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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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It's almost therapeutic watching his comeuppance. I wanted to throw a brick through the monitor when he purposely interrupted Frank and started shaking his head.

Did he start wagging his finger too? I refuse to watch because I'm not drinking for the next few days. That's the only way I could get through it.
Orgasmic to see someone else finally say this. So many people seem to want to give him something he hasn't earned, or feel the need to capitulate. And I have no idea why. Nothing about him or the way he has lost the nomination indicates any reason for breaking tradition or new ground in the way the loser is 'compensated'. Feeding into his feeling that he is 'special' is a very bad idea IMO. I hate the precedent it sets.

A fuckin men


Poll: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders neck and neck in California

Bernie Sanders, campaigning furiously in California despite Hillary Clinton’s near-lock on the Democratic nomination, has drawn effectively even in the state one week ahead of the primary election, according to a new poll.

The Field Poll, released Wednesday, is the third poll in a week to put Clinton ahead of Sanders by 2 percentage points, a finding within Field’s margin of error.

Though someone on Twitter has an interesting point: the last Field Poll in 2008 also had Clinton+2, but she ended up winning by 9. There's a hypothesis that the lack of Spanish speakers doing polling may hurt her numbers in polls.


Orgasmic to see someone else finally say this. So many people seem to want to give him something he hasn't earned, or feel the need to capitulate. And I have no idea why. Nothing about him or the way he has lost the nomination indicates any reason for breaking tradition or new ground in the way the loser is 'compensated'. Feeding into his feeling that he is 'special' is a very bad idea IMO. I hate the precedent it sets.

I was listening to Maddow go over the history of Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown from 1992 and its kind of hilarious how similar that mirrored the Clinton and Sanders confrontation of today. Like Sanders words were verbatim Brown's in many ways. If you do a deep dive into American political history, there really isn't new or unique about Sanders at all. Of course the environment has changed with social media and crowdfunding now a thing,etc. but there's nothing actually special about Sanders himself.
Rick Wilson on Trump...

Donald Trump’s Money Is A Myth – Will He Bankrupt the RNC Too?
By August of last year, I was working to convince major donors that Trump would be a destructive force and likely throw the race to Hillary Clinton. One moment from that period sticks with me as a turning point in my thinking about Trump’s money; a major Wall Street donor laughed when I told him we’d need to mount a serious and fully-funded effort to take on Trump if he chose to self fund.

My friend scoffed at the very idea that Trump was worth even a quarter of the mythical $10 billion, much less that he was liquid to the tune of more than $200 million. “He’s not a billionaire. I’m a billionaire. He’s a clown living on credit.”

There are a few big tells that Trump isn’t able to fund his own effort. First, Trump’s false claim that he is unable to release his tax returns under audit is risible; there is nothing in the tax code or statute that prevents Trump from releasing his returns. Nixon was under audit when he released his taxes from 1968 to 1973. His famous “I am not a crook” line referred to his tax status, not Watergate.

As for his campaign, the last FEC report said he had $2.4 million in his account, and $44 million in debt. That debt, by the way, is to one Donald J. Trump, which is proof he’s not even self-funding the red-hats-and-tweeting phase of the campaign. The RNC had about $17 million on hand and $4 million in debt. They’re only about $970 million dollars short of the combined Romney/RNC/SuperPAC total for 2012.
What about pledges from the handful of GOP megadonors who have succumbed to Trump’s blandishments and committed to his SuperPAC? Oh…wait. There is a constellation of SuperPACs surrounding Trump at the moment, none of which bears the Trump gold-leaf stamp of approval. Donors have no idea where to go. One story from his first major fundraiser last week was telling; Trump left the event with $4 million in pledges. “Pledges aren’t checks” is the first rule of campaign finance. The RNC has hit GOP donors with daily Trump email appeals since he clinched the nomination, but their silence on the return on that fundraising a message in itself.
It’s not coming from the RNC, either. They simply don’t have the money to do it, and never will. Part of the reason Preibus rolled over so quickly was the thought Trump would stroke a massive check to the RNC, when Trump never intended to do so. I can imagine the Titanic sinking sensation in the pit of Reince’s stomach when stories hit this weekend that Trump’s campaign was broke. Even though Trump has farmed out all the voter contact, data and research operations of a normal campaign to the RNC, a national campaign (outside of the media buys) is going to cost at minimum $250 million dollars. This is for the invisible operational underpinnings of voter contact, data, targeting, legal compliance, field staff, headquarters, and so on, and the RNC has no path to raise that money independently.

Massive con job. He blitzed the republican primary based on bigotry and bravado while racking up massive debt. That's not going to work in a general election and RNC reps are going to quickly realize it.

One great thing about Sanders' stubbornness is that it has convinced the GOP that Trump can win; the democrat base is a bit divided, enough to provide some favorable polls for Trump. Most of the GOP has lined up behind their man...they're going down with the ship now.
The bounceback for the Dems is that Trump got a nom bounce and it's settled around Clinton +2-4.

