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Trump has already said the Muslim ban was "just a suggestion". Heck, in a debate, he said we just kind of needed "a something". What appeals to his supporters is not the specific policy of banning Muslims, but the fact that he SAYS it and thereby signals that he believes Muslims are a threat worth dealing with. It's the prejudice of the policy, not its specific proposed mechanism, that appeals.

Exactly, that's why they don't care about any dirt thrown at him, they just trust he'll be more on their side than any other candidate, and that's good enough. Doesn't matter if he says Planned Parenthood is a good organization, or that he'll grow the debt, they just feel he's on their side when no one else is, and can bend power structures to his will.

Plus he can lie, by using terms like "I think", "I heard", "I read", "People are telling me", and the media will give up trying to force him to give specifics.

"I read Hillary is planning to shut down the steel industry... not on my watch!"

"She never said that."

"Well apparently she plans to do so, if she manages to shut the coal industry."

Done, gets more votes.


Y'all are now speaking my language (or were). I am in favor of a basic income. I think that there should be exemptions for able bodied adults, just like we now have for SNAP. I also think that for anyone that is not exempt, the state should have a mandatory employment and training program, again, just like SNAP. In order to qualify for the basic income, at least one non-exempt member of the household should participate in the employment and training program. Our SNAP program hasn't been as successful for able bodied adults because we are a voluntary employment and training state. About 41,000 of our able bodied population lost eligibility for the remainder of their rolling 36 month period after they exhausted their three months of time limited benefits.

At a minimum, this basic income should be available to families. I think it should be available to any household 16 and over (assuming the 16-17 year old is the head of the household). There might be problems, but I think it should be limited to one payment per household and eligibility should be tied to the federal poverty level, adjusted for regional cost of living.


Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown hated each other so much that Brown's voters tried to disrupt the convention and Jerry Brown never endorsed Bill Clinton.


Decided to watch a primary debate between Clinton and Brown and it's crazy how much Brown sounds like Bernie. Grassroots campaign funded my small donations, railing against the establishment and Washington insiders, bringing up big money donations...


Over the Memorial Day Weekend, Bill Kristol doubled down on his betrayal of this country with a pair of tweets:

“Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate — an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance,” Kristol tweeted.

He also said, “Those accused of betraying GOP by opposing Trump can take heart from P. Henry 251 years ago today: ‘If this be treason, make the most of it!’”

This fatuous invocation of an American patriot to justify the betrayal typifies the arrogant disregard for political realities shared by all those involved in a defection that could produce even greater disasters than the Obama era’s 400,000 deaths by jihad and 20 million refugees across the Middle East.
The Democrats reversal — and betrayal of our men and women in arms — was triggered by a presidential primary in which a left-wing candidate, Howard Dean, was running away with the Democratic nomination. This betrayal prevented us from pursuing Saddam’s generals and chemical weapons into Syria, and bringing Assad to heel. Bush managed to rescue the war effort and defeat al-Qaeda on the battlefield through the “surge” that Democrats opposed. But then, Obama took charge and implemented the Democrats’ America-is-guilty platform of appeasement and retreat, creating a power vacuum in Iraq and Syria that ISIS quickly filled. At the same time, the Democrats have systematically taken down our military which is now at its lowest levels since World War II.

This is the issue that defines the coming election. A party in denial about the Muslim holy war against America and its allies, whose basic instinct is to weaken America’s defenses and enable her enemies, is opposed by a party that wants to rebuild America’s strength, secure our borders, and put the safety of our people first.

The Kristol attack on the Republican Party and its presumptive candidate Donald Trump is an attack on all Americans and needs to be seen in that light.


Exclusive picture of this independent candidate.



Decided to watch a primary debate between Clinton and Brown and it's crazy how much Brown sounds like Bernie. Grassroots campaign funded my small donations, railing against the establishment and Washington insiders, bringing up big money donations...
Bernie never had an eternal 1-800 hotline though: http://blog.sfgate.com/thebigevent/...rowns-1-800-presidential-hotline-still-works/

The best debate is the one where everyone and Tom Brokow get pissed at Brown for bringing it up over and over again.

And also Brown randomly pulls out a newspaper to read making all sorts of noise with it.


