how is Trump's racism any different than LBJ or FDR? Are they excused because they gave us so many great programs/signed monumental legislation?
Fairly neutral in most aspects except healthcare. You guys will never understand the level of shit these marketplace insurance plans are. I have to change your meds and put you on an often unnecessary medication with a bullshit indication to keep you in the hospital, even though the labs today look like you aren't sick, you're really fucking sick. These marketplace plan companies try to terminate your care constantly. It's a daily struggle. My friend, who's an inpatient psychiatrist, deals with this garbage on most patients. He has to almost coax a patient into having suicidal ideation or audiovisual hallucinations just to keep them in the hospital where they belong. Without these symptoms, they don't want to pay for your care despite you being extremely ill. Even Medicare or Medicaid is not this hard to work with.
Well if Daniel Carver endorsed Hidetaka Myazaki for president, it wouldn't change anything about how I feel about God Myazaki. What if the zodiac killer supports Hillary? Do you like a serial killer? No! It doesn't mean anything.
how is Trump's racism any different than LBJ or FDR? Are they excused because they gave us so many great programs/signed monumental legislation?
how is Trump's racism any different than LBJ or FDR? Are they excused because they gave us so many great programs/signed monumental legislation?
If the best defence a person can muster for voting for Trump is that they're ambivalent about the impact his bigoted policies would have so long as it gets them what they want, I'm not sure that's really any better than being actually supportive of bigotry.
Abstentions will be considered as a ballot cast for Lyndon LaRouche.Not voting is a vote for Trump.
Security/fraud issues aside, internet/phone voting as an additional option would only increase participation rates across all demographics including lower socio economic groups.
Otherwise you might as well call in person voting "privileged" seeing as you need suitable transport, the ability to take the time off, and the physical capacity to get there.
I just some saying that some vile asshole's endorsement doesn't mean shit.You might have a point if any of those endorsements actually happened. But they didn't. Also, why would someone from the KKK endorse a Japanese animator for president of the USA? At least put some effort into your hyperbole.
Why do you suppose that David Duke is endorsing Trump? What separates Trump from Mitt Romney or George W. Bush (both of whom he did not endorse)?
I just some saying that some vile asshole's endorsement doesn't mean shit.
I just some saying that some vile asshole's endorsement doesn't mean shit.
He rubs elbows with conservatives and would probably pass most of their policies. You can't really be this dense.I mean, it's just hard to vote for Trump outside of supporting bigotry if you look at his policies.
Conservative values that have been suggested:
Low taxes: Sure, Trump knocks this one out of the park.
Small government: lol
Religious values: lmao
Strong national security: Jesus, no.
Technocratic economic policies: lol no
Strong gun rights: Yeah.
Freedom of speech: Not remotely
General good governance: He has Putin's cronies working his campaign.
To me a person that votes for Trump either agrees with Trump's misogyny/racism/xenophobia/bigotry or doesn't care about the people affected by his horrible views.
Either way, a vote for Trump is a vote for those things, whether you like it or not.
He rubs elbows with conservatives and would probably pass most of their policies. You can't really be this dense.
This dude is such a a child. Literally the most immature candidate we've had in decades.Even if we sidestep all of the bigotry (which you really shouldn't), I don't see how he's a good economic or foreign policy choice. He's made it clear he doesn't understand economics and thinks scientific facts are conspiracy theories, and he's completely unable to keep his mouth shut if somebody slights him at all.
He'd probably twitter bash people as POTUS lol
He did reject the endorsement. Trump isn't keen on figures. He doesn't even know who Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is. If you were Donald Billionaire Trump, would you know the name of some piss ant white supremacist? Especially in a setting where the media are constantly trying to trip you up.Except it does matter (but it also depends on the context of the endorsement and how the candidate responds to it). A candidate's supporters are part of what makes the candidate. The problem with your hypothetical endorsements is that they have no relation to one another, so they make zero sense.
