Choice quotes from the TIME interview.
"That a person like [Donald Trump] is actually beating or close to Hillary Clinton in national polls is pathetic, Sanders told TIME.
Called Hillary Clinton pathetic. He does this twice in the interview.
We ended up breaking even in Kentucky, a closed primary.
Claimed Kentucky was a tie.
...we have a shot to win the California primary on June 7.
Thinks he has a shot at winning California.
I dont think theres going to be much of a debate, frankly, that we need to raise the minimum wage actually to $15 an hour. We dont have to waste time on that. I think that will probably pass quite overwhelmingly.
Thinks that at the convention, everyone will unanimously adopt 15 an hour for the platform, no controversy at all. How does he think this works, anyway? Voice vote to determine the platform?
I think what this campaign has shown is that working people understand that NAFTA and CAFTA and PNTR with China have been disastrous for working families. I think there will be some opposition to my point of view but I have the feeling that well win that debate as well.
Thinks that the Democratic party will pretty easily give up on 70 years of free trade policy.
Im not sure that we will not win fairly easily on the issue of making public colleges and public universities part of what we consider to be public education, making it free. I suspect well win that one as well.
Is very hopeful he will make free college a part of the platform.
I think youve got to ban fracking.
Thinks this is even up for debate.
I think a contentious issue which we have a shot to win is whether or not we break up the large financial institutions and we create a new financial system not based on a handful of giant Wall Street banks.
Off the cuff proposes to recreate the United States finance system in his image without really providing any details.
So those are a few of the issues. I think well win most of them.
Thinks he'll win most of his issues even though he handily lost the election.
So if I say something to you that is ambiguous and it appears in TIME, the next day itll become a 30-second TV ad that Sanders said something which will be taken out of context. Youre familiar with that process?
Condescendingly asks the interviewer from TIME magazine if he is familiar with the concept of spin.
The conduct of how Nevada was run was clearly stacked in favor of Secretary Clinton.
Complains about Nevada again. Which he lost. Despite saying just minutes before that the Democratic primary process needs to be more democratic.
Interviewer: Howard Dean, who as you know also ran an insurgent campaign, told TIME that you have to at some point switch gears and concede. Party leaders have said its time to take on Donald Trump and worry you are hurting Hillary Clinton.
Sanders: Now were shifting gears. Were off of the DNC being fair. You gotta put a red light on and tell me when youre going into a new issue. So were finished with whether the DNC has been fair, yes? So youre going into a new question in that Bernie Sanders is the one responsible for a Fox Poll that Hillary Clinton is 3 points behind a guy who is a pathological liar, who has insulted virtually every group in America, who is widely despised, and it is Bernie Sanders fault that in some polls Hillary Clinton is now behind. Is that what the question is?
*no recorded response from interviewer*
Blows up at the interviewer for moving the interview along.
The rules are what they are right now. And the rules include the fact that we have had to compete in closed primaries. I would say that the election results would be very, very different in many states if all people in those states had a right to vote rather than just people who had registered in New York state monthswas it six monthscould we have won New York State? I dont know, maybe not. Ill tell you it would have been a hell of a lot closer. If you had anything resembling a fair election process. and that is true in many, many other states.
If we end up forty-eight, forty-nine [percent of the delegates], fighting in states where millions of our supporters were disenfranchised and not able to vote, and if we are in a situation where 400 or more pledged delegatessuperdelegates for Hillary Clintoncame on board before the first ballot was cast, do I think we have a right to say to those superdelegates, look, your job is not to tell us who you supported months before the first ballot was cast. [...] if you conclude that Bernie Sanders is the one to prevent Donald Trump from getting into the White House, do your duty to America and the Democratic Party: support Bernie Sanders. Thats where I am.
Simultaneously claims the rules are unfair and tries to take advantage of them.