I read Kristol's tweet last night as meaning there will be a third party candidate announced this week, but upon re-reading it, it's more like "it's memorial day weekend, also there will be a third party candidate."


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Does that mean there was a Polish notation and then someone put it in reverse and then used it?


Every campaign has its innovators.

campaigns, campaigns never change
Where Bob Dole Stands on Immigration

Nearly 300,000 Illegal Immigrants Drain America's Resources
Nearly 300,000 illegal aliens enter the United States each year -- a flood of undocumented immigrants who sap precious American tax dollars and undermine the nation's security.

Dole Will Strengthen Border Patrol and Streamline the Deportations Process
America is a nation of immigrants, and Bob Dole believes that America must continue to be a land of opportunity for those who enter the nation legally, work hard, and sacrifice to achieve a better life for themselves and their children.

However, Bob Dole does not believe that immigrants who have entered the United States illegally should be entitled to government welfare services and other benefits. Bob Dole supports strengthening the Border Patrol and streamlining the deportation process for illegal aliens.

Bob Dole Has Been a Leader in Fighting Illegal Immigration
During Bob Dole's career, he has:

Led the Senate to overwhelmingly pass the Immigration Control and Financial Responsibility Act. This legislation increases the number of Border Patrol agents, creates additional detention centers for illegal immigrants, denies public benefits to illegal immigrants, and cracks down on illegal aliens who have overstayed their visas. The bill also includes an amendment authored by Senator Dole that makes crimes against women and children deportable offenses.

Called for an overhaul of American immigration policy, and has played a key role in the passage of immigration reforms in 1983. These reforms help control the flow of illegal immigrants, reduce access to entitlement programs and encourage legal immigrants to seek employment immediately after entering the United States or face deportation.
Led the effort to require the federal government to reimburse states for the cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in state prisons. In 1994, Bob Dole fought to provide the states with $350 million in reimbursement money. Unfortunately, Bill Clinton helped whittle down the actual amount by more than half.

Bill Clinton and His Administration Are Soft on Illegal Immigration
Bill Clinton has threatened to veto legislation that allows states to decide whether to give government services and taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens.

Bill Clinton actually proposed cutting funding for Border Patrols in his first budget. Clinton's first proposed budget, in 1993, sought to cut Border Patrol staffing by 93 positions. (Source: Congressional Quarterly, July 13, 1993)

A Better America
With Bob Dole as President, the American people will not be asked to support wasteful government programs that reward immigrants who enter the country illegally. Bob Dole will crack down on illegal immigration while preserving legal immigration.
Where Bob Dole Stands on Foreign Policy

A Firm Hand in the Oval Office
Our nation needs a President who can articulate and implement a consistent foreign policy. The President of the world's only superpower must be steadfast in his support of American policies and America's friends and allies. The President must mean what he says, say what he means, and stick to it. Bill Clinton's vacillation and indecisiveness undermines our position at any negotiation -- whether on security or trade matters.

America Is and Must Remain the Leader of the Free World
We did not win the Cold War without allies and friends, nor should we contemplate facing future challenges without them. At the end of the Gulf War, America was respected by friend and foe alike. Bill Clinton has squandered this legacy. It must be recaptured. America's allies and friends must have their confidence in us restored. Potential enemies must know that we will stand up to protect our interests.
Only through a policy of relentless pressure on Castro's regime can we protect U.S. interests, prompt economic and democratic political reform in Cuba, and help the Cuban people. The Dole administration will continue to maintain an embargo on Cuba, until the Cuban people are free from dictatorship.
Where Bob Dole Stands on Values

Bob Dole Will Be a Role Model for America's Children
The President should be a powerful voice in teaching and promoting the values that made America great. Ronald Reagan and George Bush both used the Oval Office to address timely social and value-related issues ranging from teen drug use to urban violence and social decay. They offered visible role models for our young people to emulate, and their leadership helped strengthen the American family.

As President, Bob Dole will restore that important tradition of leadership by example. He will use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to speak out on the important moral issues of the day.

Bob Dole Has the Strong Moral Character to Lead America into the 21st Century
Bob Dole's values are rooted in the small Kansas town in which he grew up: love of God and country and family, commitment to honesty, decency and personal responsibility, and self-reliance tempered by a sense of community.

