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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Bernie still clinging on for his 15 minutes of fame, like those Z-list celebrities who appear on reality TV shows. Sad!

I wouldn't want either one to be President, but Trump and Bernie truly deserve each other. They could each have their brownshirts compete to see whose supporters are more violent and unhinged. It'd be the Chicago rally 24/7.
I kind of agree with the point that the Clinton campaign apparently made where they aren't going to do the "go for the center" 90s strategy. You really are wearing either a red shirt or blue shirt at this point.

I think the goal less trying to court would be Trump voters and more so courting the left leaning voters who would might stay home, or vote for Jill Stein or write in Frank Underwood or something. A VP who appeals to the Bernie wing, would help significantly more than likely any other type of VP pick.

I'm of the same mind. She might as well find someone more liberal and likable than her to send to Denver and Madison.


I'm not even kidding when I say that Bernie and his bros give socialism a bad name.

Before I used to be on that whole "socialism means roads and public schools" ish but these people are completely fucking crazy and clearly don't mean it like that. They really mean it in the Chavez/Maduro sense. No thank you. Fuck socialism.

It's a real shame because there are places in America that could could use a comprehensive public works platform, not unlike the Sewer Socialists of the early 20th century. Instead we get aimless whingeing and vague policy proposals coupled with a misdirected rage at an amorphous establishment. Sanders has historically shown a lot of support for places that don't even have independent labor unions, which should be a red flag to Democrats in general.

A Sanders led Democratic party probably wouldn't look too dissimilar to the clusterfuck that Corbyn is presiding over in Britain, where losing a bunch of councils and treading water is spun as some kind of tenacious holding action even though the ground they're fighting on is crumbling beneath their feet. Doubtlessly we'd see more of the kinds of political revolutions of the same kind that elected a conservative State Supreme court justice on the same night Sanders won in Wisconsin.

From our Labour leader across the pond:

Excuse me???????

Yeah, this idiot is in charge of the "Labour" party and resolutely ignores the reality that Chavez detested strong unions and willfully ignores the opposition socialist coalition that formed to fight Maduro's shitty politics. I recently passed off the idea of the Republicans making further inroads with union voters, but the Democrats would be in fucktons of trouble if they elect someone like him.


Thanks Hugo Chavez for showing that the poor matter and wealth can be shared. He made massive contributions to Venezuela & a very wide world
I completely fucking missed this. God the European left is a mess.


This thread seems to have gone absolutely insane in its virulent anger against Bernie supporters.

We have become that which we were accused of being.

Wake me for the convention, I guess?

Hope this comes back to bite the Philippines.

Thanks, by the way, I'll let my family know you wish them harm. Appreciate that. So glad your ban ended.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This thread seems to have gone absolutely insane in its virulent anger against Bernie supporters.

We have become that which we were accused of being.

Wake me for the convention, I guess?

PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Wake Me Up When November Ends

You bastards WILL accept one of my suggestions this time!
Wake me for the convention, I guess?



The Nevada Democratic Party has filed a complaint to the DNC about the behaviour of Sanders' delegates and supporters:

We believe, unfortunately, that the tactics and behavior on display here in Nevada are harbingers of things to come as Democrats gather in Philadelphia in July for our National Convention. We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sanders Campaign’s penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior—indeed, actual violence—in place of democratic conduct in a convention setting, and furthermore what we can only describe as their encouragement of, and complicity in, a very dangerous atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats. Indeed, the threats to the Chair of the Nevada State Democratic Party are ongoing at time of this writing, as Sanders activists have posted her cell phone and home address online, and have bombarded her with threats to her life and the safety of her family. We have attached some examples of this conduct, which is not merely offensive but obviously criminal in nature. We can provide audio of threatening phone calls made directly to the Chair, which now number in the hundreds.

