This is as anti-NJ as pronouncing the second t in Trenton.
Haha! Sorry didn't mean to start a legit fight. I'm from north of Middlesex so maybe that's where i get it from.
This is as anti-NJ as pronouncing the second t in Trenton.
This avatar switching nonsense is insane. Choose one and stick with it, or be like Hue and keep a theme.
All the stuff on Queens website is 20% today if you use the code twenty at checkout. She personally texted me to let me know. She's so thoughtful.
itsfuckingnothing.gifThe United States of Argentina?
People keep saying how unusual this year’s presidential race is. They're wrong. It's an absolutely normal Third World election.
We have three candidates still standing: a self-righteous socialist who's learned nothing in 50 years except how to rally the economically illiterate and uninformed; an heir to wealth who's done nothing impressive in 50 years except to hone his skills as a self-promoter and demagogue; and an insider who's climbed the greasy pole alongside her husband, enriching herself and her family through 50 years of "public service." Welcome to the United States of Argentina.
What is to be done?
Resist. Resist the decline of America. Resist an Argentinian future. Resistance can mean lots of things over the next few years. But in the here and now, resistance means finding a serious and credible independent candidate.
Thus David French of National Review wrote eloquently this week urging Mitt Romney to take up the gauntlet. French points out that "at this moment, American voters face a choice between two historically corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent politicians. .  .  . Given the stakes of the election, to simply leave the race to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is to guarantee a terrible presidency marked by incompetence and cronyism." And so, "There is just hope—however slim—of avoiding this national disaster: America needs a third option."
It would be great if Romney chose to run to provide that third option. It would be great if former vice-presidential candidates Joe Lieberman or Paul Ryan, or former cabinet officials like Mitch Daniels or Condoleezza Rice, or former presidential hopefuls like Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush, or current governors like Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez chose to run. They would all start from positions of relative strength.
But even as polls show an amazing level of public receptivity to such an independent effort, even as Donald Trump makes his unfitness for office more manifest every time he speaks, even as Hillary Clinton's unfitness for office is made more obvious by a report from the Obama administration's State Department inspector general, even as all this happens .  .  . major public figures may choose not to run.
Yet the fact of Trump's and Clinton's unfitness for the Oval Office has become so self-evident that it's no longer clear one needs a famous figure to provide an alternative.
So the alternative to Trump and Clinton could be a not-terribly-well-known but capable congressman like Mike Pompeo or Adam Kinzinger. It could be a respected former senator like Judd Gregg or Mel Martinez. Or the leader of the resistance could turn out to be someone who hasn't yet held elective office.
Or, alternatively, Hillary already did him or her up like Vince Foster or Benjamin Ghazi. I wouldn't put it past the murderess.itsfuckingnothing.gif
Not from Queen. She refers to you all as my "lovely little gay friends." Except for keV, since he's rich she refers to him as her corporate master.![]()
"Adam, I know you've bought all my junk already, but maybe you could buy a tshirt for your friends. Use coupon YASKWEEN20 🍕"
"I Need a Hero"Is the plan for Kristol to annoy people so much that a neocon decides to run as a third-party just to shut Kristol up?
This was posted to the Weekly Standard's site four days ago.itsfuckingnothing.gif
Date is based on the print edition's.June 6?
Stop Trump PAC ‏@StopTrumpPAC 13m13 minutes ago
Do you remember when @RealBenCarson threatened a third party run?
Stop Trump PAC Retweeted
Bill Kristol ‏@BillKristol 2h2 hours ago
I hope my mention of an independent candidate didn't distract him while paying respects during whichever Memorial Day ceremony he attended.
Stop Trump PAC ‏@StopTrumpPAC May 16
Stop Trump PAC Retweeted
Bill Kristol ‏@BillKristol May 16
I'd assumed the new party should be called the New Federalist Party or The New Whig Party. But now I'm thinking, The Renegade Party...
Stop Trump PAC Retweeted
Bill Kristol ‏@BillKristol May 16
The Renegades have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
What does Romney get out of running other than to spite Trump?
An actual campaign is a pretty heavy cost just for spite.
This avatar switching nonsense is insane. Choose one and stick with it, or be like Hue and keep a theme. I've used two avatars since I sucked and fucked my way onto this site three and a half years ago. I changed to my second after I hit member status at three months, if I'm correctly recalling.
All the stuff on Queens website is 20% today if you use the code twenty at checkout. She personally texted me to let me know. She's so thoughtful.
No way VA turns blue lock and PA still tempting people.
