Give them time, people are still going to be in the mourning period. When a Trump presidency looks them in the face they'll come back home.
My friends on facebook have made the transition from Bernie Sanders to Jill Stein.
My friends on facebook have made the transition from Bernie Sanders to Jill Stein.
My friends on facebook have made the transition from Bernie Sanders to Jill Stein.
Bernie Sanders
14 mins ·
Last week, Golden State was down three games to one. Tonight, they finished off a great comeback in California. Im thinking that next week, well have a big win in California, too.
Party loyalty is a thing. If he doesn't support the president nominee than it can cause further fracturing of the party. It might be an extremely uncommon thing for a party to reject a nominee. It can also jeopardize your own positioning in the party aswell. No one wants to be that guy and no one wants to be the one to damage their own party. It could be also cultural. Besides it is easy to say you endorse, but not in actuality support them and they need someone to go against Hillary. Lets say if have some like Trump get rid some of the racism and bigotry, and make him a more like a ultra-captialist or instead of Trump it is Romney or GWB. Now there's a Democratic nominee that is almost like Andrew Jackson, but has a few solid policies that actual can make the country better. I would image some will still vote for the Democratic nominee. Or how about someone like Jill Stein, but a little more nuttier; I would image that many people in this thread would still come around and vote for her.
I disagree with Stein on GMO and Vaccination issues, but I would have no problem supporting someone who believes those things if that's the nominee. Those are so much smaller of issues than proposing an outright ban on muslims and promoting collective punishment.
Again, he is literally running on a platform that bans muslims from entering the country, and the collective punishment of killing people just for being related to terrorists. Please tell me how anything the radical left does is in any way comparable to that.
That's literally the type of thing that made Mussolini and Hussein evil. Anti-vax isn't evil, collective punishment and by extension Trump straight up is.
Has there been a single poll showing Bernie ahead in California? You've got to basically have a Michigan level miss at this point with none of the factors that caused Michigan to miss.
Bernard at Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals tonight.
I disagree with Stein on GMO and Vaccination issues, but I would have no problem supporting someone who believes those things if that's the nominee. Those are so much smaller of issues than proposing an outright ban on muslims and promoting collective punishment.
Again, he is literally running on a platform that bans muslims from entering the country, and the collective punishment of killing people just for being related to terrorists. Please tell me how anything the radical left does is in any way comparable to that.
That's literally the type of thing that made Mussolini and Hussein evil. Anti-vax isn't evil, collective punishment and by extension Trump straight up is.
Has there been a single poll showing Bernie ahead in California? You've got to basically have a Michigan level miss at this point with none of the factors that caused Michigan to miss.
So yeah, I'm definitely going to call anyone dense if they really think that voting for Trump is based on bigotry. Maybe it's based on compliance with bigotry, but let's be honest; do you really expect non-Muslims to really care about Muslims when the Antichrist has been destroying your America for 8 years?
I wasn't comparing based on policies I was comparing on disdain and perceived craziness of the of president nominee. If you really have an embarrassing person that wins the nominee of the party you support, but there's a nominee that you know that would destroy the country on the opposite party many Democrats would be in the same position as the Republicans.
What if there was a Dem with Trump's protectionist economic policies? Like imagine Trump, only without all the racist shit.
Bernie Sanders: "I Have A Real Problem With The New York Times"
Damn that establishment media for not realizing the perfection and heroism of Bernie Sanders!
I for one appreciate hearing SourShoes' thoughts, even if I don't agree can't (fully) empathize with them. I do sympathize quite a bit. It'd be nice if people didn't act like big meanies to him.
<3SourShoes is still a nice person so he's cool in my book.
Bernie's next tweet I'm sure
Bernie: We need more journalists like the good folks at The Young Turks.Bernie Sanders: "I Have A Real Problem With The New York Times"
Damn that establishment media for not realizing the perfection and heroism of Bernie Sanders!
So once Bernie pulls off his miraculous California comeback what's supposed to happen?
Since, you know, he's still going to be getting his ass kicked.
But the policy is the problem. I'd have no problem voting for Kanye West if he's the democrat against a more serious republican, as long as Kanye West isn't promoting the types of things Trump is supporting.
I'm kinda 50/50 on the whole thing anyway. Globalism is a lot like technology where it gives economic benefits but tends towards inequality and can hurt the lower class overall.
Personally I prefer all globalism and technology and using the economic benefits from that to create government programs so all may benefit, but I don't hate protectionist policies as a second best alternative.