And that's with the Democratic base at only about 60-70% behind her.

The data is against Trump as of right now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
One great thing about Sanders' stubbornness is that it has convinced the GOP that Trump can win; the democrat base is a bit divided, enough to provide some favorable polls for Trump. Most of the GOP has lined up behind their man...they're going down with the ship now.

That might be the ultimate bit of irony.
We shall see how it plays out. But having a great percentage of Republicans now tied to Trump is amazing.
We may never know why they all pinned their tale on the giant orange donkey, but if the polling was the reason...


Rick Wilson on Trump...

Donald Trump’s Money Is A Myth – Will He Bankrupt the RNC Too?


Massive con job. He blitzed the republican primary based on bigotry and bravado while racking up massive debt. That's not going to work in a general election and RNC reps are going to quickly realize it.

One great thing about Sanders' stubbornness is that it has convinced the GOP that Trump can win; the democrat base is a bit divided, enough to provide some favorable polls for Trump. Most of the GOP has lined up behind their man...they're going down with the ship now.

So the RNC and trump are going into the general with money issues? That's not good for them.

That might be the ultimate bit of irony.
We shall see how it plays out. But having a great percentage of Republicans now tied to Trump is amazing.
We may never know why they all pinned their tale on the giant orange donkey, but if the polling was the reason...

I wonder what will happen if trump starts to poll in the mid to high thirties or even low 40's again and Hilary is beating him by 7%+ in the polls. Will the republicans who are currently supporting him ditch him?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Rick Wilson on Trump...

Donald Trump’s Money Is A Myth – Will He Bankrupt the RNC Too?


Massive con job. He blitzed the republican primary based on bigotry and bravado while racking up massive debt. That's not going to work in a general election and RNC reps are going to quickly realize it.

One great thing about Sanders' stubbornness is that it has convinced the GOP that Trump can win; the democrat base is a bit divided, enough to provide some favorable polls for Trump. Most of the GOP has lined up behind their man...they're going down with the ship now.

This is going to be a bloodbath isn't it?


This is going to be a bloodbath isn't it?

I think so. Obama's going to be out on the beat after the convention to do the heavy lifting getting jilted Sanders supporters to wake the fuck up before November. The EC path for Trump would be pretty fucked even if he ran a decent campaign the whole way through, but really I think the chances of that are slim. I don't expect the general to be close at all.


The fact that he's still 2 points behind now in his most favorable polls after camping out there for weeks...

And those early ballot numbers...


I'm going to enjoy Tuesday with some fine whiskey.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Watching Trump go down swinging is going to get ugly. Dude is going to get desperate. Losing a national campaign makes everyone go a little crazy as they spiral down. I shudder to think what Trump sounds like when he starts circling the loser vortex.

If the polls show him losing in say early October.. wow the down ticket damage could be amazing. But let's not get our hopes up too much, lol.

The fact that he's still 2 points behind now after camping out there for weeks...

And those early ballot numbers...


I'm going to enjoy Tuesday with some fine whiskey.

The numbers from when the polls close will be deceiving again.
The fact that he's still 2 points behind now in his most favorable polls after camping out there for weeks...

And those early ballot numbers...


I'm going to enjoy Tuesday with some fine whiskey.

Ohhh, bought some whiskey today. It's not my regular thing, but I thought maybe?

Also, I think Spotify is trolling me. All these guilty pleasures and songs you're supposed to be embarrassed to like are damn good songs. I don't get it?

Achy Breaky Heart is a fun song.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Ohhh, bought some whiskey today. It's not my regular thing, but I thought maybe?

Also, I think Spotify is trolling me. All these guilty pleasures and songs you're supposed to be embarrassed to like are damn good songs. I don't get it?

Achy Breaky Heart is a fun song.

ugh, are you like a walking anti-taste robot? ;)
Wonder who the Internet wants to indite more, Hillary or the parents of the kid who fell in the gorilla pit.

Would be a pretty tough decision for them I'm sure

am I doing it right?


I'm so going to go to the convention, and during Hillary's acceptance speech I'm going to shout WERK! FUCK! QUEEN! the entire time. I'ma start a chant. And then all the gays will be crowd surfed to the front. Where we will kneel before Queen, and become the Rainbow Knights of the Realm.

And she'll give me a pony. She promised.


I think so. Obama's going to be out on the beat after the convention to do the heavy lifting getting jilted Sanders supporters to wake the fuck up before November. The EC path for Trump would be pretty fucked even if he ran a decent campaign the whole way through, but really I think the chances of that are slim. I don't expect the general to be close at all.

I don't expect the general to be close at all. I think the vote share difference between her and trump will possibly be over 10%(like 54%-55% to 43%-44% or lower).


