Spoiled Milk
I've been watching old videos of Bernie Sanders. Pretty much his whole life, his career in Congress, his run for the governorship of Burlington, he's been talking about the same issues: campaign finance reform, national healthcare, infrastructure, etc. These issues have been his life's work. These are his convictions.
And finally he's on the national stage. And he's got a platform to talk about these issues. And people are listening and supporting him and donating to him and the next generation that will run this country is voting overwhelmingly for him (
). He's finally where he wants to be: shrieking in the ears of every American.
Why should he drop out now? Why should he accept defeat and be silent? It makes perfect sense that he would take this to the convention. This is what matters to him.
I don't think he should drop out, either. If you listen to his old debates with the Vermont governor, you can already hear his anti-establishment fervor. He talks about having displaced the ruling class of Burlington (Burlington had a ruling class?) and upsetting the establishment, and how he wants to do that with all of Vermont. This is how he's always been. He doesn't play nice with the powers-that-be. Maybe you disagree with him, but he doesn't care; for Bernie Sanders, the country is just a few steps away (and has been for decades) from democratic socialist revolution.
So he's not going to stop. And based on what I posted earlier (the transcript from TYT), I seriously doubt he will outright endorse Hillary Clinton, either. And that's ok! I would be more disappointed in Bernie Sanders if he put aside his convictions in the last years of his life and the end of his political career and "settled". The man has been fighting longer than everyone here has been alive for issues that have always been a part of the progressive platform (except for gun stuff and really solid immigration reform). That's pretty incredible at face value. And so not endorsing Hillary Clinton and trying to bern it down at the convention (which he will definitely do if he's given a speech) and nominating Cornell West and accusing the DNC chair of being a fraudster and lamenting about the corporate media... this was inevitable because it's who he is. And that's ok, because this is America, where you're allowed to do that.
So Bernie should keep doing Bernie, and those of us that dislike him should keep disliking him, and his supporters will either get on board the Clinton/Kaine train or stay home and whether or not Bernie does anything to help that is not really his responsibility because voters are adults and it's Clinton's responsibility to earn their votes.
But while you guys twist and groan about it all, I've already made my peace.
الله أكبر
EDIT: WTF, he called the AIDS activists Big Pharma shills? This guy needs to slow his fucking roll, I take EVERYTHING back. #BernieForHospice
And finally he's on the national stage. And he's got a platform to talk about these issues. And people are listening and supporting him and donating to him and the next generation that will run this country is voting overwhelmingly for him (
except the black ones
Why should he drop out now? Why should he accept defeat and be silent? It makes perfect sense that he would take this to the convention. This is what matters to him.
I don't think he should drop out, either. If you listen to his old debates with the Vermont governor, you can already hear his anti-establishment fervor. He talks about having displaced the ruling class of Burlington (Burlington had a ruling class?) and upsetting the establishment, and how he wants to do that with all of Vermont. This is how he's always been. He doesn't play nice with the powers-that-be. Maybe you disagree with him, but he doesn't care; for Bernie Sanders, the country is just a few steps away (and has been for decades) from democratic socialist revolution.
So he's not going to stop. And based on what I posted earlier (the transcript from TYT), I seriously doubt he will outright endorse Hillary Clinton, either. And that's ok! I would be more disappointed in Bernie Sanders if he put aside his convictions in the last years of his life and the end of his political career and "settled". The man has been fighting longer than everyone here has been alive for issues that have always been a part of the progressive platform (except for gun stuff and really solid immigration reform). That's pretty incredible at face value. And so not endorsing Hillary Clinton and trying to bern it down at the convention (which he will definitely do if he's given a speech) and nominating Cornell West and accusing the DNC chair of being a fraudster and lamenting about the corporate media... this was inevitable because it's who he is. And that's ok, because this is America, where you're allowed to do that.
So Bernie should keep doing Bernie, and those of us that dislike him should keep disliking him, and his supporters will either get on board the Clinton/Kaine train or stay home and whether or not Bernie does anything to help that is not really his responsibility because voters are adults and it's Clinton's responsibility to earn their votes.
But while you guys twist and groan about it all, I've already made my peace.
الله أكبر
EDIT: WTF, he called the AIDS activists Big Pharma shills? This guy needs to slow his fucking roll, I take EVERYTHING back. #BernieForHospice