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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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No Scrubs
What if you dislike the candidate in so many ways, but you must fall on your sword and stand behind the choice of the party?

You have a choice. There's always not voting or voting third party or only voting down ticket. No one's holding a gun to your head.
Fly me to Ohio so I can raid your closet

I'm not made of money. I'm not Kev.

Tonight's cocktail is called a Bernie Sanders. It's 1 shot of ruby red grapefruit vodka, 1 shot orange vodka, orange pineapple juice, a little bit of lime juice and club soda.

I like it, in theory...but the taste lingers a bit longer than it should...


If you're a Republican, you gotta vote for Trump. Might as well become a Democrat if you're just going to sit this one out like Jeb.


Just saying, the struggle is real :-/

*wink wink* *nudge nudge*

Even if he is a totalitarian who would have signed the CRA of 1964 and make Nazi bakers give Jews things from their ovens.


I don't think that the Republicans are going to be so affected downticket anyway. The party is a bunch of racists. Where's the shame that Trump is the nominee? He coalesced support faster than you can freaking imagine. I think they'll be fine.

So I'd take the assurance of having Hillary as the president. Or Biden once Hillary goes to prison.
Biden for president!
In that pic it looks like somebody told Sanders that his fly was down. How can a true leader fall for such simple pranks?

By the time I completed the post it was well past my evening nosh time, and my stomach was like "Where's my dinner!" (classic line from Pleasantville :) ), so although that screenshot was "open to interpretation", and didn't show Bernie in the best light, my stomach was not going to stand for any more delays ;).


What about Hillary makes her an impossible alternative? I don't really see what the GoP offers nowadays since they aren't a small government party

How do you feel about Obama's presidency

Fairly neutral in most aspects except healthcare. You guys will never understand the level of shit these marketplace insurance plans are. I have to change your meds and put you on an often unnecessary medication with a bullshit indication to keep you in the hospital, even though the labs today look like you aren't sick, you're really fucking sick. These marketplace plan companies try to terminate your care constantly. It's a daily struggle. My friend, who's an inpatient psychiatrist, deals with this garbage on most patients. He has to almost coax a patient into having suicidal ideation or audiovisual hallucinations just to keep them in the hospital where they belong. Without these symptoms, they don't want to pay for your care despite you being extremely ill. Even Medicare or Medicaid is not this hard to work with.


At what point would people not be able to vote for their candidate.

Like, if the Republicans nominated David Duke, would people still unite behind him.

Depends, probably a lot easier after this year. You already compromised your values (unless you value racism or bigotry, then you are golden) so another step in shit is less jarring.


David Duke doesn't even compare to Trump. Come on with that bullshit.

You're right.

David Duke, beyond the abject racism, might not crash the international economy? Maybe?

The point wasn't a comparison between the two. It was to think about "just how explicit does the racism have to be before people say no?"

The main problem with accepting Trump as a conservative is that he does not hold on to basically the one issue the Republican party still kinda-sorta had going for it with trade and generally understanding that they shouldn't give haircuts on debt.

That goes out the window with Trump. Why in the fuck would anyone vote for that?
We're at a point where explicit racism has been conflated with "not being politically correct," and since a large portion of the population thinks that not being politically correct is an admirable thing, I'm sure that at least two-fifths of the GOP would be okay with Duke. He's just saying what he thinks and not bowing to political correctness, after all. Nevermind what he's saying. Just note that whatever he says, it's not PC, and that's good!


I find anyone who votes for Trump to either be a racist or ok with a racist. So I guess in that sense Bill Kristol is close to giving the non-racists a place to vote safely!

Voting for trump doesn't make you racist or ok with racists, a belief that specific racial differences make for an inherent superiority of a particular race is what makes someone racist, nothing else; that's like the true definition of racist bigotry. I know many people here in Jax, both republicans, and independents, that voted Trump in the primary. Not only are the folks I personally know not racist, they are quite varied in color and ethnicity. Irish, German, Cuban, Dominican, Chineese, and Brazilian...

No puns intended at all, but voting for a GOP player like Trump is not all black and white.


I guess there's still taxes.