Straight white males are basically a minority in PoliGAF. It is only natural that we will eventually gravitate towards Trump. You can never truly understand the plight of the straight white male. So many hurdles to struggle past. We shall overcome, etc.


Straight white males are basically a minority in PoliGAF. It is only natural that we will eventually gravitate towards Trump. You can never truly understand the plight of the straight white male. So many hurdles to struggle past. We shall overcome, etc.


I will die for the Yass Werk Fuck Queen!
Straight white males are basically a minority in PoliGAF. It is only natural that we will eventually gravitate towards Trump. You can never truly understand the plight of the straight white male. So many hurdles to struggle past. We shall overcome, etc.

God Emperor Obama even named this month LGBT Pride month. He basically made straight, white men illegal. I'm really, really sorry. He can't keep getting away with it, etc.


Straight white males are basically a minority in PoliGAF. It is only natural that we will eventually gravitate towards Trump. You can never truly understand the plight of the straight white male. So many hurdles to struggle past. We shall overcome, etc.

well ur not even wrong

everyone here is so gay. not just gay. but like, really gay
Trump is a disaster waiting to happen. That he's still behind now when Clinton is waging a two-front war is a bad sign. Not to mention his lack of ground game, bad sense for strategy, etc. But we'll still have to endure months of diablosing because he beat out a weak field in a dysfunctional party's primary and the Democrats dared not to nominate St. Bernie.
I'm sure this has been talked about many, many pages (or even a thread or two) ago, but about the recent proposal from the Hillary camp on allowing people over 50 to buy into Medicare. Why limit it to those over 50? Her campaign's website lists the public option as something she's striving for, so is this simply a stepping stone towards allowing everyone to buy into Medicare?

If she does end up with an 8-9 point lead over Trump, and shifts in voter demographics (like the record high registration rates amongst latino voters in response to Trump) allow Democrats to make substantial gains in Congress, why waste all that political capital on a public option for those over 50?

Feels like when Obama would negotiate with himself several years ago. Aim for the compromise, then have the opposition whittle it down even further.
I think Trump will enter supreme delusion territory very quickly, focusing on "skewed" internal polling as well as republican leaning ones such as Ras. And when he loses I really don't know what he'll do. Will he concede, thus admitting he lost? Will he be defiant, refuse to concede and call the election results into question?

In the mean time I think a lot of internal sniping is going to go on. Not just with Trump's dysfunctional team, but perhaps moreso with RNC folks when they realize they've been bamboozled.
I'm sure this has been talked about many, many pages (or even a thread or two) ago, but about the recent proposal from the Hillary camp on allowing people over 50 to buy into Medicare. Why limit it to those over 50? Her campaign's website lists the public option as something she's striving for, so is this simply a stepping stone towards allowing everyone to buy into Medicare?

If she does end up with an 8-9 point lead over Trump, and shifts in voter demographics (like the record high registration rates amongst latino voters in response to Trump) allow Democrats to make substantial gains in Congress, why waste all that political capital on a public option for those over 50?

Feels like when Obama would negotiate with himself several years ago. Aim for the compromise, then have the opposition whittle it down even further.

The public option at least from the original ACA wasn't Medicare. I think her public option plan is a state based solution. (I think...please don't anyone pile on if I'm wrong on this...) It uses the 2017 waiver thingy to allow states to setup a public option. I'd prefer to see a federal option, to be honest. If we have the votes, I can see her pushing that. But, it would absolutely require large majorities in Congress.

I think the Medicare buy-in would be a bit easier to push through. Maybe.

i dont think you could be more gay if you tried

Challenge accepted.

I'm gayer than you are, and I'm not even gay!


Which one of you drives a Prius?

I don't know how to drive.
The public option at least from the original ACA wasn't Medicare. I think her public option plan is a state based solution. (I think...please don't anyone pile on if I'm wrong on this...) It uses the 2017 waiver thingy to allow states to setup a public option. I'd prefer to see a federal option, to be honest. If we have the votes, I can see her pushing that. But, it would absolutely require large majorities in Congress.

I think the Medicare buy-in would be a bit easier to push through. Maybe.

Urg. I feel like state solutions will always screw over smaller states that don't have the populations necessary to establish significantly sized insurance pools.

IIRC, there were multiple proposed public options back in 2009. Two were non-profit federally established insurance agencies that competed with private insurers, and the third was simply putting a Medicare buy-in option on the exchanges. I remember all the fearmongering of government takeovers on Waldon and Johnson (sp?) from my younger, more conservative days.
I heard Adam once drunkenly hijacked the Oscar Mayer wienermobile. It was recovered several hours later with Adam passed out nakedly splayed across the top like a haphazard squirt of mustard.

OMFG. Hahahahahahaha.

When I said challenge accepted....some mountains man was never meant to climb....

Also, purse first? Purse first....

Also, I don't put mustard on hotdogs. I put mayonnaise or miracle whip.
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