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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
From: South Jersey
Live: Boston
Age: 23
Music: Phish, Grateful Dead, Velvet Underground, Beatles, Lotus, Zeppelin, etc.
Profession: Software Engineer
Favorite video game: Zleda series, Dark Souls, Wonderful 101
Hobbies: Football, music festivals, goin to the beach


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This week is a new Hillary Clinton Wall of Winning gif!!! I'm actually super excited and hope someone is ready to gif that.


Who are you? I'm sexy, I'm cute
Social Status? I'm popular to boot
Attractive Features? I'm bitchin', Great Hair. The Boys all love to stare
Occupation? I'm wanted, I'm hot, I'm everything you're not
How are you perceived? I'm rockin! I smile! And many think I'm vile
Sexual Identity? Who am I? Just Guess! Guys wanna touch my chest!
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? New Orleans, LA
Where Do You Live? New Orleans, LA
How Old Are you? 27
Favorite Type of Music? Lots of stuff. A lot of electronic these days (trance, chiptune), but used to be mostly metal (melodeath, power metal).
Profession or Career interest? IT, though I'm not there yet.
Favorite video game(s)? Zelda-likes. 3D Zeldas, Okami, Souls games, Nier. Also RTS.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Listening to music, going to shows, playing the piano, a little music production. I have a degree in Music Studies.

Not really familiar with this genre. Could you cite examples?

In Flames (particularly their first five albums) - Ex. Whoracle
Soilwork - Ex. Natural Born Chaos
At the Gates (whom most consider to be the progenitors of the genre) - Ex. Slaughter of the Soul
Dark Tranquillity - Ex. Character
Amon Amarth - Ex. Versus the World
Disarmonia Mundi - Ex. Mind Tricks

Melodeath was my shit back in the day. Amon Amarth remains my favorite band.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Your gender? Trans-Female (In the closet until probably 2021 or later)
Your sexual orientation? I like women...not comfortable with calling myself Gay.
Where Are You From? Small town(4,000), around 45 mins from St. Louis, on the Illinois side
Where Do You Live? Bigger town (25,000) around 2:15 mins from St. Louis, further south in Illinois
How Old Are you? 20
Favorite Type of Music? Pop, Alternative, Rap, Rock...most genre's not a big fan of Country or Jazz
Politics: Leaned conspiracy theorist from the ages of 12-15, 16-19 objectivist libertarian that leaned left, was breifly entertained by communist teachings, as of now I am a liberal
Profession or Career interest? Student in junior year for Poli Sci degree, law school next, I work at a Pepsi factory atm.
Favorite video game(s)? Fallout/Elder Scrolls, Gears of War, Last of Us, Journey, Jak and Daxter
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? I read (currently on compendious 3 of Walking Dead), movies, and TV (big Walking Dead & Game of Thrones fan). I do not have a lot of spare time.
Your gender? Male (white)
Your sexual orientation? Straight, married
Where Are You From? New Jersey <3
Where Do You Live? New Jersey <3
How Old Are you? 27
Favorite Type of Music? Progressive rock, metal. Rush.
Profession or Career interest? Attorney
Favorite video game(s)? Rocket League, Metroid, Resident Evil
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Trying to learn guitar, reading, watching and playing soccer
Your gender? Cis Male
Your sexual orientation? Straight, married
Where Are You From? Indiana
Where Do You Live? Chicago
How Old Are you? Early 30s
Favorite Type of Music? I sound pretty knowledgeable about music until people figure out that I'm just naming bands from Guitar Hero
Profession or Career interest? My education is in mathematics, but I've been working in software development. Looking to move into something where I get to use math more.
Favorite video game(s)? As a parent I don't have a ton of time for video games, but I mostly play JRPGs. In addition to the more well-known stuff like Final Fantasy, I'm a fan of the Growlanser series and its spiritual predecessor, the Langrisser series (thank you fan translators). Aside from that I like SimCity (particularly SC4), Wing Commander (particularly Privateer), and various 8/16-bit era stuff.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Bicycling, board games, reading (for nonfiction I'm primarily interesting in books pertaining to politics or history, in terms of fiction my interests are pretty diverse). In terms of sports I mostly enjoy basketball and (American) football.

