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I hope no one else but me subjects themselves to Politico's Nerdcast, because Kristin Roberts is the worst political podcast host. Just the worst.


If you would have told me last year that Bill Simmons would end up producing one of the best political podcasts, I would have punched you for saying such a stupid thing.
Loving the close national and state polls. Keep them coming.

Also, the last NBC non-online poll had Clinton leading Trump 51-43 if Bernie drops out I believe.


(Copying from the OT, just in case some of you don't venture over there..)

The title of this article might make you think it's negative, but trust me on this: it's a damn nice peek at Hillary.

It's a long one, so settle in.

NYMag: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Was Never Going to Be Easy. But Did It Have to Get This Hard?

There's talk of her weaknesses, her wonkishness, her & Bill cursing fighting the DVR at home once football season begins, some hints at how she might fight Trump, how we as Americans evaluate and rate "charisma" in terms of importance, some history behind her guarded nature.. it's a wide-sweeping piece. She can be refreshingly blunt about how she's not a gifted/natural politician, and I wish she'd show that side more often.


Kills Photobucket
I don't know her name (not one of the hosts), but somone on the Today show was just on, and talked about a scenario where no one gets 270 electoral votes.

She actually thinks Congress would go with the will of the people, and pick who wins the popular vote.


All the Berniebros diablosing over the early Trump V Clinton polling is hilarious considering they are the reason those numbers are that way


Bored at work. Political podcast power rankings:

1. FiveThirtyEight Elections - Harry Enten is my dawg. Great chemistry and occasionally Nate goes on a rant. Jodie is the best host by far.
2. Keeping it 1600 - Always great guests and great Obama campaign stories. Favreau is so handsome and used to date Rashida Jones. I'm pretty sure he's a Sorkin West Wing character come to life.
3. Political Gabfest - The once king held back by everyone not named John Dickerson.
4. Off Message/Axe Files - Very guest dependent but Glenn Thrush and Axelord get solid interviews out of people, particularly Thrush.
5. Vox's The Weeds - More policy the politics, Ezra Klein kind of annoys me sometimes but I enjoy when he and Matt Yglesias argue.

99. Politico's Nerdcast - Trash all around. Their DC gossip can be fun but otherwise bad.

I should stop consuming so much political media :/


My coworker has been a campaign manager on several state level campaigns and has worked on several nationals, including Mitts. She always has great stories and she just came over to my cubicle and said that on her way to Maine for vacation over the weekend, her and her boyfriend had a layover at La Guardia. She saw Lindsay Graham walking around the airport, not really going anywhere in particular, but he had no luggage or anything. She suggested he was maybe in town to meet a lover and my thought was he was shell shocked from having to support Trump. She texted his campaign manager with a random sighting text like he was a missing person.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I don't know her name (not one of the hosts), but somone on the Today show was just on, and talked about a scenario where no one gets 270 electoral votes.

She actually thinks Congress would go with the will of the people, and pick who wins the popular vote.

That's cute.

Not in this political climate, lol.
But being cynical has gotten too easy since Trump.


I wouldn't mind seeing Birdie and Trump debate, simply for the lulz of seeing a jewish guy debating the candidate for neonazis.


Question of the day. Would you give $100 or say 10% of your gross income a week directly to a homeless person?

No, because I think a homeless person faces a number of problems that won't be resolved with just money. I'd support my money going to a system that aimed to rehabilitate and provide food/shelter/medical aid for the homeless
California Gov. Jerry Brown endorsed Hillary

For her part, Hillary Clinton has convincingly made the case that she knows how to get things done and has the tenacity and skill to advance the Democratic agenda. Voters have responded by giving her approximately 3 million more votes – and hundreds more delegates – than Sanders. If Clinton were to win only 10 percent of the remaining delegates – wildly improbable – she would still exceed the number needed for the nomination. In other words, Clinton’s lead is insurmountable and Democrats have shown – by millions of votes – that they want her as their nominee.


Bored at work. Political podcast power rankings:

1. FiveThirtyEight Elections - Harry Enten is my dawg. Great chemistry and occasionally Nate goes on a rant. Jodie is the best host by far.
2. Keeping it 1600 - Always great guests and great Obama campaign stories. Favreau is so handsome and used to date Rashida Jones. I'm pretty sure he's a Sorkin West Wing character come to life.
3. Political Gabfest - The once king held back by everyone not named John Dickerson.
4. Off Message/Axe Files - Very guest dependent but Glenn Thrush and Axelord get solid interviews out of people, particularly Thrush.
5. Vox's The Weeds - More policy the politics, Ezra Klein kind of annoys me sometimes but I enjoy when he and Matt Yglesias argue.