But if the left was the one nominating someone with the racist policies Trump has, I would vote republican, despite disagreeing with every one of their economic policies. It can't be understated how scary Trump's racism is.
Bernie Panders![]()
I disagree with Stein on GMO and Vaccination issues, but I would have no problem supporting someone who believes those things if that's the nominee. Those are so much smaller of issues than proposing an outright ban on muslims and promoting collective punishment.
Again, he is literally running on a platform that bans muslims from entering the country, and the collective punishment of killing people just for being related to terrorists. Please tell me how anything the radical left does is in any way comparable to that.
That's literally the type of thing that made Mussolini and Hussein evil. Anti-vax isn't evil, collective punishment and by extension Trump straight up is.
Edit: And I agree this type of absolute moralistic response isn't going to change anyone's mind, but this both sides are the same shit that's even being invoked with donald fucking trump is pissing me off, and i need it get it off my chest.
When he wins 85-15 in California, all the super delegates will see the error of their way and will finally realize that only Bernie can beat Trump in November, causing a death of several super delegates in their stampeding rush to change their allegiance from Killary to Bernie. Then and only then will the true presumptive nominee be named.
So once Bernie pulls off his miraculous California comeback what's supposed to happen?
Since, you know, he's still going to be getting his ass kicked.
Let me start with a simple question, but maybe a complicated answer. How do you win? Senator Clinton has basically declared herself the nominee, the math is certainly very much in her favor. Explain to me how you're the nominee in July in your head.
Fair question. And I think there are three paths to victory. Number one, I want to go into the convention with more pledged delegates than Secretary Clinton. And that's going to be an uphill fight. Because for 270 or so delegates, and we've got 46 percent of the pledged delegates. What I want to do, and I think we can, is win California here, and win under the big vote, do very, very well in the other five states.
And I believe going into the convention, if we can do this, with the majority of pledged delegates, is a very symbolic victory. Second of all, we're going to talk to those superdelegates in states where we have won landslide victories, 60, 70, 80 percent of the vote, to say, "Do what the people in your state want. They voted for Bernie Sanders, you as the superdelegates should follow their wishes."
Third point and most important point, as you know Chuck, there are over 400 superdelegates who came onto secretary Clinton's campaign eight months before the first ballot was cast. Before anybody else was in the race. Before they could get a sense of what the campaign was about.
Right now, in every major poll, national poll and statewide poll done in the last month, six weeks, we are defeating Trump often by big numbers, and always at a larger margin than Secretary Clinton is. We're going to make the case to the superdelegates, "Your job is to make sure that Trump is defeated, that Bernie Sanders, in fact, for a variety of reasons, not just polling, is the strongest candidate.
But without a California victory, you can't win a majority of pledged delegates. And obviously, you will once again not succeed in a big state with a diverse population. It's going to be hard for you to convince Democrats to go with you without a California victory. Fair?
Hey, look, Chuck, California is the big enchilada, so to speak. Obviously it is enormously important, and obviously we want to win it. But let me just tell you something. You know, my campaign has been written off from before we started. Nobody thought we would do anything. We've now won 20 states, primaries and caucuses, and I think by the end of the process, we may win half of the states. So we're going to fight till the last vote is cast and try to appeal to the last delegate that we can.
If he made her noon viable, which won't happen he'd actually take the pledged delegate lead I believe.
So once Bernie pulls off his miraculous California comeback what's supposed to happen?
Since, you know, he's still going to be getting his ass kicked.
An anti vaxxer president with power could literally cause a pandemic
Jill Stein isn't particularly fit to serve as President either I feel I should note.
Also from what I recall reading trade liberalisation has been the most effective at poverty reduction in places with strong institutions. But less so in places of institutional void.
It also just can't be looked at from the income side but what that income buys due to liberalisation reducing costs.
"Most reasonable people don't vote a lot! It's only the goddamn old, white, rich people with sticks up their ass and the fuckin white poor rednecks that are so fuckin uneducated that they believe this republican horseshit. They go out and vote like crazy because they want to take their country back and make it great again. By the way, the stock market is officially way well over twice what it was when Bush left it and Obama got Bin Laden and Obama got us healthcare, and Obama resurrected the economy, and Obama's trying to get us out of, you know, the wars that he got us into and etcetera, so I really wanna make America great again like it was before we elected Barack Obama. That's really what I want. Why don't somebody sodomize me with a rusty fishing knife while they're at it!"
Isn't trump an anti vaxxer?