Politically I grew up considering myself a conservative Republican for the reason most kids identify with one party or another: I came from a Republican family. In high school I started calling myself an independent once I began questioning my beliefs and by the time I actually started voting I identified as a liberal Democrat.


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? NYC
Where Do You Live? NYC
How Old Are you? 19
Favorite Type of Music? Alternative, punk, emo, shoegaze, indie, hip hop
Profession or Career interest? Aspiring male prostitute
Favorite video game(s)? who?
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? shiposting


Scooping a few good Q's I missed.

Age: 25
Ethnicity: Gael/Norwegian
Religion: Witch

What about technocracy appeals to you the most? Do you believe that the U.S. should be a technocracy?
I feel that government roles requiring technical knowledge, such as a science minister, ought be drawn from a pool of the qualified (whether installed by vote or political appointment).

To use an example of the sort of thing that would prevent, our previous PM appointed persons to the Science & Technology minister position regardless of whether they were qualified or not. His first appointment was a Chiropractor who denied evolution, began muzzling government scientists, and generally negatively impacted sciences in Canada in a myriad of ways. Second was a nurse/lawyer who stood idle while prominent research efforts were shuttered and the muzzling of scientists continued. Third (and last, thank the fates) was in the insurance business with a philosophy degree... and to nobody's surprise was just as much a party stooge when it came to muzzling government scientists and generally doing poorly by our country's science community.


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Military family
Where Do You Live? New York
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Classical, Punk, Pop
Profession or Career interest? Quant Analyst/developer (on Wall St. for added irony due to my political affliation)
Favorite video game(s)? Hardly game these days, I did manage to slug through the witcher 3, outside of that... chess?
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Founding a company.



*shakes fist at DNC*
Your gender? Cis male
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Brooklyn Center, MN
Where Do You Live? Brooklyn Park, MN
How Old Are you? 24
Favorite Type of Music? Pop, rock, show tunes
Profession or Career interest? Theatre director
Favorite video game(s)? 2D Sonic, Mario, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Ace Attorney
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Drawing, political science, theatre, writing (plays, books and music), movies (I am a filthy casual and will go to just about anything superhero, animated or Star Wars)
To be honest, I think the DNC has been pretty patient with Bernie's shenanigans. I get (spam) emails from some DNC sponsored groups, and not one has ever mentioned supporting one specific candidate over the other. They're all "we're in this together" and mostly stuff about how awful the GOP is. The DNC also hasn't been doing anything to actually stop Bernie, he's just straight up losing on his own merits.




End Discrimination – Signed executive order providing employment protections for state employees and employees of state contractors on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, political affiliation, disability, or age, with an exemption for religious organizations.

Maximum Attention to Minimum Wage – Fighting this regular session to establish a Louisiana state minimum wage, rising to $8.50 in two years, leading the fight for a modest but meaningful increase for working men and women in Louisiana.

Equal Pay for Equal Work – Included Equal Pay bill in his first regular session legislative package (so far passed through the Senate and currently in the House); paying female cabinet appointees comparably to their male predecessors.

Saving TOPS – Included in his first regular legislative session bill setting a baseline for TOPS, decoupling TOPS from tuition raises, setting the TOPS award rates at the 2016-17 tuition amounts in order to save this critically important college fund for Louisiana students in the future.

Medicaid Expansion – Signed executive order on first full day in office to expand Medicaid coverage to working Louisianans by July 1, 2016, providing access to quality health care to more than 300,000 working Louisianans who don’t have it now, and realizing $184 million in savings to the state of Louisiana in the first year alone.


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Heterosexually impaired
Where Are You From? Australia
Where Do You Live? Australia
How Old Are you? Approaching gay death
Profession or Career interest? Fighting the good fight.
In Flames (particularly their first five albums) - Ex. Whoracle
Soilwork - Ex. Natural Born Chaos
At the Gates (whom most consider to be the progenitors of the genre) - Ex. Slaughter of the Soul
Dark Tranquillity - Ex. Character
Amon Amarth - Ex. Versus the World
Disarmonia Mundi - Ex. Mind Tricks

Melodeath was my shit back in the day. Amon Amarth remains my favorite band.

Oh, if this is any indication of what the genre is like, I'm totally digging it!

Scooping a few good Q's I missed.