99. Politico's Nerdcast - Trash all around. Their DC gossip can be fun but otherwise bad.

I should stop consuming so much political media :/
You need some NPR politics in your life.


Found out Bernie fell asleep during a Memorial Day ceremony yesterday.

What an asshole.

At his age, you need to take a nap whenever you can grab one. Especially when he is supposedly holding rallies with millions of people nightly in CA.

He has the chance to sleep on the job when he's gonna in the state 99 - 1.
Bored at work. Political podcast power rankings:

1. FiveThirtyEight Elections - Harry Enten is my dawg. Great chemistry and occasionally Nate goes on a rant. Jodie is the best host by far.
2. Keeping it 1600 - Always great guests and great Obama campaign stories. Favreau is so handsome and used to date Rashida Jones. I'm pretty sure he's a Sorkin West Wing character come to life.
3. Political Gabfest - The once king held back by everyone not named John Dickerson.
4. Off Message/Axe Files - Very guest dependent but Glenn Thrush and Axelord get solid interviews out of people, particularly Thrush.
5. Vox's The Weeds - More policy the politics, Ezra Klein kind of annoys me sometimes but I enjoy when he and Matt Yglesias argue.

99. Politico's Nerdcast - Trash all around. Their DC gossip can be fun but otherwise bad.

I should stop consuming so much political media :/

Jon Favreau can get it. And his voice.....Ughhnnn.


2. Keeping it 1600 - Always great guests and great Obama campaign stories. Favreau is so handsome and used to date Rashida Jones. I'm pretty sure he's a Sorkin West Wing character come to life.

Fav does have a great voice. He dated Rashida??? Damn.


(Copying from the OT, just in case some of you don't venture over there..)

The title of this article might make you think it's negative, but trust me on this: it's a damn nice peek at Hillary.

It's a long one, so settle in.

NYMag: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Was Never Going to Be Easy. But Did It Have to Get This Hard?

There's talk of her weaknesses, her wonkishness, her & Bill cursing fighting the DVR at home once football season begins, some hints at how she might fight Trump, how we as Americans evaluate and rate "charisma" in terms of importance, some history behind her guarded nature.. it's a wide-sweeping piece. She can be refreshingly blunt about how she's not a gifted/natural politician, and I wish she'd show that side more often.

This is a really good article. It repeats some of the themes we've heard before about Hillary, and does leave me wondering what theory should change about their press / messaging to play to her strengths. She seems to do *so* well in these small scale situations, and yet gets utterly no press from that at all.

I do think they are right about how perceptions will change when it's a one on one contest for the presidency, and I do think the fact she will be the first ever female candidate will be a big thing. I also liked the summary of her activism work - it really appalls me how people have this image in their head of HIllary that doesn't reflect at all what she's done.


That's cute.

Not in this political climate, lol.
But being cynical has gotten too easy since Trump.

there would be riots if they didn't. I really don't see how they would / could give it via a partisan vote to a 2nd or 3rd place finisher without severe destruction.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
there would be riots if they didn't. I really don't see how they would / could give it via a partisan vote to a 2nd or 3rd place finisher without severe destruction.

I wish I believed that, but honestly I can't be sure after the last 6 or so years.
Good thing Bernie got his nap in at the Memorial Day ceremony, so he had enough energy for his basketball game later that night.


Fucking asshole.

The cute thing is people on the Facebook page of the woman who tweeted the photo, immediately defend him by saying "He's running for President!"

Because running for President takes a ton of energy, but being President doesn't....


Loving the close national and state polls. Keep them coming.

Also, the last NBC non-online poll had Clinton leading Trump 51-43 if Bernie drops out I believe.
Bernie is doing so much more harm than good at this point. It may be too late for him to go third party (but can't he still get on the ballot in a lot of states as an Independent if he wanted to?)

Even after he drops out, it seems like he wants to do nothing to help unify the party. That's a problem as the GOP continues to fall in line for Trump.

Bernie might be the most selfish and delusional person to run for the Presidency who has reached such a high level of support. Democrats were poised for greatness after the bitter GOP primary. Bernie is the only person standing in the way. He has to be smart enough to realize all the damage he's doing which in turn would speak volumes to how selfish he is. Even though it's early, every passing week with Clinton taking on both Sanders and Trump is a week where the GOP gets a free pass. Time is of the essence. Democrats had a huge advantage coming out of the primary and the Sanders campaign killed it for purely selfish and logic-defying reasons. Thanks for nothing.