Trump was caught lying when he pretended not to know who Duke was, but it wasn't just a lie - it was nod to the type of people who voted for or would have voted for Duke in the past. If Hillary was endorsed by a serial killer or if Myazaki was endorsed by a klansman while running for president of the United States like in your bizarre scenario, you can bet that both of them would reject those endorsements.
Drop Draymond on his head again.Yes, Bernie, you fucking moron, people really said it was mathematically impossible for arguably the best team in NBA history to win three straight games.
Yes, Bernie, you fucking moron, people really said it was mathematically impossible for arguably the best team in NBA history to win three straight games.
It is quite clear that many people don't can about the stuff he says about other people, even if the stuff he says are racist. They simply don't and will not care. I think the best way to talk to people how Trump would be how Trump's strategies and policies would be ineffective and/or harm the country( and them). Arguing, from a moral position seems fruitless.
Trump's proposal of banning Muslims can be argued that it will cause negative relations to our allies, actually increase chances of terror attacks in the US specifically, and will be used as propaganda by terrorists. If they are sympathetic to other people, how it can cause attacks against Muslim Americans. That is one example.
Regardless of his talk, I truly think that he'll be an ineffectual president and leaving things that he does not understand to advisors whom won't do a good job themselves most likely. He'll be a one term president surely.
Yes, Bernie, you fucking moron, people really said it was mathematically impossible for arguably the best team in NBA history to win three straight games.
He did reject the endorsement. Trump isn't keen on figures. He doesn't even know who Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is. If you were Donald Billionaire Trump, would you know the name of some piss ant white supremacist? Especially in a setting where the media are constantly trying to trip you up.
I can't remember the last time I've played a character. I've been serious lately since even the China thing.I know you're playing a character, but how have Republican policymakers shown you that they have things under control lately?
That's what's most disappointing about Lindsey Graham's softening on trump. I know he wants to invade everywhere at all times, and Hillary wont do that, but even he knows the importance in having allies, and he knows how damaging Trump will be to our alliances in the middle east and has said as much.
But then he goes and undermines it all in softening his stance against trump, simply because he's the republican nominee. How can a man so concerned with foreign policy be ok with someone that's going to clearly be extremely damaging to it, no matter if you're looking at it from the perspective of the right or left.
Of course I have reservations. Why do you think I said "fall on my sword?" But to think that some billionaire businessman who doesn't even know who the most dangerous threat to America is knows who some cunt white supremacist is on the fly is ridiculous. This is a horrible argument. Do you think a man of Donald Trump's stature knows whom he spoke to last week when he closed a deal? No. When you make contact with so many people everyday, of course you're going to have a memory problem. The whole David Duke thing was completely a media hit job.We already know the answer to the question, because in 2000, he sure seemed to know who David Duke was. He at least knew enough about him to refer to him as a klansman and in 1991 said that a vote for Duke was "an anger vote." The best thing that you could say about Trump taking his sweet time to reject the endorsement is that he has serious memory issues.
Do you really have any concern about someone like Trump being in the white house? Because with the way you keep making excuses for him, it seems like you already had your mind made up to vote for him.
Of course I have reservations. Why do you think I said "fall on my sword?" But to think that some billionaire businessman who doesn't even know who the most dangerous threat to America is knows who some cunt white supremacist is on the fly is ridiculous. This is a horrible argument.
Do you think a man of Donald Trump's stature knows whom he spoke to last week when he closed a deal? No. When you contact so many people of course you're going to have a memory problem.
The whole David Duke thing was completely a media hit job.
Of course I have reservations. Why do you think I said "fall on my sword?" But to think that some billionaire businessman who doesn't even know who the most dangerous threat to America is knows who some cunt white supremacist is on the fly is ridiculous. This is a horrible argument. Do you think a man of Donald Trump's stature knows whom he spoke to last week when he closed a deal? No. When you make contact with so many people everyday, of course you're going to have a memory problem. The whole David Duke thing was completely a media hit job.
He did publicly.. And then just moved him off to a new location still employing him quietly if I recall correctly.Has trump denounced his racist butler? Or did he forget about him too?
Has trump denounced his racist butler? Or did he forget about him too?