Someone rational could still theoretically support Trump if they are one-issue voters around paying as little in taxes as possible.

Voting for trump doesn't make you racist or ok with racists, a belief that specific racial differences make for an inherent superiority of a particular race is what makes someone racist, nothing else; that's like the true definition of racist bigotry. I know many people here in Jax, both republicans, and independents, that voted Trump in the primary. Not only are the folks I personally know not racist, they are quite varied in color and ethnicity. Irish, German, Cuban, Dominican, Chineese, and Brazilian...

No puns intended at all, but voting for a GOP player like Trump is not all black and white.

I completely disagree.

If one votes for Trump, one is ok with racists. You may be voting for different issues, but by defintion you are ok with racists. With racists in the highest office in the country. Split that hair as much as you want -- a vote for Trump is saying "I'm ok with racists".


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I love how the goalposts have moved to the most narrow definition of racism AND people think Trump is still not described by the narrow definition.
I'm not sure what David Duke's positions on whether or not we should be allies with South Korea and Japan and whether the US should stay in NATO and not be buddies with Putin.

He's probably better than Trump on defense in most issues other than whether or not Israel should be bombed.

Trump is down there with Charles Lindberg and Dubya in defense I think?


I completely disagree.

If one votes for Trump, one is ok with racists. You may be voting for different issues, but by defintion you are ok with racists. With racists in the highest office in the country. Split that hair as much as you want -- a vote for Trump is saying "I'm ok with racists".

But if you use that logic for anything else, you'd see how flawed it can be, In 2012 I voted for Obama. Does that by definition make me okay with ACA as it was and still is? Of course not. I voted for him for entirely different reasons.

You don't automatically stand for everything a man is and is for merely because you vote for them, it's not that simple.
I love how the goalposts have moved to the most narrow definition of racism AND people think Trump is still not described by the narrow definition.
Trump is quite bigoted, and islamaphobic to boot. I don't think anyone on PoliGAF says or thinks otherwise.


If you don't like David Duke, why would you support someone he endorsed?
Well if Daniel Carver endorsed Hidetaka Myazaki for president, it wouldn't change anything about how I feel about God Myazaki. What if the zodiac killer supports Hillary? Do you like a serial killer? No! It doesn't mean anything.


But if you use that logic for anything else, you'd see how flawed it can be, In 2012 I voted for Obama. Does that by definition make me okay with ACA as it was and still is? Of course not. I voted for him for entirely different reasons.

You don't automatically stand for everything a man is and is for merely because you vote for them, it's not that simple.

Trump is quite bigoted, and islamaphobic to boot. I don't think anyone on PoliGAF says or thinks otherwise.

I never said you stand for everything a politician is and has done if you vote for them.

I'm saying if you do so, you are "ok" with it, in the sense that it's not a deal breaker. Hence being "ok with racists".


But if you use that logic for anything else, you'd see how flawed it can be, In 2012 I voted for Obama. Does that by definition make me okay with ACA as it was and still is? Of course not. I voted for him for entirely different reasons.

You don't automatically stand for everything a man is and is for merely because you vote for them, it's not that simple.

Trump is quite bigoted, and islamaphobic to boot. I don't think anyone on PoliGAF says or thinks otherwise.

You knowingly voted for Obama, not necessarily approving of the ACA, but with the knowledge that the ACA would continue to be supported by his administration. It's a fine, fine distinction, but at some level you made a judgment call that his ACA position was not prohibitive.

Now we have Trump. You might be eyeing other interests when weighing your vote, but let's be crystal clear: if a person votes for him, they're deeming his racism not prohibitive.

And that's something that speaks for itself. No amount of rhetorical contortion undoes this.
Things Trump stands for:

-Hatred of Muslims and Latinos.
-Foreign policy of breaking all alliances, stealing oil from countries that disrespect us, and committing war crimes.

The rest is pretty negotiable based on the day.

idk, not very many policies to be attracted to.


If the best defence a person can muster for voting for Trump is that they're ambivalent about the impact his bigoted policies would have so long as it gets them what they want, I'm not sure that's really any better than being actually supportive of bigotry.
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