Bernie isn't entitled to anything at the convention because he lost. Learn how to take a loss like an adult and don't turn the convention into a clusterfuck. Democrats need to be the party that comes out of their convention looking sane.
You're scared about the Cavs losing again huh.

Not scared, just angry that anyone could be so gutless.

Plus, like, objectively it's a really weird pander. I'm supposed to believe this guy watches basketball because he shows up to a game where the minimum ticket cost was in the thousands?


I love that Keepin' in 1600 had VP power rankings with friend of the podcast Perez at #1 and Warren at #2 ahahahaha. Warren can get to #1 if she does a guest appearance
Not scared, just angry that anyone could be so gutless.

Plus, like, objectively it's a really weird pander. I'm supposed to believe this guy watches basketball because he shows up to a game where the minimum ticket cost was in the thousands?

But he won a basketball ribbon in elementary school doe!


so does Matthews get a thrill up his leg on Tuesday? Wonder if he will talk about the historic nature of Hillary's candidacy like he did Obama.
Bernie is doing so much more harm than good at this point. It may be too late for him to go third party (but can't he still get on the ballot in a lot of states as an Independent if he wanted to?)

Even after he drops out, it seems like he wants to do nothing to help unify the party. That's a problem as the GOP continues to fall in line for Trump.

Bernie might be the most selfish and delusional person to run for the Presidency who has reached such a high level of support. Democrats were poised for greatness after the bitter GOP primary. Bernie is the only person standing in the way. He has to be smart enough to realize all the damage he's doing which in turn would speak volumes to how selfish he is. Even though it's early, every passing week with Clinton taking on both Sanders and Trump is a week where the GOP gets a free pass. Time is of the essence. Democrats had a huge advantage coming out of the primary and the Sanders campaign killed it for purely selfish and logic-defying reasons. Thanks for nothing.

Bernie isn't entitled to anything at the convention because he lost. Learn how to take a loss like an adult and don't turn the convention into a clusterfuck. Democrats need to be the party that comes out of their convention looking sane.



Wow, that basketball. Cringey. He could have at least dressed the part. Dammit, man, how badly do you want California? Try harder! Christie failed when he forgot to wear something to that Cowboy's game, too. Classic. If only both teams could have lost that playoff game. Oh well.

This is how I define it as pandering: What's the percentage chance the candidate would actually do such a thing, were they not involved in an election? It is 0%? Then it's pandering. Even if it's 1%, I'll cut them a little slack, but I've never heard of Bernie being a basketball (or sports of any type) fan, and sure as hell not the type with a bucket list item of "see a game in every NBA arena." Christie's thing, yeah, I can at least imagine that he'd actually have fun at an NFL game, and he's there courting campaign money face-to-face. Moreover, is it a thing they could be doing privately to express support for? If yes but are choosing to do so in public then that's also pandering. Christie is up on the owner's booth not at all trying to hide it. Bernie just being at the game wouldn't be interesting enough, but he just had to be seen among the masses
of people who paid thousands of dollars for tickets

Please tell me we have footage of Sanders chanting along to some 1990's jock jams track. Might as well salvage this.

Typical disclaimer if anyone wanted to ask: Yes, I would groan just as loudly if Hillary were at that game. Please tell me she wasn't. She's better than that. Or at least smart enough to know to hide in a luxury box that doesn't have a camera pointed straight at it the whole game. Or at bare minimum, if she was there, that we have some embarrassing footage of her, too. I'd be cool with that.

Just as a side note, Christie is a legitimately huge Cowboys fan. Loves them and Jerry. Yes, he's one of those piece of shit NJ Cowboys fans. You have two legitimate teams in that same division right around your home state that you could root for, and you choose the fucking Cowboys.

Fuck Chris Christie
Just as a side note, Christie is a legitimately huge Cowboys fan. Loves them and Jerry. Yes, he's one of those piece of shit NJ Cowboys fans. You have two legitimate teams in that same division right around your home state that you could root for, and you choose the fucking Cowboys.

Fuck Chris Christie

At least it's not the Eagles, am I right!?

Any team better than Cleveland is trash...which pretty much leaves us with no NFL teams that are worthy of respect.


At least it's not the Eagles, am I right!?

Any team better than Cleveland is trash...which pretty much leaves us with no NFL teams that are worthy of respect.

I'd be mad but you've already proven you have terrible taste so I can't be too disappointed in this blasphemy
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