Age: 25
Ethnicity: Gael/Norwegian
Religion: Witch

I feel that government roles requiring technical knowledge, such as a science minister, ought be drawn from a pool of the qualified (whether installed by vote or political appointment).

To use an example of the sort of thing that would prevent, our previous PM appointed persons to the Science & Technology minister position regardless of whether they were qualified or not. His first appointment was a Chiropractor who denied evolution, began muzzling government scientists, and generally negatively impacted sciences in Canada in a myriad of ways. Second was a nurse/lawyer who stood idle while prominent research efforts were shuttered and the muzzling of scientists continued. Third (and last, thank the fates) was in the insurance business with a philosophy degree... and to nobody's surprise was just as much a party stooge when it came to muzzling government scientists and generally doing poorly by our country's science community.

Lol @ the religion answer (unless you were serious, then more power to you).

Anyway, many departments and committees of U.S. government already consult with many reputable advisors from the scientific community. The problem here has to do with political corruption, not with the lack of damning evidence.

I don't think a technocracy is necessary and I actually think it could be very, very dangerous for any major country, and I'm 100% pro-science. In my experience, scientists can be nearly just as bad with overall political decisions as anyone else, and may even potentially prioritize their ambitions at the expense of social necessities, which absolutely cannot be allowed to happen.
I hope JBE can get a tax overhaul passed (up income rates, drastically reduce sales tax), and manages to collect enough revenue to meet his pre-election funding goals for higher ed.


JBE has plenty of examples to go by if he wants a successful reelection

Brad Henry 2003-2011 OK
Kathleen Sebillius 2003-2009 KS
Janet Napatatano 2003-2009 AZ
David Fruenthal 2003-2011 WY
Phil Bradenson 2003-2011 TN

All had to deal with Republican legislatures for the entirety of their terms.
Just comparing LA's trajectory with KY's really shows all the difference in the world between a Democrat and a Republican, even if they're both in red states and the Democrat isn't particularly liberal.

I really hope JBE can turn things around enough to be re-elected.
I'd like to think that Edwards pulling that off would have to result in a complete resurrection of the Democratic Party in Louisiana, but you know even if he did some Republican asshole would just come in and be like "Yeah, things are okay now, so let's cut taxes and social services to the bone!" and people would fall for it because they're notoriously shortsighted. You can never trust a red state.


Lol @ the religion answer.

Anyway, many departments and committees of U.S. government already consult with many reputable advisors from the scientific community. The problem here has to do with political corruption, not with the lack of damning evidence.

I don't think a technocracy is necessary and I actually think it could be very, very dangerous for any major country, and I'm 100% pro-science. In my experience, scientist can be nearly just as bad with overall political decisions as anyone else, and may even potentially prioritize their ambitions at the expense of social necessities, which absolutely cannot be allowed to happen.
I'd have put Wiccan if I was a Wiccan

I'm not an advocate for pure technocracy, merely blended elements where it would really make sense (such as the aforementioned minister of science). I'm perfectly comfortable with legislating in technocratic elements to cut down on the impact of corruption. A party will still appoint or elect someone who runs with the party, but it'd have to find a candidate who knows what they're talking about first. That's an upgrade in my opinion.
I'm out of the loop, I had to Google "cis male"

These terms will come up from time to time whenever a need arises for people to say that they're NOT something. Can't really have complex conversations without such distinctions when talking about a person in relation to something else.
I'd have put Wiccan if I was a Wiccan

I'm not an advocate for pure technocracy, merely blended elements where it would really make sense (such as the aforementioned minister of science). I'm perfectly comfortable with legislating in technocratic elements to cut down on the impact of corruption. A party will still appoint or elect someone who runs with the party, but it'd have to find a candidate who knows what they're talking about first. That's an upgrade in my opinion.

I think that the party system should be more Democratic, not less. After all, not everyone has an equal chance of being elected; if the citizens are going to be stuck with only a few realistic choices to pick from, they should have as much power in the selection of these candidates as possible, so that the people can be represented as accurately as possible.

Setting the qualifications for the candidacy of a public office to 'must be an expert in these areas' significantly inhibits the fluidity and dynamism of a free, democratic country and would disenfranchise many people who may want to run for office.


