of more than 200 agriculture groups recently drafted an open letter urging congressional leaders to approve the TPP, saying the trade deal will help U.S. farmers stay competitive in an increasingly crowded world market.

Tajima Wagyu beef cows at a cattle farm in Yabu City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Japan won a provision in the new Pacific Rim trade deal that would push tariffs back up if its beef imports surge.

Free trade agreements remove tariffs on products we import, but also on food grown here that we export to other markets. That opens the door to get more beef, soybeans and rice into other countries at more competitive prices.
I assumed I was still registered as an independent, and thus unable to vote in Oregon's closed primary, but apparently my registration was switched to Democrat at some point. So this weekend I did my civic duty and cast my vote for Hillary in a meaningless contest that Bernie will easily win (I don't get the Pacific Northwest's obsession with Sanders). Also voted for Ron Wyden, because he's a great Senator, who is getting primaried for some unknown reason. November can't get here fast enough; enough appetizers, it's time for the main course.
Those SCOTUS numbers from PPP (that 52% trust Hillary to appoint a justice over Trump at 37%) are pretty great. The fact that she's just a point behind Obama and Trump is the same suggests to me that she'll track pretty close to what a hypothetical third Obama run would look like.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that 52-37 was pretty close to what they'd find in a general election matchup, it's pretty much a proxy question.
I mean, the economy is doing okay. Relatively well.

But the Fed's explicit inflation target is 2%, and:


You can see that, since 2012, we haven't been able to sustain a 2% inflation rate, and now we're even lower.

Keep in mind that that's a very low inflation target. Like there's a good argument that we should be targeting something more like 5% specifically to speed up the economy. But right now the Fed is setting a very very low benchmark and not hitting it.

Would help if the Fed wasn't doing the stimulation on their own and had some fiscal assistance.


We should not be targeting 5% inflation.

There's an argument for 3%. 5% is nuts for the US.

4% wouldn't be bad. People tend to focus on prices, but look over the fact that it moves stagnant money in bonds. Companies have to shift to looking for more revenue, rather focusing just on growth (mergers) and keeping huge piles of cash on hand as they are now; less inflation eat it away.

It also should be good for wages in a competitive job market, although realistically I think employment pricing is far too captured by various industries to push up wages much.

Two of the biggest issues with the economy are too big to fail companies dictating supply/demand, and the lack of liquidity; money pooling in the hands of the 0.01% and fortune 500 behemouths. Wealth isn't created from stashing cash in low interest sovereign bonds, in nations that aren't using it to spend on investments in education or infrastructure.


Why is criminal justice reform a national issue for you people? Aren't states the ones putting people in prison?

This is a really weird question, like, almost all issues COULD be handled by the states. The reason it's a national issue is because of state polarization. There isn't a constituency in Louisiana for not shooting black people, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be trying to get them to stop shooting black people.

States are the organizations that segregated schools, but we still desegregated them at a federal level!
But Asia said otherwise, and she can provide the alibi. You guys should read up on the prosecutor/investigators. If you think Manitowoc county is bad...

Manitowoc is bad. Even if other places are badder. I'm unconvinced of Avery's innocence, but that a guy 100% wrongly convicted for a previous crime didn't get a fair investigation and trial is still something that angers me. I mean everyone should get a fair trial of course... but it's more upsetting that Avery didn't. The Manitowoc sheriffs shouldn't have been anywhere near that investigation, and they knew it.

There's good reasons why guilty people get sent free when the searches were illegally carried out even if we don't like that outcome, the alternative is worse.
I am heavily amused by the neocon machine led by folks like Eli Lake trying to paint themselves as the real anti-establishment in response to the Ben Rhodes "Blob" piece.
Please continue to do this McCrory after the people of your state have resoundingly rejected the law

The Associated Press @AP
BREAKING: North Carolina governor says Congress should 'bring clarity' to nation's anti-discrimination laws.


Why is criminal justice reform a national issue for you people? Aren't states the ones putting people in prison?

If the federal government nationally decriminalized some or all drugs, this would have an impact on the whole country including states that would lag behind this type of progression for possibly decades.

You ask really weird questions lately
This is a really weird question, like, almost all issues COULD be handled by the states. The reason it's a national issue is because of state polarization. There isn't a constituency in Louisiana for not shooting black people, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be trying to get them to stop shooting black people.

