Geriatrics can't move good
It's easier for us to steal the election that way.
Geriatrics can't move good
Geriatrics can't move good
At the Hillary Clinton Center For Geriatrics Who Can't Move Good And Wanna Learn To Do Corruption Good Too, we teach you that there's more to life than being really, really ridiculously establishment.
You know what grinds my gears about "Democrats do nothing for the white working class!"? Women are a huge part of the white working class and working class women often have abortions.
Republicans want to ban abortions and IUDs.
People need to bring this argument down to "white, male working class."
``The process has worked,`` said Democratic National Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who insisted that it would even when many observers were predicting a deadlocked convention. Wasserman Schultz said Clinton ``will be our nominee,`` and called her ``a figure our party can easily unite around.``
Even before the votes were counted, Sanders vowed to continue his candidacy to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next month.
``I`m running to win the party`s nomination`` Sanders said, pointing out that Clinton`s support includes ``a great body of delegates that are fluid.``
The challenger meant that several hundred Clinton delegates are not formally pledged to her, but are officially uncommitted delegates who have endorsed the former Secretary of State.
There was little chance, though, that many of these delegates would abandon their endorsement of Clinton, and Sanders`s candidacy now appears to be a symbolic campaign to influence the party platform and enhance Sanders`s own power and self-esteem.
You know what grinds my gears about "Democrats do nothing for the white working class!"? Women are a huge part of the white working class and working class women often have abortions.
Republicans want to ban abortions and IUDs.
People need to bring this argument down to "white, male working class."
lol love the own power and self-esteem dig, that's brilliant. Scathing even
That's kind of a muddled argument to make when the focus is on jobs and wages.
Oh you
That last line is 🔥
The Libertarians are debating on CSPAN
The Libertarians are debating on CSPAN
Bernie Sanders: Democratic primary not "rigged," just "dumb"
"What has upset me, and what I think is -- I wouldn't use the word 'rigged' because we knew what the rules were -- but what is really dumb, is that you have closed primaries, like in New York State, where three million people who were Democrats or Republicans could not participate," Sanders added. "You have a situation where over 400 super delegates came on board Clinton's campaign before anybody else was in the race, eight months before the first vote was cast. That's not rigged, I think it's just a dumb process which has certainly disadvantaged our campaign."
Ok this is a little better
Trump's comments on Japan are fucking demented.
What is wrong with this guy? Who in America hates Japan?
since when have republicans done anything for the white (male) working class?
Is this how he pivots away from the crazy old sore loser thing?
It's not rigged, it's just stupid. If it wasn't stupid I'd have won. Woof.
Oh wow, I forgot John McAfee was running.The Libertarians are debating on CSPAN
So what you're telling me is... Bernie Sanders was really the one who freed the slaves through retroactive momentum?"I'm not opposed to all processes. I am opposed to dumb ones." --- Abraham Lincoln
So libertarians don't believe in taxes? Without taxes you have no govt. So they don't believe in government? Isn't that just anarchy? Or do they watch Robocop and think, OCP, that's a great idea!
Fuck, I hope Cali will be a huge blowout for Hillary.
Why are we afraid about California again?
An libertarian president will work hard to cut regulations and to weaken the federal government. I do not even know what there main issues is with how the government should actually be run in terms of federalism. In my guess their main issue are the federal government, but not state government so I doubt they care what the individual states do. Although, I assume some are hypocrites about it and will use federal powers to weaken certain state governments to enact certain laws that goes against libertarian policy.
Bernie will use a win in California to justify dragging this to the convention, even if he's behind in pledged delegates.
At least that's the fear.
The Libertarians are debating on CSPAN
Gary Johnson said:I am not an old white guy, and I am not Republican-lite, said Johnson,
All peaceful prisoners should be released, so long as their offense does not have a victim. Police should no longer arrest or ticket people for offenses with no victim, and such crimes should be eliminated from federal statutes, state statutes and local ordinances.
"Who will build the roads?"
"In the future we will have jet packs." -Austin Petersen, Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Wrong, they want no government, not even at the state level, and have everything privatized.
Libertarianism seems like a decent concept in the "leave people the hell alone when at all possible" way, but the whole "I ignore the fact my actions can have repercussions on others in favor of a black and white worldview" bit sours me.
But they're never going to be a real political force. Even Republicans want big government, they just want it bigger in different ways than Democrats.
What about Veepstakes?i just want everyone to know that I already wrote the OP for the thread PoliGAF thread that coincides with the convention.