Those values have guided Bob Dole throughout his life, and they will be the foundation on which he bases his Presidency.

It was those values that Bob Dole talked about last year in Hollywood when he challenged the entertainment industry to stop peddling gratuitous sex and random violence to our children. "Our music, movies, television and advertising regularly push the limits of decency, bombarding our children with destructive messages of casual violence and even more casual sex," Dole said. "The mainstreaming of deviancy must come to an end, but it will only stop when the leaders of the entertainment industry recognize their responsibility."

He took a similar message to Indianapolis a few months later: "We must speak out about our values," Dole said, "and insist that our culture and our government reflect them. Yes, this means braving the ridicule of the cultural elites and speaking out about our popular entertainment. Our movies and music, advertising and television are having a profound impact on our children. And it's not for the good."

Dole's message struck a chord with millions of parents and launched a national debate over the impact popular culture has on our children. The grassroots movement he started has borne fruit in a voluntary television ratings system and this summer's educational programming agreement with the major networks.

A Better America
With Bob Dole as President, America will once again have a President who will focus public attention on values -- a role model who every parent can point to in teaching their children the difference between right and wrong.
All y'all with your fancy calculators. We weren't allowed to use them where I went to school. I feel left out. Plus, in college i took math for stupid people, and we didn't use them either. Mess.


I had a TI-81 for college. It's in a box packed away somewhere. Loooooved that calculator.

Now I want to find it, but I don't want to have to take apart an entire storage closet.


C'mon Kristol..


(someone really should've done a Caddyshack-themed GOP debate thread..)
Where do candidates for the Kansas Legislature stand on human-animal hybrids?

That’s something that Kansans For Life, the state’s leading anti-abortion group, wants to know.

A questionnaire that KFL’s political action committee sent out to legislative candidates this month asks candidates whether they oppose human cloning and the creation of human-animal hybrids, which the group refers to as chimeras.

The questionnaire is a way to show candidates “the range of the kinds of things that the pro-life movement is interested in,” said Kathy Ostrowski, the group’s legislative director.

That includes cloning and genetic research that uses cells from more than one species. “Am I aware of it happening (in Kansas)? At this moment, no. But does that mean it’s not happening somewhere? I can’t tell you that,” she said.

Scientists in Japan were able to grow a human ear on the back of a rat using human stem cells, according to Discovery News.

........ What is the justification for not wanting to grow human kidneys in animals?

I'm, uhh, at a loss here.


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
........ What is the justification for not wanting to grow human kidneys in animals?

I'd guess it makes them sufficiently human to be immoral, perhaps? I mean, if you think abortion is outright wrong you have quite an expansive conception of personhood that might also extend that far.


Input "NAME?",Str1
Str1+" SUCKS"->Str1
Disp Str1
Disp "


June 7th should be pretty fun, if only because the states' poll closing times are all staggered, so it shouldn't be a "one and done" affair where it's all over within an hour.

New Jersey closes at 8, then South Dakota an hour later (some precincts close at 8 and we will probably get some early returns in the meantime), then New Mexico and Montana an hour later, and then finally California the next hour.

The North Dakota caucus is at 7pm MST, which is 9pm EST, and results will slowly trickle after two or three hours probably. But whatever, it's a caucus that Sanders will win 70-30 anyway.
Also the fact that we can't allow anyone to spend money on things we don't want them to.
What a gross micharacterization. Targeted incentive programs are about achieving specific goals in citizen welfare, not being a nanny state lording over the proper and improper usage of money that frankly was gifted to them by the state. Outside of the government it is not uncommon at all to witness money being supplied for specific intended purposes, with those conditions of usage being legally binding.

Go into any food stamp thread here on GAF, where somebody buys lobster with it or whatever.
People are allotted a very minimal monthly stipend for their groceries. They are not eating lobster every night. If they supplement their diet with their income I see no crime, and I especially do not see a refutation of the principles of welfare programs.

The idea that money is fungible is a secret and so programs like SNAP are paternalistic hoops to jump through with stupid all or nothing cut-offs is not to be spoken of.