States are the organizations that segregated schools, but we still desegregated them at a federal level!
Right, but those are very different issues. Civil rights was ripe for federal legislation in a way that criminal justice reform is not. It's easy to pass a law that says everyone has rights! But maybe I'm not imaginative enough, because every time I try to think of what I want from criminal justice reform, all I can think of are state level solutions. Sentencing laws? Most people in jail broke state laws. Police brutality? I can't think of a way to enforce that other than coming up with some kind of nebulous standard of police conduct that will be hard to enforce nationally. What about the militarization of police forces? We can decrease funding for these departments... But now we've defunded police departments! We actually want to shift money from equipment into more patrols because that is proven to decrease crime. How about federal funding for body cameras? That's sensible. Beyond that I'm at wit's end.

I could see amendments to the constitution delineating the rights of citizens under police actions. I think that is a good step forward. But I'm not sure what these rights are. The right to surrender without getting shot? The right to appropriate response and use of force? What determines if something is appropriate? The right to record? This is already protected under the first. I don't know what would be appropriate in federal lesgilation.

With civil rights it was easy. Everyone must be treated equally, irrespective of their race.

EDIT: I just want to add that I'm not punting the issue to states like conservatives do with everything. Yes, everything can be handled by states. It just seems to me like criminal justice reform related to state crimes seems to only be plausible under state reforms.
If the federal government nationally decriminalized some or all drugs, this would have an impact on the whole country including states that would lag behind this type of progression for possibly decades.

You ask really weird questions lately
Actually, drug crimes count for a very small portion of prisoners in the country. The best way to reduce incarceration in this country is probably to reduce gun crimes (this is the number one reason we put kids in jail. If a glock costed 40k instead of 3k, do you think we'd be seeing kids with them anymore?)


Unconfirmed Member
EDIT: I just want to add that I'm not punting the issue to states like conservatives do with everything. Yes, everything can be handled by states. It just seems to me like criminal justice reform related to state crimes seems to only be plausible under state reforms.

Actually, drug crimes count for a very small portion of prisoners in the country. The best way to reduce incarceration in this country is probably to reduce gun crimes (this is the number one reason we put kids in jail. If a glock costed 40k instead of 3k, do you think we'd be seeing kids with them anymore?)



This would be federal prisons only. seems to be a sizable portion of the prison population.

Regardless, drug offenses are going to disproportionately hit minorities, even if it is not a large percentage of overall prison population doesn't mean it's not worth tackling. Federal reforms like sentencing re: crack vs cocaine, minimum sentencing etc are a way federal reform can affect state level incarceration


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Amusing how Demrace.com has not updated with the Guam results, I guess they even don't care about the primary anymore, lol.


This idea immediately struct me as incorrect since the school I grew up near that was always receiving high praises was something like 60% non-white. I know that's anecdotal so I wanted to look into it further. I just looked it up, the school is Northview High School which has 63% minority enrollment and US ranked #328, State ranked #11.

This is not an exhaustive list, but here are the top 10 high schools (some are not only high schools and also teach earlier grades, it varies by location) in the US as ranked by USNews and their minority representation. You can keep going down the list at this link.
I had a look at this and man, my high school is now 77% minority. They got some 20% more minority since I attended!

62% Asian. lol
This would be federal prisons only.
You figured out the explanation, and didn't even realize it.


The overwhelming majority of people are held in state prisons, not federal. At the state level, only about 16% of prisoners are drug offenders (but this is still too high, because a good portion of those offenders are also convicted on gun charges; I can't remember where I saw this but I think I actually got the number from Tom Perez. Or maybe Ron Paul. Lol).

If we freed every prisoner in the country arrested for drug charges we'd still have 2 million prisoners and the second highest incarceration rate in the world, next to Russia. Nothing to sneeze at!

We should start a war on guns. Seriously. It's probably the biggest contributor to the school-to-prison pipeline ever because of all the kids it affects.


Guys, the GE debates will be a once in a lifetime event.

Now that Cleveland has likely been spared a firey fate, I've decided to shift my vacation plans to instead cover the days after the GE debates. (Not like I'll be able to fall asleep those nights anyway..)

Sept 26
Oct 4th
Oct 9th VP
Oct 19th
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