So libertarians don't believe in taxes? Without taxes you have no govt. So they don't believe in government? Isn't that just anarchy? Or do they watch Robocop and think, OCP, that's a great idea!
Never Forget.
What the Supreme Court got right [about Citizens United]
It's best for the government to stay out of the business of restricting political advocacy
...on Tuesday, speaking at the Center for Popular Democracy, Warren stepped away from the 140-character platform and made her point very clear: Trump is "a small insecure money grubber who doesn't care who gets hurt so long as he makes money off it" and "cares about no one but himself."
Sometimes Trump claims he is tough on Wall Street, but now he is singing a very different song, he is saying that the new Dodd-Frank regulations, and I'm going to quote here, 'made it impossible for bankers to function' and he will put out a new plan soon that will be close to dismantling it.
Donald Trump is worried about helping poor little Wall Street. Let me find the world's smallest violin to play a sad sad song.
Can Donald Trump even name three things about Dodd-Frank? Someone should ask....
The rest of us were horrified by what happened in the 2008 financial crisis, by what happened to millions of families that were forced out of their homes.
But Donald Trump was drooling at the idea of a housing melt down because it meant he could buy more property on the cheap. What kind of a man does that? What kind of a man roots for people to get thrown out of their house? What kind of a man roots for people to get thrown out of their jobs? To root for people to lose their pensions?
What kind of man does that? I will tell you exactly the kind of man. It is a man that cares about no one but himself.
What kind of a man does that? A man that will never be the president of the United States....
For all we know he could be paying zero taxes today. And he is proud of it. Two weeks ago he was more than happy to dodge taxes because he doesn't want to throw his money, quote, 'down the drain.'
Donald Trump likes being a billionaire but he doesn't think that the rules that apply to everyone else, should apply to him. But let's be clear Donald Trump didn't get rich on his own.
His businesses rely on roads and bridges paid for by the rest of us. His businesses rely on workers that are educated by the rest of us. They rely on police and firefighters who protect the rest of us and are supported by the rest of us. Donald Trump and his businesses are protected by a world-class military that defends us abroad and keeps us safe at home and the rest of us pay to support.
Donald Trump thinks that supporting them is throwing money down the drain. Then I say we throw Donald Trump down the drain.
Libertarians (propertarians, really) believe in extremely limited government that basically exists to prevent a monarch/dictator from having state power, hence why they are uber-capitalists. The state defends individual liberty but most especially property rights, and that's about it.
It doesn't actually make sense in a real world scenario, but it makes sense as a development out of the liberalism espoused during the late 18th century as a reaction to monarchism.
The really uber-uber-capitalist ones refer to themselves as anarcho-capitalists because they don't want the state to get in the way of their property rights at all. Those are the "taxation is theft!" people.
Why do so many people on twitter read one politico story with anonymous sources and freak out, snark or actually take it seriously.
I talking about the 'poor Donald' story
Would anyone else want or be willing to take the June primary thread? If not, I'll do it, but I just realized that if I don't do it tonight it's not going to get done....If not, I'll keep it but if someone else wants to or could take it, I'd owe you one.
This is great
Needs labels though. Are the people holding the letters voters? I don't understand because it's not labeled
When is it supposed to be posted, any time before June 7th?
This is great
Needs labels though. Are the people holding the letters voters? I don't understand because it's not labeled
When is it supposed to be posted, any time before June 7th?
Who is making the Queen Crowned as Nominee thread?
You should. The red name as the op will give it that special oomph.Who is making the Queen Crowned as Nominee thread?
Before June 4th. I bit off more than I could chew at work and the class I'm teaching.
Next Saturday and Sunday when Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico vote. I'm posting my "Hillary Clinches Nomination" Thread June 7th with my poll.
*HillaryGAF will be wearing Hillary avatars on June 7th and convention week to celebrate our Queen milestone.
Why do so many people on twitter read one politico story with anonymous sources and freak out, snark or actually take it seriously.
I talking about the 'poor Donald' story
Next Saturday and Sunday when Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico vote.
I'm posting my "Hillary Clinches Nomination" Thread June 7th with my poll.
*HillaryGAF will be wearing Hillary avatars on June 7th and convention week to celebrate our Queen milestone.
Bob Dole, pushing the Dream Ticket:
OK, well I could do the June thread if you'd like! No promises it'll be as amazing as the Civ or Papers Please threads... but I can do something
Noted, I'll have to make a Hillary version of my avatar then
That Gordon Gekko-looking Trump-supporting motherfucker on Real Time really was terrible. Everybody else was fine.
can someone GIF the MSNBC animation of her projection as the nominee when it happens? thx in advanced.
Some campaign fluff from Clinton's site:
These photos from 1992 tell the story of Hillary Clinton's first presidential campaign experience.
I like this picture:
Glenn Greenwald continues to be a piece of shit
Glenn Greenwald Verified account ‏@ggreenwald
I can't wait for Clinton die-hards to start applying this new "you-can't-criticize-anyone-gay" standard.
Never Forget.
What the Supreme Court got right [about Citizens United]
It's best for the government to stay out of the business of restricting political advocacy
I don't know what those students said, but people have drawn comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany that are not motivated by racism. Most famously by Yeshayahu Leibowitz, who may have been many things, but a racist and an antisemite was not one of them. I wouldn't call it super mainstream, but people in the Israeli left do tend to make that comparison from time to time.Some people are mad that college students that compare Israel to Nazi Germany are getting reprimanded and they say it isn't horrific racism, just anti-Zionism.
I mean, you're only getting at one thing when you compare Israel to Nazi Germany and "fascism" in general, come on, dumbfucks, grow a brain.
Next Saturday and Sunday when Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico vote.
I'm posting my "Hillary Clinches Nomination" Thread June 7th with my poll.
*HillaryGAF will be wearing Hillary avatars on June 7th and convention week to celebrate our Queen milestone.
Pretty pleased XD
Apparently Gary Johnson was a real asshole as governor. What a surprise.
Edit: just be sure to remind everyone else how much better you are than Reddit's Bernie supporters, guys.
Lawyers Representing Church That Lost $2 Million on Jane Sanders Land Deal Serve Bernie Sanders With Demand Letter to Release All Documents Related to His Involvement in Loan Application
Oh boy
Lawyers Representing Church That Lost $2 Million on Jane Sanders Land Deal Serve Bernie Sanders With Demand Letter to Release All Documents Related to His Involvement in Loan Application
Oh boy
Obviously that wasn't happen. But I'd sell my soul for him to have to give a deposition or testify.WREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECKED
will bernie be indickted?
Lawyers Representing Church That Lost $2 Million on Jane Sanders Land Deal Serve Bernie Sanders With Demand Letter to Release All Documents Related to His Involvement in Loan Application
Oh boy
Obviously that wasn't happen. But I'd sell my soul for him to have to give a deposition or testify.
Lawyers Representing Church That Lost $2 Million on Jane Sanders Land Deal Serve Bernie Sanders With Demand Letter to Release All Documents Related to His Involvement in Loan Application
Oh boy
I'm sure they'll be releasing past year taxes any day now.
Eh. There's really no point in either the Clinton campaign or RNC doing anything to him at this stage. I'm not sure if the implication is then that this is a salvo from the DNC or something basically saying we can play too?This is definitely the oppo dump kicking into high gear.
Lawyers Representing Church That Lost $2 Million on Jane Sanders Land Deal Serve Bernie Sanders With Demand Letter to Release All Documents Related to His Involvement in Loan Application
Oh boy