Chris Prudhome: In Washington Post op-ed Charles Kock wrote "Today if you're poor and get caught possessing and selling pot, you can end up in jail; your conviction will hold you back from many opportunities in life, however, if you're well connected and have ample financial resources, the rules change dramatically. How can we address the inequities and access to criminal defense?".
Bernie: Well, does everyone know who Charles Kock is? ["Boos"] In a life, sometimes, anybody can be right occasionally [Laughter]. So I think what Kock writes here is right, but, by the way, this is the second wealthiest family in America, so they know about who has money and who doesn't ... But his point, nonetheless, is well taken, and what he is saying is that we have a criminal defense system, which is in some states literally on the verge of collapse.
The theory is, and the supreme court ruled, as you may remember, many years ago, in Miranda, that every citizen, you're arrested, you have the right to a legal defense. But what states all over this country are doing, is cutting back, on public defenders. So technically, you may have that right, but if you have to wait many, many, many months to meet with your lawyer, or if your lawyer is over burdened with dozens and dozens of cases, and can't devote the time he or she needs to your case, are you getting fair legal representation? ["No!"] You're not, of course you're not.
So what we need to do, is to make sure that if Miranda means anything, and that means that every American, regardless of his or her income, is entitled to a strong defense. Too many people go to jail, you know why they go to jail? They don't have a good lawyer to adequately defend them, they cop some plea; o,k, I did this and only go for two years rather than ten years. Too many people end up in jail that way. So we need to reinvigorate, big time, public defenders in this country, so that people charged with a crime can get the defense they're entitled to ["Yeah!", applause].
Chris: It's amazing what you just said ... So is it possible that, you and Charles Kock can actually agree on something so important, and if so, what can we do to reform this crazy system?
Bernie: O.k., and the answer's yes, and I'll tell you why [more in the video - my stomach's rumbling]
Personally, I don't think Mitt Romney is stupid.You think Rmoney is worried about cost?
Personally, I don't think Mitt Romney is stupid.
He's never paid any taxes in his life* for a reason.
*Source: Reid, Harry.
Daniel B·;205112812 said:FUCK :'(.
If the Democratic establishment is ultimately successful in their efforts to extinguish the American people's heartfelt desire for a true, and eminently worthy "People's President", I feel they may have, for the forseable future, condemned American democracy to wander aimlessly in a bleak wilderness, for what will feel like an eternity...
He wrote this on a PS3. So it might have been written in March. It just took it a while to upload.You do know that Hillary is beating Bernie by at least 2 million votes, right?
You do know that Hillary is beating Bernie by at least 2 million votes, right?
And everyone else is being duped by the hegemony of the 1%.They still like to think that Bernie is being screwed somehow.
DWS voted at least 4 million times.You do know that Hillary is beating Bernie by at least 2 million votes, right?
He wrote this on a PS3. So it might have been written in March. It just took it a while to upload.
I own all of those shirts. Get on my level n00bs.
I mainly wanted to state for the record that Mitt Romney has never paid any taxes in his entire life. According to my sources.
We're not all racistsI don't think that the Republicans are going to be so affected downticket anyway. The party is a bunch of racists. Where's the shame that Trump is the nominee? He coalesced support faster than you can freaking imagine. I think they'll be fine.
So I'd take the assurance of having Hillary as the president. Or Biden once Hillary goes to prison.
Fly me to Ohio so I can raid your closetHe wrote this on a PS3. So it might have been written in March. It just took it a while to upload.
I own all of those shirts. Get on my level n00bs.
Why do people hate Obamacare again?
We're not all racists
The first Republican President was a big government racist warmonger who violated civil liberties.We're not all racists
Daniel B·;205112812 said:FUCK :'(.
If the Democratic establishment is ultimately successful in their efforts to extinguish the American people's heartfelt desire for a true, and eminently worthy "People's President", I feel they may have, for the forseable future, condemned American democracy to wander aimlessly in a bleak wilderness, for what will feel like an eternity...
Bernie at the Revolt TV meeting (I skipped ahead to quoted section):
What if you dislike the candidate in so many ways, but you must fall on your sword and stand behind the choice of the party?I find anyone who votes for Trump to either be a racist or ok with a racist. So I guess in that sense Bill Kristol is close to giving the non-racists a place to vote safely!
What if you dislike the candidate in so many ways, but you must fall on your sword and stand behind the choice of the party?
Not voting is a vote for Trump.Why must you fall on your sword? I get people who choose not to vote.