Where Bob Dole Stands on Immigration
Nearly 300,000 Illegal Immigrants Drain America's Resources
Nearly 300,000 illegal aliens enter the United States each year -- a flood of undocumented immigrants who sap precious American tax dollars and undermine the nation's security.
Dole Will Strengthen Border Patrol and Streamline the Deportations Process
America is a nation of immigrants, and Bob Dole believes that America must continue to be a land of opportunity for those who enter the nation legally, work hard, and sacrifice to achieve a better life for themselves and their children.
However, Bob Dole does not believe that immigrants who have entered the United States illegally should be entitled to government welfare services and other benefits. Bob Dole supports strengthening the Border Patrol and streamlining the deportation process for illegal aliens.
Bob Dole Has Been a Leader in Fighting Illegal Immigration
During Bob Dole's career, he has:
Led the Senate to overwhelmingly pass the Immigration Control and Financial Responsibility Act. This legislation increases the number of Border Patrol agents, creates additional detention centers for illegal immigrants, denies public benefits to illegal immigrants, and cracks down on illegal aliens who have overstayed their visas. The bill also includes an amendment authored by Senator Dole that makes crimes against women and children deportable offenses.
Called for an overhaul of American immigration policy, and has played a key role in the passage of immigration reforms in 1983. These reforms help control the flow of illegal immigrants, reduce access to entitlement programs and encourage legal immigrants to seek employment immediately after entering the United States or face deportation.
Led the effort to require the federal government to reimburse states for the cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in state prisons. In 1994, Bob Dole fought to provide the states with $350 million in reimbursement money. Unfortunately, Bill Clinton helped whittle down the actual amount by more than half.
Bill Clinton and His Administration Are Soft on Illegal Immigration
Bill Clinton has threatened to veto legislation that allows states to decide whether to give government services and taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens.
Bill Clinton actually proposed cutting funding for Border Patrols in his first budget. Clinton's first proposed budget, in 1993, sought to cut Border Patrol staffing by 93 positions. (Source: Congressional Quarterly, July 13, 1993)
A Better America
With Bob Dole as President, the American people will not be asked to support wasteful government programs that reward immigrants who enter the country illegally. Bob Dole will crack down on illegal immigration while preserving legal immigration.