Then who is rude?Bernie = Arachnaman
Austin = Hillary
Paul Heyman = Debbie Wasserman Schultz
edit: dangit, fox. lol.![]()
Then who is rude?Bernie = Arachnaman
Austin = Hillary
Paul Heyman = Debbie Wasserman Schultz
edit: dangit, fox. lol.![]()
Holy crap, this article.
I don't understand things any more. Apparently that was the goal.
Shocking. White, Male, Suburban Democrat leaners are leading the unfavorable Hillary numbers among Democrat leaners.
Given the margin of error is +/-3%, there's not actually enough evidence to conclude that men lead the unfavourable Clinton numbers (as it is 52/48). There's only enough evidence to conclude that women lead the favourable numbers, which is different.
EDIT: Or put differently, if you were to pick a random Democrat or Democrat-leaning voter who dislikes Clinton out of a hat, it's essentially an even chance of drawing a man or a woman, whereas if you draw someone who likes Clinton out of a hat, it is almost twice as likely to be a woman. Interestingly, this implies this Clinton is benefiting from being a woman more heavily than she is harmed by it.
I am uncertain how the "Islam never gets criticized!" people know how to tie their shoes.
Trump's entire political campaign is about how Muslims are snakes that needed to be massacred with pig's blood! Do these people exist in reality? Can they process information? How insanely racist are they?
No. Women see her favorable by a 4:1 margin, men 2:1. Do the math.
The 52-48 split just means 52% of those who view her unfavorable are men. But being a 50/50 split still reflects poorly on men because there are a lot more women in the Democrat party/leaners.
there's not actually enough evidence to conclude that men lead the unfavourable Clinton numbers (as it is 52/48)
My wife has watched that goddamn Chewbacca video like 50 times and cracks up harder than the lady in the mask! If she watched a documentary about the federal reserve 50 times i'd probably divorce her.
You said "no", but then you agreed with me.I am confused. All I said was:
which you've then corroborated.
Let's go back to your edit and change the game.
If you picked only women out of a hat, what % would come up favorable.
If you picked men out of a hat, what % would come up favorable.
This is the point I'm making with the chart. That it's basically an even split in absolute numbers among unfavorable is irrelevant.
Holy crap, this article.
I don't understand things any more. Apparently that was the goal.
This is true in one sense, but to put it another way; if you tell me that you can make me fly, I'd better see some receipts for how before you push me off of a cliff....if I tell you I have the power to fly and in time will find a way to manifest that power to you in real time, your first response isnt to ask whether I agree that all proposed flight plans should be pre-cleared with the FAA.
This feels like its so close to an epiphany
When Clinton clinches the nomination when New Jersey closes on the 7th, she needs to make her victory speech then. If she does it after California closes, it'll be late at night for many on the other side of the country. She needs to make it known that Sanders and his supporters will have a place at the table at the DNC and going forward in the fall, and call for unity to defeat Trump in November.
Yes, that's also true. I picked up my point to forestall the usual Berniebro comments - they're very tedious when the evidence suggests that Sanders' supporters are actually relatively evenly spread across genders.
Clinton bashing isn't limited to the GOP these days.This GIF is so amazing it makes me want to switch to GOP so that I can share it.
She is a total waifu material. Goddam I hate Weiner so much.Huma is flawless though.
She is a total waifu material. Goddam I hate Weiner so much.
pigeon nooooYou guys crazy, Chi Chi should have won this season.
After Bernie Sanders told The Associated Press that the Democratic National Convention would be "messy," the Vermont senator and his campaign have since insisted that the reference was merely to the democratic process and not a subliminal message to his supporters to create chaos in Philadelphia.
"The media often takes words out of context. The context of that was that democracy is messy. That people will have vigorous debate on the issues," Sanders told NBC News' Kristen Welker in an interview aired Tuesday on "Today." Asked whether the convention itself will be messy, Sanders replied, "Well of course it will be. But everything that's what democracy is about."
Sanders also bristled at the suggestion that his staying in the race would hurt Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump, snapping, "I guess if we take your assumption, and Clinton supporters' assumption, that that is the logical conclusion, we should go back to a monarchy and not have any election at all."
I'm not sure why you highlighted moderates, actually. Comparing the likelihood of being moderate/liberal/etc between Sanders and Clinton, they look essentially the same bar white noise. 17/22/41/16 is not different to 16/25/39/18; certainly, if you were to pick a random moderate, you wouldn't be able to say much about their relative likelihood to support a certain candidate compared to a relative liberal.
Literally nothing Trump says is coherent.
This is response to Hillary talking about how Trump wanted the housing market to crash and gave out subprime mortgages.
How is this is a response?
True that, even Trump got more votes than him lolHe literally is incapable of not saying anything with out bringing in a insult.
Sanders winning is the only thing that would be close to a "monarchy" since, you know, clinton got more votes and Sanders would require superdelgates.
Literally nothing Trump says is coherent.
This is response to Hillary talking about how Trump wanted the housing market to crash and gave out subprime mortgages.
How is this is a response?
His response is talk about how great he is at something.
My point here is that Hillary's favorables/unfavorables are not aligning to Bernie's actual candidacy in terms of politics.
He is not getting 40% of the vote because he's so liberal and the party is moving that way drastically. He's getting a lot of support from people who couldn't care less about his political positions.
My favorite defense of Trump's "I hope the housing market crashes" claim in 2006 is that he said it because he's a smart businessman, so he'll be a smart President as well. Because actively rooting for the housing market to crash in order to make money off the lower and middle class' housing foreclosures sure is Presidential."When the economy collapses, we will make money off it."
Typical Trump!
Oh, sure. I agree strongly. Been saying that for ages. He's first and foremost an anti-establishment candidate. People aren't really sure what they want, they just look at the current political class and know it isn't that.
And What the fuck at Bernie asking for a recount in Kentucky??? Like, I've been on the "this is normal politics" stuff, but that one seems weird. At best, he nets 1 delegate from this? This is nothing but to damage the DNC's reputation...which isn't a smart decision.
over 50% of Hillary's unfavorables come from moderates and conservatives who are also Dem/leaners.
That's kind of a lot!
Again, there's more moderates/conservative that lean Dem than those that are liberal.
My point here is that Hillary's favorables/unfavorables are not aligning to Bernie's actual candidacy in terms of politics.
He is not getting 40% of the vote because he's so liberal and the party is moving that way drastically. He's getting a lot of support from people who couldn't care less about his political positions.
"When the economy collapses, we will make money off it."
Typical Trump!
It's not even that is the point. He's getting a lot of the same vote in certain places that Hillary got in 2008 for much the same reason she got it.
That I think is less true, or Sander's support would not be as evenly balanced across genders as it is. It's not that men don't like Clinton, it's that women quite strongly like Clinton (Democratic women, at least).
Isn't the data saying if you picked a moderate/conservative they would be more likely to be favorable (or equally likely to be favorable) towards hillary than if you picked a liberal/somewhat liberal. Over 50% of her favorability comes from those groups as well
Isn't the data saying if you picked a moderate/conservative they would be more likely to be favorable (or equally likely to be favorable) towards hillary than if you picked a liberal/somewhat liberal
I think B-Dubs is making a comment on votes based on the racial axis rather than the gender or ideology axis if you catch my drift.......