Dominican Power
Who the hell was this mouth breather defending Trump's honor?
Did you guys read about Hillary's plan to disrupt Trump's veteran speech?
First on CNN: Clinton campaign's plans to subvert Trump's veterans press conference
New Jersey GE poll from Monmouth:
Clinton 38%
Trump 34%
Man what a weekend. A predominantly white crowd at a Bernie rally in Oakland starts singing We Shall Overcome, Bernie fell asleep at a memorial day event, Trump goes to war with a Judge of latin heritage and Bill Kristol is trying to run a zombie Reagan for 3rd party.
Lol wtf. I'm guessing Trump's close to hitting his ceiling and Clinton's still waiting for the Sanders holdouts
Another 11% volunteer that they will vote for a third party or
independent candidate even though the poll question did not include that option,
Horrible show, would not recommend. Just pundits spinning in their chairs about the most insignificant details.You need some NPR politics in your life.
Is this true?! If so, then this angers me on some many different levels.
Who thought that was a good idea..Man what a weekend. A predominantly white crowd at a Bernie rally in Oakland starts singing We Shall Overcome, Bernie fell asleep at a memorial day event, Trump goes to war with a Judge of latin heritage and Bill Kristol is trying to run a zombie Reagan for 3rd party.
Wow, that basketball. Cringey. He could have at least dressed the part. Dammit, man, how badly do you want California? Try harder! Christie failed when he forgot to wear something to that Cowboy's game, too. Classic. If only both teams could have lost that playoff game. Oh well.
This is how I define it as pandering: What's the percentage chance the candidate would actually do such a thing, were they not involved in an election? It is 0%? Then it's pandering. Even if it's 1%, I'll cut them a little slack, but I've never heard of Bernie being a basketball (or sports of any type) fan, and sure as hell not the type with a bucket list item of "see a game in every NBA arena." Christie's thing, yeah, I can at least imagine that he'd actually have fun at an NFL game, and he's there courting campaign money face-to-face. Moreover, is it a thing they could be doing privately to express support for? If yes but are choosing to do so in public then that's also pandering. Christie is up on the owner's booth not at all trying to hide it. Bernie just being at the game wouldn't be interesting enough, but he just had to be seen among the masses.of people who paid thousands of dollars for tickets
Please tell me we have footage of Sanders chanting along to some 1990's jock jams track. Might as well salvage this.
Typical disclaimer if anyone wanted to ask: Yes, I would groan just as loudly if Hillary were at that game. Please tell me she wasn't. She's better than that. Or at least smart enough to know to hide in a luxury box that doesn't have a camera pointed straight at it the whole game. Or at bare minimum, if she was there, that we have some embarrassing footage of her, too. I'd be cool with that.
Reporter changes topics and asks Trump about the Gorilla story.
Ok, yeah, the media is terrible.
Man what a weekend. A predominantly white crowd at a Bernie rally in Oakland starts singing We Shall Overcome, Bernie fell asleep at a memorial day event, Trump goes to war with a Judge of latin heritage and Bill Kristol is trying to run a zombie Reagan for 3rd party.
Yo, Politico's nerdcast is awful.
Like absolute awful, I felt like I was listening to a TMZ tier tabloid show the way they gossip about insignificant shit.
Man what a weekend. A predominantly white crowd at a Bernie rally in Oakland starts singing We Shall Overcome, Bernie fell asleep at a memorial day event, Trump goes to war with a Judge of latin heritage and Bill Kristol is trying to run a zombie Reagan for 3rd party.
The millions of admirers of the TV presentation of Roots didnt include Ronald Reagan, who said, Very frankly, I thought the bias of all the good people being one color and all the bad people being another was rather destructive. He added that he was impressed by the huge audience the series attained, but I didnt know there was anyone who could stay home eight nights in a row.
You have to be approved for a WH tour? Back when I was a kid my parents and I just did it one afternoon while visiting family in DC. Got to wander around Bill's White House.
Actually, given the time frame when I was there, some hanky panky might have been going on in the Oval Office, right when I was there! That's kind of freaky to think about.
Please tell me you are joking
Please tell me you are joking
I'm not claiming she doesn't pander. Oh lord she does. But such a painfully blatant situational mysteriously convenient plant? No. Even that Yankees example isn't raw pandering since, you know, she was Senator of that state at the time. Sanders sure isn't a Senator from California.
Press asks Trump "is this contentious relationship with the press what a Trump presidency will be like?" "Yeah, it is."
Man, that was great. Hopefully this causes a lot of reporters to buckle down and accept reality.
Please tell me you are joking
Please tell me you are joking
Jews are not white.this is serious slayven, you know what kind of uphill battle it is for an old white guy to become president
My White House tour request got denied. Obama is the worst president. Oscama.
Similar line of questions on MSNBC right now; you could tell that Mitchell was a bit perturbed.Kate Bouldan and Dana Bash legitimately upset on CNN right now at Trump's comments. Pushing back and getting flustered. Good stuff.
"Increasingly, we've seen folks on campuses say, [with regard to] this intersectionality ... 'If we believe black lives matter, we therefore also must be anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian,' " he says. " 'Because we are for, you know, reproductive rights, we are against Israel.' I mean, generally speaking, I find that specious. I think we need to look at each issue on its own and consider it on its own."
"New anti-racism activists aren't impressed by, 'We marched with you in Selma,'" she says. "It doesn't go anywhere. It's a long time ago."
Seriously Trumps view and actions towards the press are the most disqualifying thing about him to me. His racism stuff can be struck down by congress and the courts. But if you don't fellate him he'll wage war against you.
That's scary. He wants a north korea-type press.
Plus the whole lawsuit threats, thiel's support, etc
The jewish led Anti Defamation League and civil rights leaders have a long, long history of partnership. Was hearing this on my drive to work this morning regarding how the ADL is trying to keep up with current trends. That past actions hold little water with the current breed of activists as they're finding themselves more in line with different groups, specifically Palestinian activists.
Because we are for, you know, reproductive rights, we are against Israel
I'll note this:Seriously Trumps view and actions towards the press are the most disqualifying thing about him to me. His racism stuff can be struck down by congress and the courts. But if you don't fellate him he'll wage war against you.
That's scary. He wants a north korea-type press.
Plus the whole lawsuit threats, thiel's support, etc
Please tell me you are joking
Please tell me you are joking
.Matthew Artz Verified account ‏@Matthew_Artz
Singing We Shall Overcome in #Oakland. #bernieinoakland. @BernieSanders
I'll note this:
Remember the press always having about various complaints about how Hillary interacts with the press? Is it me, or has that become more muted now that Trump has, err.., changed the game a bit?
I think they have valid points on how she acts (or how she doesn't interact), but he's been quite a perspective check.
Glad to hear. I remember the whining being pervasive at some points.They just talked about it on CNN.
She interacts with the press all the time just not press conferences. She gives tons of interviews
That's the bases for the attack? How can you tell whose there? This is weak and a horrible look.
My White House tour request got denied. Obama is the worst president. Oscama.
Don't they know Sanders swam with Free Willy?
It's a Bernie rally?
You have to.Did you go through your congressman?
if not hit them up. they can help