Let's wade into the cavalcade of stupidity, hatred and shameless pandering that is conservatives on twitter!
I read the transcript posted on gaf. Obama did not apologize, he said it was a terrible event, which is evident to everyone. The only way to draw the above conclusion is by already not liking Obama and molesting the usage of the word 'basically'.
On to the ziploc baggy of jism himself, Dinesh D'Souza:
Btw, on his twitter is a very entertaining trailer for his upcoming movie, "Hillary's America". It's very bombastic, the movie will probably be great for a laugh.
The picture above the tweet was Hillary riding a broom in the skies above the capitol building which made me lol despite the rampant sexism

I read the transcript posted on gaf. Obama did not apologize, he said it was a terrible event, which is evident to everyone. The only way to draw the above conclusion is by already not liking Obama and molesting the usage of the word 'basically'.
On to the ziploc baggy of jism himself, Dinesh D'Souza:
Btw, on his twitter is a very entertaining trailer for his upcoming movie, "Hillary's America". It's very bombastic, the movie will probably be great for a laugh.

The picture above the tweet was Hillary riding a broom in the skies above the capitol building which made me lol despite the rampant sexism