The explosive situation arose in large part because a portion of the community of Sanders delegates arrived at the Nevada Democratic State Convention believing itself to be a vanguard intent upon sparking a street-fight rather than attending an orderly political party process. Surprised and outraged at the idea of being out-organized and thus outnumbered in the convention hall by Clinton delegates, a portion of the Sanders delegation rushed the dais immediately upon the opening of the convention and halted the progress of any convention business for much of the day. Indeed, every point during which Sanders delegates did not agree with any aspect of the proceedings saw them press up against the dais and scream obscenities and threats at the Chair, First Vice Chair, and any other speaker. In fact, event security provided by the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino took it upon themselves to increase the security perimeter around the dais so the convention could simply move forward with its routine business in relative safety. In other words, the hour-to-hour business of Nevada Democrats was necessarily conducted in an atmosphere of impending eruption of physical threats and intimidation for more than 12 hours. Scuffles, screams from bullhorns, and profane insults marked nearly the entirety of the event. Numerous medical emergencies among delegates pressed up against the dais had to be attended to throughout the day.
If I don't see a statement from Sanders today completely and unequivocally condemning this behaviour, quite frankly he can fuck off. This is unacceptable and a disgrace, and his campaign has been fueling these fires and refusing to take any responsibility for reigning in his supporters.
His national campaign staff actively instigated this. It came from the very top:
The most egregious instance of the Sanders Campaign inciting disruption—and yes, violence—came as the State Convention’s Credentials Committee completed its work. Adam Gillette, part of National Delegate Operations Team for the official Sanders Campaign, drafted and arranged for a member of that committee to attempt to deliver an incendiary, inaccurate, and wholly unauthorized “minority report” charging that the Credentials Committee had fraudulently denied 64 Sanders delegates their eligibility. The final delegate count had provided the Clinton Campaign with a 33 delegate advantage in the hall; one can imagine the rage occasioned by this inflammatory charge, tossed into the tinderbox of a tense convention hall. Not only did this discredit the work of the Credentials Committee—which featured five Sanders delegates and five Clinton delegates and a Sanders co-chair, and who worked all day under extremely trying conditions to be fair and diligent in their duties—it called into question the entirety of the proceedings because it indicated to an irrational minority that the proceedings had been rigged against them. Forcing their way onto the dais to deliver this paranoid fantasy of fraud and delegate theft was clearly intended to throw the proceedings into disarray. It succeeded. From that moment on, there was little hope for any peace or mutual understanding and respect between Sanders delegates and the NSDP; the mantra became simply that the convention had been stolen from the Sanders Campaign.

And of course:
Jon Ralston said:
.@ChrisJansing said she talked to Bernie guru Jeff Weaver, who said NV Dem officials "had their fingers on the scale for Hillary Clinton."

Sanders won't condemn this, just like he refused to fully condemn the data breach, and instead chose to sue the DNC. It suits him for his campaign to instigate drama, fan the flames, and then use the fallout as a means to delegitimize the Democratic Party.
Obviously the outside of the RNC will definitely look the absolute worst (because every possible liberal protesting group will be there) but it'd be wild if the inside of the DNC actually ended up being messier after all of the Trump/brokered convention RNC shenanigans.


What the fuck is Bernie's end game right now?

His supporters/delegates are making the democratic party look bad, and it will only get worse with his silence about it.

Doesn't he fucking know that making democrats look bad hurts him as well?

This fucking guy man, hes a 16 year old trapped in the body of a 74 year old manbaby.


Sanders campaign has never really been the most disciplined so I expect they'll do little about it. If they have a good result tomorrow it'll be forgotten, and if not it'll become about whatever grand injustice occurs in Oregon and Kentucky.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What I don't understand is why the police did not intervene and just arrest the agitators.

Oh a more serious note, if people can't tone it down about Bernie supporters, I'm going to start banning people. Just stop talking about them.

KY: Bernie + 5
OR: Bernie + 19
H. A. Goodman isn't going to lose his shit when Hillary is affirmed as the nominee. He'll lose his shit when the FBI don't send her to Guantanamo.
So I got drunk chilling with Wyatt cynac again last night(not like drunk drunk because its 8am and totally not hungover). Friend embarrassed me by constantly bringing up the daily show. Dude hasn't been on the show for like 4 years... and was clearly pissed.