The whole POINT is that money is fungible and impossible to constrain the usage of. SNAP and TANF work because they're given to people in particular conditions for particular purposes so that those specific conditions are mollified. Like a good neighbor, The State is there.


I chuckled.


The whole POINT is that money is fungible and impossible to constrain the usage of.

Why should we want to constrain the usage of the money we're giving to people? The whole point of having a free market economy is that generally people are pretty good at making economic decisions about their personal lives and the government is less good.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Does that mean there was a Polish notation and then someone put it in reverse and then used it?

Exactly that. Łukasiewicz invented what came to be known as Polish notation (on account of nobody being able to spell Łukasiewicz) in 1924. That had the operator at the front. Reverse Polish has the operator at the back but is otherwise the same thing.
Do people that think immigrants took our jerbs think that women's rights and civil right's have caused women and black people to take white people's jerbs?

It feels like a lot of "immigrants have hurt American workers!" could be replaced with "women have hurt American workers!" and the theory would be exactly the same.
Why should we want to constrain the usage of the money we're giving to people? The whole point of having a free market economy is that generally people are pretty good at making economic decisions about their personal lives and the government is less good.
They're obviously not.

As benjimoans pointed out, people who were eligible for Medicaid didn't even sign up for the program. They should have just been enrolled automatically, decisions made for them. Poor people are so often unaware of their opportunities that they never take advantage of most of them, which is one of the reasons poor people remain poor. Telling them they no longer have to work and they will be provided an income will not alleviate that.

And further, people will weight the importance of certain things differently than the state. By reducing irregularities in decision making and allotment, the state can guarantee certain outcomes more easily, like:
- children having adequate food
- people living in minimally viable housing units
- People having health insurance
- People having a pension. Do you really think social security would be effective if people were just given money and told to save? Ha! Hahahhahahahahah!

The most dangerous myth the conservatives and libertarians ever unleashed into the world is that the market is efficient even in the extremities. Nobody ever trusted the rich OR the poor before Adam Smith thrust his invisible hand in our collective pants.

Something very similar to basic income and WAY more effective that I would support that you would not support, pigeon, because it is probably exploitation, is a federal wage subsidy.


Excellent piece on the sheer number of people that have escaped the poverty trap over the past decades around the world, with plenty of caveats and in particular the outcome of the middle class:


You can try and make a case against globalization -- good luck. Happy to debate it!

I mean, it's just astounding, in both absolute and real terms, what has happened over the past 4-5 decades:

Do people that think immigrants took our jerbs think that women's rights and civil right's have caused women and black people to take white people's jerbs?

It feels like a lot of "immigrants have hurt American workers!" could be replaced with "women have hurt American workers!" and the theory would be exactly the same.

Basically, yes.

Here's Jesse Helm's "Hands" ads that gave him a narrow reelection win over black opponent Harvey Gantt.



Do you really think social security would be effective if people were just given money and told to save? Ha! Hahahhahahahahah!
Thankfully, because they're forced into what is definitely not a ponzi scheme (because ponzi schemes are illegal) the middle and upper classes look out for their future selves rather than blindly assuming a permanent return:


Exactly that. Łukasiewicz invented what came to be known as Polish notation (on account of nobody being able to spell Łukasiewicz) in 1924. That had the operator at the front. Reverse Polish has the operator at the back but is otherwise the same thing.

You would love Lisp

It looks like regular Polish notation, while prefix-oriented like Lisp, is closer to Logo which does not require parentheses as in Lisp. (For example, Logo only requires the operator/operand list to be parenthesized when the operator is of variable arity and the argument list is not the default length, such as when adding more than 2 numbers together).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Thankfully, because they're forced into what is definitely not a ponzi scheme (because ponzi schemes are illegal) the middle and upper classes look out for their future selves rather than blindly assuming a permanent return:

I'm not following. What is this saying? You have like six layers of sarcasm here.
Thankfully, because they're forced into what is definitely not a ponzi scheme (because ponzi schemes are illegal) the middle and upper classes look out for their future selves rather than blindly assuming a permanent return:
Your catastrophically misleading graphic aside...

Hey benji: what is social security but a basic income for pensioners?
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