I'll do the thing because I want to fit in.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay and married
Where Are You From? Northern Ontario
Where Do You Live? California Bay Area
How Old Are you? 24. Birthday is May 1st.
Favorite Type of Music? Pop (Sia, Lady Gaga, Perfume) and Indie (Metric, Tegan and Sara)
Profession or Career interest? I have a BSc in chemistry, but was able to get a job at my father-in-law's business doing income taxes in January. Going to start looking for a job in my field soon.
Favorite video game(s)? Final Fantasy (3, 5, 8, 12), Shin Megami Tensei (Nocturne, Strange Journey, Persona 4, Devil Survivor), Zelda (Majora's Mask, Wind Waker)
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Puzzles, politics, movies, reading
Religion: None
Politics: Left-wing. In Canada, I voted NDP because the policies they advocated for were possible if they formed government in a Parliamentary system, but in the United States, these kinds of policies are very unlikely to pass in one fell swoop, so I'm more pragmatic and an incrementalist.
Race: White.
I'm out of the loop, I had to Google "cis male"

It's the more snazzy name for "Straight (White) Male".

Your gender? Male
Your race? White
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Burlington, VT
Where Do You Live? Essex Jct., VT
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Metalcore and Hip-Hop mostly, but I've been getting into a lot of Pop music lately (Halsey, Carly Rae Jepsen, Lights, etc)
Profession or Career interest? I work in manufacturing--specifically Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Favorite video game(s)? Counter-Strike 1.6, Final Fantasy X, DotA, Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Zero, Warcraft 3, Civilization 3, World of Warcraft.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Singing, Music, and Movies.
Politics: Liberal as they come on all issues except Gun Control. Being from Vermont I find it hard to justify the Democratic Parties increasingly strict stance on Gun Control just because Gun Violence is a problem in heavily populated urban areas.
Ha! Nice try big data, but you'll have to mine my personal details out of my cold dead posts. I'm not gonna be part of your system :p


Well, even if you don't share your template answers, I am interested in your thoughts on the current discussion of technocracy, as I recall you musing the idea some time ago.


Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Chicago, IL, Little Rock, AR
Where Do You Live? NY, NY
How Old Are you? 68
Favorite Type of Music? Pop
Profession or Career interest? Former Secretary of State, FLOTUS, Aspiring to be the 45th and First Woman President of the United States
Favorite video game(s) Testris
Religion:]/b] Methodist
Politics: Moderate, Centrist left leaning Progressive
Race: White.
What are your hobbies: Grandmother to soon to be 2 kids.


Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Chicago, IL, Little Rock, AR
Where Do You Live? NY, NY
How Old Are you? 68
Favorite Type of Music? Pop
Profession or Career interest? Aspiring to be the 45th and First Woman President of the United States
Favorite video game(s) None
Religion:]/b] Methodist
Politics: Moderate, Centrist left leaning Progressive
Race: White.
What are your hobbies: Grandmother to soon to be 2 kids.

Nice try.


I'll bite.

Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
From: USA
Live: Midwest
Age: 25
Music: Classic Rock, although I am tolerant of most music. It really is just background noise for me. I've never been to a concert. I listen to it in the car and that is about it.
Profession: Graduating with a bachelor's in Supply Chain Management in three weeks!
Favorite video game: TMNT IV SNES, Mario Kart 8,
Hobbies: Video Games, Sports (I watch just about everything), Films (I always try to watch all of the major Oscar nominees every year before the show)
Faith: Roman Catholic since birth. I have questioned my faith before but it has made my bond with God closer in the end. I am tolerant of all faiths. You respect my decisions with religion, I respect yours, even if you chose to not believe in God. I wish people wouldn't be so touchy or sensitive about it sometimes. (Sorry for the rant)

As for political beliefs, I'm kind of all over the place. Economically I tend to be more conservative. I believe in free market and capitalism with some exceptions. I'm a believer in small government. I believe our country needs major reform with social welfare, immigration, worker laws, and the election donation system.

Socially is where I truly vary. I am accepting of gay marriage but I am pro-life (with exceptions). I'm not crazy about pot but I'm fine with it being legalized if done right. I believe in a good military force but we shouldn't be involved in civil wars that are none of our business nor should be overthrowing regimes that pose no credible threat against us. Basically I want America to no longer be the world's bully.

Overall, I try to listen to both sides of an argument.
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