If Trump wins and Cameron says something bad about him, I expect president Trump to tweet:
I'm not enthusiastic about voting for him, hence the reason I posted in this thread about it. I wanted people to present points that I could investigate and perhaps make me stay home or not. Not some bullshit David Duke stuff. I mean Hillary used her personal email account bullshit bullshit Benghazi Chris Stevens. It's a non-issue much like Benghazi and emails. I'm not defending Trump, I'm parrying this hit job. Nobody cares about it because it's nothing.Did you even read what I posted? Donald Trump knew who David Duke was in 1991 and in 2000. If he remembered who Duke was during that nine year gap, he's not going to suddenly forget.
So you want someone who can't even remember what happened a week ago to be president? If his memory is that terrible, he has no business being president, especially if he can't tell a klansman apart from a business partner.
I'm sure it wasn't your intention, but every time you defend Trump you make him look more idiotic and unqualified than he already has shown himself to be.
Seriously? It's the media's fault that Donald Trump was caught in a lie? Give me a fucking break.
If you want to vote for him, vote for him; just stop making excuses for your awful, awful candidate.
If you're a conservative and you care about any of the above things I listed in the second list, you've got a pretty clear option this election, even if he's orange and he makes you embarrassed. If you don't care about most of those conservative issues but you're a nativist or an authoritarian, you also have a pretty clear option this election. So Trump will actually build a stronger coalition of Republicans than Mitt Romney ever did. I think.
So yeah, I'm definitely going to call anyone dense if they really think that voting for Trump is based on bigotry. Maybe it's based on compliance with bigotry, but let's be honest; do you really expect non-Muslims to really care about Muslims when the Antichrist has been destroying your America for 8 years?
I'm not enthusiastic about voting for him, hence the reason I posted in this thread about it. I wanted people to present points that I could investigate and perhaps make me stay home or not. Not some bullshit David Duke stuff. I mean Hillary used her personal email account bullshit bullshit Benghazi Chris Stevens. It's a non-issue much like Benghazi and emails. I'm not defending Trump, I'm parrying this hit job. Nobody cares about it because it's nothing.
Unless mathematics no longer works, we're less than 8 days away from Hillary Clinton being declared the presumptive nominee by the networks.
I'm not enthusiastic about voting for him, hence the reason I posted in this thread about it. I wanted people to present points that I could investigate and perhaps make me stay home. Not some bullshit David Duke stuff. I mean Hillary used her personal email account bullshit bullshit Benghazi Chris Stevens. It's a non-issue much like Benghazi and emails. I'm not defending Trump, I'm parrying this hit job. Nobody cares about it because it's nothing.
Bernie's campaign a week from tomorrow night.
The best state,What state are you registered to vote in?
I'm not enthusiastic about voting for him, hence the reason I posted in this thread about it. I wanted people to present points that I could investigate and perhaps make me stay home or not. Not some bullshit David Duke stuff. I mean Hillary used her personal email account bullshit bullshit Benghazi Chris Stevens. It's a non-issue much like Benghazi and emails. I'm not defending Trump, I'm parrying this hit job.
This is quality.Do you want a trade war with China and Mexico? Do you want someone in office who terrifies world leaders, including our allies? Do you want someone in office who can't separate white supremacists from his own business partners? Do you want someone in office who will force soldiers to commit war crimes? Do you want to ban 1.6 billion people from ever entering or visiting the country? Do you want the most thin-skinned president in the history of the country to make decisions that will affect the rest of the world and turn us into an even bigger laughingstock than when Bush was president? Imagine him calling Angela Merkel fat or David Cameron a pig-fucker. How well do you think that would go over?
These are all things that come with a Donald Trump presidency, and knowing all that, if you still try to defend him, you were never actually looking for a reason to stay home, and there's nothing that anyone can say or do to get you to change your mind. So I guess I'll ask this in advance: if you were never going to stay home in the first place, why even ask?
My friends on facebook have made the transition from Bernie Sanders to Jill Stein.
This is quality
The best state,GA