B-dubs and makai (and any other nyc poligafers) you should come next week to his show. 5 bucks.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I like that even though it's tightened she's still clearly leading. Hopefully that reverts a little after she wraps it up.

Katty Kay, perhaps the one pundit I do really like, basically said that Bernie is damaging Clinton at this point. I think the media is going to start to acknowledge this. He hasn't changed his tone and he's not reelingin his people. I'm ready for him to go.
I like that even though it's tightened she's still clearly leading. Hopefully that reverts a little after she wraps it up.

Katty Kay, perhaps the one pundit I do really like, basically said that Bernie is damaging Clinton at this point. I think the media is going to start to acknowledge this. He hasn't changed his tone and he's not reelingin his people. I'm ready for him to go.

Yeah, one thing to note is that in the aggregate she hasn't really dropped much recently, some "undecideds" are just breaking to Trump right now it seems.


No Scrubs
So I got drunk chilling with Wyatt cynac again last night(not like drunk drunk because its 8am and totally not hungover). Friend embarrassed me by constantly bringing up the daily show. Dude hasn't been on the show for like 4 years... and was clearly pissed.

B-dubs and makai (and any other nyc poligafers) you should come next week to his show. 5 bucks.

What day?

Also, got an extra ticket from soccerGAF to NYRB vs Chicago tomorrow night if anyone wants it.


Bernie and some of his supporters are a huge fucking mess right now. Christ.
I hope she wins at least one tonight so that she can follow it up with another wave of superdelegates. Just enough to finish this.

(I'm really ready to see Obama and Biden unleashed. Just when Trump thinks he's closing in the polls, Obama's gonna go to plaid on his ass.)


I hope she wins at least one tonight so that she can follow it up with another wave of superdelegates. Just enough to finish this.

(I'm really ready to see Obama and Biden unleashed. Just when Trump thinks he's closing in the polls, Obama's gonna go to plaid on his ass.)
Same here Tom. I want it to be over now. Never would have thought I'd see the day I would be down on Bernie. Really disappointed.

We both know Trump is thin skinned as hell (what a big tough guy he is) but I can't wait to see what he says when he has multiple people going after him. It's going to be... wonderful.


Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but has it felt like Sanders has been more low key lately? His supporters have been riled up of course, but I haven't heard any news about him making continues allegations against Hillary, or weighing in on Nevada, or making statements about what his future actions will be based on tonight's results.

If that's the case, I'm hoping that he's realized that his supporters are headed in a negative direction, and (much as he wish he didn't have to) he ought to look for an excuse to drop out. Hopefully some below-expectation results tonight would be a solid excuse to do just that.


That's mostly because the media has stopped following. Pool reporters were reassigned from his campaign to other areas following the April results, because his campaign is over.


Just stop giving them attention. That's what I've done since the PA/MD primaries weeks ago. It's not worth getting worked up about anymore. Even the AP stopped covering Sanders' campaign.

While polling suggests that Sanders may be best suited to beat Trump in the fall, his argument that he can actually overtake Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination may be more difficult to believe.

With only eight state primaries to go and 1,053 delegates outstanding, Clinton leads Sanders by 767 delegates. For Sanders to overtake her at the Democratic National Convention in July, Sanders would have to win a huge percentage of remaining delegates and convince a huge number of superdelegates to bolt from Clinton.

The Associated Press views that scenario so unlikely that it is no longer covering Sanders on the campaign trail.

But nevertheless, Sanders presses on

That being said, this whole mess was over four freaking delegates, and the Sanders people should know better than to conclude what has been a brilliant and important campaign by turning it into an extended temper tantrum.

I voted for Bernie Sanders. I even wrote about why I did here at this very shebeen. But if anybody thinks that, somehow, he is having the nomination "stolen" from him, they are idiots.

And, no, I don't want to talk about it.

Concentrate on Trump.


Those polls will free fall once again when PACs remind voters Trump called mexicans, hispanics in general really, rapists, drug dealers and murderers all over tv. Not to mention all the other as of now unaired dirt he has.
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